Next steps on Tutorial
My plan for the weekend is to get the Dawn1 tutorial as far along as possible. Thanks for the good suggestions everyone! I hope to release a version of the testbed with a mostly-functional tutorial in it by the end of the weekend (my time). There is a lot of writing I can do before I see any code improvements, and I'm starting on that as soon as this small list is done. But to actually have the writing do anything in the game there are some features I need, mostly involving bulletins.
I think I can get far with bulletins that just pop up at specified turns. I don't think we need all the other trigger stuff we discussed before for the first run-through of the tutorial. Here are my requests for bulletins, Gary. The sooner the better on these...
1. Bulletins that pop up on a specified turn, as mentioned above. If their turn has come and gone, can we have them automatically dispel themselves, or is that too much work to be worth it at this point?
2. A way to specify the upper left position of a bulletin, and perhaps its size
3. When several bulletins come up in a turn, the current method where earlier ones are offset and on top of others is fine, but each turn that position counter for where the bulletins appear by default should be reset. That avoids the current issue of the bulletins slowly working their way off the screen as more and more are presented.
Other than these, I guess the highest priorities are:
fixing the bugs reported by e-mail 6/20/02
getting barb incursions working (#8 in the list)
fixing bug 141 where roads aren't used for movement properly
getting the military costs rebalanced, which Laurent is working on now.
My putting in of education having an effect on tech somehow got lost in the code updates. I will put it back in sometime this weekend.
What else do we need? I think most of it is in the list above, and great strides have been made on much of it, thanks especially to Gary.
It's great to see this getting close!
My plan for the weekend is to get the Dawn1 tutorial as far along as possible. Thanks for the good suggestions everyone! I hope to release a version of the testbed with a mostly-functional tutorial in it by the end of the weekend (my time). There is a lot of writing I can do before I see any code improvements, and I'm starting on that as soon as this small list is done. But to actually have the writing do anything in the game there are some features I need, mostly involving bulletins.
I think I can get far with bulletins that just pop up at specified turns. I don't think we need all the other trigger stuff we discussed before for the first run-through of the tutorial. Here are my requests for bulletins, Gary. The sooner the better on these...
1. Bulletins that pop up on a specified turn, as mentioned above. If their turn has come and gone, can we have them automatically dispel themselves, or is that too much work to be worth it at this point?
2. A way to specify the upper left position of a bulletin, and perhaps its size
3. When several bulletins come up in a turn, the current method where earlier ones are offset and on top of others is fine, but each turn that position counter for where the bulletins appear by default should be reset. That avoids the current issue of the bulletins slowly working their way off the screen as more and more are presented.
Other than these, I guess the highest priorities are:
fixing the bugs reported by e-mail 6/20/02
getting barb incursions working (#8 in the list)
fixing bug 141 where roads aren't used for movement properly
getting the military costs rebalanced, which Laurent is working on now.
My putting in of education having an effect on tech somehow got lost in the code updates. I will put it back in sometime this weekend.
What else do we need? I think most of it is in the list above, and great strides have been made on much of it, thanks especially to Gary.

It's great to see this getting close!
