[OOC: Okay, here at last comes my post... -And yes, for the purpose of getting Lal to the Planetary Council Base, I guess we should assume that he's been on his way for a while by now... I'll still post the press conference thing, but could say that it happened some days ago (assume that I posted it when I first said I would...) I guess that kind of screws up this thing with Santiago a little bit, but... well, if you like, we can say that Lal got these messages and answered them from the U.N.S. Peacekeeper rather than from U.N. HQ. I've just placed it all before the press conference because that's where I was in my part of the story... (Damn lag... Always a pain in the butt.
) Anyway, here we go...
Oh, and by the way... as you may or may not recognize, I've thrown in a few lines from The Unforgiven II by Metallica here and there... It's not really part of the story and nobody's really "unforgiven" in the eyes of the Peacekeepers... (-at least not yet...) I just tried putting it in and kind of liked the effect, so I left it there...
U.N. Headquarters
Lal was getting ready for his press conference when Svensgaard's message came in. He quickly skimmed through the message and shrugged. Looked like it was just a matter of Santiago being a little paranoid as usual. He dismissed the matter and returned to pondering the situation with the Data Angels. Like most Peacekeepers, he still didn't understand what had happened and why and how. And he didn't understand why he still hadn't heard from Roze. Why won't she talk to me? He shook his head sadly, not understanding at all.
He still couldn't believe it had come to this.
Some people were saying that it was all good... that Roze had proven herself to be immature and untrustworthy and that he should probably never have been allied with her in the first place. Lal found this hard to believe. But her stubborn refusal to even talk to him did not count as a sign of maturity in his book...
-Could it be true what they say?
Lay beside me
Tell me what they've done
Speak the words I want to hear
Make my demons wrong
U.N. Enforcement Base
Rhonda Manfield was heading back to her unit. They had about 3 weeks of training left, then they would be ready for some real action. -Which meant that they'd probably be going north to confront Kurita in the mountains, unless something else came up... As she walked through the base, her mind was drifting... She was walking through streets where Datatech forces had once paraded before cheering crowds... Our allies... our friends... She could still remember. She had been right here. She had been just a kid, but she'd been here. She had waved to them and they had waved right back at her. She could still remember the smiles on the faces, the mood in the base... how happy she'd been...
-And now they won't even talk to us...
The door is locked now
But it's opened if you're true
If you can understand me
Then I can understand you
Data DeCentral, U.N. Embassy
The mood was gloomy. The embassy compound was hurriedly being prepared for an indefinite period under siege. Guards were all over the place. They were in full battle gear now and carried large synthmetal shields for protection against objects thrown at them from the outside. They were preparing for a small war. While most were busily going about making preparations, a few of them just stood there like stone figures, glaring angrily at the small group of protestors remaining outside, who were currently being held at safe distance by the Datatech Security forces. Things were safely under control for the time being, but the Peacekeepers clearly weren't counting on that to last. Instead, they were getting ready to take matters into their own hands should the Datatech Security forces allow them to be attacked again.
Lay beside me
Under wicked sky
Blackened day, darkened night
We share this paradise
The door cracks open
But there's no sun shining through
Black heart scarring darker still
But there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining
U.N. News Network
Attack on U.N. Embassy in Data DeCentral!
U.N. Marine guards at the embassy in Data DeCentral went on alert today as protestors outside the embassy began harassing guards and throwing missiles. Datatech Security forces responded promptly and took control of the situation. While no guards were injured and the situation appears to be under control for the time being, U.N. Ambassador Victor Pazcussi has delivered a formal complaint to the Datatech authorities, calling the incident an unprovoked attack on U.N. personnel. The ambassador went on to state that "appropriate measures" would be taken to defend U.N. personnel and property against further attacks. Exactly what this means is currently unclear, as neither the ambassador nor the captain of the guard have been available for comment. However, sources in U.N. Headquarters inform us that any action taken by U.N. Embassy guards will be strictly defensive in nature and that deadly force will never be used unless it is needed to save lives.
Datatech authorities were quick to condemn the incident. Assistant Datajack Michael Omega-Nine issued a brief statement saying that
Hopefully, that will be the end of the matter.
Now for the press conference in U.N. Headquarters...
Voice of Humanity - An independent radio network
Good evening, fellow humans!
I am Chuck Wilborne and this is the Voice of Humanity on 102,5.
As you know, Commissioner Lal is about to begin a press conference in U.N. Headquarters, where he will undoubtedly announce that we're still holding the door open for the Data Angels and that nobody's holding any grudges against them because of what has happened. And why would he say anything else? We have no reason to be angry with the Data Angels. We don't even know why they're mad at us! Something's pissed them off to the point of leaving the Chiron Alliance, but what on Chiron was it?
If we only knew, perhaps we could help resolve the problem. Unfortunately, since the Data Angels won't even talk to us, we do not know what their problem is and have no way of obtaining this information. So, we're left with little more than rumors and speculations, and nobody really knows what is going on, which means that if they continue on their present heading, we may be forced to shut the Angels out without really knowing why we're doing it. -Which is sad, because the Data Angels have been our best friends for so long and we were hoping to keep relations strong in the future... -Or... have they been our best friends? Have they indeed? Some people are saying that the Data Angels are starting to show their true colors and that we should never have been allied with them in the first place. There are also those who question the maturity of a faction leader who sets off something like this because of a petty personal argument, then refuses to talk to anybody about what's happened and why, even after apologies have been offered. However, we should keep in mind that we do not really know if the alleged "petty personal argument" is actually the reason for all of this. We also have to keep in mind that the fact that Roze hasn't talked to us does not necessarily mean she has not talked to anyone. So, we do not really know what she's doing and why. Now, refusing to talk to the one with whom you have a problem is definitely rather undiplomatic, and while some may call it immature, it is unfortunately not uncommon in interfactional politics. So, this is not something Roze "invented". However, it was definitely not expected of her, and it puts us in a very difficult situation. We don't even know what to apologize for!
On the other hand, the Data Angels do not seem to understand our position either...
According to the Angel's Herald,
While these reasons may be "obvious", they are not the real reason. First of all, it is no secret that we Peacekeepers are more concerned with our own policies than with "consolidating the power of the Alliance". Second, while it is true that the Data Angels have been "a powerful ally with a large navy, and extensive sea territory", these are added benefits, not our main reasons for wanting to be friends with them. And friends we have been. Over the years, cooperation with the Data Angels has come natural, as our people have had shared interests and shared - or at least compatible - views on a great many things. Over the years, we have built what we thought to be a strong friendship with them, and now we're unwilling to let all of that go. Not because of some kind of calculated strategic maneuvering or because it's "inconvenient" for us at the moment, but quite simply because the Data Angels have always been our friends and we see no reason not to get along with them.
If, however, the Data Angels have for some inconceivable reason decided not to get along with us, then we shall be forced to accept this. -But that doesn't mean we have to like it!
Earlier this week, a certain Penelope Winters organized a protest outside the U.N. Embassy in Data DeCentral, apparently angry about something somebody said in the U.N. media. None of us ever knew what he was talking about, but he seemed to think we were "pushing him around" when we refused to immediately sever all ties, break all contact and condemn the Data Angels as "immature and untrustworthy" or something along those lines. If that is what the Angels want, then that is what they want and doesn't mean we have to want it too! Of course we will leave them alone if that is how they want it, but they have no right to dictate what we should want and what we should say. If we don't understand why we have to break up, we will say we don't understand why we should break up, and if Mr. Penelope Winters & Co don't like us saying so, then they should explain it to us, not just run around spouting a lot of bull**** about us "pushing them around" when no attempt has been made to do so.
Another interesting comment came directly from Sister Miriam Godwinson, who was quoted as saying that
I'm almost at a loss for words here...
First of all, Roze doesn't need Lal's permission. If he doesn't immediately push her away and turn his back on her, that doesn't mean he "won't allow" her to do something! As for the last part of Miriam's statement... well, we can only hope that Miriam was just acting dumb when she gave this comment.
So, to sum things up, where will this whole thing end?
Well, who knows? I most certainly don't, and I don't think Commissioner Lal knows too much either.
As for Roze, she's not talking to us, so we have no idea what she knows. Maybe this wasn't what she had in mind either. We don't know anything. So, for the time being, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens next...
The next days and weeks will be crucial...
What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door
-Should I open it for you
U.N.S. Apollon II
The storm was long gone, as was the troubled thoughts of the captain.
Now she was standing tall and proud on the bridge as they sailed northeast at full speed.
The sea was calm and the whole task force was bathing in the evening sun.
They would reach their destination in approximately 12 hours.
Showtime flight, U.N. Air Patrol, off the coast of the Western Continent
A flight of missile-carrying penetrators were cruising high above the ocean. So far, they hadn't found much of anything, but they had a couple of hours' worth of fuel left still. They weren't quite sure what to make of their orders this time. Well, sure, they were basically just keeping an eye on things as usual, but this time, they had been specifically instructed to keep an eye out for Spartans, Hive or... Data Angels...
