P.S. -- if anyone wants to keep an eye on coding progress, the working version will be kept Here.
This is a glance into the internal development of a piece of software, so if you're expecting polish and shine you'll be disappointed. But feel free to make any comments, just don't be too harsh in your judgment, not yet. There's a fully working datamodel underneath, you just can't see it yet!
But you can get a look at the style of the GUI I'm building. I'm working on integrating the 'real' map grafix right now.
This is a glance into the internal development of a piece of software, so if you're expecting polish and shine you'll be disappointed. But feel free to make any comments, just don't be too harsh in your judgment, not yet. There's a fully working datamodel underneath, you just can't see it yet!
But you can get a look at the style of the GUI I'm building. I'm working on integrating the 'real' map grafix right now.