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AI & Diplomacy stuff...

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  • #46
    Hey, some good news for a change No, it doesn't look that's a problem. I think it should be alright.

    Hey, where you been hiding, Bart?
    Yeah, that does seem to be the case--and "ugly" sure as hell is the right word for it. Hideous even. Only as a last resort will I stick those units back in the city--and still, like you mentioned, it doesn't really solve's a treatment, not a cure.
    Son of a....
    I've tried different variations of said ugliness but no luck yet. I have all revelent variations that will, for example, yank back its troops if there's a Peace Treaty, if it's not gearing up to attack you (hot_war_prep), if it doesn't hate you, et cetera. There's 'some' and 'many' (my_incurions) options, but I don't think 'many' is really needed. Well, I have only one, the others are 'some.' Here is an example.
    // N: WAIS added (I'll leave your lands if we're at Peace
    // and I'm trespassing like a blindfolded drunk)
    and not yes_war
    and zero_at_war
    and yes_cease_fire
    and not hot_war_prep
    and not yes_alliance )

    Now, this should logically tell the AI to withdraw its troops if it's showing no respect for the borders and isn't at war with anyone (if it is at war with someone, I don't want to hamper its ability to fight, plus I've already added an extra line to increase hot_war against other AI civs, so that should be okay), et cetera et cetera. First, no, I didn't spell "incurions" wrong: that's how it's spelled in inputs (barely caught that one), while it should be "incursions"--with an 's'--I don't know whether this was deliberate, to set it apart somehow, or just a spelling error. The only mention like this is in diplomacy_begin, and if you look, you'll see it spelled without an 's.'
    Anyway, that doesn't matter cuz I don't know where to put this...or if it's even worded right. It looks right, but the error says UNKNOWN SET blah blah...doesn't get it. Might be that 'i_will_leave_his_lands' bit, maybe stick a 'yes_' in front of it. I dunno, if I knew where to put it.

    But I see what you're saying about the message box thing, Simpson. That does sound familiar somehow. But not quite. Hmmmm. Well, thanks for the suggestions, Bart

    Are you gettin any of this? This still could work, but I'm getting low on ideas--what do you know about this message box Slic thing? It's an empty message box you can enter code into...right?--what?--how?--when?--where?
    Anyone else...?


    "There can be no maximum of creation without a concomitant maximum of destruction, no supreme good without supreme evil"--Heller, paraphrasing Nietzsche.


    "Ich Wollen Antreffen Das Heilmittel!!!"

    "I SHALL FIND THE CURE!!!"--Nordicus, about WAIS (Wandering AI Syndrome).

    "Like Wes said...."

    [This message has been edited by Nordicus (edited November 03, 1999).]
    Existence is Futile.


    • #47

      I have not looked through the files you are working on but try using the logical operator && (two ampersands) instead of "and". At least that's what is used in C.

      Hope that helps.



      • #48
        Nordicus: I've been hiding from my project advisor, and trying to get some work done .

        Still, no need for that right now... You might want to check if i_will_leave_his_lands is a valid output. Only flags that appear in an output block can be used in this way. yes_i_will_leave_his_lands is an input, so no use.

        I've looked through most of the files and haven't found anything that looks like it will do this. It seems that the programmers decided to hard-code compliance, so unless someone wants to pull apart the AI com files (Uuugh), I don't believe there is an elegant way of doing this

        Not to depress you, of anything..


        • #49
          Hey! How's it going? I took a look at those units you sent---> excellent!, especially the infantry types. Really good work, but I'll email you later bout those.
          As for a double ampersand...????????????????
          Das Folgen Schein Es Bekummernis????
          Don't know whatcha mean, buddy. Thanks anyway--I know what C is, just not that familiar yet. Might not need it......

          "Why--You little...."
          Hey, Simpson.
          Waaaaay ahead of yeah (for once)...and O it was not elegant...not attractive but to the three-horned, big-red-butted sloth...ugly is the understatement....

          I HAVE FOUND THE CURE!!!"

          WAIS is dead! It's deeeeeeeeead!

