I give the Civ 3 AI edit credit from my own experience. I've seen it use Transports to deliver troops effectively, and cover them properly, as well as use lethal bombardment effectively to stall naval invasions. In fully patched PTW, it also did use huge stacks of bombard units, so I speak from experience. Of course, it's not nearly as good as the human player in a fight.
Interesting though, how can you consider the worker system superior to Public Works? I realise that the Worker system isn't bad per se, but again, to play a powerful game in Civ 3, I create a lot of workers - and I can't help being extremely bored when I have to move a hundred of them around, while CtP2 PW is indeed boredom safe. If you have enough PW, it will take you 4 seconds to improve all area around a city, and then you don't worry about that.
Anyway, I'm very pleased you posted in this thread, being one of the most known Civ 3 players with great contributions to the community
I give the Civ 3 AI edit credit from my own experience. I've seen it use Transports to deliver troops effectively, and cover them properly, as well as use lethal bombardment effectively to stall naval invasions. In fully patched PTW, it also did use huge stacks of bombard units, so I speak from experience. Of course, it's not nearly as good as the human player in a fight.
Interesting though, how can you consider the worker system superior to Public Works? I realise that the Worker system isn't bad per se, but again, to play a powerful game in Civ 3, I create a lot of workers - and I can't help being extremely bored when I have to move a hundred of them around, while CtP2 PW is indeed boredom safe. If you have enough PW, it will take you 4 seconds to improve all area around a city, and then you don't worry about that.
Anyway, I'm very pleased you posted in this thread, being one of the most known Civ 3 players with great contributions to the community
