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1st Unofficial Apolyton MP tournament.

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  • #76
    If you can't get hold of Locutus, I'll be happy to do the draw for you, since I'm keeping track of this thread anyway.


    • #77
      Thanks J, as soon as we get Quimby here (or another player...) you can draw the groups. Or could draw them now and wait but id prefer everyone in before we draw.
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      • #78
        I would rather not draw the names, I want that to be totally impartial.

        If not one has an issue I suggest the following.

        J Blytheway draws two teams from the 6 of us in the Tournament:


        We can then arrange to start playing out games

        (once the rules are agreed – Maq can you posy your understanding of the voting results, fixed and player definable rules, though I party agree that a majority of rules should be fixed so all games are similar in composition).

        The games then start and either 1 of 4 things can happen:

        1) Q gets his @rse in gear and joins us – lol

        2) Q is a now show and we could clasify his place as a bye (automatic win for opponent)

        3) Q is a no show and we find a quick replacement

        Q is a no show and we convert the tournament to a simple 5 player league (2 points for a win), all play each other then the one with the most points is the victor, if there are 2 or more with equal points we go to a play-off game.


        • #79
          Ok after numerous emails we can assume Quimby isnt available to play, so 5 players it is.

          Before we get to the actual format of the "Tournament" we have to complete the voting for game settings, from the poll the results are:

          Pollution OFF
          Huge Map
          NO Ranking Graphs
          NORMAL Science Rate
          NO Scientists from start of game
          NOTHING from ruins

          These are the rules for every game, so no arguements.

          Toni was the only person to vote for Giga map size and Regular/Huge was tied, so i converted his vote to the biggest size, which is HUGE map, so we play that.

          As discussed in a MP game earlier it would probably best to play a 5 player league, and the top 2 players play in the Final.

          If players are tied the second deciding figure will be TURN #. If you win a game OR the player surrenders on Turn 128 (for example), 128 will be added to your Turn score. The LOWER this number the better and higher you will be in the league.

          Anyone have a better idea to decide it?

          Next we need to decide map composition (diversity, continents etc) how many restarts. I propose (counting from the left of each slider, furthest left being 0, furthest right being 10):

          Wet - Dry = 0
          Warm - Cold = 0 (these both 0 seems to work strangely well)
          Ocean - Land = 2 (more diverse gameplay)
          Island - Continent = 2
          Uniform - Diverse = 10 (bad land for everyone most of the time)
          Few Goods - Many Goods = 10

          Starting Settlers 3 = 3 cities is small enough to fit on starting island.

          Restarts Requests = 2, to decide before or on 5th turn, on turn 6 youre stuck with land, no exceptions.

          Lastly id like to make one more alteration to DiffDB.txt concerning, "starting techs". To alter it so we ALL start with the following techs and have NO chance of getting any other techs randomly at the start.


          What do you all think?
          Last edited by Maquiladora; January 30, 2004, 21:16.
          Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
          CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
          One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


          • #80
            If you rank ties by turn of victory, then you encourage playing to the very last, which in turn will make the games longer (especially on a huge map), and that will make everything take longer, and generally make the whole thing less likely to work out.

            I would suggest you copy from one of the CTP PBEM leagues the 4x powergraph rule where the winner is declared when their powergraph is 4 times their opponents, but if you're not using graphs then you can't do that...


            • #81
              I agree with Bytheway, in the sence that I don't think the "# of turns added to your score" will work.

              I think the best plan remains Barley's idea of a playoff game in the event of a tie. As far as overall battles, It's a battle to the finish or you simply surrender, thats the way each game should be played. I know it sucks if someone decides to hold out until their last city is taken, but thats their right.

              Maq, I agree with all of your other suggestions, Re map compisition and starting tech. I assume that we will take the mean average of everyones vote?

              Here is mine;Wet - Dry = 0
              Warm - Cold = 0 *Never tried 0/0, but lets give it a try
              Ocean - Land = 3 (simply because 70% of the earth is water)
              Island - Continent = 3
              Uniform - Diverse = 10
              Few Goods - Many Goods = 10
              Starting Settlers 3

              So I assume we are set on 5, J Bytheway is now free to draw, correct?


              • #82
                OH, almost forgot. Where do we download the patches for the set rules (ie no graphs) ?


                • #83
                  Thats why i said anyone got a better idea

                  Another idea for tied positions is Total Score (under ranking), but this still leaves us with the "when do games end?" I dont know enough about how Total Score is shared between players, to know if it would be fair for everyone though. Total Score doesnt fluctuate greatly, and to get a serious score lead on someone you need to be well in front in pop or snatch all the feats, you can even be well behind in score and still be "in front".

