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CTP PBEM Challenge Ladder -- Feb 2004

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  • Okay then!


    • Dimytes do you have all the first turns you have sent to me? If so could u post them here please. I think there is what 5?
      “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
      Or do we?


      • There is only one turn that I have tried to resend 3-5 times now the last 7 weeks in order to get the game going. Why do you need me to post the turn here also?

        Never mind, here you go again...

        ©Dimytes 2004
        Attached Files


        • There you go blackice. Now what?


          • Oh turn zero sent already. The rest will follow shortly.
            “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
            Or do we?


            • 87. Chlg 87 Dimytes vs. TheBirdMan Ended at turn 175.

              I defeated Birdman with 4xPG at turn 175.

              ©Dimytes 2004


              • Challenge match Blackice vs Dimytes started. Finally...
                Playing on a map created by someone else.

                May the best Viking win!

                ©Dimytes 2004


                • *87. Chlg 87 Dimytes def. TheBirdMan (4XPG); Started Mar-2004; Finished May-2004; Turns 175.

                  Congrats Dimytes! Look out!!! Dimytes the Viking is coming!! Hide your women and children!!!


                  • 94. Chlg 94 Dimytes vs. blackice; Started May-2004 -- In progress.


                    • Is ours a challenge Match Steve?
                      He's back after a fashion...


                      • Yes!

                        93. Chlg 93 quinns vs. Gavrushka ; Started May-2004 -- In progress.


                        • Originally posted by Dimytes
                          87. Chlg 87 Dimytes vs. TheBirdMan Ended at turn 175.

                          I defeated Birdman with 4xPG at turn 175.

                          ©Dimytes 2004
                          We did not have ONE single "accident" during the game, I only lost a few troops against the AIs in the start

                          And more, Dimytes actually won the game much earlier - with his excellent start and I getting stucked on a small usefull area with sea to three sides and a barrier of ice and babarians (the babarians was my own fault, I could just have kept my nose out of those damn ruins ) on the fourth, the game was his from something 'round turn 50-60.

                          BTW: Ice.

                          Blackice gave me a (small) lesson in his Island-game.

                          Originally mail from TBM to Blackice

                          Ok bad boy. I have opened the turn before eating dinner, and I did see just too much. My meal was spoiled.

                          It seems like you did beat me getting SOTL enough only 3-4 (or maybe 5) turns before I would have bullied you - but I will fight for a little longer (just to be sure you didn’t got some lucky punches).

                          Anyway, prepare for a rematch as this game was my first with that Island-setting you use.
                          Blackice had actually about 30 SOTLs he wrote, so I gave up at turn 139. The number of turns he was "ahead" of me in science was 12-15 I now guess.

                          Now I have to see for a "victim" or two to make my way back to the top of this ladder (for rematches against the top-dogs ) .
                          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                          • Now I am going down as no. 9..... let me see, that must be CheckMate.

                            I challenge YOU Checkmate!

                            And I am open for one game more.
                            Last edited by TheBirdMan; May 28, 2004, 01:02.
                            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                            • Ahhhhhhh, I've got too many games....
                              If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


                              • Better pick another one Birdie...keep reaching and you find one ripe for the slayin!!

                                Attached Files
                                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

