Cool, we'll try the XML for now, if it doesn't work out, I'll do that tech builder. I'll send you a sample file soon.
I think many players will actually want to see the tag strength that goes into various things. Of course, I could be wrong. But given the amount of micromanagement people are willing to put into Civ...
I still favor using the same scale for all technologies. Some players Will want to see a big readout of all the tech levels. I'm one of them
. The reason is that a lot of the effect of the technology Web depends on achieving specific numbers. If I am racing for Gunpowder, I want to know how close I am! It's not historically accurate, but its IMO and important feature in 4X type games. I agree that the kind of more-realistic interface that you are looking for will appeal to many players. But I think there are also many who will want more details. I expect we'll need to do both. Anyway, playtesting and opinions from the public are needed to resolve this IMO.
Thanks for the info Laurent! That will indeed make the files easier to read. Have you got a parser that will read this kind of XML? Or do they all? Thanks also for the < > trick!
Cool, we'll try the XML for now, if it doesn't work out, I'll do that tech builder. I'll send you a sample file soon.
I think many players will actually want to see the tag strength that goes into various things. Of course, I could be wrong. But given the amount of micromanagement people are willing to put into Civ...
I still favor using the same scale for all technologies. Some players Will want to see a big readout of all the tech levels. I'm one of them

Thanks for the info Laurent! That will indeed make the files easier to read. Have you got a parser that will read this kind of XML? Or do they all? Thanks also for the < > trick!