What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired I stand alone
Could you be there
'Cause I'm the one who waits for you
-Or are you unforgiven too
Phoenix flight, U.N. Air Patrol, Cult-Believer border region, east of New Hope
Nothing much seemed to be happening in the border region today. -Except the occasional passing of a Spartan drone, that was. The Peacekeepers were getting increasingly annoyed with the damned things flying all over the place, but nothing major had been done about it yet. Sure, the usual diplomatic protests had been sent, but they all knew how much of an impact that had on the Spartans. What was it General Braddock had said? "We might as well fart in their general direction from half a continent away." They all knew that was true more often than not. Yet that was how things were supposed to be done, so they had to stay calm and watch the things go by without interfering. -At least for the time being...
Suddenly, their deep radars picked up a low-flying air contact up ahead. It was currently north of the border, but heading almost dead south, about to exit Cult territory.
"Phoenix flight, bogey at two o'clock, bearing 7-8, range 3-7-0, heading 1-7-5 at speed 2-5-0. Lets go in and have a look."
One by one, they acknowledged the call and turned to intercept the bogey.
U.N. Headquarters
Lal's eyes widened in surprise as the Spartan Information Service reporter got up and introduced himself.
-What in the world was a Spartan reporter doing in a U.N. press conference?!?
He felt his mouth open and quickly closed it again, trying to concentrate on the Spartan's question... "Commissioner Lal. If Colonel Santiago wins the upcoming election, will you recognize her as the Planetary Governor?"
Okay, so they weren't talking about the Data Angels any longer...
Lal thought for a moment before he answered.
There was a sudden silence as the room tensed in anticipation of his answer to this unexpected question.
"Yes", he said suddenly, his voice loud and firm. "Yes, we will. -But on two conditions..."
He paused for a moment, until he saw that the Spartan was about to ask what these conditions were, before he went on. "If we are satisfied that there has been no foul play involved in the election - and provided that Santiago does not neglect the U.N. Charter in her eagerness to observe factional sovereignty - we will recognize her as Planetary Governor." He paused for another moment, then added a final sentence: "-If she wins the election, that is..." That brought a nervous chuckle from the crowd.
He had anticipated the Spartan's next question would be; "What do you mean by foul play, Commissioner?"
Lal shrugged lightly. "Well, if a battalion of Spartan troops were to stand behind us pointing weapons at our backs during the voting, it would be considered foul play." There was another nervous chuckle. "But... I feel pretty confident that there won't be any kind of troubles like that." The Spartan seemed about to dig further, then thought better of it as he realized that Lal had just said he trusted Santiago not to play foul.
"So... if Santiago is democratically elected to the position and she observes your precious Charter, you will recognize her has Governor?" Lal nodded. "That is correct."
"Will you also back her if any other faction chooses to ignore the results of the election?"
Lal felt a small smile spread across his face as he realized that he knew exactly where this was headed.
"Well, as you should all know by now, U.N. policies are not based on what "any other faction" may or may not see fit to say or do. So, the answer is yes. However, I did not say I'd back her, only that I would recognize her as Planetary Governor. -Which we would still do... -on the earlier mentioned two conditions."
The Spartan nodded lightly, then went on to his next question: "Are you concerned at all by the Pirates' sometimes reckless behavior in interfactional affairs?"
The small smile on Lal's face grew just a little wider as he answered. "Well, we are concerned about reckless behavior by any faction, not just the Pirates specifically." The Spartan seemed to hesitate for a moment, then pressed on. "So, you are concerned about reckless behavior by the Pirates in interfactional affairs?" Lal took a deep breath. "Yes, we do get a little concerned at times, but nothing too major so far. We are also concerned about what we see as reckless behavior by Sparta, the Hive, the University... -even the Data Angels as of late..." The room was silent for a few moments. Then the Spartan cleared his throat and asked another question. "So, what does the U.N. intend to do about it?" Lal spread his hands in a gesture that could be meant to indicate that the answer ought to be pretty obvious. "Well, if we feel that someone is acting recklessly, we will always try to use the standard diplomatic channels first... -meaning that we'll try to talk to them about it and sort the matter out in a civilized manner." He paused for a moment and looked around. "Failing that..." He paused again, then shrugged and waved a hand dismissively, "Without a specific case to discuss, this is all just speculation." The Spartan tried one more time. "So, if the Pirates..." Lal held out a hand and cut him short. "Then I would discuss the matter with the Pirates and with my own people, not with a Spartan reporter. Anything else?" The Spartan thought for a moment, then shook his head and sat down.
