BTW-->History Guy, I'm trying to find the village where Stalin was born, you wouldn't happen to know, would you?
No announcement yet.
Beyond Alpha Centauri:: Discussion Thread 2
;; cringes after reading the massaive amount of force the TA can bring on a single place withing the colony and begins to install Kirk level character shileds aboard Believer fleet ;;
Well maybe after showing what the Soilders of God can do Morgan will be trying to buy more then a paltry couple of ships."I do think that it is important to realize that wars are ugly and vile and that there better be a damned good reason for getting involved in one. Because the price for somebody is going to be very, very high."
David Weber
Thanx History Guy,
You da man!Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
*****Citizen of the Hive****
"...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis
Okay guys, after a LONG delay, I have made another post for BAC. I just posted information on the four highest people in the Laekdaemon Cadre. I'm also working on some stuff about the Cadre military, and you may notice I said that I'd like to improve relations with the Spartans, Drones, Moganites, and Hive. (actually just about everyone really).
Hey General...thought we lost you,
It's good to hear from you again, but the BAC universe is changing, you might wanna catch up by reading the story and the 2nd discussion thread.
As for making friends...I think sooner or later your gonna have to pick a side, cause that's what it's looking like its gonna happen.Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
*****Citizen of the Hive****
"...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis
Cybergod: up, bioarmour is fine with me, I have already noticed it as you may see from my next post. Can't do it now, since I am in school and I should be doing some programming now
History Guy and Silence: Yes, well, go ahead with your raid once I have posted and resolved the Titan case - for now. The raid could cause a little stir-up that would allow a small amount of Morganites to flee. Of course, I demand that at least some evacuation ships are seized/destroyed.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Hurrah, Hurrah, For Morganites Hurrah!
You're welcome Franky.
Kassiopeia and Silence (who should write the post), here's what I was thinking of. The raid is not to cut the defenders off Callisto, as we believe we can hold for a while, it is to test if it can be done at all, and whether Callisto can be reinforced. Though several smaller Soldiers of God ships are destroyed (about five or six), the two heavy cruisers (the Soldier of God cruiser and the Morganite heavy cruiser) will be able to be used quite effectively against a section of the Terran fleet, and hey! If you Soldiers of God do this thing well enough, we'll buy more ships from you to put in against the Terran fleet in order to either cut our boys out or let more in!
Silence, you may post as soon as Kassiopeia has made his post regarding the Saturn Kingdom (Yeah! Hear that Tremaine?).
Welcome back, General. We look forward to your posts. And hey! Morgan is a big fan of Ancient Greece, and yeah, Sparta was much much better than Athens!!Empire growing,
Pleasures flowing,
Fortune smiles and so should you.
Ok dokey, I will do that as soon as I see his new post and I have time to write an battle scence."I do think that it is important to realize that wars are ugly and vile and that there better be a damned good reason for getting involved in one. Because the price for somebody is going to be very, very high."
David Weber
150 ships Battlesquadron??? isn't that over kill? we did say that Sol as alot of ships, but not as many as you indicate for the Coalition Navy, like woaaa.... That is not a Squadron, that is a Fleet of ships kass :P Squadrons is like 10 to 25 Capital Ships....
anyway, the TAF organizes its Fleets into Task Forces.... Each Task Force as about 30-50 Terran Battlecruisers and 5-20 Terran Carriers (Battlestar Galactica ship, with BC engines and Hangar Bay under the ship like in Homeworld Kush Carrier) a long with Support/Escort Ships like Missile Frigates, Corvettes, Destroyers, and Cruisers...a long with some Corvettes and Scouts as Pickets....
In the jupiter area, before a TAF Task Force from Pluto arrived, there was a Squadron of Battlecruisers.... and there is a Squadron of Battlecruisers in the Saturn Area...until sending another Task Force in that area for Peacekeeping....and to prevent Coalition ships being stupid concerning Titan Independence. need to do a TAF fleet structure.......
Anyway, not to many ships!!! each BC carries 2 Squadrons of 15 Starfuries/Thunderbolts... so 30 Fighters in total.... and the Carriers carry 10 Squadrons of Starfuries/Thunderbolts..... Thunderbolts are the the Atmospheric version of Starfuries just to say, as well as used as Fighter Bombers....
