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Beyond Alpha Centauri: Discussion Thread

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  • Originally posted by Cybergod
    Kass - sounds very good! I was kinda hoping to post first but you made my job easier . I'll post after you. Make it so that the contact talks with one of Maria Sanches' adversaries, not herself in person. I've been dragging my writing too long so I'll be posting straight afterwards...
    I'll have to check out the character thread, I do not remember reading about a Maria Sanches

    What comes to the orbital defense platforms at Titan - Governors are issued the encryption keys and passcodes to activate them, since if there would be a remote control system on Earth only to use them, in action the platforms would be incinerated before they could react to an attack. So there you go.

    I have no problem with the EC retake operation failing, since that was the original plan. We just need a feasible way to make it fail.

    How should the Hive involvement with the InEn/Morgan war be like? I was thinking minimal at first, but then some military support (either equipment or advisors) after. What do you two think?
    Hive should support InEn in my opinion by infiltrating Morgan Interstellar's datanets and extracting information for them, and even sabotaging some of their projects, research or shipbuilding perhaps. Equipping them would be too obvious, Hive tech would probably show out from the crowd miles away, but it is also a possibility in the later stages when the InEn effort is slowing down.

    I think the Terran Alliance should get Wolf 359 Capella is way to freakin far.
    Capella belongs to Earth Coalition.
    Terran Alliance could have a jointly colonized planet at Wolf359 for all I care. I just recall someone reserving it already. Or it could be Earth Coalition's. Or the Sol people could have just one planet, the one at Wolf359, and no specific colony for EC at all.

    What do _you: mean with "Terran"? A person from Sol, or from Earth only?

    Btw, I do not think that Ion cannons can be used to bombard planets with atmospheres - I am not sure, but the stream ought to disperse in the atmospheric particles and thus lose it's charge. This could of course be a different design.
    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


    • Cybergod, neet idea, but i was thinking to keep the Ion Cannon farely a new weapon... what about a Orbital Weapon Platform that fires a big Laser? useful to blast ground targets, yet doesn't penetrate the Surface/the tectonic plate.

      The impression i get fromt he Ion Cannon i Starcraft is that it only fires in Burst mode, like the Ion Cannon shown in a episode of Stargate: SG-1.

      The Ion Beam Cannon is like the Ion Beam in the Homeworld games.

      Yes, the impression i got from the Datalinks and so on is that USA got screwed up real bad... with an government turning more into police state/despotistic and etc... some States may of declared independence or about too, or whatever.... as there was lot of gang like warfare in the South California area...where Santiego seem to be from...... CSA wouldn't be all of the USA that is for sure... and if a CSA does end up existing, wouldn't surprise if the leader is a Bush.



      • Originally posted by [LordLMP]
        The Ion Beam Cannon is like the Ion Beam in the Homeworld games.
        *drools* Homeworld... A continous stream that is targeted, shot, and lasts for some twenty seconds (IIRC). It's difficult to use against mobile targets, yet perfect for wrecking large capital ships.

        what about a Orbital Weapon Platform that fires a big Laser? useful to blast ground targets, yet doesn't penetrate the Surface/the tectonic plate.
        Or a massive rail gun, or a pulse cannon, or even some funky light concentrator or whatnot The nature of the weapon is somewhat irrelevant IMHO.

        The US mess in the SMAC universe - I would go as far as thinking that the CSA was the main reason UN feared nuclear exchange.
        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


        • Originally posted by kassiopeia

          Hive should support InEn in my opinion by infiltrating Morgan Interstellar's datanets and extracting information for them, and even sabotaging some of their projects, research or shipbuilding perhaps. Equipping them would be too obvious, Hive tech would probably show out from the crowd miles away, but it is also a possibility in the later stages when the InEn effort is slowing down.
          Don't be surprised if a few suspicious characters show up carring PK, Gaian or even Believer passports but really are Spartan agents. Kessel, has as suspicion about InEn and he will test it out.

          Capella belongs to Earth Coalition.
          Terran Alliance could have a jointly colonized planet at Wolf359 for all I care. I just recall someone reserving it already. Or it could be Earth Coalition's. Or the Sol people could have just one planet, the one at Wolf359, and no specific colony for EC at all.
          How about Cappella can be a long distance outpost, but just not settled as much. Wolf 359 could be the location of the Terran colonly. Is this ok?

