Sorry for a late reply:
Each civ (player) has a nationality also (its govt really). For your militia issue, I'd compare EG's nationality with govts' nationalities (the govts controling the troops in battle, that is).
For example: A player controls the roman govt. Roman civ (govt) controls vasts areas where lots of nationalities coexist. Now an outside celt kingdom attacks a roman province where EGs with celt nationality live in. Since there's a match between EGs nationality and the invading army (and a mismatch with current govt controling the province), you can create a celt militia joining invaders.
Sorry for a late reply:
Each civ (player) has a nationality also (its govt really). For your militia issue, I'd compare EG's nationality with govts' nationalities (the govts controling the troops in battle, that is).
For example: A player controls the roman govt. Roman civ (govt) controls vasts areas where lots of nationalities coexist. Now an outside celt kingdom attacks a roman province where EGs with celt nationality live in. Since there's a match between EGs nationality and the invading army (and a mismatch with current govt controling the province), you can create a celt militia joining invaders.