Lal quietly wondered what would come next...
[OOC: To be continued...]

Oh, and by the way... as you may or may not recognize, I've thrown in a few lines from The Unforgiven II by Metallica here and there... It's not really part of the story and nobody's really "unforgiven" in the eyes of the Peacekeepers... (-at least not yet...) I just tried putting it in and kind of liked the effect, so I left it there...

U.N. Headquarters
Lal was getting ready for his press conference when Svensgaard's message came in. He quickly skimmed through the message and shrugged. Looked like it was just a matter of Santiago being a little paranoid as usual. He dismissed the matter and returned to pondering the situation with the Data Angels. Like most Peacekeepers, he still didn't understand what had happened and why and how. And he didn't understand why he still hadn't heard from Roze. Why won't she talk to me? He shook his head sadly, not understanding at all.
He still couldn't believe it had come to this.
Some people were saying that it was all good... that Roze had proven herself to be immature and untrustworthy and that he should probably never have been allied with her in the first place. Lal found this hard to believe. But her stubborn refusal to even talk to him did not count as a sign of maturity in his book...
-Could it be true what they say?
Lay beside me
Tell me what they've done
Speak the words I want to hear
Make my demons wrong
U.N. Enforcement Base
Rhonda Manfield was heading back to her unit. They had about 3 weeks of training left, then they would be ready for some real action. -Which meant that they'd probably be going north to confront Kurita in the mountains, unless something else came up... As she walked through the base, her mind was drifting... She was walking through streets where Datatech forces had once paraded before cheering crowds... Our allies... our friends... She could still remember. She had been right here. She had been just a kid, but she'd been here. She had waved to them and they had waved right back at her. She could still remember the smiles on the faces, the mood in the base... how happy she'd been...
-And now they won't even talk to us...
The door is locked now
But it's opened if you're true
If you can understand me
Then I can understand you
Data DeCentral, U.N. Embassy
The mood was gloomy. The embassy compound was hurriedly being prepared for an indefinite period under siege. Guards were all over the place. They were in full battle gear now and carried large synthmetal shields for protection against objects thrown at them from the outside. They were preparing for a small war. While most were busily going about making preparations, a few of them just stood there like stone figures, glaring angrily at the small group of protestors remaining outside, who were currently being held at safe distance by the Datatech Security forces. Things were safely under control for the time being, but the Peacekeepers clearly weren't counting on that to last. Instead, they were getting ready to take matters into their own hands should the Datatech Security forces allow them to be attacked again.
Lay beside me
Under wicked sky
Blackened day, darkened night
We share this paradise
The door cracks open
But there's no sun shining through
Black heart scarring darker still
But there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining
U.N. News Network
Attack on U.N. Embassy in Data DeCentral!
U.N. Marine guards at the embassy in Data DeCentral went on alert today as protestors outside the embassy began harassing guards and throwing missiles. Datatech Security forces responded promptly and took control of the situation. While no guards were injured and the situation appears to be under control for the time being, U.N. Ambassador Victor Pazcussi has delivered a formal complaint to the Datatech authorities, calling the incident an unprovoked attack on U.N. personnel. The ambassador went on to state that "appropriate measures" would be taken to defend U.N. personnel and property against further attacks. Exactly what this means is currently unclear, as neither the ambassador nor the captain of the guard have been available for comment. However, sources in U.N. Headquarters inform us that any action taken by U.N. Embassy guards will be strictly defensive in nature and that deadly force will never be used unless it is needed to save lives.
Datatech authorities were quick to condemn the incident. Assistant Datajack Michael Omega-Nine issued a brief statement saying that
"I'm really quite ashamed of what happened at Data DeCentral today. While I respect the right to protest, this violence is immature and unnecessary. To think that our own citizens would do that to guests in our capital base is appalling."
Now for the press conference in U.N. Headquarters...
Voice of Humanity - An independent radio network
Good evening, fellow humans!
I am Chuck Wilborne and this is the Voice of Humanity on 102,5.
As you know, Commissioner Lal is about to begin a press conference in U.N. Headquarters, where he will undoubtedly announce that we're still holding the door open for the Data Angels and that nobody's holding any grudges against them because of what has happened. And why would he say anything else? We have no reason to be angry with the Data Angels. We don't even know why they're mad at us! Something's pissed them off to the point of leaving the Chiron Alliance, but what on Chiron was it?