          What do _you: mean with "Terran"? A person from Sol, or from Earth only?
          The Spartans call everyone in the Sol system Terrans. They don't really have a sense of the more subtle distinctions. They know about the Mars Combine, but don't really make a distinction between earthers, and someone from Titan. Or InEn for that matter. I know its not reality but thats the way the Spartans see them from such a long way off.
          Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


          • Originally posted by Sprayber
            How about Cappella can be a long distance outpost, but just not settled as much. Wolf 359 could be the location of the Terran colonly. Is this ok?
            Why not, but LMP probably has something to say about that.

            The Spartans call everyone in the Sol system Terrans. They don't really have a sense of the more subtle distinctions. They know about the Mars Combine, but don't really make a distinction between earthers, and someone from Titan
            That is the same way I personally have conceived the word "Terran". However, I do not want to call Coalition citizens "Earthers". "Coalitioners" perhaps. Then there are the Belters, Scions, Martians and soforth.
            Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


            • Originally posted by kassiopeia

              Why not, but LMP probably has something to say about that.

              That is the same way I personally have conceived the word "Terran". However, I do not want to call Coalition citizens "Earthers". "Coalitioners" perhaps. Then there are the Belters, Scions, Martians and soforth.
              I think he was just concerned about it being so far. But if we explain it as being an outpost that the Terrans are building up and not a major colony world then it will be ok. On looking at it on the online chart, it appears to be 42 ly from earth. Hmm, not too far. anyway, it is up to you all on that one.

              I added Syrma(spartan home system) to the map to show where it would be. (yes, I looked it up ) Since it is not a very bright star it is not usually listed in most maps. Its smaller then the earth's sun, so it will be dimm compared to other stars in the same area.
              Attached Files
              Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


              • Hive Territories

                To keep with the secrecy and isolationism of the now Emperor Yang,

                All Hive planets are not catalogued or "discovered" per se. This allows the G.H.E. to operate in cloaked secrecy. However, there is a region that is definetly "Hive space" noticeable by Hive beacons that mark their outermost boundry.

                My planets, as everyone who has read my timeline understands, have been renamed after Hive cities that were on Chiron. I am sticking with Sprayber's original map idea of relative locations.

                For Beam/Ion Weapons,

                I think that is a good idea provided that their use and the technology are limited. The Zeus Cannon in Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within was a beam weapon. The use of lasers in "real" life is available but rare. Usually lasers are used for targeting for more conventional weapons i.e.)smart bombs, guided missiles, etc. So therefore, on the topic of Beam/Ion Weapons, I do support this technological advance..........even though the Hive probably won't be using it.

                Remember everyone, We are supposed to be having FUN
                Lately the posts have been sounding more and more angry! I'm just trying to lighten up the mood.

                Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                *****Citizen of the Hive****
                "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                • Re: Hive Territories

                  Originally posted by frankychan

                  Remember everyone, We are supposed to be having FUN
                  Lately the posts have been sounding more and more angry! I'm just trying to lighten up the mood.

                  Yes the thread god agrees with the mortal frankychan.

                  I'm always trying to lighten the mood too. Cause like franky says, its about having fun.
                  Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                  • Re: Hive Territories

                    Originally posted by frankychan
                    To keep with the secrecy and isolationism of the now Emperor Yang,

                    All Hive planets are not catalogued or "discovered" per se. This allows the G.H.E. to operate in cloaked secrecy. However, there is a region that is definetly "Hive space" noticeable by Hive beacons that mark their outermost boundry.

                    My planets, as everyone who has read my timeline understands, have been renamed after Hive cities that were on Chiron. I am sticking with Sprayber's original map idea of relative locations.
                    Fine and dandy, but for us player gods, we need to know what solar systems the Hive controls and where they are, okay?

                    For Beam/Ion Weapons,

                    I think that is a good idea provided that their use and the technology are limited. The Zeus Cannon in Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within was a beam weapon. The use of lasers in "real" life is available but rare. Usually lasers are used for targeting for more conventional weapons i.e.)smart bombs, guided missiles, etc. So therefore, on the topic of Beam/Ion Weapons, I do support this technological advance..........even though the Hive probably won't be using it.
                    deny BEAM weapons, then you deny SMAC It is possible to make lasers into powerful beam weapons.... just depends on the kind of energy your using, focus and strength.... so Lasers with any effectiveness in space combat are the Fusion Lasers and Up....but mainly for Point Defence to short ranges. Ion Beam Cannon is just an advance weapon developed by the Terran Alliance Fleet for the battlecruisers.... but had prototypes (make shift Ion Beam frigate like in Homeworld as the prototype). I see Phaser as hoot powerful then Ion and penetrates everything....but only the Fraal will have them and can't steal it can't steal anything from the Fraal anyway

                    anyway, if Hive don't use beam weapons...they may have some disadvantages in some cases then against those who d you use them, like Chaos/Disruptor Weapons which will be common ship weaponry among the factions.

