Advances on the Hive? We gaven't advanced nuthin'!
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Beyond Alpha Centauri:::: Discussion Thread 4
Time jump - I wouldn't like one now since too much stuff is going on and I wish to cook up some action around Titan soon...
We'd also like to split from TA in the future, when we think we're stong enogh to tackle provokations from the EC, but if we see no need (economically etc.) we won't.
If Terra chooses to colonise one of the outside systems, we'd send out colony ships aswell, to the same system and colonise another planet in that system, just to steer trouble...
That would be the basic agenda of the Titan faction - to steer as much trouble as possible for the EC and to become a more powerful and respected Terran faction.... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
... Pain is an illusion...
Frankychan, we'd love to trade and meet the Hive but our agenda would not involve allying with you, even more so since you have little plans going on with Earth
History Guy, will finish writing up by tomorrow, just have to go to a party...... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
... Pain is an illusion...
Why would Gaians, or atleast UN Unity people, bring tobacco? not even a nescessity for survival when colonizing. If your so into cigs, then maybe MI acquired tobacco from TA
as for aliens that smoke...they are not exactly human, meaning, cigs may be deadly or cause bad side affects. Smoking in a fighter is reackless and dangerous...uses up the lifesupport for nothing. take the aliens in Alien Nation, Salt Water is deadly accidic to them
I am not too keen in the idea of a faction not part of TA within Sol, home system of TA and most of the members.... would just makes things completed and give headachesthere would be downsides, especially when your surrounded by TA. Anyway, during the timewarp, can have the spark between the TAF and EC, which the friction will started up after the TAF went landed on Samnos and tried stoping their troops, and arresting them...while eliminating the Hive troops (since they wouldn't surrender). Plus, EC will be annoyed with some things in the Treaty. plus, EC may not be please with some of reforms being proposed in the Council, which some involves making TA tighter. spark will happen when EC becomes a Police State and all sort of nonsense happens, which could be in part the Saturn region. TA ends up putting EC trial, like they did with InEn in the Council, where EC simply quits from TA and hijacks the TA buildings in Geneva and TAF Command(just for show from the TAF, their real TAF Command as been relocated on Pluto, secretatly) TAF lands some Commando and Gear units to retake the TA holdings on Earth and generally overthrow the EC government by taking the gov buildings and some other sites on earth, like EC Command. Something needs to be discuss with kass, but EC goes back to Democracy, which will be even better then before and pro-TA....but there will be plenty of room for conspiracies, espionage, and so on
after the civil war and agreement with EC, which becomes a member of TA again, and is decided that TA will control some territory in North America somewhere, maybe an entire state in the middle of USA or something, and found a new base/city, where the new TA Council Dome will be located, as well as TA Command and so well where Embassy buildings of other factions will be well as member embassies. City can be a focal point of Diplomacy between all factions who have embassies there. City/state is to be planned out as an Utopia like, well, as muich as possible. The state/city will be defended by TAF(which will become the TAAF). Before contruction is complete, council will return to the old TA Council building or temporally at Transquility City on the moon until the Council Dome is completed....
Now, as for the matter of Colonization... i have been thinking of reason why TA didn't colonize peacefully, well, here is the reason now....which makes lot more sense:
There had been problems as to who will colonize Wolf and Ross (Terra Nova was more military oriented, so pretty much TAF which led the colonization there), which did cause disputes and debates in the Council. EC was really into colonizing, same with InEn...but the colonies will be going under the members banner. SO, to avoid power struggles, was decided to have join colonization of the planets and so on, and join mining ventures and so on. There was also talk that when a colony does decide to become independent and that they achieve certain reasonable size, they become seperate members of TA...the colonists would then decide on their fate, how they will run their goverment and colony, and so long as it follows the UN Charter, which still used...with some ramifications over time, like the geneva convention.... After Wolf and Ross, some of the members who are more capable to establish colonies got discouraged by the hassle they have to go through and so on.... so the best TA did afterwards was mining ventures in some surrounding unclaimed systems, without actually claiming them. Now, there will be reforms concerning colonization by TA members... doesn't have to be joint collaboration anymore, but if the member's colony decides to declare independent once it reach a reasonable size, they are to be allowed to do so and become new members of TA. TA Security (will be newly funded organization, which is mainly seperated from the TAF and has its own seperate organization charter) will make member govs won't do anything to prevent declaretion of independence. Also, members cannot claim an entire world in one shot....and sharing should be allowed and will be enforced. whatever system a member colonizes, will become a TA system.
