Main rules
New Play order:
Note: We can play in any order, just post before you start. Obviously we (try to) keep the same order for turns afterwards.
- Turns per player: 20 turns for the first round, 15 turns for the second and third round, and 10 turns for every round after that.
- Loose 3 day (72hrs) limit on passing turn on.
- No tile improvements under cities (unless unavoidable).
- No Right-Clicking bug use.
- Obviously no other cheating.
- Renaming of cities and armies is allowed, but post it.
Mod: Ages of Man IV
Difficulty: 5/6 (Very Hard)
Barbarians: 3/4 (Raiders)
Map: Gigantic
Type: Earth
Wet - Dry: 5/10
Warm - Cold: 6/10
Ocean - Land: 7/10
Island - Continents: 7/10
Uniform - Diverse: 9/10
Goods: 8/10
Our Civ: Nubia
Number of AI's: 10
Pollution: On
Bloodlust: On
AoM IV specific rules:
Quickstart Option: Yes
Surrender Option: Yes - default 6:1
Add Realism: Yes
Besides the usual Toolmaking and Stone Working, we start with Agriculture (Warriors) and Religion (Shrine).
5000 BC Set first research to Projectile Weapons, to give our first ranged unit, done in 76 turns.
Empire sliders: Rations 2kg, Workday 14hrs, Wages 20gld.
4980 BC Dongola founded along unknown river running through plains.
Rush-bought a Spearman for 1800 gold to explore for ruins immediately.
4960 BC Move new Spearman west, find and open ruin: a city
disbanded to move further west from Dongola.
Rush-bought another Spearman in Dongola.
4940 BC Misratah founded east of Dongola on (a different?) river, started Spearman.
Started Nomad in Dongola.
4920 BC Rush-bought Spearman in Misratah.
4900 BC Selima founded west of Dongola.
Three cities built, now 22 turns to Proj. Weapons.
4660 BC After opening 4 ruins in a row that found NOTHING inside, we find a Nomad.
Found Illizi(annoying name!) north of Dongola right on the spot the nomad was found.
Rename Illizi to Lizi.
Nomad is almost done in Dongola, was intended for a city north of Selima, but you may find a better spot. You'll also have Slingers to play with.
Turn 19, played, saved and that's it. Save attached to next post.
Hopefully it'll all run smoothly...
New Play order:
Note: We can play in any order, just post before you start. Obviously we (try to) keep the same order for turns afterwards.
- Turns per player: 20 turns for the first round, 15 turns for the second and third round, and 10 turns for every round after that.
- Loose 3 day (72hrs) limit on passing turn on.
- No tile improvements under cities (unless unavoidable).
- No Right-Clicking bug use.
- Obviously no other cheating.
- Renaming of cities and armies is allowed, but post it.
Mod: Ages of Man IV
Difficulty: 5/6 (Very Hard)
Barbarians: 3/4 (Raiders)
Map: Gigantic
Type: Earth
Wet - Dry: 5/10
Warm - Cold: 6/10
Ocean - Land: 7/10
Island - Continents: 7/10
Uniform - Diverse: 9/10
Goods: 8/10
Our Civ: Nubia
Number of AI's: 10
Pollution: On
Bloodlust: On
AoM IV specific rules:
Quickstart Option: Yes
Surrender Option: Yes - default 6:1
Add Realism: Yes
Besides the usual Toolmaking and Stone Working, we start with Agriculture (Warriors) and Religion (Shrine).
5000 BC Set first research to Projectile Weapons, to give our first ranged unit, done in 76 turns.
Empire sliders: Rations 2kg, Workday 14hrs, Wages 20gld.
4980 BC Dongola founded along unknown river running through plains.
Rush-bought a Spearman for 1800 gold to explore for ruins immediately.
4960 BC Move new Spearman west, find and open ruin: a city

Rush-bought another Spearman in Dongola.
4940 BC Misratah founded east of Dongola on (a different?) river, started Spearman.
Started Nomad in Dongola.
4920 BC Rush-bought Spearman in Misratah.
4900 BC Selima founded west of Dongola.
Three cities built, now 22 turns to Proj. Weapons.
4660 BC After opening 4 ruins in a row that found NOTHING inside, we find a Nomad.
Found Illizi(annoying name!) north of Dongola right on the spot the nomad was found.
Rename Illizi to Lizi.

Nomad is almost done in Dongola, was intended for a city north of Selima, but you may find a better spot. You'll also have Slingers to play with.

Turn 19, played, saved and that's it. Save attached to next post.
Hopefully it'll all run smoothly...