Originally posted by Locutus
Do you have any shred of evidence others Window OSes are more secure? I'm quite willing to bet that if it was investigated, WinXP would actually be one of the better OSes security-wise. NTFS, data encryption, user policy, auto-update, built-in firewall, etc are all vastly superior to Win9x/ME.
Do you have any shred of evidence others Window OSes are more secure? I'm quite willing to bet that if it was investigated, WinXP would actually be one of the better OSes security-wise. NTFS, data encryption, user policy, auto-update, built-in firewall, etc are all vastly superior to Win9x/ME.
User policy, which is flawed and not really working
built-in firewall, which you can bypass
data-encryption, which anyone but you (user) can bypass.
auto-update.........this is the best joke: You install ~1Gbyte of rubbish to be forced to download another 80+Mgbyte afterwards. That is the best joke, thanks for reminding me...........
Was good for a laugh again

The reason why there are so many viruses and the like for XP is because XP is the most popular OS: if you were a virus-maker and wanted to do as much harm as possible, would you design your viruses for the widely used WinXP or for the deprecated Win95?
Anyway, the security of a system mostly depends on the enduser, not on the OS. Stability of an OS is first and foremost determined by things like memory management, driver management, general quality of the code, etc. In this sense XP is by far superior to older OSes: I've used it day-in day-out for almost 2 years now and have never had to reinstall and never had a single BSOD. Back in the days of Win9x, I had to reinstall every few months and got more BSODs that you can shake a stick at...
So if you would have a car, you shall not be able to trust your lock? (I know about bikes in the nederlands, that's why I didn't mention them

For you W95 remark: I never reinstalled my W95 since .......scratch.....scratch........around 1998 might be 99, not sure........and that was because to change the language........but I'll check tonight. And I changed in between HW as well.