Updated again, added stankarps, and the remaining WW2 scenario units. There are a grand total of 7! yes 7!! spaces left, and I'm not sure what to do: reserve them for future use, or fill 'em with C:CtP sprites. Either way, it's fairly obvious we've hit a limit, and need either some way around it, or an end to all unit-additions (not desirable
Of course, if we make these 200 the standard sprites, then a future modswapper program (J?) could switch in the last several without much difficulty I hope, and would mean minimum excess downloading. Unless I'm confused. Heaven help any new modders trying to cut through this beaurocratic mess.

Of course, if we make these 200 the standard sprites, then a future modswapper program (J?) could switch in the last several without much difficulty I hope, and would mean minimum excess downloading. Unless I'm confused. Heaven help any new modders trying to cut through this beaurocratic mess.
To assign: 009 (1) (duplicate cow) 187 (1) 190 (1) 193 (1) 195 (1) 196 (1) 200 (1) ----- (7) To numerate: C:CtP: 27 still unassigned abolitionist, bomber, cavalry, c-branch, cyberninja, crawler, diplomat, drone, ecoranger, fascist, fighter, fire trireme, infector, lawyer, m-gunner, marine, mounted archer, phantom, pikeman, pod, sea engineer, slaver, space fighter, spy, s-bomber, tank, televangelist, ===== WHICH GO WHERE STAN? ===== Stankarp: 10 Heavy Spearman, Phalanx, Peltast, Cataphract, Heavy Cavalry Galley, War Chariot, Auxilary Legion, Roman Legion, Legion ============================ + others without hope in hell