First off, I was under the impression that Clash was intending to be a game that would be able to random-generate a world. (See the Map Generator model on the website) and even liked the picture (Map Generator link under Screen Shots).
If this is so, then what of names. (snip)
I don't have a good answer for that one. We'll have to try some different approaches and see what people like. Personally I prefer real-world names, even if they don't match the geography.
First off, I was under the impression that Clash was intending to be a game that would be able to random-generate a world. (See the Map Generator model on the website) and even liked the picture (Map Generator link under Screen Shots).
If this is so, then what of names. (snip)
I don't have a good answer for that one. We'll have to try some different approaches and see what people like. Personally I prefer real-world names, even if they don't match the geography.
specifically here:
the solution was in summery:
have a fixed list of (at the last count) 72 Ethnic "peoples"
based mostly fairly accurately on the ethnolinguistic families of the Human race.
For each we have an equal vocab list for each language group to generate place names, and even people names.
there was also the proposal to have a bit of code which would simulate language evolution by changing consonants and vowels on the vocab list in a regularised way. New tribes and civs would take their names from people and places thus generated.
So, basically, Stormbeard, your idea has already been posted and tossed about by Laurant and I last year... so I'd see if you can convince him first...
btw, there is a thread called "the language thread" and it's not that old.
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