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Beyond Alpha Centauri:: Discussion Thread 2

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  • History Guy-

    Morgan Intersteller's security units are clearing house? Damn! Some of those guys were our (unkowningly) agents!
    Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


    • Spayber:

      Yeah, we've only been seperate from Sparta for 7 years, but the Cadre itself has been around a lot longer. It's been a lot harder to organise things of course, but we have been around long enough to set up a kind of government.
      As for my message to the Hive, I would be very surprised if you either found out by espionage or if Yang told you that you would believe it. Anyway...
      I know we wouldn't be strong enough to survive if the Spartans did attack, but the idea really is just to make sure it isn't worth it attacking.


      • Good post History Guy-->score another point for you on attacking Yang. dang!


        Thanx Kass for putting up your link. I think the first page I'll have up besides the homepage is the Diplomacy page. If I do not put your faction on it, don't be offended. I'm either not sure of our relation or have no data on you.

        It seems like 'Uniting Humanity' seems to be on the minds of a lot of faction leaders. I think Kessel and his Spartans as well as Yang and the Hive are the only ones not wanting any part of this.

        Yang just wants a very large part of the galaxy to call his that so much to ask?
        Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
        Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
        *****Citizen of the Hive****
        "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


        • Originally posted by frankychan
          It seems like 'Uniting Humanity' seems to be on the minds of a lot of faction leaders. I think Kessel and his Spartans as well as Yang and the Hive are the only ones not wanting any part of this.

          Yang just wants a very large part of the galaxy to call his that so much to ask?

          It is amusing that the two factions that hate each other the most, have a lot in common.

          Here is Sparta's page

          Latest news coverage, email, free stock quotes, live scores and video are just the beginning. Discover more every day at Yahoo!

          Here is the Main page

          Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


          • Originally posted by GeneralTacticus

            Yeah, we've only been seperate from Sparta for 7 years, but the Cadre itself has been around a lot longer. It's been a lot harder to organise things of course, but we have been around long enough to set up a kind of government.
            As for my message to the Hive, I would be very surprised if you either found out by espionage or if Yang told you that you would believe it. Anyway...
            I know we wouldn't be strong enough to survive if the Spartans did attack, but the idea really is just to make sure it isn't worth it attacking.

            You may find the proposal that Kessel will offer most generous and amical. This will of course depend on what we find out about your other dealings.

            And don't underestimate the parinoia of the Spartans when it comes to something as sensitive as a break away group. You have to know that the Spartans will absolutly not tolerate any attempts by the Hive to get so close to Sparta. And that means being very very interested in your group. Being former Spartans, you all should know that very well. Im not saying Sparta will know everthing. But any transmissions from your system will be monitered intensly by Spartan intellegence. They may not always know what you are saying, but they will know you are saying something. The Morgans and Drones will share, and we will be left wondering where the others are being sent to. As long as the break aways stay to themselves or at least away from the Hive, Kessel will be content to leave them be.
            Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


            • Ok,

              The homepage for the G.H.E. is up. Forgive me, but it's not complete yet. I'm still working on the links and trying to put more graphics in. Just try checking back once in a while to see what else is new...but I'll also notify ppl when I've put something new on.

     it is:GHE homepage

              If you have any problems, let me know so I can change 'em. The Diplomacy page is our p.o.v. toward other governments. I'm trying to make it sound "diplomatic".
              Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
              Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
              *****Citizen of the Hive****
              "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


              • Originally posted by Mellian
                Knew i forgot to say something... TAF will not expect much of Titan as they barely have any military... the only thing the TAF may bother the Titans is concerning Biotechnology... which if Titan cooperated and get into close relation with the TAF, which would make sense as the TAF will be the ones keeping EC from harassing Titan, which may result to more access to Biometal, if the TAF trusts Titan enough to allow Titanian biotech specialists to study Biometal.

