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Med Mod 4 problems/issues

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  • #91
    Hi, first let me tell you that your mod is wonderful with all those new units and advances, i reinstalled the game just to play it...
    I think that it has a problem, my cities grow too fast (computer players dosen´t seem to be affected) i don´t know why exactly, even if i don´t use ANY farm improvement the cities grow to size 40 or more in mere 100-200 turns i think, and of course there´s a lot of research (every 1 or 2 turns), production, happiness... well i think thats all for now.
    (I already finished the game with your MOD last sunday by the way, using the disseminate.slc with no crashes at all).

    "For both sides the only acceptable outcome was the Total elimination of the other..."
    The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.

    Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!


    • #92
      Carlos, your post about your game managed to surprise me. I was beginning to think that this could not happen given all the crazy things that I have read and/or seen in the past year. Size 40!? Anyway...

      When I tried out the new, debugged trigger a couple of days ago, it did seem to work. However, the trigger itself was too powerful. I have emailed Chris about making some alterations to it, and I hope he can get back to me soon so that I can try them out.

      1)I would like to have the trigger first become activate in about the late-Renaissance age, so that it doesn't upset the timeline early in the game. This is about the point that the lead civs pull away from the trailers tech-wise.

      2)I would like to change the trigger so that it doesn't fire before an advance is known to about half the civs in the game. Then it would have the current chance of firing when the next civ gets the advance (about 50%, and increasing thereafter).

      These changes should give the effect of helping the trailers without further boosting the leaders.


      • #93
        Oh well... i found what was wrong... i was playing in Chieftain , sorry.

        I´m playing now in Deity and is Perfect.

        1 and 2)Those are good ideas!

        "For each side the only acceptable outcome was the Total elimination of the other..."
        [This message has been edited by Carlos113 (edited September 20, 2000).]
        [This message has been edited by Carlos113 (edited September 20, 2000).]
        The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.

        Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!


        • #94
          I am having fun problems with the Mod4 pack.

          The first thing is that at various points, all of
          my queues hiccup and I lose all production.

          The second thing is that after a certain point in
          a huge map game (somewhere over 140 cities) the
          pollution dropped to zero. I wanted to get a good
          feel for the balance, so I was playing at the second
          level, but still.

          Lastly, I have also seen the bug where SDI can be
          built before it is discovered.

          Any ideas anyone? Anyone else having these problems?


          • #95
            I am afraid that all three of those things are new to me, and I don't know what would cause them, off-hand.
            There used to be a pollution bug similar to the one you describe, but I fixed that a long time ago.

