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  • Well, I've successfully compiled a new version and it seems to work fine, although I'm having a little trouble uploading it. I'll keep trying...


    • Originally posted by J Bytheway
      Well, I've successfully compiled a new version and it seems to work fine, although I'm having a little trouble uploading it. I'll keep trying...
      Well, Markos new upload service never worked for me anyway. But you should consider that the file size could be a problem, the upload service only allows files of a max size of 5 MB, so you may split the download into a text file + executable file pack and into a grphics file pack, and you should consider to delete older files from your Apolyton upload service account, I noticed that you can still download the from May the 19th.

      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


      • Both of those would have been problems, but I thought about them in advance. It's just an unreliable connection, and it doesn't help that I'm downloading XP SP2 at the same time...

        I may have to use the 250free FTP instead, so that I can resume the upload, if I can find a decent FTP agent...


        • I have just posted the missing French strings in The Translation Center thread. Perhaps is it worth including them before releasing a new version.

          I am terribly ashamed of the delay...
          "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


          • Originally posted by J Bytheway
            FYI, the links still don't quite work - you should capitalize the "All" .
            And again shame on me, however I renamed the file at the place at that it is, so it matches the links in my two posts.

            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


            • Well, the FTP looked more promising, but the files have a nasty tendency to inexplicably vanish. I think I'll have to give up until I have a better connection (Probably mid-October...), unless someone can offer me a better alternative for uploading...


              • Yes I think I may have one. If you go to

                Plusnet offers straightforward broadband at straightforward prices. See our latest Full Fibre broadband only deals without a landline.

                you can sign up for a pay per minute web account. They give you 50 meg with a really reliable ftp connection and add free. Oh and don’t panic I got broad band and they still have not shut me down.
                "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
                The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
                Visit the big mc’s website


                • Thanks, but I don't think I'm prepared to start paying for 'net access just yet...


                  • it’s free. you would only pay if you connect to the internet throw them (then it would be the telephone bill).

                    If you go online at work or another method does not matter you still get the web space.
                    "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
                    The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
                    Visit the big mc’s website


                    • Ah, I see. Ingenious...


                      • J,
                        is your sig linked to your latest compiled or are you compiling another one 9with some of the AI additions)?
                        Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                        See me at


                        • I think my sig is hopelessly out of date. The most recent version I have packaged up (and does include the AI additions) I have been unable to upload for a variety of reasons. I think the most recent version that anyone has uploaded was from Fromafar in this thread.


                          • 2004.09.07 .exe only
                            "Evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet."
                            Call to Power 2 Source Code Project 2005.06.28 Apolyton Edition


                            • And for that .exe you need my last playtest version. Well actual I would feel more confortable with a new all in one playtest pack.

                              Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                              • Update 2004.09.14

                                Well, persistence pays off. Finally, after innumerable failed uploads (about 40 hours worth ), I think I've managed to get the new version uploaded. I wiped and started my codetree from scratch, so that, amongst other things it no longer causes the MSVC++ IDE to crash all the time while I'm compiling, which I take as a good sign.

                                There are lots and lots of changes here. The list below lists all changes since the last version I released, not the last released by anyone (although the list below is probably not complete, and possibly not accurate).

                                If Martin, Fromafar and Flinx could edit the posts in which they posted playtest versions to point at this one, I'd appreciate it.

                                I'm afraid that the playtest has become so bloated that it will no longer fit in a single file. After repeatedly cutting it into ever smaller chunks, I finally managed to get it uploaded in seven parts, each roughly 1MB in size:

                                [files removed]

                                [Note: this version is now obsolete, a later version is available here]

                                Each file should be extracted into your main CTP2 directory.

                                You should need only one of the last two downloads - whichever contains the language you use.

                                Unfortunately it has taken me so long to upload this that this playtest is already out of date. Feel free to request a more up to date version.

                                I was messing around with these files so much that I would not be surprised to find I had made an error somewhere so if it doesn't work, shout.

                                My sig should be up to date now, too...


                                Added: Option (In advanced options) to display all orders any unit in an army can perform
                                Added: Recalculation of support costs upon change of government
                                Added: New messages when investigating a city depending on whether spying unit captured
                                Fixed: Possible wrong sorting by "turns till production finished" in National Manager
                                Changed: Sorting logic to speed sorting of lists
                                Fixed: Sorting by govener type
                                Fixed: Possible crash-causing behaviour on missing files
                                Fixed: Text file errors in Alexander scenario
                                Added: Prevention against a city revolting twice in a row to allow the new owner to
                                repair problems with it and stand a chance of keeping it
                                Fixed: Various memory leaks
                                Fixed: Gaia controller messages
                                Fixed: Various hotseat bugs
                                Changed: Behaviour of text in Starting and Ending Age buttons in multiplayer setup to
                                best cope with variations introduced by different mods.
                                Fixed: Some problems with the original fix for the Miles sound library
                                Changed: Many things to improve MSVC.NET compatibility
                                Changed: Behaviour of messages tab so that newest message always displayed
                                Added: New option to put newest messages at the top
                                Changed: String hashing to prevent crash in Cradle
                                Added: Target coordinates to 'armytext' playtest feature
                                Changed: AI personalities system to improve flexibility
                                Fixed: Possible double assignment of same civ at the start of the game
                                Added: New city styles
                                Added: New civs
                                Changed: Buffer size when reading GL texts to prevent truncation of the longest entries
                                Changed: Lots (and lots) of things related to AI movement in an effort to improve that
                                Fixed: Crashes due to invalid units
                                Fixed: Crash caused by starting a new game from the menu
                                Fixed: Crashes due to malformed data files
                                Added: Backwards compatibility with original data files
                                Changed: Freight values to make caravans practical
                                Changed: Sprite limit to 255 (from 200)
                                Changed: Terrain scores to improve AI settling strategy
                                Changed: AI tile improvement placement strategy to allow it to place undersea tunnels
                                and be more intelligent in other placements
                                Last edited by J Bytheway; May 23, 2005, 12:08.