          Okay, I had to do that. I really did.
          So, I found it, put it in, and tested 4800 years' worth on a EuroAsian size continent with 7 AI civs. 4 were close enough to do some serious trespassin' (and 2 were right beside me, in an earth map, France, Germany kinda way, and the other was Indonesia, who was closer to me (Germany)).
          Here is one example (of one variation) :
          input i_will_leave_his_lands
          tri yes_i_will_leave_his_lands(i_will_leave_his_lands, 1.5, 0.5)

          // N: WAIS added (I'll leave your lands if you're scary
          // and I'm not going to fight you)
          and peaceful
          and (afraid_of_him or terrified_of_him)
          and not hot_war_prep
          and not yes_alliance )
          I was extra nice in everyone in this game, (except two...alone on Swamp Island...really pathetic...don't wanna talk about that), to the remaining 12 civs, besides me, and France, my second closest neighbor, stayed off my territory. OFF MY TERRITORY!!!--4000 years I never saw them once near my cities or anything. I was astounded! Of course they were continually in love with me (had that heart all over their faces), which did it. As soon as my regard started falling, I started seeing their troops creeping up. All special units from varied civs got through.
          As for Indonesia, this was different: they were not so easily won over by gold and advances and maps as Christmas presents. They did do a bit of trespassing, and the angrier they became, the worse it got (three units, maximum, if you can call that 'worse'). And one knight took a long cruise by a few of my cities--I mistook it (green) for the Japanese (light blue...I was getting tired), warned Japan twice to get lost (of course they had no troops near me), so I killed the horse and immediately called up the Japanese to apologize. Yup. They were angry, nothing else. It was the Indonesians who were at war with me, and rightly so. 2,000 gold, 4 advances, and 5 maps later, they (Indonesians) came to look at me with that frowny face. That's as good as it got with them. The Japanese and Italians were scared of me and stayed away. Not one incursion (or 'incurion,' as it says for the AI).

          However, something was not right. The only war or conflict was with barbarians, and that one-time accident with the Indonesians. One freak war in 4800 years??? Never happened before in any Civ game that I've been in. Sure I was being nice and all...but the AI never attacked another AI. Not once.

          So, looks like I might have it but just need now to redefine the variations--> I forgot one for alliance, and one for AI to AI, as well as some general changes. Remember too that I was being extremely nice on purpose, cuz if you're warlike or insulting, it won't matter unless, say, you're scary to them or at war with someone or they're at war with someone.
          So, needs more testing: esp. the war part. Also, on a smaller landmass.

          But I'm exhausted, probably just rambling here, so talk to you guys tomorrow.


          "There can be no maximum of creation without a concomitant maximum of destruction, no supreme good without supreme evil"--Heller, paraphrasing Nietzsche.


          "Ich Wollen Antreffen Das Heilmittel!!!"

          "I SHALL FIND THE CURE!!!"--Nordicus, about WAIS (Wandering AI Syndrome).

          "Like Wes said...."

          Existence is Futile.


          • #50
            Don, Wes, Timothy:

            Hey, mandingas! I'm still waiting for the file--v.1.0 diplomacy_pre_incoming--not the v1.1 one. If you haven't gotten your mail yet, do not install v.1.1 diplomacy_pre_incoming unless you like syntax errors. There's one in there, regarding map exchanges or accepting treaties.

            Nevermind, Don just sent it
            Sorry to bother you.
            As you were


            "There can be no maximum of creation without a concomitant maximum of destruction, no supreme good without supreme evil"--Heller, paraphrasing Nietzsche.


            "Ich Wollen Antreffen Das Heilmittel!!!"

            "I SHALL FIND THE CURE!!!"--Nordicus, about WAIS (Wandering AI Syndrome).

            "Like Wes said...."

            Existence is Futile.


            • #51

              V1.1 diplomacy_pre_incoming fixed. I really like what I see, can't wait to start a game with it.

              CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


              • #52
                Okay, so the run-away Peace offering is fixed, and the AI should not offer one if you have an alliance.
                Also, again, in order to get coordinate efforts in WAIS prevention, please change your ctp_data/default/gamedata Const.txt file so that (near end of file, line 277)


                has a '10' after it, not '3.' I apologize for not recalling that earilier, but now is better than not at all ~_^
                Wes, if you're the Const-able (yuk yuk), then ship em out with the changed number.

