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Forever Future 1.7 PBEM game

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  • Turn 46 played and sent.
    Japanese goverment has succeeded in stabilising it's economy. Hopefully it won't happen anymore.
    There is also another good information! Our scouts bring reports, they have spotted a more inhabitable terrain in a lands far away. But maybe they are already inhabited? Soon we shall know.
    Passing refugee ship also reported about war, which started our recently between Indians and Persians. Unluckily, they couldn't tell us, where exacly it's happening. Hopefully not around our borders.

    And well... Russians grow stronger. This nation, may soon pose a big threat to other countries. But for now... they're nowhere to be found.


    • In his endless mercy, King Napoleon has increased wages to the level that is considered "normal" by lesser monarchs. The people rejoiced.


      • 48 played and sent.

        War between Indians and Persians gets more and more severe. Huge armies are being produced, situation becomes more nad more green.

        Also there is a shift of power between other countries! Japanese armies were surpassed on a power chart by French Monarchy this turn. One of reasons for such incredible growth is a Labirynth. But there must be also something else. Is it an army? A science? A huge population growth?
        Noone knows. It means their neighbours must be careful. Very careful.


        • With the Sphinx, the Russians are surely bound to become a power to be reckoned with!
          As for my lovely neighbours, both of them are researching something called Iron. I wonder what that does?

          It's some sort of grey, brittle metal, harder to work than Bronze and nowhere as cool looking, totally unworthy of attention of the glorious Cleopatra!


          • Known World in 4500 BC

            (turn 50 report)

            The known world consists of a single continent, inhabited by three major nations. Thebans in the gloomy and rainy middle; Celts in the more dry East; and the French in the frozen North, which is still largely an unexplored land, due to extreme conditions. It is also known that a strand of isles extends South to the Celt coast, and several travellers have already come from that direction, but the details are scarce. They spoke of two great tribes that inhabit mythical southern lands, Russians and Indians, but our knowledge of those people consists of a few legends and even fewer solid facts.

            The Society

            Two great cities dominate the continent, Paris and Thebes, both already over 10,000 inhabitants and known for their bustling marketplaces and engaging in limited communication and trade, since the French merchants have brought their newest invention, money, to Thebes a couple of centuries ago. The French have developed a surprisingly sophisticated society, where their leader, a King, comes from a bloodline supposedly passed on by the gods, and every outlying settlement has their own lord, a lesser King in his own right, who is largely independent. Their settlements, while small, are universally made from stone and engaged in commercial and cultural exchange with each other on a level unprecedented in any other Old World civilization. Paris is also fabled for it's enormous harbour and an ingenious structure, The Labirynth, which accompanies it, a source of wonder for any visitors.
            Thebes, while larger than Paris, are ruled very differently, with an iron hand of a Tyrant whose right is made only through his might; his court (and royal meadery) is unprecedented in splendour, but achieves that by drawing most of the wealth from the whole city; similarly, Thebes suck the wealth out of the surrounding villages, which are poor, rundown places as a result, no independence or autonomy whatsoever, unlike in France - or in the Celtic tribes, for that matter. The Celt land is very different still, with a multitude of tribes inhabiting a huge area, the most numerous but least organized of the three civilizations. Even the seat of their leaders, Numantia, is little more than the largest tribe. In general, though, not all that much is known about the Celts, since, while not hostile, they're intensely proud and mistrustful of strangers. The fact that their way of life is very different of that of the more "civilized" societies of France and Egypt doesn't help either.

            The old world is largely in the Bronze Age, although this is bound to change sooner or later, as both the French and the Celts are experimenting with Iron and probably will cross the threshold into the Iron Age within a couple of centuries. Egypt is different. The art of smithing bronze had been known there since well before the written history, and Thebes are infamous for yet another reason, it's copper and gold mines where slaves are worked to death, digging up the metal needed by the upper castes. Therefore, there is little incentive to develop Iron in Egypt. Celts are unsurprisingly the least advanced, not knowing the writing, but they're not without tricks up their sleeves, either, already having developed sea travel which the Egypt didn't. The court of the Theban tyrant seems to be the most enlightened place in the known world, despite all the cruelty, which could mean that Egypt is going to advance faster than its neighbours.

