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Succession Game X: Clueless Nubians

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  • You've always been the fastest .


    • Turned the migrant group around because I’m fairly sure a settlement requires a nomad and the good needs to be within the national borders
      I'm pretty sure whoever sent that migrant, was thinking of disbanding it somewhere near the good (and in view of another unit) to create a border fort. A Border Fort gives a national border around itself. After that, a nomad can be brought in to be disbanded on the good.

      We finish a fishing fleet in HS II that we can’t use??.
      That's my doing. That's a little problem when playing a succession game, one player has a certain mid-term goal in mind (in this case, building a city more to the west along the same sea as Huang Shang II, thus making one good - forgot which one - available for exploitation by a FF), but forgets to mention that in his overview, and another player is left with interpreting it or - more likely - seeing it too late. Sorry for not mentioning this in my 'report'.


      Only tyrants need worry about tyrant-killers


      • Originally posted by Tellius

        I'm pretty sure whoever sent that migrant, was thinking of disbanding it somewhere near the good (and in view of another unit) to create a border fort. A Border Fort gives a national border around itself. After that, a nomad can be brought in to be disbanded on the good.
        I didn't know you could do that, sorry!


        • Well it was two turn to build, we can send another any time.


          • I didn't know you could do that, sorry!
            Apologies are not necessary at all, it's by playing the game that you will discover such possibilities. Stan has put so much stuff in this mod, I still learn new things all the time.

            Looking forward to Maquiladora's turn!

            Only tyrants need worry about tyrant-killers


            • does the ai do the border fort outpost thing? IIRC the outpost will yield technologies too? right?

              I think I can code this feature in the AE, but I want to make sure I understand how it works. Can anyone give a brief run down?

              PS Tellius -> love the tiles! great work!
              Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

              See me at


              • 2000BC After the fall of the House of E, Maquiladora III, leader of the el-Kurru revolution, sought to increase the Nubian's power in three ways:

                I) transfer population from the most populous cities to build new settlements around the borders to gain control of valuable resources

                II) bring home Hammurabi's cavalry to defend the borders of the new cities from barbarian invaders

                III) transfer sovereignty to "Maq-el-Kurru" (rebuild capital requires architecture)

                1980BC A new Patriarch appears in Dongola! (but damn they're expensive to maintain). I send him off towards the Viking's to cause some trouble (soothsay).

                I switch advance target from Archery to Applied Math for three reasons, 1. Applied Math leads to Cosmology (Aristotle's Lyceum), 2. it also leads to Architecture, once the new cities are up we should move the capital, and 3. Archers aren't that muhc better than Slingers (+5 range) so we don't need it yet, we can also get Composite Archers soon, which are worth it. The other two choices I have (Sails and Chariots) are even more useless at the moment.

                BTW what happended to getting granaries?

                The people of Nicaea rename their city Nicaea-E in memory of a great scholar who once lived and died there.

                1960BC Applied Math is discovered. I set next target to Granaries.

                1920BC Our advisors think the current heir is plotting with our neighbours to overthrow the King, in the next 10 turns there is a chance of rebellion so I execute a Palace Coup and exile him (for a small happiness hit) instead.

                Disband Nomad on Buffalo to get Granaries and begin building them in all but 4 cities. Research continued on Wood Working as it's the cheapest, so we can see better options sooner. Can't find a good trade for Wood Working yet...

                Build an outpost on the spices as it doesn't give an advance from a settlement, and IMO is a waste of a nomad at the moment for a settlement.

                1900BC Byzantines ask for Polytheism but as I understand we're not supposed to trade it? I reject anyway.

                1860BC Wood Working discovered. Start research on Architecture.

                Suakin founded west of HuangShang II by the oil. The fishing fleet begins havesting the oil... somehow.

                Annaba founded to fill the gap.

                1840BC Napata founded by the mountains on the border with the Byzantines.

                Outpost built on the sapphires south of Nauri.

                1820BC Sedeinga founded next to the dye north of Amara.

                We are now at the 20 city limit for City State.

                City granaries are completing and starting to build Phalanx/Horsemen to guard our new outposts/settlements.