                Sidenote: has anyone built a wormhole yet in any of your games? I haven't yet and I'm very curious to see how the AI will react to you (and other AIs) now that I've changed that. It should try like hell to steal tech. If another AI builds it, the reaction will be stronger (default is virtually nothing, but there should be some reaction, if not anywhere near the one when you build it). But let me know how this goes.

                Okay, talk later. Must eat now.

                Existence is Futile.


                • #53
                  Okay...I was just informed that the default was 10 already! Why the hell was it default 3 in my game?--this question is rhetorical.
                  So, alright, just make certain it's ten and no less.
                  Anyone who has the Awesome Aips v.1.11 be advised that Wes's latest aip files (which I just got now) were not in there and need to be added. From now on, all my updated files will be sent to Wes, who will then send them to you. Just a small mix up.
                  Sorry bout that. But it should all be together from now on, since I'm handing the distribution part over to Wes

                  Existence is Futile.


                  • #54

                    I'm looking at your Const.txt file. Here is the line from it:

                    LEAVE_OUR_LANDS_ROUNDS 3


                    I thought someone told me that it was set at default at 10?
                    I have the song "Mind Games" going through my head.
                    It's all a conspiracy!!
                    Get back to me on this please.
                    Existence is Futile.


                    • #55
                      Hey, everyone...

                      Here's the up-to-the-minute changes:

                      [Sidenote: since I found that last one confusing with all the ** and ## and other such symbols (I'm lazy), I changed it (yet again) so that now it makes more sense...or sense period ]

                      (--this file is responsible for loading all relevant data used by the AI at the start of its turn and beginning diplomacy; this is the 'main' diplomacy file and it's distinctive from the others; and the changes I've made are very briefly listed here...I could be more specfic, but that would take a while --anyway, to make the AI a worthy, intelligent, and humanlike opponent, we thought these changes were necessary--in all files mentioned here or those that will be--but a much more complex and detailed list can be made available if required, but just not for a while)

                      1. WAIS balance: stricter border policy
                      2. Lower Regard for fighting AI's friends
                      3. Fewer WAIS: AI "incurions" adjusted
                      4. Trust values changed (neutrality created)
                      5. Lower Regard between AIs' Treaties broken
                      6. Regard lost to 1st place AI: distrust added, less hate
                      7. Regard lost to 1st place human: distrust added, less hate
                      8. Stronger Reaction by AI to closeness and quantity of others on same continent
                      9. Stronger Reaction by AI to human special attack
                      10. Stronger Reaction " " " " many " attacks
                      11. Reaction to a little pirating less trust
                      12. Weaker Reaction by AI to human trespassing to balance--values lowered--still very little tolerance
                      13. Slightly weaker reaction to human some trespasses--but values changed
                      14. Stronger Reaction to human & AI trespassing, many
                      15. Weaker Reaction to one demand rejected (AI will be neutral)
                      16. Higher Regard for attacking AI's enemy (trust)
                      17. Stronger Reaction by AI to attack other AI
                      18. Stronger Reaction " " if human keeps word (trust)
                      19. A bit weaker Reaction " " if human breaks stop pollution ONCE--only once
                      20. A bit weaker Reaction " " if human attacks AI's friend ONCE--only once
                      21. Stronger Reaction " " if human builds wormhole--no trust, extreme cold war, etc.
                      22. Stronger " " " " AI builds wormhole
                      23. Higher Regard between AIs when human " "
                      24. Changed Regard lost to being human--if peaceful, neutrality by AI
                      25. Changed " " " " "--if warlike, less 'bad feeling,' more distrust
                      26. WAIS (Wandering AI Syndrome) Vaccine
                      27. Less Trust when attacking AI's friends
                      28. Added Regard setting for attack the AI if it does not remove troops from your territory (AI reaction will be slight), new "hate_attack" input
                      29. see 28 but for warlike civ
                      30. see 28 but for peaceful civ
                      31. see 28 but for alliances
                      32. see 28 but for Peace Treaty
                      33. Last place low Regard added for 1st warlike AI that considers last place civ (any) too close and too weak
                      34. see 33 but not very close (on same continent, however)

                      (--this file is responsible for determining the AI's reactions & regard, how it "feels" when X happens--such as, if you break a stop trespass agreement (and you're warlike and the AI doesn't like you or trust you and *whatever*), the AI will react to it according to its predefined code--in this simple example, it won't react in a very friendly at all.)