It depends as how a faction operates their fleets..... but i know the TAF uses Task Forces... and each Task Force is one big ship unit..... they will treat their Task Forces like people will do in Master of Orion 3....... each Task Force as Core (usually Capital Ships, the Heavy Hitters or ships the Task Force is escorting like Transports and so on), Support/Escort/Screening (ships that either support or escort the Core ships...from Offensive [additonal firepower or whatever] to Defensive [screening like the little ships takes the hits instead of the big ships or help with anti-fighter/missile/torpedoes]) Starfighters usually help in Support/Escort duties... or personal Support/Escort of a Capital ship.... then there is the Pickets.... the Eyes and Ears of Task Forces...the early warnings and so on... Recon Probes are usually use in such duties as well by Battlecruisers and Carriers.
as for the rest, they may use the same style of Fleet combat or use something different, it depends........... but in Task Forces, ships are able to help each other and having a Variety of ships in a Task Force makes it stronger.
Generally to All:
Bioarmour..... Scions uses Biometal, base on biometal that was found all over the Sol system, and they themselves are humans merge to Biometal.... so they have natural ligh Biometal Armour :P Biometal looks like metal, but with a slight organic sleak to it you can say... and Scion ships and ground forces look very alive too.... but they are not Organic Armour, just Biometal.... Scions still don't understand how to create biometal from Scratch, but they have learned to Reproduce the stuff :P And currently, without serious knowledge of other TA members, TAF made a business deal with the Scions.... they don't reveal how to make Biometal, but they do help Contruct Biometal Ground Units for the TAF Marine Corp at Pluto..... Anyway, TAF Ground forces is made of Biometal, as well as Marine Power Armor (Starcraft Marine Power Armour made out of Biometal)..... some of the ground forces are base on the old ISDF designs which the Scions still as the design specs of from the ancient and secret Scion War of the 1990s.... so the TAF ground units is a mix of ISDF from Battlezone 2 and terran Starcraft units
Of course, you mean Organic Armour right?so be careful not to confuse Bioarmour and Organic Armour
may sound the same, but don't want any confusion with Biometal already being used by the Scions.... and the Gaians are into trying to make Organic ships too..... Maybe Titan could try to contact the quiet and keep to themselves Scions about some technology deal....ut Scions is not willing to share their technology, despite what the Terran Council or the TAF says..... well, they did, but with some of their lower techs to help design and build the Terran Battlecruisers and Carriers.... which EC and MC in turn started using those low techs for their ships
...which the Scions knew would happen...and who still don't trust the rest of humanity....
now, as for weapon technology:
TAF mainly use Pulse Cannons technology as their main beam weaponry..... lower tech then Chaos/Disruptors of the Chironians, but more advance then the basic Laser and Projectile weapons.... TAF also added two heavy Ion Beam Cannons to their Battlecruisers in the last 5-10 the main anti-capital ship weapons, which suck up a lot of power and take up a lot of room.... but BCs could take it, just rate of fire is like one shot per cannon per minute.... Ion Beams and very large Laser Cannons are the only beams that can pierce through an atmosphere.....but not capable pierce the tectonic plate of planets.... and then TAF also uses Merculite missiles....slightly more powerful then Fusion Missiles/Torpedoesment mainly
as anti-ship weapons.
simple weapon tech wise....from inferior to superior in tech....
Projectile (machine guns, cannons, autocannons)
Pulse Cannons Plasma Cannons (where to put this...)
Particle Cannons
and so on.............
something like that...
okay, i am lost... will end this post
Originally posted by Mellian
150 ships Battlesquadron??? isn't that over kill? we did say that Sol as alot of ships, but not as many as you indicate for the Coalition Navy, like woaaa.... That is not a Squadron, that is a Fleet of ships kass :P Squadrons is like 10 to 25 Capital Ships....
Do note that I just want to use the word "Battle Squadron" to indicate the larges group of capital ships. "Battle Fleet" sounds so... passé...
So the unit is still Battle Squadron, and has 150 cap ships, but there aren't that much in total in the Coalition Space Navy altogether? I still think sending 300 ships to Titan seems realistic.
The proportion of the attack increases a ten-fold.
