First off i still think we should have future techs in there, however we can see about an on/off switch. The reason i want them is because i don't want to get to the point where i have tons of research in my basic techs and am not really producing anything new because it doesn't seem natural. Also take the case where my society decides to become extremely advanced in agriculture. So if i've gone above and beyond say what's been discovered in our own history what's next? I think the player should have more breakthrus because he might not want to switch to something else (ie it could be for economic reasons). Anyway like i said b4 we can see about and on/off switch, just so long as its in there i'll prob be happy.
On the second issue i hear u and understand it does have some advantages, but the one big disadvantage is how will we determine what sets the "standards" for each era. FE currently the us is the leader in agriculture by a very very very long shot. The closest country is France. Per acre we produces 400% more than they do so should the us set the srandard or france which is closer to the rest of the world? Also what happens as countries rised and fell during time? The americas and orient were more andvanced than europe for quite some time but then that reversed rather quickly. Plus the rates at which things progressed usually came in fits and starts. This is why i like the prev model because when u learn it at 0% ur assumed to have only the very basic knowledge nessasary and it is easy to chart in the fact that u can say "hey i've come that far!" or "I'm not developing much here i'd better research more." Plus it could be really off when ur really low on some techs because u've just not worried about them and suddenly "boom" u have electronics at 65% whereaz most of ur other ones are at 30%. It would look like ur really advanced in electronics when really ur not.
First off i still think we should have future techs in there, however we can see about an on/off switch. The reason i want them is because i don't want to get to the point where i have tons of research in my basic techs and am not really producing anything new because it doesn't seem natural. Also take the case where my society decides to become extremely advanced in agriculture. So if i've gone above and beyond say what's been discovered in our own history what's next? I think the player should have more breakthrus because he might not want to switch to something else (ie it could be for economic reasons). Anyway like i said b4 we can see about and on/off switch, just so long as its in there i'll prob be happy.
On the second issue i hear u and understand it does have some advantages, but the one big disadvantage is how will we determine what sets the "standards" for each era. FE currently the us is the leader in agriculture by a very very very long shot. The closest country is France. Per acre we produces 400% more than they do so should the us set the srandard or france which is closer to the rest of the world? Also what happens as countries rised and fell during time? The americas and orient were more andvanced than europe for quite some time but then that reversed rather quickly. Plus the rates at which things progressed usually came in fits and starts. This is why i like the prev model because when u learn it at 0% ur assumed to have only the very basic knowledge nessasary and it is easy to chart in the fact that u can say "hey i've come that far!" or "I'm not developing much here i'd better research more." Plus it could be really off when ur really low on some techs because u've just not worried about them and suddenly "boom" u have electronics at 65% whereaz most of ur other ones are at 30%. It would look like ur really advanced in electronics when really ur not.