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Succession Game X: Clueless Nubians

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  • 1400 - Huan the Economist plans to rebuild after plague by starting trade with caravans. His friendly connections with the Arabians has earned a trade agreement soon to be very valuable. Some cities with population issues will begin apothecaries. The two least productive cities are producing infantry while the most productive non-wonder cities are producing calvary. There are however more cities producing caravan than anything else.

    1180 - Begin research of Cosmology which gives Aristotle.

    1100 - Protectionists around the nation finance the murder of Huan, but the nation grows wealthier as trade begins with the Arabians. The general population although marginally accepting of Arabian gold dislike the Arabians for not sharing the technology of Philosophy with us. They were also unhappy with Huan's inability to move the diplomat any closer to Macedon, and instead leaving his convoy to get trapped in the zone of control of Byzantine troops. They call for the successor to stop all the caravan production, but still agree with the surviving Economists that six caravans are necessary to begin the lucrative trade with the Macedon, or even the Viking. Save.


    • Nice one HS, will check it out later, but no pictures?
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      • Pretty much all I did was make and move some units, and change some building strategies, nothing that really shows on the map, but I did forget to mention that the very least productive city managed to make 3 coracles in the span of my turn and they will explore and pick up our distant settler (or did I get that settler on my turn), but not yet. I've also started a second iron expedition; this time, we should just make some fortification with PW. One last thing, we have one very commercial city that I built gold and science buildings in.


        • We could use some gold buildings in Sedeinga now it has 96 gold coming in from the trade route. Same for Suakin once the oil there is sold to someone.

          Here's a screenshot for the hell of it, maybe just to keep the thread more colourful
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          • So trade money goes to the city and can be amplified?

            The Oil won't be worth as much as dye without a trade pact, but it will beat any non-trading cities... so hopefully EPW will take the agora out of Skikda's build list, and Skikda will just be a science city.


            • Originally posted by HuangShang
              So trade money goes to the city and can be amplified?
              Most goes to the selling city but actually I don't think it gets amplified by buildings. I just ran a test and it looks like it probably gets added on after those calculations unfortunately, at least I didn't get any increase from a bazaar +15% in a city with 90 gold, which certainly should have shown some difference.

              The Oil won't be worth as much as dye without a trade pact, but it will beat any non-trading cities... so hopefully EPW will take the agora out of Skikda's build list, and Skikda will just be a science city.
              There's a route from Suakin to Odense (Viking) for 224 gold, for 11 caravans, dangerous though as it goes through the Byzantines and some empty territory, not to mention the Vikings don't like us much yet.
              Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
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              • That's why I prefer the Macedon route at about 100, a Viking can get canceled.


                • I won't beable to play my turn until the weekend(maybe Friday) if someone (E) can play now go ahead.


                  • No problem EPW, I believe we've waited longer before, but E can go if he wants.
                    Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
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                    • I cant go this weekend. well maybe sunday.
                      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                      See me at


                      • EPW III comes to power.

                        1100 I change the Construction in a few cities. Nothing Significant.

                        1080 We find an elite chariot in a ruin.

                        1060 We trade Masonry for Aristocracy...Not a great trade but better than nothing....

                        I spend our PW on mines....

                        1020 Locusts invade two cities..

                        We finish researching Cosmology, Begin Oligarchy. Change Olympics to
                        Aristotle's Lyceum, 11 turns to complete.

                        1000 I think there was a major barb spawn....

                        955 The Chinese, whoever they are, request a ridiculous amount of pw in aid. I refuse.

                        940 We make a trade route for about 100 gold with our purple friends.

                        925 We finish statue of Zeus, I decide to rush buy the Olympics in Donngola because another civ is about to complete it: -14k gold.

                        910 BC We complete the Olympics. Barbs enter our territory.

                        865 BC We finish Aristotle's Lyceum. Barbs are defeated by the swords of our warriors. However, there is a significat Barb army heading towards Nauri.

                        850 BC EPW the Magnificent rein ends on a happy note: bountiful harvests across the nation. EPW's rein was full of glory. It was a peaceful time and EPW built many great wonders, infrastructure and buildings. However, the peace is now over...Barbarians invade our territory in hopes of stealing our riches.

                        THE SAVE


                        • Six wonders and our science is booming even more now we have Aristotle's Lyceum.

                          Spamming a few watch towers seems to be a wise decision, and those mines were well timed to defend Nauri.

                          E gets to oversee the expansion in Oligarchy and fight off the barbs.
                          Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                          CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                          One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                          • One hell of a turn EPW, we're almost untouchable now

                            Only tyrants need worry about tyrant-killers


                            • I think we are almost done building the Lighthouse of Alexandria too, though its kind of a useless wonder.

                              Theres a number of Purple nomads wondering around our territory, hopefully they won't try to steal our land.

                              Speaking of nomads, I build a few and a few more are on their way. We also have a few goods that need settlements or outposts, E will have to decide whether to save them for oligarchy or use them now.

                              About 1/3 of the cities are building military units now, mostly horseman, in case we need reinforcements against the barbs.

                              I did a bit of grassland to plains terraforming, the production gain is actually fairly significant.

                              It should be noted that we are still being out teched by our neighbors, one of them already has republic. One was close to finishing Spartan Philosophy (I've found that its nearly impossible for the human to build this wonder in the 3-4 games I've played)

                              The city in the south was created temporarily in order to build an outpost on the copper, feel free to disband it. The outpost is eventually going to be pillaged by barbs, if we are lucky it will last long enough to pay itself back.


                              • skip me guys. I have a midterm this week and the fires in San Diego aren't helping (no evac but just hectic to do anything)
                                Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                                See me at

