quote:![]() It worries me that this system does not shut off technologies. When a civilization is researching interstellar space travel it will still be allocating research point to the development of the bow and arrow. ![]() |
The current tech tree is designed so that this is not a problem. The Bow is an Application, and the relevant technology would be "Ranged Weapons" among other things. A bow might come at Ranged Weapons level 10 and Woodworking level 15. A plasma rifle might come at Ranged Weapons level 150 and Particle Physics level 140.
But some custom designed tech trees might require temination of some sort. I guess there could be a flag that simply stops advancement at a certain level, holds the level where it is, and cuts the tech out of the RP allocation. But if we are not careful, the players will aim for those points so they don't have to spend the RP on upkeep.
quote:![]() The only way that I can think of to get around this problem is to have an Activity object holding a list of technologies, and the proportion to go to each. Then, when it signals to the Technology object, it can work out the correct percentages. ![]() |
I assumed that was the plan all along. The Activity objects were meant to distribute the RP's using data they gathered from the other objects.
quote:![]() The connection between the actual unit or building, and the tech hierarchy can be achieved in one of two ways: 1. Inheritance. Every "thing" which is an Application inherits from a base Activity class. 2. Containment. Every "thing" which is an Application contains an Activity object, as described above, with the required properties.[q] I don't understand why there is a direct connection between Activities and Applications. Activities determine how RP's are distributed to Technologies. The Technologies turn those RP's into tech levels. The tech levels then determine application effectiveness. The only direct connection I can think of is that creating an Application using the Economy model will generate RP's that are assigned to an Activity, since each Application is created by devoting resources to an Infraclass. I don't know the proper programming terms very well, so please don't assume that I am telling you how to do something. I'm just trying to explain how we want the model we designed to work. If something I ask for is too difficult too implement, we can certainly make a few changes. [q]The second option is much the better one, since it is more reasonable to have a military unit inherit from another military unit. ![]() |
I don't understand this one. Does it mean that you want one unit to be a prerequisite for another in the tech tree?
quote:![]() In addition, this option allows an Application to be influenced by more than one Activity, which can only add power to the game. ![]() |
This already happens indirectly. Technologies are influenced by one or more Activities, and Applications are influenced by one or more Technologies.