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  • #31

    Well, you will find differing opinions on the difficulty of picking up programming. I am assuming that what programming you have done seemed relatively 'easy' to you. IMO if that is true, for java and Clash, with some help defining objects, you could quickly pick up enough to work on model 'guts'. That means just the equations and interrelation between objects in a model. Specifics for graphics and GUIs require more knowledge and experience.

    Definitely the tech model should, as you say, be priority 1. If you're getting to slow points in it (I can't say we're anywhere near the end yet ) let me know if you are interested and we can find a good book for you, etc.
    Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
    A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
    Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


    • #32
      As the starter of this thread I am very amused to see it resurrected after 8 months.

      Since then there was indeed released a demo for download. I gave it a look but was unable to reserve enough time to figure out how it worked.

      A word for everybody considering to learn a programming language:
      To learn any language is not difficult, especially if you know someone who can help you if you are in trouble. But it is difficult to think in algorithms and it requires years to become able to transfer a problem into math and loops.
      So if somebody has to learn his first programming language he cannot serve any _current_ project in the world. Only future projects.

      To Mark: I have the same problem as you: Programmers show up, I explain everything to them and then they disappear turning my invested efforts into wasted time. - Did you find a way to distinguish reliable persons from unreliables?

      3DTT - 3D Transport, Traffic and Economy simulation - Alpha 7.0 coming soon


      • #33

        Well I haven't got a detailed list, but here are some things off the top of my head.
        We need a full-time Diplomacy lead. With the web site Kull just doesn't have the time to do Diplomacy also.
        Rodrigo is working on a revised government model, and I'm sure he would welcome your input.
        TK is working on a revised and simplified social model, again I'm sure he would like someone to help out with that area.

        This is not to say that your present role of roving contributor is not also valuable!
        That's because many of the people doing the work on particular models consequently don't have the time to look at the whole picture. I try to, and Man does it take a huge amount of time... So having another brain around that has the time to look at the whole picture is very useful.


        Like you I haven't found a way to determine the good investments from the bad. I have had rules of thumb at one point or another for what sort of person was most likely to rise above the general unreliability of recruits. But no rule has stood the test of time. And what's worse, I haven't come up with any way to determine whether a person is reliable or not without actually going through all the investment steps...
        Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
        A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
        Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


        • #34
          Hi everybody!

          I was off for 3 days, at a ski resort on Mt. Parnassos, not far from the Oracle of Delphi...
          At last I learned how to ski but now my whole body is acking...
          Now I find myself plunged again in the usual routine, concerning my studies, my involvement in politics and my participation in these forums. None of these is of course unpleasant for me, but I am feeling some kind of lag. I am now trying to synchronise myself with Clash too, like I did with my other activities for the rest of today.

          Enough about me - to the point:

          Richard Bruns: Why bother with the civ3 forums when the job is already done for us? The Apolytoner's ideas for civ3 have been compiled by Xin Yu and are available in html and also in a Word .doc format in the civ3 section. I have read almost all of it in the past, but now there must be some fresh ideas (there was a contest I think) It gives some good directives, but I believe it is heavily influenced from the standard mentality of the existing games, so it's usefulness for Clash, which strives to be innovative, is rather doubtful. Anyway, I kinda feel that it isn't right to copy these ideas. If all these people there prefer begging for a hearing from Firaxis than contributing in the Clash project, they must have a reason for it. I will not post my opinion on this, because it's unprintable...

          Mark_Everson: Maybe it is worth the trouble to maintain a current list of job descriptions or things to do (other than the page in tha website) as a thread in this forum. As for me, I'll go for #2 for the time being, since Rodrigo was so kind to ask me.

          "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
          George Orwell
          "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
          George Orwell

