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Succession Game X: Clueless Nubians
Welcome back EPW
You can probably go next if you're set up, just grab Tellius' save.Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
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The cities seemed a little too happy at 80 (Selima at 79) so I cut rations and started to move garrisons, before the first turn there are three cities each at happiness 76 and 77.
Turn 41, finished writing and started dynasty. Phillip II finishes Stonehenge.
Turn 45, nomad from hut. I'd like to mention the hut was in a rather close, but unexplored area inside our borders.
Turn 47, 2 cities from huts on the same turn! Disbanded and hopeful can make it home safely without escort. I have universalized happiness in all the original cities. New city founded SW near the mouth of our great river among beautiful scenery of of hills and snow.
Turn 50 One more city from hut, in ice world. Byzantine expansion has caught one of our units in their new territory, I'm headed out as fast as possible, but I need those settlers faster.
Turn 53 Shipbuilding from hut.
Turn 57 Migrant from hut.
Turn 58 Kurgus founded. Renamed to Huangshang because it is the first city that will be connected to the ocean, but we need another city to connect Lake Huangshang to the ocean. It is rather far away.
Turn 59 Huangshang researches dynasty, his empire is thrown into anarchy. Rumor has it that he is not well. City of Huangshang needs entertainers to stay above red, current pinned happiness in anarchy is 78, with three cities at 79, and the capital, now with a king and a throne at 80. Byzantine threatened into trade treaty.
Turn 60 el-Kurru founded. Huangshang dies in anarchy.
Throughout these turns I have let the treasury grow (also from huts), but a little of it went to Byzantines, I have many settlers ready to enclose both the Byzantine and the ocean. There are also two huts for my successor (EPW?). We just got dynasty so there will be something new to do besides massing spearman and slingers like me, but those units will likely be necessary to hold the peace in the new territories. There is kind of a border patrol now, and I almost explored to the other side of Byzantine. Just many units to move, and a brand new city.Attached Files
4200 BC -Turn 40 Increased the workday by one notch, our people were far too happy.
4180 BC -Turn 41 Finished researching Writing, and started to research Dynasty. Currently 19 turns remain until it is researched.
4160BC -Turn 42 Phillip II completed Stonehenge. We discover 319 gold in a ruin.
4140 BC -Turn 43 We completed two spearmen and a nomad this turn. The newcity will be founded to the west of Selima. One of the spearmen will explore to the south of the border, the other will finish exploring the to the west of our empire before garrisoning in the new city. We began construction on two new nomads and a slinger.
4120BC -Turn 44 Units moved one space.
4100 BC -Turn 45 We discover a lost city in a ruin to the east of the Byzantines, we disband it and send the nomad back home.
4080 BC -Turn 46 The Byzantines founded a new city to the North of their empire.
4060 BC -Turn 47 We founded the city of Gharyan and began construction of a slinger. We also discovered a nomad in a ruin to the south of Skikda. It will found a new city on our southern border.
4040 BC -Turn 48 Skikda finished constructing a slinger and began working on another nomad.
4020 BC -Turn 49 We discover another nomad in a ruin to the
far north, it begins moving south. We finish constructing a nomad in the city of Dongola. We begin constructing a new nomad in the city and change the production of a nomad in Skikda into a slinger.
4000 BC -Turn 50 The Byzantines found a city on our northern border where I planned to found a city, a future war seems inevitable. We find 386 gold and a migrant in two different ruins. Selima finishes a slinger and begins work on a spearman.
[b]3980 BC -Turn 51/b] Units move one space.
3960 BC -Turn 52 We found Zaltan on our Southern border, this should be an excellent production city in the future. We also discover two cities from ruins, one in the east and one in the west. Both are disbanded and sent home.
3940 BC -Turn 53 Wages have to be lowered due to riots in Zaltan. The Byzantines found a another city to the North of their empire. Units moved.
3920 BC -Turn 54 Units moved one space.
3900 BC -Turn 55 The Byzantines ask us to leave their territory, I accept. I also give them 500 gold to ease relations. A slinger is completed in Dongola, I start to construct a spearman.
3880 BC -Turn 56 We meet the Macedonians and exchange maps. I give them 100 gold. Our warrior is ambushed by barbarians hiding in a ruin. The Byzantines are pleased with us.
3860BC -Turn 57The barbarians do not attack the warrior this turn. Another warrior is ambushed to the east. Our warrior exploring the far North-west discovers a lost tribe, we disband the city and send it home. We found the city of El-Kurru on our northern border. It may be possible to curb the Byzantine's expansion. El-Kurru and Skikda begin construction of slingers, the slinger Skikda just constructed shall by moved elsewhere. We discover 365 gold in a ruin
3840BC -Turn 58 Dynasty is discovered and enacted. We have a King! We begin researching Horseback Riding(Infinite turns). We discover another city near the northern mountain range, when moved east it will help us block the Byzantine expansion. Gharyan finishes a slinger and begins work on a spearman.
3820BC -Turn 59We emerge from anarchy after only one turn, Horse riding will finish in ten turns. We discover 600+ gold in two ruins.
3800BC -Turn 60 For the next player to play.
Screenshots to come.Attached Files"
This is why I said post before you play in the first round.
EPW I guess you just go again from HS's save?Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.
Just checking out the save. Huang Shang (the city) seems in an odd location for us. It's 2nd border will be just out of reach for the dye and potatoes.
I suppose the good thing about the coastal cities is it's one less side to defend though.
Gharyan is gonna grow pretty slow too. I guess just keep pumping it up with farmers until we can safely build mines there.
Also what is gonna be our target after Jurisprudence(Code of Hammurabi)? Perhaps roads (Wheel) then improve military? We need an early flanking unit at some point.Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.
Two games in a row after a few days of quiet (although simultaneous, damn, sorry for your trouble EPW), now we're on the right track.
I agree with Maquiladora, the site of Huang Shang is very strange. When placing a city some distance from the main body of the empire, I always measure out the distance, so you can place one (or more if necessary) cities between the main body and that far flung city. I don't see this happening here, there are only 7 tiles separating Huang Shang and the rest of our empire, there should be 10, so you can place one city with room for expansion in the empty space. Just a thought, maybe EPW can move a bit to the north (potatoes, hmmm) or the west (precious stones, money!)... Just a thought.
Happy gaming!
TelliusOnly tyrants need worry about tyrant-killers
Originally posted by Tellius
I don't see this happening here, there are only 7 tiles separating Huang Shang and the rest of our empire, there should be 10, so you can place one city with room for expansion in the empty space. Just a thought, maybe EPW can move a bit to the north (potatoes, hmmm) or the west (precious stones, money!)... Just a thought."