                Anyway, if TAF tells a member to do something during war time, with valid reasoning of course, during war time, they better listen else, Titan looses membership, if they ever got it or not by now, and TAF won't protect Titan from EC TAF would keep an eye on Titan anyway, as they aware of Titan's relationship with the Morganites... TAF Inetlligence doesn't know the details, but they know something is up and could easily guess it is something to do with the Morganite attack and how Titan declared Independence..... to coincedental for their taste
                So will they take any action against the Queen? We will be willing to cooperate with the TA in a sense that we will share research data regarding Biotechnology or any research data but wish to offer no military support as it would ruin good relations between the Kingdom and the Morganities. I think that Maria would like to promote peace between the people of Sol and Morganities, which would be the best solution for them (trade and $$$ from Morgan, diplomacy and tech from TA).

                Mellian, is it okay if we start colonising other moons of Saturn? Titan has become overcrowded due to the horrible Planned colonial economy run by the colony's previous owner.

                History Guy - nice. BTW does the CEO have any other interests in our ambassador (or vice versa)?

                She also liked CEO Nwabudike Morgan very much, and found him the most charming fellow she’d ever met.

                BTW, my flight is today in the afternoon (London time) and I can't wait. While I'm gone, keep up the good work guys!!!

                ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
                ... Pain is an illusion...


                • Morgan Intersteller's security units are clearing house? Damn! Some of those guys were our (unkowningly) agents!
                  Yessssir, Lonestar, Mr. Ku (guess what that's Chinese for!! ) is clearing all the suspected traitors out, and Mr. Binstead went first. Mr. Sym will remain undiscovered for quite a while.

                  Good post History Guy-->score another point for you on attacking Yang. dang!
                  Thanks Franky. Don't worry, the next post will have Mr. Sym for sure...and as much as he may disapprove of Yang, he makes no bones about selling info to him.

                  General Tacticus, my government shall not respond to your message until the Spartans do, we'll go along with them. They are, after all, our allies.

                  History Guy - nice. BTW does the CEO have any other interests in our ambassador (or vice versa)?
                  Um, well, thanks Cyber, but unless you want to include that sort of thing, I have no plans to do so. I think, though, that if one would meet CEO Morgan he'd be a very congenial guy.
                  Empire growing,
                  Pleasures flowing,
                  Fortune smiles and so should you.


                  • Originally posted by History Guy

                    General Tacticus, my government shall not respond to your message until the Spartans do, we'll go along with them. They are, after all, our allies.
                    History Guy: I forgot to put it in the message but the Spartans did respond to the Cadre's message. You should act as if the Spartans have briefed the Morgan government on the situation with the Cadre. Same goes for Mr. President with regards to the Drone government.
                    Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                    • Tip for other users: Don't try and post a story while changing your e-mail in a different window. I lost the first part of the annual Firaxian invitational banquet, so I'll have to do it again some other time. I was making it up as I went along, too. Probably not a good idea in the future.
                      Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                      • Originally posted by Mr. President
                        Tip for other users: Don't try and post a story while changing your e-mail in a different window. I lost the first part of the annual Firaxian invitational banquet, so I'll have to do it again some other time. I was making it up as I went along, too. Probably not a good idea in the future.

                        Yeah I have had this happen. But I always write my post on word or something and then transfer it to the post box. So if it happens, I still have the original.
                        Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                        • University!!!

                          Hey guys, Sprayber told me I could join in and write for the University. I thought I'd stop by for feedback from all of you on some of my ideas. I've followed your story and also your discussions about reality, minimal alien influences, no super-technology like singularities and hyperwarps, etc.

                          I was thinking about starting the University off somewhat distanced from the most human factions. I think perhaps a good location would be near both Tarn and Gorn space, at like, the northeastern corner of the human sector.

                          How does three systems sound for the University?

                          Solar System 1 (green star): A Earth-like solar system with twin M-class planets and 4 gas giants, as well as 3 Mercury style planets. Note: Capital of the University

                          Solar System 2 (yellow star): 5 mars sized planets, a couple of gas giants, and an oceanic planet.

                          Solar System 3 (blue star): A relatively young solar system (age: 30 million years) 4 Venus planets, a super gas giant, two planets undergoing heavy changes (much like Earth did in 4 billion B.C.) and several Pluto planetoids. There is some remains of the nebula interspersed with the Oort cloud of that system to demonstrate how young the system is.