                  As mentioned though, we can stick with the playoff option for now, if players are tied.

                  OH, almost forgot. Where do we download the patches for the set rules (ie no graphs) ?
                  Ill post them an attachment to this thread soon.

                  So I assume we are set on 5, J Bytheway is now free to draw, correct?
                  Perhaps we dont need to make a draw now that we're playing a League then playoff instead. We just all play each other........ or J if you want to draw the names for order of fixtures it might be better.
                  Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                  CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                  One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                  • #84
                    I have a couple of points.

                    1) Would prefer that players in game are able to decide map settings, Toni and I are not used to playing with the suggested settings.
                    2) Would prefer 3 restarts as ive had a series of bad land in some games. I want the winner to be decided by skill obviously and any game where there is a big difference of start positions wont necessarily come down to skill. Hence not relevant to tournament but when Toni & I play we reset until we have similar start positions (even if it take 6+ starts), at least we have a fair game that way.

                    I guess we don’t need a draw as we are playing a league, I suggest that those in the tournament start playing their games from Wednesday (if no objections received by midnight GMT Tuesday). Results can be posted in the forum and we can then keep a weekly record of who has played who, the current table and remaining games to be played.

                    Rules need to be sorted, Maq, bearing in mind my two comments above and others made can you consider and repost your favoured rules / let me know your thoughts. Its time to get the rules finalised and published, personally if it means we waste time haggling over minor preferences I say just go with anything that’s a virtual consensus. Lets get the games going…


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Barley
                      I have a couple of points.

                      1) Would prefer that players in game are able to decide map settings, Toni and I are not used to playing with the suggested settings.
                      Well you saw Daniel's suggestion. and i agree with it - post your prefered map settings and we go for the mean score of each, cant say fairer than that.

                      2) Would prefer 3 restarts as ive had a series of bad land in some games. I want the winner to be decided by skill obviously and any game where there is a big difference of start positions wont necessarily come down to skill. Hence not relevant to tournament but when Toni & I play we reset until we have similar start positions (even if it take 6+ starts), at least we have a fair game that way.
                      Thats why i suggested max diverse land and lots of islands, everyone gets an amount of bad land. If you find any good land with that setting, the land wont stretch far, and this seperates good city site choices from bad ones.

                      If we have infinate restarts then it would have to be before Turn 0 lol 3 restarts seems ok, before (and on) say, Turn 3.
                      Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                      CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                      One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                      • #86
                        Here is mine;

                        Wet - Dry = 5
                        Warm - Cold = 5 (but if this is averaged with the Warm/Cold 0/0) we’ll end up with 2/2 and a very cold and wet mep.
                        (Ocean - Land = 4
                        Island - Continent = 4
                        Uniform - Diverse = 10
                        Few Goods - Many Goods = 10
                        Starting Settlers 3

                        Q – I assume we are agreed that this is a standard setting for all games, anyone got a problem with that?

                        Don’t mind the diversity but prefer warmer and more land as don’t like small islands – often you end up with one player on a small and one on a large (we’ll see what the averages come out as).

                        Ok 3 restarts, till turn 5.

                        Anyway, im pretty much happy with all weve got, just want to get going. Hope we are all on schedule for a Wednesday start.


                        • #87
                          Heres mine:
                          Wet - Dry = 0
                          Warm - Cold = 0
                          Ocean - Land = 4
                          Island - Continent = 4
                          Uniform - Diverse = 10
                          Few Goods - Many Goods = 10
                          Starting Settlers 3

                          The other settings are fine with me


                          • #88
                            We only need Toni's favoured map composition and we can finalize it.
                            Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                            CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                            One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                            • #89
                              Am ok with any sets, the only think that i won't is huge map atleast.


                              • #90
                                This is all getting abit too in-depth but here are the results,

                                Wet - Dry = 0 5 0 0
                                Warm - Cold = 0 5 0 0
                                Ocean - Land = 4 4 3 2
                                Island - Continent = 4 4 3 2
                                Uniform - Diverse = 10 10 10 10
                                Few Goods - Many Goods = 10 10 10 10


                                Huge Map
                                Wet - Dry = 1
                                Warm - Cold = 1
                                Ocean - Land = 3
                                Island - Continent = 3
                                Uniform - Diverse = 10
                                Few Goods - Many Goods = 10

                                Settlers - 3
                                Restarts - 3 (within, and on the 5th Turn - no exceptions)
                                Starting Techs - Toolmaking, Agriculture, Religeon.

                                Im also wondering if we should play each other twice... so each can be the host, what do you think? Is that too many matches for anyone?
                                Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                                CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                                One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.

