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PROJECT: Playtest (Thread No. 5)

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  • no need to get 748 the hotfix has all of 748
    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

    See me at


    • It still crashes to desktop when after setting up for a new game and clicking launch button.


      • hmmm could post the crash.txt mine ran fine.
        Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

        See me at


        • Well I did manage 83 turns this time.Then crash to desktop.Looked for crash text in program file.There is a file named crash text but has 0 KB.It happend when I traded maps and clicked to the area where I could see the part of the map reveled.
          Also I did reload everything and before zipping in the hotfix I checked that the game worked with the playtest just in case some files didnt work right.Sorry wish I could help more.
          Last edited by Protra3211; July 6, 2007, 21:09.


          • I just copied the Hotfix 2 over the previous one and crashed on moving with the following Crash.txt:

            Version 2007-07-05
              0x00469555  [?DrawTransitionTile@TiledMap@@QAEXPAVaui_Surface@@ABVMapPoint@@HH@Z + 0x2d3]
              0x0045828c  [?CalculateWrap@TiledMap@@QAEHPAVaui_Surface@@HH@Z + 0x292]
              0x0045d728  [?RedrawTile@TiledMap@@QAEXPBVMapPoint@@@Z + 0x298]
              0x005556f9  [?DoFillCircleOp@Vision@@AAEXABVMapPoint@@W4CIRCLE_OP@1@PAV?$DynamicArray@VMapPoint@@@@@Z + 0x4b8]
              0x005550e5  [?FillCircle@Vision@@AAEXABVMapPoint@@NW4CIRCLE_OP@1@PAV?$DynamicArray@VMapPoint@@@@@Z + 0x109]
              0x00553a64  [?AddVisible@Vision@@QAEXVMapPoint@@NAA_NPAV?$DynamicArray@VMapPoint@@@@@Z + 0x2a]
              0x00449b53  [?dh_addVision@@YAXPAVDQAction@@PAVSequence@@W4DHEXECUTE@@@Z + 0x43]
              0x004406fe  [?HandleNextAction@Director@@QAEXXZ + 0x190]
              0x00440719  [?HandleNextAction@Director@@QAEXXZ + 0x1ab]
              0x0044050a  [?Process@Director@@QAEXXZ + 0x25]
              0x0040f96d  [?ProcessUI@CivApp@@AAEHIAAI@Z + 0x266]
              0x0040fc8e  [?Process@CivApp@@QAEHXZ + 0xa7]
              0x00408e26  [?CivMain@@YGHPAUHINSTANCE__@@0PADH@Z + 0x3ea]
              0x0040879f  [WinMain@16 + 0x6d]
              0x009fcf1c  [WinMainCRTStartup + 0x134]
              0x7c816fd7  [__onexitbegin + 0x7bc44e7f]


            • damn...I'm out of ideas for now. I guess in the mean time could you guys go back and get 735 and tell me if the crash is there? No one reported it back them. I was assuming it wasn't but maybe its a bigger problem.
              Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

              See me at


              • Originally posted by Protra3211
                Even tried DebugSlic=No ,didnt work.
                Please, can we stop this superstition. DebugSlic=No just shuts up slic errors, it neither fixes them nor does it fix any crashes.

                Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                • Alright Beta Testers here is the build with Martin's fix included. Let us know how it goes....

                  Edit: Removed link

                  PS@Maq I sort of agree with Martin that the indicator isn't the best (though i don't like the old flag). Feel free to experiment with a new look, maybe the shield from CTP1?
                  Last edited by Martin Gühmann; May 22, 2008, 16:56.
                  Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                  See me at


                  • I've just played a hundred or so turns without crashing. There was also no crash on clearing the fog in the scenario editor. Thanks for the fix.


                    • Same here cap601.Well done E amd thanks Martain for a true fix to the game.
                      Reloaded everything and after a 100 turns all options work fine.Made no changes to any files or added any mods.Just one thing can I still use the Autoexpiretreaty option? I see it set to =-1 in the userporfile.Should leave it alone or is it alright to set to =20.


                      • should be ok to set to 20. When you do it let us know if it works of course
                        Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                        See me at


                        • After 180 turns everything is ok.Playing on very hard level in 1st place with 2 wonders built.
                          By playing aggressive early I have found that the AI can be taken out fast.The key is building as many 6 and 8 stacks and spreading them near the border for quick attack.Removed one AI faction and close to doing it again.Even given the AI extra help in the setting up in the rules section only helps so much.
                          Maybe some tweaking in the DiffDB file might help.
                          But enjoyed playing this build.Three hours went by before I knew it with the feeling of just one more turn.


                          • does that mean the treaties are being renegotiated after 20 turns? thats good. Yeah aggression is needed, how are the barbarians doing? I tried to balance seige and attack so they don't only go for cities, I wonder if they are going after units now....

                            Also another option to up the difficulty is to limit the number of wonders you can build in a city in the const.txt that should prevent you from having a wonder production house.

                            thanks for the report
                            Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                            See me at


                            • At 180 turns.
                              Have not had a change yet to be diplomatic as I have only met two AI nations.War has been the only option so far.But the AI has thrown threats when I refuse to leave its land and offer a white peace as I gained more of its cities.
                              Some side notes E: Using cheat window I looked up other AI nations.Most are between 16 to 20 cities and have about 80 to 90 units.Looking up city manager most have at least 3 buildings,So you can see E if this was one of the mods the AI would have been to much for me because of extra cheats in the DiffDB file.

                              But I respect fact that you want to keep files as is so
                              when all is finished players can add in what they think works best.Might have to add in two extra levels like God mode or Supreme Ruler level or what ever name works.
                              Limiting wonders to 2 per city is a perfect feature as AI does not always build it in its highest production city.


                              • Originally posted by E

                                PS@Maq I sort of agree with Martin that the indicator isn't the best (though i don't like the old flag). Feel free to experiment with a new look, maybe the shield from CTP1?
                                The lone block (especially with no army number in it) could definitely improve. I'll try something with the shield.

                                Is there a reason why you don't like the old flag? I prefer it as it is slightly bigger, which gives more room for detail, and the width fits perfectly with the healthbar.

                                I also removed the civ colour line from under your flag as it takes up space for design, and isn't really noticeable in game.
                                Attached Files
                                Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                                CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                                One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.

