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Forum Games Rules Compendium

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  • #46
    Probably GO.


    • #47
      I reckon Hangman must be up there

      22 threads

      500 posts min per thread
      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
      I am of the Horde.


      • #48
        Some mafias had multiple threads though, and there are a lot of mafia games.


        • #49
          ahh good point indeed
          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
          I am of the Horde.


          • #50
            However, the question was "how many posts PER GO". Hangman could be argued to have one continuous game since inception (and also could be argued to have LEAST posts per go, about 30-40, if you count each word) ...
            <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
            I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


            • #51
              Last edited by Zoid; January 2, 2006, 06:50.
              I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


              • #52
                Updated GO History.
                I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                • #53
                  Creators: Jamski, Spaced Cowboy

                  Gladiator History:
                  Gladiator 1*
                  Gladiator -poly- 2 "The Competition"
                  Gladiator -poly- 2 "The Competition" Part Deux
                  Gladiator III - Let the Battle Commence!
                  Gladiator III - Let the Battles Continue!
                  Gladiator IV - The fights begin!
                  Gladiator IV - The fights proceed!
                  Gladiator V - The Onset
                  Gladiator VI - The Unbearable Lightness of Fighting
                  Gladiator VII - The Grand Tournament
                  The Grand Tournament Concluded
                  Gladiator VIII- Who is Your Daddy?
                  Gladiator IX: Return of Fresh Meat
                  Gladiator X: There will be blood

                  I*N/A*Jamski, DrSpike, General Ludd, Adagio, Sheep, Asmodean, Skanky Burns, Nubclear(aka Comrade Tassadar), [Spaced Cowboy, Nuclear Master,Tassadar500,vovan]*Skanky Burns vs. DrSpike, Asmodean vs. Adagio Skanky Burns vs. AdagioSkanky Burns
                  IISpaced CowboyJamski, DrSpike, Vovan, Adagio, Drogue, Skanky Burns, SnowFlake, Urban RangerJamski vs. Drogue, DrSpike vs. SnowFlakeDrSpike vs. DrogueDrogue
                  IIIDrogueDrSpike, Theben, Spaced Cowboy, Jamski, Skanky Burns, Mart, CapitanGarlic, Rasputin, FrozzyDrSpike vs. Theben, Skanky Burns vs. Spaced CowboyDrSpike vs. Spaced CowboyDrSpike
                  IVJ BythewayJamski, ljcvetko, Theben, DrSpike, gjramsey, Chaunk, Spaced Cowboy, Vlad AntlerkovJamski vs. Chaunk, Theben vs. DrSpikeChaunk vs. ThebenTheben
                  VThebenChaunk, Spaced Cowboy, Skanky Burns, The Doctor, Drogue, Kassiopeia, gjramsey,Ljubegjramsey vs. Spaced Cowboy, Kassiopeia vs. DrSpikeSpaced Cowboy vs. DrSpikeDrSpike
                  VIKassiopeiaJamski, Ljube, Drogue, Duke o' York, Spaced Cowboy, DrSpike, J Bytheway, SheepSpaced Cowboy vs. Ljube, J Bytheway vs. DrogueLjube vs DrogueNone**
                  VIILjubeDrSpike, Jamski, Kassipeia, ParamirDrSpike vs. Paramir, Jamski vs. KassipeiaDrSpike vs. KassipeiaDrSpike
                  VIII†Spaced CowboyDrSpike, Jamski, paramir, snoopy369, Gamecube64, Sparrowhawk, Ljube, J BethewayDrSpike vs. Ljube, paramir vs. SparrowhawkSparrowhawk vs. LjubeLjube
                  IXSpaced CowboyEPW, DrSpike, Krill, LordShivaEPW vs. DrSpike, Krill vs. LordShivaDrSpike vs. LordShivaDrSpike
                  XEPW‡DrSpike, Theben, Felch, General Ludd, Grandpa Troll, Spaced Cowboy, snoopy369DrSpike vs. General Ludd, Theben vs. Spaced CowboyTheben vs. DrSpikeDrSpike

                  *(1)Played with original rule set, and was a knockout style tournament; Space Cowboy's rules and a Round Robbin tournament were used for subsequent games.(2) The gladiators GMed each others matches in Game 1.(3) These gladiators were not officially part of the tournament.
                  **Double KO
                  †Used Knockout style tournament instead of Round Robbin.
                  ‡Widely considered to be the best GM
                  Last edited by EPW; March 16, 2009, 21:23.


                  • #54
                    Thanks for pulling this together. Pretty sure I won Gladiator 7 too, though I could never find the second thread whenever we have Gladiator history threads.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by DrSpike
                      Thanks for pulling this together. Pretty sure I won Gladiator 7 too, though I could never find the second thread whenever we have Gladiator history threads.
                      Found and standings updated.


                      • #56
                        Hmm, a pattern is emerging. I have won all odd Gladiator tourneys under SC's system (from game 2 onwards), but none of the even ones.

                        I'll have to correct that with Gladiator X.


                        • #57
                          Unnecessary post above. Clearly should change name to Dr Spamke.
                          I'm consitently stupid- Japher
                          I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


                          • #58
                            Why was this de-topped? AS long as this is at the top, then there is some hope that someone will start up these games again. It took me a while to find this again.
                            -->Visit CGN!
                            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

