The Clash of Civilizations Project
My apologies for all the shouting, but new people to the forum were having trouble finding the basic info on what's going on with the project.
What's going on:
This is a project for a civ-like game (but Not a clone) called The Clash of Civilizations.
Your first stop should be at the Clash Web Site. It's Packed with information on where we are right now, and where we're going!
Our Forum for suggestions and working out a design spec is Right Here. Please comment on things you like or don't like. Make alternative suggestions, its an open mike
If you just want to say a quick hi, and maybe ask one or two general questions, please use the... The Clash forum guestbook v.2.
And if you're interested in helping out by responding to our poll about Clash's design, then please go to: Give us feedback - answer our questions!
Clash Status:
The overall design of the game is fairly far along, although there are still quite a few areas weak on smaller details. Coding is fairly advanced in many areas like the Map, Military, Economy, Technology and Social/Government. Our latest demo to acid-test our game models and interfaces is available off the web page. Please note the demos are to give the team and outsiders a Very early chance at commenting on the design, and are Nowhere Near the finished product!
Gary Thomas is now organizing the coding (as of about 4/01). He maintains good professional coding standards, and is implementing as much as he can as fast as he can. Laurent is developing the military model code, and I've done a lot on economy and social/government, but am in the process of turning it over to Gary. There is also continuous work on several models that are in the latest demo, or will be in its immediate successor.
We are now using a 'radical' programming/design approach where we will try to release new versions frequently for comment and bug-hunting etc. This approach relies less on design docs, and more on a 'living' evolution of the game design as the coding progresses. A release with major new features is expected every few months!
The game as it stands is not as far along as we'd like it to be! We all want something Really playable. But as the coding progresses, there are a lot of ways that good thoughts in the design area can still seriously influence the final game at this point. So we want to hear from you!
This is your chance to comment on a civ-like game to someone who will Really Listen. To get your comments in the right places, so they can have the maximum effect, please look over the model on the appropriate web page area First, and post in the most recent thread.
Note: For people who aren't familiar with Apolyton, there are a Lot of good ideas for changes in civ-like games in the other forums. If you look at posts for the last year you'll see a Lot of interesting suggestions.
And finally if you want more info, but don't want to read more than a few pages, check out the Clash of Civilizations Feature on Alt Civs. It duplicates some of the info above, but does add a fair amount of detail to what you've already seen.
Mark Everson
Clash of Civilizations Highlights
- Type of game: Whole-History 4x TBS
- Play types: Single & Multi- Player
- Design goals: Killer AI, Reduced Micromanagement, More Realistic Feel
- Distribution type: Shareware
- Current version: Demo 7.1
- Scheduled release date: Oct 2003? (but fairly playable even now, and getting better with every demo!)
- Platforms: All! (Anything that will run Java)
- Programming language: Java
- Need of help?: Yes, Clash can abuse your help in virtually any area
- Graphics: 8-bit
- Map: Isometric / Cylindrical
- Tiles: Square (polygons planned for the future)
- Unique/generic civs: Unique or Generic, depending on scenario design
- Victory types: Varies (player set)
- Number of max civs: Unlimited (player set)
- Simultaneous moves: Yes
- Customizable units: Yes
- Borders: Yes
- Tile improvement model: Similar to public works in CTP, but much more sophisticated
- Stacks/tactical combat: Stacks / automatic tactical combat that takes into account player orders
- Goverments: Detailed Government model including internal power struggles
- Contact: Mark Everson -- markeverson@comcast.net
- Web page: http://clash.apolyton.net/frame/index.shtml
- Mirror Web page: http://cullivan.com/coc/frame/index.shtml
- Discussion: Clash of Civilizations forum on Apolyton
[edit Dec 14, add link to Clash feature on Alt Civs]