yeah I left the nets and underwater stuff (will try later). Did you like how I have different farm and mine types for different terrain types? Or was it too confusing?
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Ekmek Tile
Maybe take some time to get used to but wouldnt be confusing. In a way it helps though, because the farms that take up the whole tile you cant see what terrain is underneath without right-clicking, but with a different farm you can tell. Is there a different farm/adv farm for grass/plains/desert though? Hydro farms should be the same on all terrain.Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
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farm/adv farm for grass/plains/desert should be different. I edited the tileimp to show the differences, but maybe since you are using a game started with a different txt it keeps the old one?
No, there were different ones for grass and plains which I saw, but I didnt check if you did it for every farm/adv farm on those 3 farmable terrains, so thats why I asked.
That should be fine, like I said a while back im not sure about covering the whole terrain square with any tile imp, but different farms means you can quickly tell what the terrain is so.Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.
May 13, 2005 File is done. It restores the old improvements and I have added my improvement (now improved) as additional files.
If you want to play with my new improvements copy the tileimp.txt into your gamedata folder. Note this is for the original game, (I'll make an AoM, CTC, Cradle version soon, probably before I finish the sprites)
Also Note I've made a lot of terrain-unique graphics for farms anmines especially, so plains and grassland etc have different graphics and so on. I wanted a little variety in the improvements as you invade the AI
sample below. You can Download them in my Signature!
Ok the link is now updated. and here's the latest screenie (also in sig though)
let me know if anything stands out.
hope the silence means that there are no complaints about thenew beaches, dunes, and brown mountains
BTW I added AoM extra stuff to my file so it should be compatible. and for a standard game using the new improvements heres the txt fileAttached Files
Im still reading E. Like the new coast, looks like a big job but looks great, suits the civ3 tiles a lot better.
The only thing that concerns me (and ive said it before) is the overlapping effect can make the fog of war look messy, but i know other people do like it so.Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.
Originally posted by Maquiladora
The only thing that concerns me (and ive said it before) is the overlapping effect can make the fog of war look messy, but i know other people do like it so.
I do find little details then and now that I want to tweak. so this will probably never be "finished"
glad youlike the new beaches though, the sandy beaches everywhere has been bothering me since I started and I think I found a somewhat decent solutionLast edited by Ekmek; July 31, 2005, 22:31.
thanks Protra,
unless you use the new tileimp txt then the terrain graphics will use the old ctp2 ones that did match too well in my opinion. But thanks for trying. I appreciate the feed back and I'm glad you like it!
Few issues I have seen with your set... (dont get me wrong... I love the new set)
starting improvments on mountains (the boxes of construction) - Often will sort under the mountain and you can not see the construction. (after construction is done everything sorts properly)
Beach areas can be hard to tell if its a land tile or a sea tile. (not sure how this can be better done.)
Will look for any more issues. Just started using them and love the new look.
SCROFT thanks,
Not sure what to do with the mountain issue, will check into it.
For the coast tile, yeah making coastal grassland and coast plains may make it difficult but i think its the downside of eliminating the sandy beaches everywhere. Not sure how to fix this, I may increase the line between coast and water. not sure that will solve your problem. any chance you can post a screenshot to show where its real confusing?