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Project Team: Sign Up!

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  • #16
    Well, I'll be willing to put together any art-related files (like the aforementioned UI), but I will need directions from the programmers for what is needed.

    SECTION: Graphics creation/revision

    COMPILER: None

    AREA OF INTEREST: Art (see my work in the Candle'Bre/Empire threads)

    BACKGROUND: Graphic Artist by trade. Expertise in Photoshop. Extensive CTP2 modwork via textfiles (not that it'll matter in this project...)

    AVAILABILITY: On an 'as needed' basis.

    Last edited by hexagonian; November 8, 2003, 10:52.
    Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


    • #17
      Hello to all of you.
      My name is Michael Tsibelman.
      I am a new at this forum but an idea of working on an actual civilisation game source is very existing for me.

      A little about my self.
      I have a B.A in software engeniring and I work as a programmer developing database related aplications using C# as my main language.

      I have experience in C/C++ development so i think i can benefit this project as a programmer.


      • #18
        I'll be happy to join the programming team (A).

        Sign me up!
        So much to do in so little time...


        • #19
          Top post updated.

          Additions and changes added.


          • #20
            I'll sign up for testing! I'm in my second year of BSc Internet Computing (we only get taught Java unfortunetly), and I've been playing the CTP games for ages etc.

            Did I hear someone mentioned a website? I may be willing to do / help out with that if it's needed. And I've a shed load of web space + bandwidth lying around unused which could be used if apolyton doesn't want to host it.
            Shores Of - The Premier Tolkien Community -


            • #21
              The 'website' (you can't really call it that, at this point) is here: -- it would've been posted already but it's probably gonna take Markos forever to update the necessary links... (Reverse psychology always seems to work well with him )

              If you have any ideas for it or want to help out, let me know.
              Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


              • #22
                I am willing to be a playtester, though I am only playing CtP2 as SP game I can give a hand for MP sessions.

                I can translate texts from English to French as I have been a professional translator (and because I am also hoping to become one again). I have already worked on a translation of the SAP2 though I still have to finish it (most of the job is already done, shame on me).
                "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                • #23
                  Re: Project Team: Sign Up!

                  OK let's try:

                  SECTION: Programming, coder

                  COMPILER: Available VC++ Authors Edition 6.0. Well this is enough more modifying and testing the code but doesn't allow me to publish an *.exe without a nice disclaimer.

                  AREA OF INTEREST: Extension of the amount of slic functions.

                  BACKGROUND: Some knowledge in C++ and I am the creator of GoodMod so I know the text files and slic.

                  AVAILABILITY: I might not be able to work at all though sometimes, for brief periods.

                  CONTACT: Apolyton private message, I don't expose my email address here on the forum I already get enough spam, but you can find it on my homepage via the Apolyton link.

                  Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                  • #24
                    I'll be happy to participate. Some information:

                    SECTION: Programming, coder

                    COMPILER: No specific preference. At the moment, I have access to Visual Studio 6, Borland Builder 5, mingw.

                    AREA OF INTEREST: Improving/bug fixing the game to make it more fun to play it myself.

                    BACKGROUND: I am a professional programmer with experience in C/C++ and various other languages. I have experience in developing embedded software and PC software in an industrial environment. However, I have not worked on games before.

                    AVAILABILITY: probably 2 or 3 evenings per week.

                    CONTACT: Apolyton private message.


                    • #25
                      Can I be the guy that occasionally throws out the random nuggets of wisdom, and occasionally go "Oh yeah, I sorta remember that...." While all the while sitting (mostly) quietly in the back corner snickering?

                      Sorry, couldn't resist. I'd love to help, but it would be conflict of interest, but I will try and offer input and insight where possible.



                      • #26
                        I can't possibly resist not to comment on this

                        David, you're more than welcome to help here the way you can and when ever you can

                        Should I presume that your ex-employment in Activision and participation in the making of CTP2 is the reason for not joinning the team and participating more actively?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Pyaray
                          Can I be the guy that occasionally throws out the random nuggets of wisdom, and occasionally go "Oh yeah, I sorta remember that...." While all the while sitting (mostly) quietly in the back corner snickering?

                          Sorry, couldn't resist. I'd love to help, but it would be conflict of interest, but I will try and offer input and insight where possible.

                          that would be just wonderfull Pyaray, keep those nuggets coming


                          • #28
                            Conflict of interest, Dave? You are interested in CtP... so are we. Where's the conflict ?
                            Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                            Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                            I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                            • #29
                              oh and while im here i might as well sign up.

                              SECTION: Programming et al.

                              COMPILER: GCC

                              AREA OF INTEREST: Bug fixing and porting.

                              BACKGROUND: I have an education in computer science and are skilled in many programming languages. C++ isnt the language im best at but i guess that is one of the reasons im signing up.

                              AVAILABILITY: Varies greatly, ill know two weeks ahead most of the time.



                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Keygen
                                Should I presume that your ex-employment in Activision and participation in the making of CTP2 is the reason for not joinning the team and participating more actively?
                                No, not at all, it has to do with my current employment. While it would probably never actually come up, you're not supposed to work on things that could be considered "competition". I seriously doubt they would consider this competition, but I'm overly paranoid, and I'm one of those play by the rules type people.

                                And in addition to that, I really don't have much free time. I meant to download the source and build it last weekend, but never found myself with an hour to spare to actually do it.