                      35. Neutral Regard for human Accepted greetings
                      36. Higher Regard for " Accepted advance demand
                      37. Higher Regard " " Accepted gold demand
                      38. Lower Regard " " Accepted stop pirate demand
                      39. Higher Regard " " Accepted attacking enemy of AI demand
                      40. Lower Regard if the AI Accepted human offer of gold
                      41. Lower Regard " " " Accepted " " " map exchange
                      42. Lower Regard " " " Accepted " " " map offer
                      43. Lower Regard " " " Accepted " " " ecopact offer
                      44. Loyality inputs (trust) added
                      45. More trust for keeping Stop Trespass agreement with AI
                      46. More trust for keeping Reduce Pollution agreement with AI
                      47. More trust for keeping Stop Piracy agreement with AI
                      48. More trust for keeping Attack Enemy agreement with AI
                      49. War-time advance exchange Regard: Neutral
                      50. War-time map exchange Regard: Neutral
                      51. Accepted Peace Treaty Regard adjusted
                      52. Accepted Cease Fire Regard adjusted

                      (--this is very much like diplomacy_accepted, except that it handles the 'Rejected' side of the coin.)

                      53. Stronger Reaction to human Rejected stop trespassing
                      54. Stronger Reaction " " Rejected attack enemy demand
                      55. Reaction to Rejected exchange advance neutral
                      56. Stronger " " Rejected " " (if AI-human equal)
                      57. Increased AI offering "Peace Treaty" (a peace-time "cease fire" agreement)

                      (--this file is responsible for handling "incoming" diplomacy: how the AI deals with you or other AIs.)

                      58. Increased AI attack on 3rd party
                      59. Increased Reaction to human demanding AI attack
                      60. Increased Reaction by AI to leave lands
                      61. Lower Regard by AI after Accepted map offer
                      62. Increased Reaction to Cease Fire offer
                      63. Increased Reaction " Peace Treaty offer
                      64. Increased Reaction " Alliances offer
                      65. Increased Reaction to exchange advance offer
                      66. Increased Reaction to map exchange offer
                      67. All Regard concerning maps Neutral
                      68. AI may Accept wartime map exchange
                      69. AI Response to "Leave Lands": added for like, love, or neutral Regard
                      70. see 69 but for trust
                      71. see 69 but if AI is last place
                      72. see 69 but if you (or the civ whose borders are being violated) are in 1st place

                      (--this file, similar to pre_incoming, is responsible for handing "outgoing" diplomacy.)

                      73. Increased AI demand for advances
                      74. Increased AI demand for gold
                      75. Increased AI demand to stop trade with...
                      76. Increased AI demand to attack enemy (if allied)
                      77. Increased AI demand to exchange advances
                      78. Map priority changed
                      79. Increased AI " " map exchange
                      80. Increased AI " " Peace Treaty-->
                      81. ...but not if allied
                      82. Increased AI " " Cease Fire
                      83. Increased AI demand to form alliance
                      84. Increased AI offers of Advance if AI is losing war--if AI is warlike
                      85. Increased AI offers of Advance if AI is losing war--if AI is peaceful
                      86. Increased AI offers of Gold if AI is losing war--if AI is warlike
                      87. Increased AI offers of Gold if AI is losing war--if AI is peaceful
                      88. Increased AI offers of exchanging Advances if AI is warlike
                      89. Increased AI offers of map exchanges if AI is at war--if AI is warlike
                      90. Increased AI offers of map exchanges if AI is at war--if AI is peaceful

                      Note that a lot of these are 'depending' or relative to whatever circumstances. The majority of default or CD's enhanced circumstances have not been changed. Some have been by necessity of the specific change or to keep the "fuzzy logic" rules applicable.

                      So, that's those five files.

                      "slaver.aip"--this file is responsible for defining the personality type of the Slaver. Changes include:

                      91. Intense desire to build Emancipation Act Wonder
                      92. More corporate, "greedy," behavior especailly after Emanc. Act wonder is built and slaves are freed
                      92. Increased interest in wonders that increase gold and trade
                      93. Increased interest in advances that increase gold and trade
                      94. Increased interest in city improvements that increase gold and trade

                      Changes to Barbarian behavior:
                      (files) "personalityBarbarian.fli," "diplomacyBarbarians.fli," "beginturnBarbarians.fli," and "barbarian.aip"--all of these comprise the AI Barbarian personality, which has been altered to become more intelligent and organized, as well as nearer to the other AI types' behavior..but this does not mean that they will be as smart as the others...the main changes are as follows...