OK; how about this. A Battle Squadron is 150 cap ships. A Combat Squadron is something like 25 ships, OK? And I'll cut the total number of ships to some, 70 Battle Squadrons, from the 300 I used before? OK?
And I'll use the term "Biotechnological Armour" in my post. They are not quite sure of what it exactly is, so they'll call it that. It can be Organic Armour officially for all I care.Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Apolyton is acting up. Could be able to post to story thread, fortunately. Editing the number of Battle Squadrons was virtually impossible, so I'll do that on a later date.
I have an annoying feeling that I am missing something here. I missed Kessel's message on purpose since I think it would of seemed somewhat silly to have the message arrive and be responded to immediately after the battle of Titan had ended.Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
70 Battle Squadrons of 150 Capital Ships?? thats like 10500 capital ships in total!!!!! with that many ships, EC could go off conquering some solar systems on their own, using the advantage of numbers then technology!the use of Squadron like that will confuse people
confuse the enemy for sure..... "What??? Intel told me they are sending a Battle Squadron, not an entire armada!!!" Battle Squadron in Honor Harrington refers to a squadron of 8-15 Battleships.
if Coalition Navy is that big, how the hoot can the TAF keep them in line? what, with 5000 to 10000 superior Battlecruisers?
300 ships around Titan? isn' t ridiculous? I can see the Coalition Navy is overlly bored. Titan's orbit will be overlly crowded.....
Mars Combine Fleet suppose to be the second biggest out of the TA members too...... Anyway, i am not to far into the story yet....but is War between InEn and Morganites happening? I seem to get the impression that the Coalition is involved too? if so, isn't about time the Terran Council decide on a formal declaration of war, so TAF take charge?I am sure the Fleet Admirable could put the EC Navy into good use, lol
Okay, there seem to be different types of armor... for ground units to ships..... here is a quick list of armours mentioned so far and to who is using it....
Nano Armour: Protectorate
Organic Armour: Gaians
Biometal Armour: Scions,
Titatium Armour
neo-Tritanium Armour: TAF,
Admantium Armour
Originally posted by Mellian
Okay, there seem to be different types of armor... for ground units to ships..... here is a quick list of armours mentioned so far and to who is using it....
Nano Armour: Protectorate
Organic Armour: Gaians
Biometal Armour: Scions,
Titatium Armour
neo-Tritanium Armour: TAF,
Admantium Armour
Anywho, I'm just going to twiddle my thumbs on the Hive issue until Frankychan shows up. Maybe I'll post about the Hferhin (Usurper-Thrall race)Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.
::looks at the latest posts::
Oh my God! 300 ships for two measly moons???
He he he! At least Flame of Odin is down!Only 299 more to go...
Moi's favourite:
Craston felt a sharp feeling of worry in his spine. It commonly was a bad omen when a Science Officer called something "interesting". "Interesting" usually equalled "dangerous", "lethal" or "destructive".
Will prepeare to post, with Maria Sanchez', Myodin's and Oberon's reactios to the events as well as the meeting between the diplomatic advisor and Nicholas to discuss who will go to the Morganities as the Kingdom's ambassador. Since I am on that subject, where is the ambassador meant to go? Callisto? Morgan Interstellar (we do not have many FTL ships btw)?
Armour... armour... Why do you assume that only Gaians would be producing Organic Armour!?! This is why I was interested in making contacts with them (ie. Alynzia), University and Scions. Mellian, can I get into contact with the Scions to discuss sharing of research data on bioarmour - we are very interested in it!
This is how we build ships so far:
- [1] construct the main frame of the ship + weapons etc
[2] add thin specially designed outer armour
[3] plant GM-ed bacterium to the outside of the ship, hormone pump it to grow until it reacts with the special armour and forms a thick layer of Organic Armour
Later on, after the situation has calmed down, we will create orbital shipyards that would use asteroids and smaller moons for resources and literally grow ships. Of course this would be somewhat expensive but, with your persmission LMP (what name should I use?), with the possesion of Self-Aware Colony and Living Refinery it could be managable some time in the future.
(Hive has Ascentic Virtues and is running Thought Control. Morgan has the Longevity Vaccine & Merchant Exchange)
... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
... Pain is an illusion...
- [1] construct the main frame of the ship + weapons etc