Originally posted by Cybergod
Kass - sounds very good! I was kinda hoping to post first but you made my job easier . I'll post after you. Make it so that the contact talks with one of Maria Sanches' adversaries, not herself in person. I've been dragging my writing too long so I'll be posting straight afterwards...
Kass - sounds very good! I was kinda hoping to post first but you made my job easier . I'll post after you. Make it so that the contact talks with one of Maria Sanches' adversaries, not herself in person. I've been dragging my writing too long so I'll be posting straight afterwards...
What comes to the orbital defense platforms at Titan - Governors are issued the encryption keys and passcodes to activate them, since if there would be a remote control system on Earth only to use them, in action the platforms would be incinerated before they could react to an attack. So there you go.
I have no problem with the EC retake operation failing, since that was the original plan. We just need a feasible way to make it fail.
How should the Hive involvement with the InEn/Morgan war be like? I was thinking minimal at first, but then some military support (either equipment or advisors) after. What do you two think?
I think the Terran Alliance should get Wolf 359 atleast....as Capella is way to freakin far.
Terran Alliance could have a jointly colonized planet at Wolf359 for all I care. I just recall someone reserving it already. Or it could be Earth Coalition's. Or the Sol people could have just one planet, the one at Wolf359, and no specific colony for EC at all.
What do _you: mean with "Terran"? A person from Sol, or from Earth only?
Btw, I do not think that Ion cannons can be used to bombard planets with atmospheres - I am not sure, but the stream ought to disperse in the atmospheric particles and thus lose it's charge. This could of course be a different design.