If we only knew, perhaps we could help resolve the problem. Unfortunately, since the Data Angels won't even talk to us, we do not know what their problem is and have no way of obtaining this information. So, we're left with little more than rumors and speculations, and nobody really knows what is going on, which means that if they continue on their present heading, we may be forced to shut the Angels out without really knowing why we're doing it. -Which is sad, because the Data Angels have been our best friends for so long and we were hoping to keep relations strong in the future... -Or... have they been our best friends? Have they indeed? Some people are saying that the Data Angels are starting to show their true colors and that we should never have been allied with them in the first place. There are also those who question the maturity of a faction leader who sets off something like this because of a petty personal argument, then refuses to talk to anybody about what's happened and why, even after apologies have been offered. However, we should keep in mind that we do not really know if the alleged "petty personal argument" is actually the reason for all of this. We also have to keep in mind that the fact that Roze hasn't talked to us does not necessarily mean she has not talked to anyone. So, we do not really know what she's doing and why. Now, refusing to talk to the one with whom you have a problem is definitely rather undiplomatic, and while some may call it immature, it is unfortunately not uncommon in interfactional politics. So, this is not something Roze "invented". However, it was definitely not expected of her, and it puts us in a very difficult situation. We don't even know what to apologize for!
On the other hand, the Data Angels do not seem to understand our position either...
According to the Angel's Herald,
The U.N. wants the Angels to stay for obvious reasons as well. To consolidate the power of the Alliance and disseminate rumours that it's falling apart from within due to bickering amongst leaders. To gain a powerful ally with a large navy, and extensive sea territory (through which a great deal of U.N. trade has past en route to both Data Angel and Northern Pirate sea bases).
If, however, the Data Angels have for some inconceivable reason decided not to get along with us, then we shall be forced to accept this. -But that doesn't mean we have to like it!
Earlier this week, a certain Penelope Winters organized a protest outside the U.N. Embassy in Data DeCentral, apparently angry about something somebody said in the U.N. media. None of us ever knew what he was talking about, but he seemed to think we were "pushing him around" when we refused to immediately sever all ties, break all contact and condemn the Data Angels as "immature and untrustworthy" or something along those lines. If that is what the Angels want, then that is what they want and doesn't mean we have to want it too! Of course we will leave them alone if that is how they want it, but they have no right to dictate what we should want and what we should say. If we don't understand why we have to break up, we will say we don't understand why we should break up, and if Mr. Penelope Winters & Co don't like us saying so, then they should explain it to us, not just run around spouting a lot of bull**** about us "pushing them around" when no attempt has been made to do so.
Another interesting comment came directly from Sister Miriam Godwinson, who was quoted as saying that
I find it strange that Commissioner Lal does not "allow" Roze to withdraw. The Chiron Alliance is, as far as I know, meant to be a democratic coalition. If Lal does not wish this, he must not use force to subjugate the Data Angels.
First of all, Roze doesn't need Lal's permission. If he doesn't immediately push her away and turn his back on her, that doesn't mean he "won't allow" her to do something! As for the last part of Miriam's statement... well, we can only hope that Miriam was just acting dumb when she gave this comment.
So, to sum things up, where will this whole thing end?
Well, who knows? I most certainly don't, and I don't think Commissioner Lal knows too much either.
As for Roze, she's not talking to us, so we have no idea what she knows. Maybe this wasn't what she had in mind either. We don't know anything. So, for the time being, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens next...
The next days and weeks will be crucial...
What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door
-Should I open it for you
U.N.S. Apollon II
The storm was long gone, as was the troubled thoughts of the captain.
Now she was standing tall and proud on the bridge as they sailed northeast at full speed.
The sea was calm and the whole task force was bathing in the evening sun.
They would reach their destination in approximately 12 hours.
Showtime flight, U.N. Air Patrol, off the coast of the Western Continent
A flight of missile-carrying penetrators were cruising high above the ocean. So far, they hadn't found much of anything, but they had a couple of hours' worth of fuel left still. They weren't quite sure what to make of their orders this time. Well, sure, they were basically just keeping an eye on things as usual, but this time, they had been specifically instructed to keep an eye out for Spartans, Hive or... Data Angels...
What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired I stand alone
Could you be there
'Cause I'm the one who waits for you
-Or are you unforgiven too
Phoenix flight, U.N. Air Patrol, Cult-Believer border region, east of New Hope
Nothing much seemed to be happening in the border region today. -Except the occasional passing of a Spartan drone, that was. The Peacekeepers were getting increasingly annoyed with the damned things flying all over the place, but nothing major had been done about it yet. Sure, the usual diplomatic protests had been sent, but they all knew how much of an impact that had on the Spartans. What was it General Braddock had said? "We might as well fart in their general direction from half a continent away." They all knew that was true more often than not. Yet that was how things were supposed to be done, so they had to stay calm and watch the things go by without interfering. -At least for the time being...
Suddenly, their deep radars picked up a low-flying air contact up ahead. It was currently north of the border, but heading almost dead south, about to exit Cult territory.
"Phoenix flight, bogey at two o'clock, bearing 7-8, range 3-7-0, heading 1-7-5 at speed 2-5-0. Lets go in and have a look."
One by one, they acknowledged the call and turned to intercept the bogey.
U.N. Headquarters
Lal's eyes widened in surprise as the Spartan Information Service reporter got up and introduced himself.
-What in the world was a Spartan reporter doing in a U.N. press conference?!?
He felt his mouth open and quickly closed it again, trying to concentrate on the Spartan's question... "Commissioner Lal. If Colonel Santiago wins the upcoming election, will you recognize her as the Planetary Governor?"
Okay, so they weren't talking about the Data Angels any longer...
Lal thought for a moment before he answered.
There was a sudden silence as the room tensed in anticipation of his answer to this unexpected question.
"Yes", he said suddenly, his voice loud and firm. "Yes, we will. -But on two conditions..."
He paused for a moment, until he saw that the Spartan was about to ask what these conditions were, before he went on. "If we are satisfied that there has been no foul play involved in the election - and provided that Santiago does not neglect the U.N. Charter in her eagerness to observe factional sovereignty - we will recognize her as Planetary Governor." He paused for another moment, then added a final sentence: "-If she wins the election, that is..." That brought a nervous chuckle from the crowd.
He had anticipated the Spartan's next question would be; "What do you mean by foul play, Commissioner?"
Lal shrugged lightly. "Well, if a battalion of Spartan troops were to stand behind us pointing weapons at our backs during the voting, it would be considered foul play." There was another nervous chuckle. "But... I feel pretty confident that there won't be any kind of troubles like that." The Spartan seemed about to dig further, then thought better of it as he realized that Lal had just said he trusted Santiago not to play foul.
"So... if Santiago is democratically elected to the position and she observes your precious Charter, you will recognize her has Governor?" Lal nodded. "That is correct."
"Will you also back her if any other faction chooses to ignore the results of the election?"
Lal felt a small smile spread across his face as he realized that he knew exactly where this was headed.
"Well, as you should all know by now, U.N. policies are not based on what "any other faction" may or may not see fit to say or do. So, the answer is yes. However, I did not say I'd back her, only that I would recognize her as Planetary Governor. -Which we would still do... -on the earlier mentioned two conditions."
The Spartan nodded lightly, then went on to his next question: "Are you concerned at all by the Pirates' sometimes reckless behavior in interfactional affairs?"
The small smile on Lal's face grew just a little wider as he answered. "Well, we are concerned about reckless behavior by any faction, not just the Pirates specifically." The Spartan seemed to hesitate for a moment, then pressed on. "So, you are concerned about reckless behavior by the Pirates in interfactional affairs?" Lal took a deep breath. "Yes, we do get a little concerned at times, but nothing too major so far. We are also concerned about what we see as reckless behavior by Sparta, the Hive, the University... -even the Data Angels as of late..." The room was silent for a few moments. Then the Spartan cleared his throat and asked another question. "So, what does the U.N. intend to do about it?" Lal spread his hands in a gesture that could be meant to indicate that the answer ought to be pretty obvious. "Well, if we feel that someone is acting recklessly, we will always try to use the standard diplomatic channels first... -meaning that we'll try to talk to them about it and sort the matter out in a civilized manner." He paused for a moment and looked around. "Failing that..." He paused again, then shrugged and waved a hand dismissively, "Without a specific case to discuss, this is all just speculation." The Spartan tried one more time. "So, if the Pirates..." Lal held out a hand and cut him short. "Then I would discuss the matter with the Pirates and with my own people, not with a Spartan reporter. Anything else?" The Spartan thought for a moment, then shook his head and sat down.
Lal quietly wondered what would come next...
[OOC: To be continued...]