                          As for technology... How does Plasma Lasers sound? Think Star Wars rapid lasers crossed with Star Trek's phasers. Rapid reddish lasers like a machine gun. It would do comparable damage to Procterate's particle cannons or TAF's Ion Cannons (remember University has potential to create advanced weaponary, but doesn't have military like Hive, Sparta, TAF, or Proctrate.

                          Armors... Neutronium armor, based on SMAC's version with matter compression, comparable to nanotech hulls of Procterate and Bio-Armor of TAF and to a lesser extent, Scions. Neutronium armor is difficult to pentrate with projectile weapons, can be breached by multiple energy weapons focused on one spot, and is impervious to collision damage from asteroids and some suicidal ships like the Soldiers of God...

                          Other technologies, basically think of Level 7 - 8 technologies from SMAC in terraforming, discovery, and building. University does have knowledge of nanometallurgy and Nano-Industrial much like the Procterate and Dosi, but prefers to apply that technology towards peaceful means instead of the military. Neutronium hulls are good enough for them.

                          Government, part American/Russian democracy and part lineage. You see, I plan on the University shunning artifical enhancements to their bodies such as bio-metal for Scions, MMI like Cyborgs, and yes, even longveity treatments. The Provost title is handed down from Zhakarov through his son Randius, up to Randius XVIII (18th) by 2700. The University believes that research comes from the human mind and their ingenuity. They feel that artifical enhancements may diminish "What is Human? What is called the Human Mind?". Remember, a lot could have changed from Zhakarov's time to the 2700's. The University could become philosophical and devoted fully to research and technology to better Humanity instead of enhancing humans artifically. This could make the Fraal more receptive towards University, since from what I know, the Fraal prefers natural evolution rather than artifical.

                          I'll wait to hear from you guys before I pitch a couple other unique ideas I have... depends on if you guys like my first few or not.
                          Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


                          • Welcome Sovereign!

                            As a representative of the Greater Hive Empire I welcome you to BAC.

                            Seriously, though. welcome. Your idea's sound alright to me. It sounds like the University is like a "think-tank" cooking up new idea's and technology. I guess all you need to do is a time-line (if you haven't done it already!)

                            Emperor Yang is eager to see what happened to the University after leaving Chiron...
                            Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                            Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                            *****Citizen of the Hive****
                            "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                            • Re: University!!!

                              Originally posted by Sovereign
                              I was thinking about starting the University off somewhat distanced from the most human factions. I think perhaps a good location would be near both Tarn and Gorn space, at like, the northeastern corner of the human sector.
                              link to map:

                              Remember that part of the map is where the Hive is generaly located as well as the Believers and Bree. That may not be a good place for a smallish faction to be located. When I made the map I simply put the University out of the way because they were not controlled by anyone. Named Zak Prime, Nova Prime and a third planet. Located on the left side mid way. (I couldn't come up with a better name.)

                              But if you want to be in a crowded neigborhood then ok. (Maybe its not too late to move Sparta ) The University will have slightly higher technologies then the other human factions since they have avoided going to war since the days on Chiron. Their military size shouldn't be too high.

                              [qupte]Solar System 1 (green star): A Earth-like solar system with twin M-class planets and 4 gas giants, as well as 3 Mercury style planets. Note: Capital of the University

                              Solar System 2 (yellow star): 5 mars sized planets, a couple of gas giants, and an oceanic planet.

                              Solar System 3 (blue star): A relatively young solar system (age: 30 million years) 4 Venus planets, a super gas giant, two planets undergoing heavy changes (much like Earth did in 4 billion B.C.) and several Pluto planetoids. There is some remains of the nebula interspersed with the Oort cloud of that system to demonstrate how young the system is.[/quote]

                              Sounds ok to me
                              Last edited by Sprayber; February 17, 2002, 21:22.
                              Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                              • my 2 cents....... you need a main leading lady...... tall, red hair, green eys....... ya know....... something like me...hehehe
                                DarlinKell..... =)

