Thanks Peter 
Copy-paste errors: now corrected.
I'll check. 
I wondered, but I only had the *tgas and CtP1 vidoes at the time, and from different angles it all looks different anyway, and I wasn't sure. But if #166 is the CtP1 sprite, what is #73? There isn't a storm marine unit in CtP2, did they make an updated sprite and then never use it?
At the moment I'm thinking 141-150 would make a good slot for the rest of the WW2 sprites, but it might depend on whether we choose to remove BlueO's sprites from the list. In terms of general usefulness they come somewhere near the bottom of the list: meven most scenarios are unlikely to be built around BlueO's own private scifi/fantasy world.
Yes. I think this needs polling.

Originally posted by Peter Triggs
41 Ship of the Line should be Destroyer.
95 (Privateer) and 96 (Missile Cruiser) aren't animated. I've always hoped that someone would do animated versions of these.
41 Ship of the Line should be Destroyer.
95 (Privateer) and 96 (Missile Cruiser) aren't animated. I've always hoped that someone would do animated versions of these.
IIRC, WesW's 110 Rifleman is the same as the 119 Musketeer, but I have a vague recollection of seeing a different sprite in Wes's CTP1 Mod. If this is wrong, see below.

"166: Down as Storm Marine. Surely this is #73?" It's a CTP1 sprite that's different from #73.
110: WW2 Pillbox. I'm using it as an immobile unit (not a tile improvement)
110: WW2 Pillbox. I'm using it as an immobile unit (not a tile improvement)
I'm also using:
brown marine (BRITISH_PARATROOPER) 120
Any suggestions as to where I should slot these in?
brown marine (BRITISH_PARATROOPER) 120
Any suggestions as to where I should slot these in?
Some of the CTP1 sprites could be useful: cavalry, fascist, ship of the line (it's slightly different from the CTP2 one). I don't have access to CTP1 at the moment so I can't check out the others.