            Theban military relies heavily on Bronze, with their highly trained Phalanxes, which are considered nigh-impossible to defeat when confronted head-on, but unsuitable for assaulting cities or treacherous terrain either, where their rigid formations won't do any good. Thebans are also know for their chariots and light cavalry, armed with bows, but neither of those are deployed in any serious numbers.
            The French have a very different model, with their parties of mounted men-at-arms, serving the local lords, exploring the vast but largely uninhabited territory. They're also famous for their Tolouse Archers, probably the most elite unit in the whole known world, highly secretive and armed with deadly longbows no one else knows how to manufacture.
            The Celt military is non-existant, which doesn't mean they're defenceless. With every village defended by courageous tribal warriors, their combined force might be easily comparable to that of the other two nations, if not even greater, by the virtue of sheer numbers and tenacity.
            Last edited by Max_Smirnov; February 16, 2013, 15:51.


            • Sir, you are improving my civilization (the French) more than I do myself. Please do not let me stop you from continuing with this.

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              • Well, the next such report will not appear before turn 100, I think


                • Well, considering the potantial distance on the map, pure enjoyment and our speed, we may consider one raport every 25 turns, can't we Max?

                  I'd love to do one for myself, yet... Writing just about myself is boring. But hopefully it shall change soon


                  • Considering we'll probably be on the verge of the industrial revolution by the turn 150, this might indeed be more interesting to make those reports every 25 turns


                    • Turn 63 played and sent

                      Citizens of Ikko Ikki grows uneasy. From around the world they receive informations about astonishing wonders being build. Especially by great nations of Russia and Indie. This makes them feel like leftovers. Even though their growth is acceptable, they feel like losing. That's why you can hear about few raising rebels at the borders. For now they are not a big issue. But what will happen in a future? People are unhappy. They want a change and sudden growth.
                      Looks like the days of Ikko are numbered.


                      • 69 played and sent.

                        The Ikko Ikki is no more.
                        A shogunate rules over Japan now.


                        • Originally posted by Eerion View Post
                          69 played and sent.

                          The Ikko Ikki is no more.
                          A shogunate rules over Japan now.
                          Welcome to the civilized world XD


                          • The tyrant of Thebes is puzzled about this whole "monarchy" thing. It seems needlessly complicated.


                            • 75 played and sent.
                              Here's my report. Hopefully Max will be able to publish his, even though he can't play from home for few weeks :/

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                              The existence of Japanese people is rather peaceful one. But it doesn't mean easy. There have been no wars here, since only a few dare to settle such rough terrains. Glacier and tundra are what you will usually see here. Colonies either cling to the few forests, or try to survive focusing on fishing. Trying to raise and harvest any crops is impossible here. Yet our civilisation slowly, but dares to conquer these frozen plains. These who manage to survive can easily become rich, thanks to the goods this land (and seas) host.


                              Whole continent is being ruled from Kyoto. One of world greatest cities has everything people could ask for. It's also by far the biggest city around, with thousands of inhabitants. It's possible only due to a perfect location - forest and sea provide people with everything they need.
                              For thousands of years, Japanese civilisation has been ruled by religion of Ikko Ikki. However, due to stagnation of science, they have been overhtrown recently. The new ruler call himself Shogun, and he quickly got rid of men he calls cultist - our old rulers. Even though he claimed the throne just recently, the difference in growth and education can already be noticed. It may be about time, since scouts have noticed a land far to the north. Apparently, if gods of the wind will be friendly, we may be able to reach it with the technology we already posess. This may allow our civilisation to develope even further. Hopefully these lands won't be bound by ice as most of our homeland...

                              Military and developement

                              As I have mentioned earlier - our science was in really bad shape. Cultits simply ignored it. Shogun try to make up for that period, yet based on reports we receive from time to time, rest of the world is way ahead of us. It makes us feel uneasy. Hopefully it will change over time, as did our priorities recently.
                              Our military force, on the other hand is doing well. We have scouts and garrisons in strategic points, what allow us to control our cities, as well as most of our continent. From time to time we have to face barbarian tribes, yet they are low in numbers, so their threat is insignificant.
                              The question is
                              What and who will we find on distant lands? Are our forces enough to maintain peace?
                              Or... to conquer?


                              • Damn, with no internet access, I can hardly reply to anything here.
                                I guess my next report won't arrive before turn 90, maybe 100...
                                Maybe it should be Solar's turn now, eh?