                    Remember everyone, We are supposed to be having FUN
                    Lately the posts have been sounding more and more angry! I'm just trying to lighten up the mood.

                    angry? how so one thing you got know about me, i naturally sound serious. Sorry in advance to anynone if i am being a b i t c h in the future i am a detail and a realist freak so don't take offence please. there must be a reason why Sprayber chose me as one of the enforcers



                    • So if the Spartans and Free Drones will be in the north and north-west areas of the map (corewards to corewards-spinwards area to be technicly right).....then the Hive is not to far and the Bree (base on the space: above and beyond? will we use the same kind of bree ships in the show?) in further north? why not, makes sence to have the Bree and Proginators closer to the core of the galaxy.

                      where would the peacekeepers be? hmmm and the morganites?

                      frank, don't mind using hive names for stars, but keep them short and simple.... for the starmap sake but no renaming the stars that i already identified.

                      the starmap is just an visual aid, and general idea of how far from each other. same with any information I place on the bac site or the seperate faction sites.

                      anyway, going to bed and update map/webpage soon......... kass, if you don't mind, i'll do the Terran Alliance Fleet structure.... kind of ships and ground forces, what they do etc....



                      • Question: what is IIRC?



                        • Originally posted by [LordLMP]
                          Question: what is IIRC?

                          IIRC (If I remember correctly)

                          The pKs would be around Chiron, and maybe going southward or so. maybe they even border Terran space.

                          the morganites would be ideally around between the Spartans and Earth. So if the spartans wanted to send a fleet to earth, it would have to pass through morgan territory. but the star they used is Pollux which is "south" from earth. So that is something that we will have to just work around. That is for everyone to discuss.

                          The thread god chose well, LMP and franky are highy specialized at what they do. (franky is my morale officer)

                          Bree: Yeah, i figured that the SAB aliens would do well for the Bree. The Gorn are still a puzzle to me. they should be physically large. and the tarn are just like humans mainly but with different facial features and such. maybe a little smaller in size. they are the recluses of the aliens. they are shy about contact. the believers would be the human that they come most in contact with.

                          Franky: the location of the hive can be secreate in the game but we do kind of need to know where "hive space" is

                          Everyone is responsible for the success of this.
                          Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                          • Now that i think about it, I don't see any reason why the Morganites can't have two separate parts. castor is their home region and around spartan territory can be a few mining worlds that the morgans have jurisdiction over. I'm sure that they would have been looking for them in the early days. and they would have been going places a little more than the other factions at first. that would allow them to reach a deal with the spartans where the spartans agree to help defend their mining worlds. the spartans would perfer to have a compact territory and not a sprawling but the morganites would be interested in as many mining operations as they could get.

                            Where would the University be? Close to chiron or more out of reach.


                            Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                            • Originally posted by [LordLMP]
                              anyway, going to bed and update map/webpage soon......... kass, if you don't mind, i'll do the Terran Alliance Fleet structure.... kind of ships and ground forces, what they do etc....

                              I've had my eye on some B5 designs for spartan ships. *cough* warlock *cough* and was just wondering if you were looking at something similiar.
                              Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                              • Well,

                                I don't want to screw up the story thread so I'll wait until Spartan and Drone borders are drawn up before I place the Hive. Since their is a neutral zone buffering both of our territories, I will have to see which would be the most logical choices for us. Right now I'm looking at the cluster of unnamed star in the upper right region of the map. Those look good because they aren't named, and close together.

                                Don't forget that I do have a little colonies scattered around the galaxy and a couple of space stations in deep space though.

                                If anyone has any problems about me claiming the upper right cluster of stars, please let me know and we can work something out!

                                oh BTW
                                The thread god chose well, LMP and franky are highy specialized at what they do. (franky is my morale officer)
                                Thanks! I'm honored to know that I have a rank!
                                Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                                Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                                *****Citizen of the Hive****
                                "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis

