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Chiron Chronicles: 2200

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  • The streets of Morgan Antimatter, 21:44 hours Central Continent Time

    The guard's face was bored as he surveyed the streets. Normally Central Avenue would be bustling with life, but recent terrorist attacks had sent the locals scurrying for cover. But he knew his fellow Morganites, and nothing would keep them from their beloved commerce for long. Soon enough the insurgents would be crushed, and life would return to normal. Outwardly, Morgan Industries placed a high emphasis on wealth and personal gain, valuing business nous and efficiency, discarding even friends and family when they became a liability. But it also valued peace and security, even at the expense of lives. A celebration was sure to follow the Morganic victory, and the guard wanted to be there.

    As he stood by the office building's door, almost nodding off, a man in a business suit moved past him quickly, not paying attention to anything around him. The guard received a brief idea of dark at the back of the man's neck as he moved away, and at the sudden contrast he glanced up momentarily. Other than that, though, there was nothing unusual about the man. Businesspeople came and went at all hours of the day in Morganic cities, from places unknown to equally uncertain destinations. The guard yawned.

    Beep beep beep. The guard's SecurityLink activated, snapping him fully awake. He read:

    All security personnel in the metropolitan area are advised to be on the lookout for a Free Drone operative identified at the airport two hours ago. The suspect is approximately 1.75 metres tall, 70 kilograms, with sandy blonde hair. Barcode tattoo on the back of his neck, acquired while held in a Hive prison during Months 2 and 3...

    There was more, but the guard did not read it. Entering a general call for assistance on his SecurityLink, he ran into the building. He cast his eyes desperately through the not-insubstantial crowd, looking for the man. Ah! he was leaving a computer terminal and heading for...the restroom. Now he was trapped. Where was the backup? It did not matter. Purposefully the guard strode towards the restroom, loosening his pistol in its holster as he did.

    "Freeze!" The guard threw the door open, drawing his weapon as he did. But only silence greeted him. Creeping into the high-ceilinged room, he glanced quickly over its open areas. His prey had concealed himself well; how had the spy known he was coming? He could really use that backup.

    Carefully pushing open the door of the first stall, he saw no-one. Two left; the first of these also empty. He was inching towards the last one, when his trained ears picked up the slightest sound behind him. Not careful enough, he thought gleefully, and turned.

    But it was too late. The Free Drone's tranquilizer gun was aimed directly at his chest. Before he could even raise his own weapon, the guard's world went black.
    Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


    • The University Sun-Governor

      The University Sun-Governor

      Statement from Zakharov about Nerve-Gas Terrorism

      High Academician Prokhor Zakharov, at 3:00 standard time, in University Base, made the following speech:

      "People of the University, It has come to my attention, through our investigations of the anti-Mindworm nerve-gas debacle that the Believer's Special Forces were present on University territory. This is an affront that cannnot go unaccounted for. We also have sufficient evidence to place several Data Angel probes on our territory, possibly being there to sabotauge the convoy.

      Now, I ask you, as loyal citizens of the University- to make certain that the Believers, or any other political entity never trespass on our territory again... How do you do this you ask? You must vote YES on a proposition to require all foreigners to wear badges such as the ones we wear, yes, badges to identify themselves with our high command... It is not known why we did not require this earlier- but it will be required now.

      In addition, we shall be requesting consolations of the Believers and Data Angels, and reparations for this destruction of scientific data.

      We may also request that Roze possibly resign her veto power in the Planetary Council... although if she makes other concessions, that will not be necessary- however, it is obvious that the Data Angels may or may not have forced members of the anarchist Perfecct Society or Jakhobians to assist with sabotauge of the nerve gas... Also interested in the nerve gas were the Believing Special Forces, who, we have determined, due to death residue analysis- were attempting to commandeer the convoy when a stray shot hit one of the gas tanks and exploded.

      The University will not stand for such callousness and self-interest on the hearts of our enemies- we request concessions and reparations- in the way of technology or credits."

      The crowd then applauded Zakharov for ten straight minutes.
      -->Visit CGN!
      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


      • Private Message: Standard Encryption
        From: Lady Deirdre
        To: Prokhor Zakharov

        I thought, Zakharov, I really thought you were improving. Then you come up with these trumped-up charges and this rabble-rousing speech.

        Give it up, Zakharov. You know that you were in the wrong. The development of these nerve gasses was unethical and totally indefensible. Planet will not stand for such abominations for much longer. My contempt and hers for you is unmeasurable.

        Lady Deirdre out.

        Private Message: Enhanced Encryption
        From: Lady Deirdre
        To: Foreman Domai

        My friend,

        In light of your laudable efforts to rid your factories of their pollution, we applaud you. Also, we would like to propose closer relations between our two factions. Perhaps a Pact of Brother/Sisterhood would be acceptable to you?
        Please inform me if this is so.

        Walk with Planet, Foreman

        Lady Deirdre
        "Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman


        • [b] Private Message: Standard Encryption
          From: Prokhor Zakharov
          To: Lady Deirdre
          Originally posted by SMAC Fanatic
          Private Message: Standard Encryption
          From: Lady Deirdre
          To: Prokhor Zakharov

          I thought, Zakharov, I really thought you were improving. Then you come up with these trumped-up charges and this rabble-rousing speech.

          Give it up, Zakharov. You know that you were in the wrong. The development of these nerve gasses was unethical and totally indefensible. Planet will not stand for such abominations for much longer. My contempt and hers for you is unmeasurable.

          Lady Deirdre out.
          Planet had nothing to do with the nerve gas disaster. Radical elemets on Chiron had everything to do with the disaster.

          Nerve Gas is not 'unethical', nothing is unethical as long as it can help the human race in some way.
          -->Visit CGN!
          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


          • From: Chairman Sheng-ji Yang of the Hive
            To: CEO Nwabudike Morgan of the Morganites

            I and the other members of the central committee read with great sorrow the accounts of the terrorist attacks upon your faction. We offer you our condolences, and also our aid. As you are probably aware, we have advanced intelligence capabilities, and we would be happy to share these with you for no charge and without precondition.

            Excerpts from the transcript of the meeting 14/8/2200 meeting of the Hive Central Committee

            Minister of foriegn affairs(MFA) Sau-ji Tseng:
            . . . The ministry of foriegn affairs affairs has achieved several successes in the last few monthes. The decision of the Peacekeepers not to run for Planetary Governor was a major victory, as was their subsequent decision to abstain in the voting. The failure of Colonel Santiago to win the elections was a setback, but was offset by the removal of the Planetary governor's veto power. We hope that this is part of a general trend of reducing the power of the council by preventing the emergence of a strong leader within it. There is a danger that this policy could backfire, since our enemies outnumber our allies on the planetary council, but we feel that it represents Hive interests in the long run, and is at any rate preferable to the governorship of the Data Angels. . . .
            I will now open the floor to questions and answers.

            Minister of Defense Tsen-ji Huang: What do you think of the prospects for a new war between the Spartans and the Pirates within the coming year? If such a war breaks out, what other factions would be likely to participate?

            MFA: We consider this a possibility, but consider it more likely that such a war will break out some time in the following year. Such a war would almost certainly involve the Free Drones in one way or another. The ministry of Foriegn Affairs has prepared plans to make the Drones appear the agressors in such a conflict. . . .

            Tsen-ji Huang(MD): The Hive military is currently studying reorganization of its ground forces into larger multi-unit divisions and corps. This will simplify logistics and allow more uniform development of strategy. . . . Our re-equipping of infantry units with trucks for transportation purposes has been successful . . . this move will allow our forces greater mobility . . . We are anticipating the completion of the Cyborg Factory within the next decade, which will greatly improve the quality of our forces . . . We also hope to reorganize our air and in depth defensive capabilities in the next few decade . . .

