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  • yellowdaddy
    First off, I was under the impression that Clash was intending to be a game that would be able to random-generate a world. (See the Map Generator model on the website) and even liked the picture (Map Generator link under Screen Shots).

    If this is so, then what of names. (snip)

    I don't have a good answer for that one. We'll have to try some different approaches and see what people like. Personally I prefer real-world names, even if they don't match the geography.
    Oh yes we do - one of my earlier posts... ... check it out.

    specifically here:

    the solution was in summery:

    have a fixed list of (at the last count) 72 Ethnic "peoples"
    based mostly fairly accurately on the ethnolinguistic families of the Human race.

    For each we have an equal vocab list for each language group to generate place names, and even people names.

    there was also the proposal to have a bit of code which would simulate language evolution by changing consonants and vowels on the vocab list in a regularised way. New tribes and civs would take their names from people and places thus generated.

    So, basically, Stormbeard, your idea has already been posted and tossed about by Laurant and I last year... so I'd see if you can convince him first...

    btw, there is a thread called "the language thread" and it's not that old.

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  • Mark_Everson
    Hi Stormbeard, welcome to Clash, and thanks for giving us your thoughts.

    Originally posted by Stormbeard
    (snip) I'd like to ask about the Licencing of Clash. I have failed to find a licence anywhere.
    I would Suggest GPL or LGPL, but if you have reasons for staing away from Open Source, then tell me.
    All the code is CR the team. Perhaps we should have a license, but the current code is so far from the final version that it didn't seem necessary. I guess we should come up with one and put it in the d/l. We are not open source. This has been discussed often. Search under GPL Or "open source" if you want to see the discussions.

    First off, I was under the impression that Clash was intending to be a game that would be able to random-generate a world. (See the Map Generator model on the website) and even liked the picture (Map Generator link under Screen Shots).

    If this is so, then what of names. (snip)
    I don't have a good answer for that one. We'll have to try some different approaches and see what people like. Personally I prefer real-world names, even if they don't match the geography.

    I don't think we should discuss this in detail in this thread. How about in the "scenarios" thread? It is On the subject of scenarios.

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  • Stormbeard
    Original Post:

    First off, hi, I've been lurking about the Clash Project for, er, a few years now ... In that time, I have occasionaly been trying (and failing) to get the Demo working on my W2k workstation.

    So, since the topic of this thread is to create a thread more about Clash in general, and the project's orientation in general, I'd like to ask about the Licencing of Clash. I have failed to find a licence anywhere. This means Clash is Public Domain? That's dangerous.... (Did you know what happened to BSD? They had their code absorbed into Windows, with just a little mention deep in the code that no-one ever sees, and that windows is still copyright by Microsoft) You could have some corporation make an insignificant change to Clash, and claim it as it's copyright...

    I would Suggest GPL or LGPL, but if you have reasons for staing away from Open Source, then tell me.

    More posts coming *very* soon.

    Now, Mark is right, this ought to not have been posted the way I posted it... I just forgot there was that main thread, but it *was* cluttered (the Clash Overview thread). It really ought to get cleaned up. (all those single-word bumps...)

    Anyway, I have some general things about clash to discuss.

    First off, I was under the impression that Clash was intending to be a game that would be able to random-generate a world. (See the Map Generator model on the website) and even liked the picture (Map Generator link under Screen Shots).

    If this is so, then what of names. If Clash would create a whole new world for a game, then what would it do about Ethnic Groups, city names, and province names? Even in a scenario starting from a historically accurate time, there might be splinter groups according to the current models. Thus, you have things appearing during the game needing names.

    If you follow the "traditional" approach (Using RL names) then you can have very strange and even misleading things happen. You could have the Russian Republic defending it's myriad of islands with triremes against the onrushing Aztec hordes or something...

    Then there is the easy, boring approach: The great and Glorious civilization of EG002.

    Or you could use random (or not quite random) groups of syllables. This gets interesting, because you could possibly program in a certain style for each language. For example the XacTec culture might name it's cities similarly (DacPak, LacPak, MoomPak, etc.), it's provinces another way (XacLos, XacMoom, XaxDac, etc.), and it's characters in another manner (Blort dos MoomPak, Port dos LacPak, etc.). This could get quite complicated- both a plus for immersion (in some ways) and a difficulty for coding...

    You could also combine that with player interaction, so a player might input a preferred name ending (that could be an empty string), etc. There could even be a set deviation from the standard shown above..

    I would have posted this elsewhere, but there didn't seem to be any single thread where this belonged, and it was pretty general.

    I will discuss my Demo issues on the demo thread now (like a good boy )

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  • yellowdaddy
    I have 3 days off at Easter to launch a severe attack some belgian chocolate Easter Eggs!

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  • Gary Thomas
    Hmmm. That's a thought. On the other hand, I would have to save 150,000 litres of paint to pay them, and I don't think I have quite that much on my trousers.

    On the good side, I have 10 days off at Easter and intend to launch a severe attack on save/restore.


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  • LDiCesare
    Maybe if you didn't waste paint on your trousers you wouldn't have to buy so much paint and would be able to pay them?

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  • Gary Thomas
    I didn't mean to imply that IRD sends people to jail because they are too old. Actually it is my advanced age that has caused them to show an extremely rare burst of mercy. And mainly they don't think they can get all that money out of me anyway...


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  • Gary Thomas
    It is waiting on me to finish the save/restore, and I just got paint on my best trousers from painting the south wall of my bar. On the other hand, it rather appears that inland revenue are not going to send me to jail because I am too old.


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  • yellowdaddy

    Could we have a project status report on the forum please?

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  • yellowdaddy
    aye, well Scots English and a smattering of Gaelic anyway!

    so I might go for DST? (De smaoinachadh thu?)

    and I could always change my name to athairbhuaidh

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  • wombat42
    But I wouldn't lose sleep over it. Don't have to post in the mother-tongue... Besides, your English is impeccable. I would have guessed you're a native speaker. Still might be, despite the flag and the name.

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  • wombat42
    Or possibly "VPAVPA" (vous pourriez avoir votre propre avis). VPA squared.

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  • Gary Thomas
    This is a sticky thread - you don't need to bump it. The ones that need bumping from time to time are all the polygon threads...


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  • yellowdaddy
    if you're french, shouldn't you put something like "QQTP"? (quest-ce que tu pense?)

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  • LDiCesare
    Bump: Action of unearthing a thread that sunk too deep (hasn't had any posting for a while).
    YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary (also known as you may have a different opinion).

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