Sometimes I come to the thread just to listen to Lonestar and Mellian
I've been trying to come up with a reliable number for Sparta's space fleet as well. And it's hard not to go overboard. Sparta has about 6 or 7 systems with only Syrma(home system), Tyre(former independent), and Gualt having a large population. The the others are small such as New Caladon(former PK) and Ironholm(newly colonized). the rest are mainly military installations and a few scientific assests. But not heavly populated. Sparta requires a large fleet of ships and large numbers of marines and regular troops. We have enemies in the Hive and Bree for sure. The Protectorate, Terrans, Progenators, Pirates, PKs and possible third parties represent substantial risk
Add to this the job of having some forces dedicated to the protection of the Morgan Coperate sector and you can see that the Spartans are spread across a large area. This doesn't take into account that the Spartans are obssed with protecting their home system. The Spartans are quietly horrified that the Terrans could allow the Morgans to sneak in and take one of their moons. That and even contemplate having a so loose of an organization and military ineffenciency by having so many different distinct defense forces. tsl. tsk
Take that into account and just think if you guys have x number for one or a few systems, how many must the spartans have to control such a large area against so many different potential enemies.
When the Spartans come to town we bring a lot of hardware with us. If Sparta had the population depth that the Terrans had, the GHE and the others would not be any problem at all

I've been trying to come up with a reliable number for Sparta's space fleet as well. And it's hard not to go overboard. Sparta has about 6 or 7 systems with only Syrma(home system), Tyre(former independent), and Gualt having a large population. The the others are small such as New Caladon(former PK) and Ironholm(newly colonized). the rest are mainly military installations and a few scientific assests. But not heavly populated. Sparta requires a large fleet of ships and large numbers of marines and regular troops. We have enemies in the Hive and Bree for sure. The Protectorate, Terrans, Progenators, Pirates, PKs and possible third parties represent substantial risk
Add to this the job of having some forces dedicated to the protection of the Morgan Coperate sector and you can see that the Spartans are spread across a large area. This doesn't take into account that the Spartans are obssed with protecting their home system. The Spartans are quietly horrified that the Terrans could allow the Morgans to sneak in and take one of their moons. That and even contemplate having a so loose of an organization and military ineffenciency by having so many different distinct defense forces. tsl. tsk

Take that into account and just think if you guys have x number for one or a few systems, how many must the spartans have to control such a large area against so many different potential enemies.
When the Spartans come to town we bring a lot of hardware with us. If Sparta had the population depth that the Terrans had, the GHE and the others would not be any problem at all
