After having quickly read this thread, a couple of ideas occurred to me:
- natural disasters have two types: the one off like a volcano or tsunami and the repeating events like floods and droughts
- El Nino y La Nina have been happening since forever
Human history has been continually shaped by weather events and cycles. So what is needed for CTP2's reworking is the addition of global weather effects and localized disasters. Since it already does pollution, why not make it so that terrain can be changed as the global weather just like it was a pollution effect.
Localized disasters like floods can be relegated to only destroying improvements in the immediate area. The AI would need to assess just how severe the event was, and then destroy improvements that should be affected.
Disease events make for a far more complicated problem since they are related to both weather and city design/improvements. Part of what ended the Roman Empire in the West was a plague that came out of central Africa. The plague was carried by rats on Arab trading ships that picked it up from infected mosquitoes? along shores of Tanzania. The plague made its way out of the jungles in the Congo when a volcano errupted in Indonesia, and caused the global climate to cool for several years. Roman records said the setting sun was turning blood red - ash in the Statosphere.
So disease events need to include any improvements made to a city for Sanitation, water distribution, food supply and siege conditions.
Ancient Rome had sewers that are still partly in use today. London used to have cholera outbreaks in the poorer areas because some wells were contaminated. Granairies were used to store food for when cities were besieged in a war. All of these should have significant impacts on the population and happiness in a city.
Granted the epidemiology shows that diseases usually don't have a huge impact in terms of actual deaths, they sure can take morale down a few pegs. Only two recorded pandemics have ever had huge numbers of casualties: the Black Death and the Spanish Influenza. They were about 400 years apart. If the game is going to reproduce these events, then there has to be some preconditions for it's happening.
Plagues need a means of travelling. In the medieval era's, that could mean having trade routes, lots of jungles or marches in the area of a city, and no sanitation improvements. In modern times, it would mean the presence of a port, airport, and huge population densities.
I'm not a coder, and do mostly intuitive thinking, so don't ask me even where to begin to add any of these features to the source code. I have't looked at the SLIC in a really long time, but I will check to see if there is any simple way to add any of these ideas.
- natural disasters have two types: the one off like a volcano or tsunami and the repeating events like floods and droughts
- El Nino y La Nina have been happening since forever
Human history has been continually shaped by weather events and cycles. So what is needed for CTP2's reworking is the addition of global weather effects and localized disasters. Since it already does pollution, why not make it so that terrain can be changed as the global weather just like it was a pollution effect.
Localized disasters like floods can be relegated to only destroying improvements in the immediate area. The AI would need to assess just how severe the event was, and then destroy improvements that should be affected.
Disease events make for a far more complicated problem since they are related to both weather and city design/improvements. Part of what ended the Roman Empire in the West was a plague that came out of central Africa. The plague was carried by rats on Arab trading ships that picked it up from infected mosquitoes? along shores of Tanzania. The plague made its way out of the jungles in the Congo when a volcano errupted in Indonesia, and caused the global climate to cool for several years. Roman records said the setting sun was turning blood red - ash in the Statosphere.
So disease events need to include any improvements made to a city for Sanitation, water distribution, food supply and siege conditions.
Ancient Rome had sewers that are still partly in use today. London used to have cholera outbreaks in the poorer areas because some wells were contaminated. Granairies were used to store food for when cities were besieged in a war. All of these should have significant impacts on the population and happiness in a city.
Granted the epidemiology shows that diseases usually don't have a huge impact in terms of actual deaths, they sure can take morale down a few pegs. Only two recorded pandemics have ever had huge numbers of casualties: the Black Death and the Spanish Influenza. They were about 400 years apart. If the game is going to reproduce these events, then there has to be some preconditions for it's happening.
Plagues need a means of travelling. In the medieval era's, that could mean having trade routes, lots of jungles or marches in the area of a city, and no sanitation improvements. In modern times, it would mean the presence of a port, airport, and huge population densities.
I'm not a coder, and do mostly intuitive thinking, so don't ask me even where to begin to add any of these features to the source code. I have't looked at the SLIC in a really long time, but I will check to see if there is any simple way to add any of these ideas.