what do you people think? the reforms concerning colonization should cause a colonial rush by TA membersalso, there will be new members.... Cyclanid, and the other two systems... now, after thinking over it, better to make them three new members...9 reps/votes that could be influenced by MI and so on. Possible Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus areas become new independent members after the short terran civil war. They won't be big members, but thats three votes each
there could end up having 27 votes from Sol alone
right now it is 18 votes and none in Wolf and Ross....has no colony decided to become independent yet, even thought they achieve the minimal requirements which would be atleast 10k population, be able to be self-sufficient if ever required too, and certain level of infrastructure....depending on location of the colony.
anyway, I vote for an 5 year time warp and rather have the timewarp happen after the peace conference is completed....and maybe a short Terran civil war or during the timewarp.... need to discuss with kass concerning this.
Oh another thing, at the end of the Timewarp, TA can start up again when the independent Barnard Star decides to join TA after a 4-5 since TA started its mass diplomatic spree, having embassies all over, aiding independents and passive TA propanganda to join TAmeaning, Cadre, Firaxis, Concordia and so on with have TA ambassadors and embassies....with increase trading and so on.
OK, Cyber, I hear ya.
Well, LMP, Heck, yeah! The Terrans gave them tobacco...Morgan monopolized on it...I knew it all along...yeah...
Well, Cepheleens won't have any problems with salt water...or any water for that matter...they are sea people after all...and tobacco doesn't appear to have done too much to old Meroz.
And hey, Spitfire isn't really much of a fighter...more like a converted garbage ship, really...
while eliminating the Hive troops (since they wouldn't surrender
anyway, I vote for an 5 year time warp and rather have the timewarp happen after the peace conference is completed....and maybe a short Terran civil war or during the timewarp.... need to discuss with kass concerning this.
Concordia...ah...I'd like to know a bit more about that's it run...who colonized it?Empire growing,
Pleasures flowing,
Fortune smiles and so should you.
Just to remind everyone...
Anything to do directly with the Hive should be run through me. I don't know if it's just me but it seems some people are trying to make decisions for me. (This is something that I REALLYSo, if one author wants to just wipe out my troops....My answer is NO. Now if someone collaborates with me, then I will say yes....So long as I have some say in what happens.
Well, I think Franky will have to give his OK on that. I certainly wouldn't want a whole battle fleet of mine to be wiped out...OK, so maybe I've let whole battlefleets of mine get wiped out...but never as large as Bippol's.
If I find that some one has made an important decision concerning the Hive directly....I will voice my opinion.
I do not want to find out that there's been an attack in my territory without me knowing beforehand (ME as in the AUTHOR). I do not want to find out my fleets are "mysteriously" destroyed without some kind of collaboration effort. Because I will be very angry if decisions are made on my behalf w/out me knowing about it.
(This is a pet peeve I have.)(Pet Peeve=Something that is really annoying and irritating)
K, that's enough seriousness. Let's go on to the fun stuff...
2 year timejump seems alright. It's not that long a time but just long enough to fix the SNAFU right now and still possess lingering feelings.
As far as I am concerned, The entire H.E.F. is still in Samnos' orbit, haven't landed anything on the planet yet, and are preparing for a last strike against the Morganites. (Sorry History Guy for not posting yesterday)
Cybergod-Hmmmm. Trade seems like a good first step to a Hive/Saturnian relationship. But I think that that will be further on in the future. My idea is that it would be a non-aggression pact. So GHE and S. Kingdom aren't buddy-buddy, but we don't hate e/other either. If anything happens, we wouldn't attack e/other (yet). Waddaya think?
Mr. President-. It is unfortunate that the lovely Kristy Adams has had to align her government with the militaristic Spartans. Think of the Drone people! The Hive is...