                      1. Real diplomacy added
                      2. Barbarian city defenders added
                      3. Defense goals added
                      4. Siege goals added
                      5. Goody hut, Steal Tech, & Expel goals added
                      6. Unit priority normalized
                      7. Building choices normalized
                      8. Limited wonder building possibility (stress "possiblity")
                      9. Able to research all Advances
                      10. Production normalized

                      "personality.fli" files for WarMany, WarFew, SciMany, SciFew, Cleric, Slaver, and Barbarians have been changed to balance the AI offering Peace Treaties.

                      String text files--for the english/gamedata side.

                      "info_str.txt"--this file is responsible for sending to you many warnings, most messages, and a few diplomacy messages also...the changes here are entirely optional--any version of Awesome Aips will function just fine without this file or the next one ("dip_str.txt"); the changes are mainly just improvements with grammar, vocabulary, consistency, etc., as well as more interesting (not so dull or corny) and/or accurate for the situation. Again, the mod will function perfectly without it.
                      "dip_str.txt," the second string file, has been completely reworked. This file is responsible for all diplomatic phrases, statements, etc., seen during diplomacy. Due to the unique nature of this file's structure (randomness, for example, in responses), it has been very problematic getting most changes to take effect in the desired way. The crashes have been eliminated, but there are still (even though very few now) gramatical errors present noe and then--they are being corrected as they appear (with lower frequency), so hopefully none will exist by the time Awesome Aips is released.
                      Still, like the other string text file, the mod will work the same without this file. It is optional.
                      Since the AI behaved much smarter, I thought it necessary for it to sound smarter as well. The main changes include an expanded and varied AI vocabulary, less insulting terms, less mundane and monotonous reactions to exchanges, demands, etc., and generally an increased diplomatic tone from the AI.
                      The changes are way too numerous to list, so I thought I'd mention the gist of them here.




                      [This message has been edited by Nordicus (edited November 08, 1999).]
                      [This message has been edited by Nordicus (edited November 08, 1999).]

                      [This message has been edited by Nordicus (edited November 14, 1999).]
                      Existence is Futile.


                      • #56
                        Hey, people.

                        I found something interesting while inputting the new map sizes. Man, I thought my math was bad--talk about sloppy. I'll quote the original from "inputs.fli":

                        input size_of_world
                        tri a24_48_map(size_of_world, 1152, 250.0)
                        tri a32_64_map(size_of_world, 2048, 250.0)
                        tri a48_96_map(size_of_world, 4608, 250.0)
                        tri a64_128_map(size_of_world, 1152, 250.0)
                        tri a70_140_map(size_of_world, 8192, 250.0)
                        So what? Well, the line I italicized does not exist. There is no map inbetween "Small" and "Medium." But that doesn't matter--look at the two numbers in bold. The first is supposed to be the total area of the world for a 64 X 128 (Large) map. I know I had to use a calculator, but this should be 8192, and 70 mulitiplied by 140 is 9800, not 8192.
                        So, it appears as though the AI has been confused concerning the size of the world--the Large map is a Small map, and the Gigantic map is a Large map.
                        I'd be confused too.
                        Anyway, that's fixed now:

                        // N: new map sizes added, old ones corrected--8/11/99
                        input size_of_world
                        tri a24_48_map(size_of_world, 1152, 250.0)
                        tri a32_64_map(size_of_world, 2048, 250.0)
                        tri a48_96_map(size_of_world, 4608, 250.0)
                        tri a64_128_map(size_of_world, 8192, 250.0) // corrected..N
                        tri a70_140_map(size_of_world, 9800, 250.0) // corrected..N
                        tri a86_172_map(size_of_world, 14792, 250.0)
                        tri a102_204_map(size_of_world, 20808, 250.0)
                        tri a118_236_map(size_of_world, 27848, 250.0)
                        tri a134_268_map(size_of_world, 35912, 250.0)
                        tri a150_300_map(size_of_world, 45000, 250.0)
                        tri a166_332_map(size_of_world, 55112, 250.0)
                        tri a182_364_map(size_of_world, 66248, 250.0)
                        tri a198_396_map(size_of_world, 78408, 250.0)
                        tri a214_428_map(size_of_world, 91592, 250.0)
                        tri a230_460_map(size_of_world, 105800, 250.0)
                        tri a246_492_map(size_of_world, 121032, 250.0)
                        I also inputted more players (32), so I'm going to check that out soon here.
                        Existence is Futile.


                        • #57

                          Two things I got to know.

                          1) When the radar coverage is off, does the 246x492 map look normal in the map window?

                          2) How long does a 246x492 game last?

                          I would love to try this sometime and could probably handle it. Although, I can't help but wonder how many low-end computers would grind to a halt while playing a 32-Civ, 246x492 map game. In the later part of the game, it seems like the poor AI would be huffing and puffing and take 10 minutes to cycle through all the Civs.
                          CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


                          • #58

                            1. Don't know. Haven't tried the 246 X 492 yet. I've redone all the colors in the 'radar' map to reflect the terrain's actual colors. But in the 182 X 364 (the size I'm now using) map, everything looks okay to me: the white square cursor thing in the 'radar' map that you move around with your 'hand' gets smaller when the map sizes increase; the general view is alright--you can see whoever's cities, et cetera, but you have to look harder if the civ's color is similar to the terrain it's near; and of course the larger the map, the smaller things appear. I've gotten use to that by now though.

                            2. Well, like I said, I have yet to try that one. I'm fine actually with this size now. I don't see the point in using bigger ones now since this one (182 X 364) can house a perfect Earth map game--all the details and islands and ocean-land proportions are fantastic, beautiful. Even with the old 118 X 236 one there was no way to have the Atlantic in proportion with the Pacific (unless you wanted anorexic continents)...and I always had to oversize Japan and England, and other islands so that the AI could house enough cities on it to compete. It's wonderful--if I'm Russia, no hassles from Egyptian troops in -2000! The feel is very realistic, I find. Especially the oceans--takes a long time to cross the Pacific.

                            This 'inputs.fli' can be included in the mod: it doesn't change map sizes but makes it possible to have them and now to have the AI comprehend the size of the world. The civs inputted are, again, not changing anything, but like the maps the AI will understand how many players are in the game.

                            Additional code could be added later to force the AI to use a specific strategy in *whatever* size world against *whatever* number of civs.
                            But not right now.

                            I'm trying 29 civs now (which should be cool when the new AIP personality types are put in later), and it's a bit slow. On my system, as you know a PIII 450, it takes about a minute or two for the initial load setup. With 16 civs it took about 15-30 seconds for the AI to finish a turn. Now, with 29, it takes probably a little over a minute to complete its turn. Not bad considering the massive world it has to crunch.
                            Ah, my strategy works fine--half the civs aren't around in the latter half of the game, so there's not that much to shuffle

                            Yeah, I just tried putting in new colors for all 32 civs in Colors00.txt and afterward, I received a crash and an error saying that "expected close brace" was "missing" in line 90. ("ERROR DURING PARSE.") I farted around with it for a while, but it seems as though a guy can't put colors in for more than 16 players.
                            I had a terrain/goods flashback and had to leave it, put in the old file.

                            calm blue ocean
                            calm blue ocean
                            calm bl.....

                            Sure. Once the 'inputs' file is included, all you need to do is go into Const.txt, find the map sizes and punch in the sizes you want. The four sizes have to increase by multiples of 16 and 32, as in

                            48 X 96
                            (+16) (+32)
                            64 X 128

                            and so on. Also, the map.txt has to changed or I could send you mine.

                            Existence is Futile.


                            • #59
                              Nordicus: Brilliant!! Setting an input from within the flis.. I don't believe I've ever seen anything like this in any of the files. Certainly would never have occured to me. I can't decide whether the programming was sloppy or just incredibly elegant, lol!

                              I'm not surprised about there being no wars - the AI must think it always has a peace treaty, the poor thing.

                              So congratulations on proving me so wrong !


                              • #60
                                This is great work, Nordicus. Send this to me, and I will put it the rest of the stuff. You will probably want to include a detailed explanation of your work on this file in the readme. I didn't really understand what you meant until your follow-up posts here.

