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Sprite List

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  • #46
    Updated again, added stankarps, and the remaining WW2 scenario units. There are a grand total of 7! yes 7!! spaces left, and I'm not sure what to do: reserve them for future use, or fill 'em with C:CtP sprites. Either way, it's fairly obvious we've hit a limit, and need either some way around it, or an end to all unit-additions (not desirable )

    Of course, if we make these 200 the standard sprites, then a future modswapper program (J?) could switch in the last several without much difficulty I hope, and would mean minimum excess downloading. Unless I'm confused. Heaven help any new modders trying to cut through this beaurocratic mess.


    To assign:
    009		(1) (duplicate cow)
    187		(1)
    190		(1)
    193		(1)
    195		(1)
    196		(1)
    200		(1)
    To numerate:
    C:CtP: 27 still unassigned
    abolitionist, bomber, cavalry, c-branch, cyberninja, crawler, diplomat, drone,
    ecoranger, fascist, fighter, fire trireme, infector, lawyer, m-gunner, marine,
    mounted archer, phantom, pikeman, pod, sea engineer, slaver, space fighter, spy,
    s-bomber, tank, televangelist,
    =====  WHICH GO WHERE STAN? =====
    Stankarp: 10
    Heavy Spearman, Phalanx, Peltast, Cataphract, Heavy Cavalry
    Galley, War Chariot, Auxilary Legion, Roman Legion, Legion
    + others without hope in hell
    Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
    "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


    • #47
      Originally posted by Aias
      Also, Sprite 58 is listed as an Anti-Tank Attillery, when I believe it's the CTP2 War Walker.
      Fixed, thanks.
      Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
      "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


      • #48
        Good grief, IW

        Not ten minutes ago, I PM'd Stankarp:

        If I use these sprite numbers, will it clash with anything you're doing?

        181       brown marine          
        182       german machine gunner 
        183       blue general          
        184       brown general         
        185       german general        
        1         ctp1:SHIP_OF_THE_LINE
        What now?


        • #49
          I did it thus:

          #177 SPRITE_BRITISH_PARA # WW2 Scen
          #178 SPRITE_US_PARA # WW2 Scen
          #179 SPRITE_GERMAN_PARA # WW2 Scen

          #181 SPRITE_INFANTRY_GERMAN # WW2 Scen
          #182 SPRITE_INFANTRY_FRENCH # WW2 Scen
          #183 SPRITE_INFANTRY_BELGIAN # WW2 Scen
          #184 SPRITE_INFANTRY_DUTCH # WW2 Scen
          #185 SPRITE_GENERAL_GREY # WW2 Scen
          #186 SPRITE_GENERAL_GREEN # WW2 Scen

          Either way is good, its only a web page, text file, post, 6 images I have to alter

          Could you possibly use #9 instead of #1 for the SotL though? I like having the cattle at the beginning...

          edit: I must have missed this Brown General as well. Is he another WW2 unit?
          Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
          "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


          • #50
            Yes, originally he was an unused WW2 sprite:

            GU111.SPR - brown fascist
            I'm using these generals as great leaders (this is Georgi Zhukov) and it's really not a big deal because I'll have to write some code to keep them out of battles and just give them influence. Alexander is fine but most generals didn't do any actual fighting.


            • #51
              If you've got a screenshot of it handy, it can go at #187
              Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
              "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


              • #52
                Sorry I have been tied up with tax returns and getting ready to move house.

                The main changes are.

                SPRITE_HEAVY_SWORDSMAN 3
                SPRITE_ADVANCED_WARRIOR 150
                SPRITE_SCOUT 72
                SPRITE_SEIGE_TRAIN 149
                SPRITE_BALLISTA 148
                SPRITE_HEAVY_CAVALRY 169
                SPRITE_SUPPLY_TRAIN 2
                SPRITE_HEAVY_SPEARMAN 157
                SPRITE_CHARIOT_ARCHER 146
                SPRITE_PHALANX 196
                SPRITE_GALLEY 187
                SPRITE_HUN_RAIDER 94
                SPRITE_CONSCRIPT_LEGION 83
                SPRITE_PELTAST 191
                SPRITE_AUXILLIARY_LEGION 194

                The new cataphract is 193 so I am not using the black horse archer. The original legion is now conscript legion. 3 and 72 are existing units unchanged. Advanced warrior is Carnerons Civ 3 swordsman. Supply train is the Settler. Conscript swordsman is TD's bronze swordsman. Hun raider is the Apol horse archer.

                Can you tell me what numbers you want me to use as there are too many to fit in one gap at the moment I think.

                Sorry again for the delay. I tried to post this reply on the forum 10 mins ago but it locked up halfway through the upload


                • #53
                  SPRITE_CONSCRIPT_SWORDSMAN 157 (TD's swordsman)
                  SPRITE_SUPPLY_TRAIN 2 (Settler CtP2)
                  SPRITE_HEAVY_SWORDSMAN 3 (Warrior CtP2)
                  SPRITE_SCOUT 72 (Zulu Warrior: EB)
                  SPRITE_HUN_RAIDER 94 (Apol horse archer)

                  Which leaves your 10 and Carneron's?

                  er... what does this look like? Call it 187 for now, I don't know.
                  SPRITE_ADVANCED_WARRIOR 187

                  Shall we say:
                  SPRITE_SEIGE_TRAIN 168
                  SPRITE_BALLISTA 169
                  SPRITE_HEAVY_CAVALRY 170
                  SPRITE_HEAVY_SPEARMAN 171
                  SPRITE_CHARIOT_ARCHER 172
                  SPRITE_PHALANX 173
                  SPRITE_GALLEY 174
                  SPRITE_CONSCRIPT_LEGION 175
                  SPRITE_PELTAST 195
                  SPRITE_AUXILLIARY_LEGION 196

                  Cataraphract 193 <-- this is your sprite as well? or is that the heavy cavalry?
                  Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                  "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
                    If you've got a screenshot of it handy, it can go at #187
                    OK, I'll get back to you on this in the morning. I've had a busy day and have to hit the sack.


                    • #55
                      okey dokey
                      Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                      "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
                        Of course, if we make these 200 the standard sprites, then a future modswapper program (J?) could switch in the last several without much difficulty I hope, and would mean minimum excess downloading.
                        Modmanager as it stands supports extra sprites with not too much effort on the part of the modder and (hopefully) none for the player.


                        • #57
                          what else can Modmanager do.
                          "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
                          The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
                          Visit the big mc’s website


                          • #58
                            Well, here's what he looks like. There's no tga for him so I had to pluck him out of the game.
                            Attached Files


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by The Big Mc
                              what else can Modmanager do.
                              A variety of useful and interesting things. For details see:


                              • #60

                                Back on line, could not access this site at all yesterday.

                                I dont need a number for the Consrcipt Legion as it is the existing legion sprite with a new name. Sprite no stays the same as in cradle.

                                My advanced warrior is the Civ 3 swordsman as done by Carneron.

                                The cataphract is a new sprite, separate to the heavy cavalry. Hated using the black horse archer as the cataphract. The cataphract is based on the Civ fanactics (aoe2) cataphract but mine uses the lance:-)))

