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Apolyton Pack, coming soon to a ctp installation near you... :)

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  • #16
    Mark, I think there may be an error in the uniticon.txt I mailed you. I'm at work right now, so I can't check it, but maybe you could? In uniticon.txt find ICON_SPY_PLANE and see if the tga entries are both UPU098.tga (or UPU099.tga, I don't remember which one was the satellite). I know I fixed this for the new units at the end of uniticon.txt but I think I may have forgotten this one because it's in the middle of the file.


    • #17
      this is the line
      ICON_UNIT_SPY_PLANE "CU099F.tga" "CU099A.avi" "GACDU057.txt" "HICDU057.txt" "PRCDU057.txt" "VACDU057.txt" "UPUA99.tga" "STCDU057.txt"
      what should it be?


      • #18
        Changes are bold:

        ICON_UNIT_SPY_PLANE "UPU099.tga" "CU099A.avi" "GACDU057.txt" "HICDU057.txt" "PRCDU057.txt" "VACDU057.txt" "UPU099.tga" "STCDU057.txt"


        • #19
          just a news update...
          we are now at v0.35, Zaz's and Upsala's maps have been added, and Paul has made several corrections here and there

          TP has promised us PowerSlics 1.8 for Wednesday, which means that we could be finished by the weekend

          I'm also waiting for a response from Activision, to see if we can do something about the colors00.txt


          • #20
            I was reading a post in the General forum that CD's slic.slc file negated some of the benefits of the new slic.slc in the 1.2 patch. Have you (or anyone) confirmed this? Or will PowerSLIC overwrite CD's slic.slc so it becomes a non-issue?

            Big Dave
            Any flames in this message are solely in the mind of the reader.


            • #21

              I think the only changes are some references to helpboxes for new units and the fundamentalism. Nothing which should make the MOD unusable at all as CD's MOD also includes Great Library updates where you get the same information.

              My SCRIPT.SLC file is based on patch 1.2 and PowerSLICs 1.80 but does not include those above described tiny little helpboxes. Markos may implement them manually in, but honestly I would not care the effort. As I said, all necessary information is also included in the GL files.

              [This message has been edited by TP (edited August 30, 1999).]


              • #22
                I don't understand why you need to change the gl text files, and the corresponding *icon.txt files. The update only had about 6 gl entries, none of which conflicted with CD's mod.


                • #23
                  the gl files of CD's mod initially had default names. since the scenario pack is not fully working, the gl files need to be in the default folder which means that if they have the default names they will be used in normal games(e.g. even if you dont choose to play with the pack)
                  renaming them solves this issue


                  • #24
                    I realiized that after I thought about it a while. This new scenario pack system isn't going to be any cure-all, is it? Well, I just don't have the inclination right now to rename all the icon.txt files and then all the gl files that I use. If someone wants to use another mod which would overwrite some of my files, the person can do that, and then unzip mine back in later.

                    I'm tired of making mods for now. Unless I get reports of things going wrong with it, and just going to sit back and enjoy the game for a while.


                    • #25
                      thanks a lot Alanus!

                      Thomas has just sent me the german files, it seems that along with the release of the Apolyton Pack, there will be ready the German Add-on with everything(scenario descriptions, GL texts, help tests, TP's messages) in German

                      As said in a mail, the French texts will be a separate "add-on"

                      As for your other file, np, I'm expecting it..


                      • #26

                        How come I couldn't file a help_str.txt in the ApolytonPack, since it has to be modified to be in line with CD's mod. Is there any particular reason not to include it ? I already read something about that somewhere, but couldn't find it.

                        Anyway, I have everything here to localize it easily, so I'll joined it to the other French localized files.

                        It's getting late and I'm too tired to finish tonight - sorry you'll have to wait.

                        Si vis pacem, para bellum (9 mm)


                        • #27
                          Alanus, all new strings(which where in various *_str.txt files) are now in ap_str.txt

                          dont worry about not geting it immediately, the pack is on hold for a couple more days....


                          • #28
                            To MarkG,

                            I downloaded the files you prepared for me, and I'll work on the French translation ASAP. Unfortunately, I cannot commit on a date, due my professional and personal schedule being quite full, but if there is not too much tricks with localization, it shouldn't take that long (in amount of work). Anyway, TP did a great job by opening this path with its German version, so if I have problems, I know who to ask.

                            So, I think it's wise that you decided to supply German and French as add-ons not to delay the whole thing.

                            First, I'll finish a French add-on for US patch 1.2 for the regular game, i.e. with everything on the GUI in French, that I'll e-mail to you, hopefully tonight. It you be kind of you if you could add it to the list of downloadable files from this site. Obviously, this is a workaround for not having yet the French patch 1.2, and it should be discarded as soon as Activision releases the official one. Anyway, I have to do this job first in order to fully localize the ApolytonPack in French, since it is based on 1.2.

                            So, let's work now
                            Si vis pacem, para bellum (9 mm)


                            • #29

                              actually, now that I'm rested, I noticed that too, and why it was done that way, as explained earlier in this thread. So, everything is allright.

                              Another suggestion for the Apolyton Pack : it would be nice to have all readme files renamed "README Who.txt". Like that they would be easier to locate when one open the .zip file (though, as they are all in the same directory, sorting by directory will do the same). Anyway, first thing people are looking for is a README file that start by ... README
                              Si vis pacem, para bellum (9 mm)


                              • #30

                                I posted to your attention the French add-on for Patch 1.2.
                                Si vis pacem, para bellum (9 mm)