                1800BC Create settlement on elephant near Nicaea-E, receive Map Making.

                1760BC Soothsaying campaign begins against the Vikings.

                Create settlement on grapes near Nicaea-E, receive nothing, probably should've been an outpost but oh well.

                1740BC Architecture discovered. Started research on Drama.

                Capitol is queued in the central city of Maq-el-Kurru.

                Arabia completes Valley of the Kings.

                1700BC Give 500 gold to Macedonians. Macedonians offer to trade maps, I accept.

                1700BC Maquiladora III falls from a fishing boat whilst harvesting oil near Suakin and is never seen again.

                That's it, a few mistakes, but things are growing nicely now and we have lots of gold coming in, perhaps even enough to begin mild rush-buying.

                Notes for next player:

                The elephant and potato near Sedeinga have nomads on their way to them ready for settlements.

                Moving the capital is optional, it's one turn away from starting in Maq-el-Kurru though.

                Research is loosely heading towards either Aristotle's Lyceum, a new government, or Composite Archers.
                Attached Files
                Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                • The save is here:
                  Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                  CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                  One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                  • We'll have a lot of elephants to get it's later techs, but for future horse, camel, and iron, we can always double nomad it for a town.


                    • Hi,

                      Regarding not trading the prerequisite advances, this is from the readme

                      NOTE. As part of this feature, players are asked NOT to trade their pre requisite advances to the AI as it will undermine the historical approach to the middle ages in AOM. These advances are THEOCRACYA, THEOCMONARCHY, CALIPHATEA, CONSTMONARCHY and DYNEMPIRE. In addition, please no not trade VASSAL_STATE or ROYAL_WEDDING as these are indicator advances for these achievements.
                      I'll be taking the next turn, 10 turns now right? I'll start tomorrow morning.

                      E, the AI does make use of Outposts, but I don't think they disband nomads to get the advance too, they probably just place outposts by paying with PW. Border Forts I'm not sure about, I have to check a game I'm playing right now. They're good for claiming territory and lifting fog of war, should be nice if the AI knows how to use them. The AI seems to have a thing for watchtowers though.
                      Glad you like the tileset E, coming from you that's saying something. But now Walter and I found a forest we finally like 100% (the other forests always had something wrong with them). Screenie attached.

                      Attached Files
                      Only tyrants need worry about tyrant-killers


                      • Originally posted by Tellius

                        Regarding not trading the prerequisite advances, this is from the readme
                        It doesn't mention Polytheism there, but I assume that's not to be traded, as it's a prerequisite.

                        I'll be taking the next turn, 10 turns now right? I'll start tomorrow morning.
                        No, still 15 for everyone this 3rd round But you can take 10 if you're really pressed for time, it won't make too much difference.

                        But now Walter and I found a forest we finally like 100% (the other forests always had something wrong with them). Screenie attached.
                        Those forests look excellent Tellius and they really fit in with the rest of the tileset.

                        Did you change the grassland again?
                        Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                        CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                        One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                        • Hi,

                          Thanks for the kind words Maquiladora. As for the grass, it's the original CtP1 grass, Walter preferrs it over the grass we guys are currently using (which were of course the original CtP1 swamps). We already managed to get more variation in the forests. It's actually, euh, borrowed from "Ares de Borg Civ3 terrain set".

                          I'm also finishing my new War Walker, since the one that is currently used is not very intimidating. I'm using the Imperial Walker from Star Wars for this purpose. Fully animated and with shadows. If I get it to 'compile' in makesprite.exe that is.

                          I'll be doing the full 15 turns, I just wasn't sure if I could still do that many, so I asked first.

                          And it does of course make sense that if Stan wants us to not trade prerequisites for religion, we are not supposed to trade the religions themselves,so you made the right choice in your game.

                          Only tyrants need worry about tyrant-killers


                          • Very nice forests indeed! brighter and more varied.

                            Originally posted by Tellius
                            If I get it to 'compile' in makesprite.exe that is.
                            why makespr I sent you my 240x240 battleship thta should let you do it (easier) in spriteedit
                            Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                            See me at


                            • Nice, the trees look more real.


                              • Very pretty