Aiight, I'm done for now.Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
*****Citizen of the Hive****
"...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis
And general if you wanted ships, all you had to do was ask. Sparta would be happy to sell you arms. As long as they are used against Lysander's group or any Hiver. But I would assume that any deals with the Spartans wouldn't appear so well in the general public.
Just a question. What is the general attitude of the people in your faction towards Sparta? Not counting Lysander's group.
About dealing w/ Sparta, well, the only people likely to complain about it as long as the Cadre benefits from it are those that sympathise with Lysander, and Menelaus wants to get rid of them anyway.
"Passive propaganda", eh? Well, just as long as you don't expect Firaxis to actually join the Terran Alliance, whatever you do there is probably fine with me. Probably.
I vote for a two-year time warp. I need to finish off the Lakedaemon negotiations, and do some more on the Temple. I'm also preparing a story about a Firaxian soccer fan and his adventures while watching his team play in all strange locations, but I might save that until later.Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
Well, thanks Franky. I totally agree with this, as I am sure would LMP if she ended up with her entire attacking battlefleets suddenly get zapped without her permission. Anyway, I thought I should just say something against it.
Once again, I agree with Mr. Prez that before any warp comes that I definantly want to get my sub-plots worked out.
So yeah, I vote for two years.Empire growing,
Pleasures flowing,
Fortune smiles and so should you.
Originally posted by Sovereign
LMP a.ka. Mellian is a woman? Damn, I never knew!Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
Franky, sorryi wasn't making any decisions for anyone, just stating my ideas... not exactly official and i did ask what people thought of it. Now that you did, fine, Hive will listen to TAF warning and not land troops... now, Kass, will EC land troops and not stop that process when the TAF does and announces cease fire?
Okay, 2 years if people are into that, may leave Barnard Star thing as something to write about. TA will start out after timewarp in a period of a colonization rush, and trying to establishig embassies all over...and get them consider have an embassy at the recentl;y founded Unity City controlled by TA on Earth. Council Dome will have been completed in the past few months....and most member and foreign embassies are built. 2703 can be the year of the short terran civil war, followed by the application of new reforms and re-organization.
As for my gender, *shrugs*, rather not get into that here...
Franky: I think Mellian was just throwing out the ideas to the rest of the writers. No one will attack or destroy anyting without first discussing.
For now lets just concentrate on our current storylines. Individual writers can dicuss their plans with others when the time comes.
Thanks History Guy for giving us the names. It will be easier to see things better now.
Concordia: Settled originally by Peacekeepers that wanted to get away from the rest of their faction. Eventually settlers from University, some Morganites and Drones have also settled there. Concordia is currently neautral and enjoys diplomatic contact with most goverments. For the most part they have a demorcratic goverment and smallish defense capability.
Benarnds Star: Settled by many groups including PK, Terran, Morgan, and Drone. Large Believer community exists on Benards Star. Neautral when dealing with other goverments. Suffcient defense force but not much in the way of attack capability.
Laekdaemon: See Cadre. Under GeneralTacticus direction.
Firixas: Under Mr. President.
Minos: Located at the conjuction of Spartan, PK, Believer territory. Minos is a refuge planet. Not much in the way of culture here. Groups stay to themselves and pretty much govern their own small territory. Some groups posses the means to leave the planet at their will but do not posses the means to take over control of planet. There are Believer elements on Minos comprised of monks and missionaries. They are there to bring the faith to the population. No real Planatary government at all. Treaty between Sparta and the PKs prevent any side from claiming Minos. Same treaty has traditionally kept other near by powers from trying as well. Minos is so unimportant that the expense of maintaining control would far outweigh rewards.
You all are welcome to come up with more independents if you want. The main things to keep in mind.
1. Keep them somewhat realistic
2. Don't create one just to harrase your neigbor unless they are brought in on the creation.
3. Idependent planets are independt because they are either unimportant or because their belonging to a large power would create an inter human war. ex. Firaxis.
4. Alien independents are ok, but they are to remain primative or at the industrial level. Lets try and keep contact with them limited unless you have something in mind. In that case throw it out to the group and see what comes of it.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh