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Chiron Chronicles: Planetary Council

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  • From: Father Theodore Deacon
    To: Planetary Council

    As some might remember, the Lord's Believers have committed themselves to engage peace talks after the Governor election has been resolved, to be started at a location chosen by the next governor.
    To further assure the Council of our desire for peace, Sister Miriam is prepared to declare a cease-fire on the Third Crusade, if the Hive Central Committee's demands

    - The Pirates agree to dismantle their presence on the eastern continent, including Athens outpost and personell based in Drone territory.
    - The Cult agrees to stop all acts of agression, including through the use of mindworms, against all factions.
    are being met.

    The cease-fire is to be continued indefinitely, until a more stable agreement can be made after the election. But, should the Cultists attack Believing forces, which will be withdrawn into our territory as soon as Cha Dawn agrees with the cease-fire, then vendetta will continue. As a reminder, Cha Dawn should not think that the Believing armed forces aren't vigilant, cease-fire or no cease-fire.

    For now, the Peacekeepers are allowed to patrol the area between the Cultist and Believing borders, to make sure the cease-fire is taking place, but it is most certain that the peace accords will bring up this matter.
    I wish to remind the Council that if the Cult-Believer war ends, it is not likely to have any more Spartan and Hive forces on the Western continent.

    The Believers are ready for peace, but are others aswell?

    Father Theodore Deacon
    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


    • [Council Liaison Aron Fleischer rises to speak...]

      I applaud Father Deacon for the expression he has delivered, and the overture his nation has made in general. However, Father, I fear that your plea may have fallen on deaf ears.

      Captain Svensgaard's statements are deeply troubling to me. He threatens permanent Vendetta against any faction reneging his proposal. Such actions are not mandated by the U.N. Charter or any other agreement, and they smack of reactionism, interventionism, and political naivete.

      [Looks in Svensgaard's direction] Do you fail, Captain, to understand the seriousness of war? [Sweeps arm in general direction of Cult delegation, then Believing delegation] Ask the Believers and the Cult what it is like. [Gestures towards Hive, then Free Drone desks] Ask Foreman Domai and Chairman Yang what war is, Captain. Infrastructure destroyed. Cities razed. People wandering homeless. Economies and livelihoods in ruins. War is not glory, it is not victory. It is pure misery.

      You ask nothing less than the acquiescence of sovereign states to your own visions of peace, without considering their compatibility with the visions of others. And your demands are not proportionate. The Nautilus navy is the largest on Chiron and it can cover the most territory. [Nodding towards Karl Solo and the Spartans] I am not a military man; but I hope the honorable Spartan delegation will indulge me for a moment. You demand that the Spartans dismantle their entire forward deployment, essential for their own self defense. In exchange, you will evacuate a small radar post, and offer lukewarm words against privateering. I would forgive Colonel Santiago for dismissing your proposal.

      Spartan units are deployed in only small areas of Believing territory, and they are there by invitation. In contrast, Morganic and University sovereign waters were violated by Pirate vessels on thirteen separate occasions over the last two months. Article XV of the U.N. Charter, Second Revised Edition, which our former Alliance supposedly reveres as their bible, states, "No party shall place combat personnel or equipment in the territory of another party, without the express consent of that second party, preferably formalized in written or other contract." Did the "Peacekeepers" seek permission before building a fortress in Cult territory, flouting Believer airspace, and marching armies across neutral Gaian soil? Did the Nautilus High Command warn us before sending heavily armed destroyers through our waters, disrupting merchant routes and terrorizing the civilian population?

      History has proved that there is always a way to engagement. But it must be based upon open and earnest discussions, catering to the needs of all parties. You have not learned your lessons from Versailles and Oslo: entente is a choice, it cannot be forced on anyone. You would disarm and humiliate the Spartan Federation, Morgan Industries, the Human Hive, and any others who dare to exercise their democratic rights. To paraphrase a famous 21st century writer, when such as us hear the words "peacekeeping mission" or "nation-building" we feel the shadow of world government and hear the whine of black helicopters.

      Every day your media and government claim that all peoples have a right to be independent. I believe it was you, Captain, who said that no-one is fond of hypocrisy.
      Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


      • General Message
        From: Datajack Roze
        To: Planetary Council

        I'm afraid I must concur with Council Liason Fleischer on this matter. Captain Svensgaard, while your proposal is certainly noble and I'm sure well intended, it is also idealistic and unfortunately unfeasible. I would like nothing more than to see an end to war, and factions restricting all movement to their own territory. But let us be realistic. War exists on this planet, and factions need to be prepared to defend themselves. For there are agressors among us who would take advantage of such weakness.

        While I applaud your noble sentiment, it is unfeasible at this time. However, the need to find a resolution to Believer-Cult conflict is the first step towards such a peace. And making sure that the conflict does not merely become a theatre for further tensions between the U.N. Peacekeepers and the Spartan Federation.

        "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


        • [OOC: Edited previous post with some answers to Spartan criticism...
          Look a little higher up before you read this... ]

          Ambassador Fuentes once again stands to speak in the council...
          This time she is actually smiling a little...

          "Looks like we finally have a constructive discussion going here.
          So far, the proposal that seems the most reasonable to us is that of the Believers."

          She pauses for a moment, then nods lightly and starts to sit down.

          "I have nothing further at this time."

          [OOC: Wow! Peacekeepers backing Believers?? Could happen!
          Let's see what happens next... ]
          "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
          -- Saddam Hussein


          • “Representative Solo waits patiently as each representatives speaks to the council. When it is his turn once again, he rises and looks at each of those assembled. I don’t think the Peacekeepers are listening to what we are saying. Each and everyone one of us has at some time been guilty of pressing our views on others. In the beginning, Sparta did just that when our first war with the Peacekeepers began. The prevailing opinion in Sparta at the time was that Lal and the Peacekeepers would not stop until Chiron was controlled by the UN. There were many other things going on at this time, but those are unimportant now. That war is in the past. The second war was just as complex. And if I remember correctly many in this room were all to eager to join in with the fighting. But again, those reasons did not excuse the letting of blood for no gain. But that was seventeen years ago. For the last seventeen years Sparta and the Hive have been trying to concentrate on building our infrastructure and providing for our citizens. The Believers have been fighting back against the diabolical use of native life forms as weapons of terror. In fact the recent crisis on the Western Continent was caused by the cults continuing effort to use native life forms as weapons. Spartan forces were sent into the region because we had witnessed the cult deliberately spreading spores for the sole purpose of encouraging native life forms in attacking Believer territory. It is ironic that while the Peacekeepers were so concerned with us that they did not see what was happening. Perhaps they should have turned around and looked behind them towards the cult. The peacekeepers are so concerned about nerve gas that they forget that mind worms are far more insidious. I hope that they are not like the Pirates and simply look at numbers in determining how bad a weapon is. Rest assured that the issue of native life forms as weapons will be brought up in these halls again.” Solo turns to the Pk ambassador. “You asked me what my point was. It is this. While Sparta has no doubt acted without mercy during many times in the past, we have overcome that and returned to our original purpose. We wish only to live under our own terms and without interference from your interpretation of how we should live . We want to live without interference from UNHQ, or any other far away capital. You say that you do not wish to impose your vision of humanity on the rest of us, but yet places like New Hope, Athens Outpost, and on occasions this very base speak to the contrary. In short you have become a victim of your own idealism. You cannot live up to your ideals without forcing us and the rest of Chiron into towing the line. The line according to UNHQ that is. I fear that your idealism plus the often reckless behavior of some of your allies will cause a third war. Maybe not tomorrow. Maybe not next year. But cause one nonetheless. What you must ask yourself is this. Is your ideals so important that you are willing to plunge us all into war over? Also you must ask yourself is this truly a case of only Sparta and the Hive not going along. From what I can tell, all of the factions here have one thing in common. We all at some point have had you tell us how it should be and that we are somehow less important than your overall vision. I don’t know what caused your falling out with the Data Angels, but I would be willing to wager that it had something to do with what I just described. And I would be willing to further wager that if you ever told the Pirates what they should be doing, you would get a resounding its none of your business. It’s nothing personal Isabella. It’s just that none of us like being dictated from high upon Mount UNHQ. I will transmit the data taken from the Spartan aerial drone. It may clear up some things on the recent crisis. I will also retransmit Colonel Santiago’s proposal to you. I am sure that Commissioner Lal will be eager to go over them in detail.

            I would like to briefly state that Sparta will support whatever decision the Believers make regarding the disposition of the current conflict. I would also like to thank the council for it’s indulgence with my speeches. But I felt that it is important for the Peacekeepers to look upon their actions from another perspective and expose the dangers that face us regarding certain factions.
            Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


            • Ambassador Fuentes listens to Solo's speech with a slight frown on her face.

              When he is finished, she stands again to answer him.

              "Must be very convenient to be Spartan", she mutters.
              "It seems no matter what happens and no matter what you do, it is never your fault and you never have any responsibility. You just point an accusing finger at somebody else and say that it's their arrogance that caused it. Must be very convenient indeed..."

              She pauses momentarily, then lightens up a bit.
              "Nevertheless, we shall consider some of the things you have said, and in spite of what you seem to think, such considerations are not unknown to us. Perhaps if you hadn't been so busy preparing for the war you're so sure we're going to cause, you might have noticed."
              "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
              -- Saddam Hussein


              • Solo listens and a small smile starts to spread across his face. He waits for Ambassador Fuentes to finish her response and starts to rise but sits back and quickly types out a message.

                Private Message
                From: Representative Karl Solo
                To: Ambassador Isabella Fuentes

                Ambassador, our faults are well known to us. We just want to make sure that you don’t begin to forget that the Peacekeepers are not immune to being wrong. And as preparing for war, our plans are currently directed at a certain ally of yours. That is where the war will start Isabella. And your government will be just as guilty as they are now, and we were in the past.
                Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                • In order to avoid "dead air", Father Deacon rises up to speak after quickly negotiating with his colleagues.

                  "The Peacekeeper support for our proposal is most welcome. If the Hive's demands are met, we can negotiate", Deacon says, carefully looking at the Pirate delegation.
                  "I am also glad to announce that a Believing assault planned on launching later today has been cancelled, and that some of our troops have been called back home.
                  Although the Cultist delegation has not yet replied to our proposal, nor accepted the cease-fire, we are firm in our belief that Cha Dawn has nothing against peace. I would also like to remind the Council that the Believers vote for Colonel Santiago as Planetary Governor, who will hopefully be a major player in the forthcoming negotiations.
                  But now, I advise to Peacekeepers to inform the New Hope base to "start packing", so to speak."

                  (OOC: Where are you Cyber? We need you here ASAP!)
                  Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                  • Private message
                    From: Ambassador Isabella Fuentes
                    To: Representative Karl Solo

                    Peacekeepers immune to being wrong?
                    That's your idea, not ours.
                    We still consider ourselves human...
                    "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
                    -- Saddam Hussein


                    • OOC: Sorry, hellawa lot of of work to do the last few days Spray, you mean with " spreading spores deliberately by day" the commando copter fiasko? And waht drone recordings

                      From: Cult Ambassador Quzer
                      To: Planetary Council

                      Captain Svensgaard, your speech has been brave, and seems it has made alot of representatives nervous and disagreeing. But atleast you have made things move finally.

                      And representative Solo, you truly know how to blame people, don´t you? Our diabolic use of native life, the spreading spores in Believer territory. Oh, believe me, representative,we don´t need to spread any spores, the polluting industry of the Believers is doing it to themselves.
                      Don´t blame us everytime your bases are attacked by native life. Its your own fault, representative Solo.

                      The Believers have attacked us three times already, just because we treat native life equally and use them as a weapon of self defense, not as a diabolic weapon of terror, that you described. We have never even provoked them, we´re just a threat because we too different for them.

                      Or maybe you are just scared. Scared that we have something you cannot beat, thats why you are constantly painting us and our mindworms the ultimate devils. Am I right, representative Solo?

                      But thats just you, Spartans. Waht you dont understand, you must destroy.

                      I apologise for the long wait for the answer on the cease-fire, I have been negotiating with Cha Dawn about the current situation.

                      Father Deacon, we are wholeheartedly willing for peace talks, and a cease-fire before that.
                      We will stop all agression against all factions, and will continue to use mindworms for self-defense, and we will not, as if we ever had, spread propaganda on the territories of other signatories.
                      We in turn would like to see nothing more than the old pre-war borders to be restored, and please, some willingness to establish healthy relations from your side also.
                      If mindworm attacks still occur in your territory, as they probably will, I seriously suggest you do something to your polluting industry, as we are not the quilty ones.

                      We will start pulling our troops back from the front, as soon as there is a decent peace treaty, but as of now our troops are being called back to their original positions, and are now strictly defensive.

                      Father Deacon, I truly hope this will be the first step towards a lasting peace finally between our two sides.


                      • If I may, I would like to address the proposal made by the Pirates. I believe that it sounds all wonderful on the surface but what the Captain has stated is that they will do all those things if everyone magically starts getting along. I believe that Colonel Santiago’s proposal is more realistic and indeed she has given permission to offer the same terms to Captain Svensgard. For those that missed it, I will transmit the offer to your individual desks. We in Sparta do not presume to talk for our ally, the Hive. They are a great people and can speak for themselves. I believe that Chairman Yang or the Hive representative would be in a far better position to speak. Like us, they are only interested in preserving their way of life against outsiders. Let it be known however, that Sparta will not abandon the Believers. They are our ally and friends. Whoever fights the Believers, fights the Spartans.
                        Tell me Solo, how is my proposal is unrealistic? Why is it unrealistic for all the factions to accept? Would allow all factions to keep their sovereign rights, to keep to themselves without outside interferences.

                        Captain Svensgaard
                        (at the Planetary Council)


                        • Originally posted by Natan
                          From: Hive Central Committee
                          To: Planetary council
                          We would agree to the following agreement as regards the western continent:
                          The Hive will withdraw its forces from the Western Continent if:
                          -The Pirates agree to dismantle their presence on the eastern continent, including Athens outpost and personell based in Drone territory.
                          -The Cult agrees to stop all acts of agression, including through the use of mindworms, against all factions.
                          -The cult and the pirates agree not to distribute propaganda in the territory of the other signatories of this agreement without their permission.
                          The Hive will only leave the Western Continent if we leave the Eastern Continent? The Hive have to realize that we have nothing in the Western Continent and we don't distribute propaganda anywhere in Chiron. The Nautilus Pirates is Neutral concerning of what is happening in the Western Continent. The only matters we care about is ones of the seas.

                          The Nautilus Pirates will not abandon the Athen Outpost without something in exchange. The Hive presence doesn't directly affect the Nautilus Pirates.

                          Captain Svensgaard


                          • (OOC: I see nothing wrong for Svensgaard to achieve Diplomatic Victory in this game, where where everyone has a Friends for Life treaties with each other :P)

                            Captain Svensgaard's statements are deeply troubling to me. He threatens permanent Vendetta against any faction reneging his proposal. Such actions are not mandated by the U.N. Charter or any other agreement, and they smack of reactionism, interventionism, and political naivete.
                            Why would it trouble you? If everyone agrees to my proposal and achieve world peace, why would any faction be crazy enough to ruin that peace? My threat of pernament vendetta would only trouble the ones who breaks the peace after they Agree to my proposal of world peace.

                            [Looks in Svensgaard's direction] Do you fail, Captain, to understand the seriousness of war? [Sweeps arm in general direction of Cult delegation, then Believing delegation] Ask the Believers and the Cult what it is like. [Gestures towards Hive, then Free Drone desks] Ask Foreman Domai and Chairman Yang what war is, Captain. Infrastructure destroyed. Cities razed. People wandering homeless. Economies and livelihoods in ruins. War is not glory, it is not victory. It is pure misery.
                            Don't you realize that your speaking to a person who is from Earth, the craddle of humanity? No conflicts on Chiron as ever match the scope to what I have seen back on Earth. So don't try that guilt trip on me.

                            You ask nothing less than the acquiescence of sovereign states to your own visions of peace, without considering their compatibility with the visions of others. And your demands are not proportionate. The Nautilus navy is the largest on Chiron and it can cover the most territory. [Nodding towards Karl Solo and the Spartans] I am not a military man; but I hope the honorable Spartan delegation will indulge me for a moment. You demand that the Spartans dismantle their entire forward deployment, essential for their own self defense. In exchange, you will evacuate a small radar post, and offer lukewarm words against privateering. I would forgive Colonel Santiago for dismissing your proposal.
                            If you call the Spartans units outside of their territory self-defence, then base that logic, Athen Outpost is the Nautilus Pirates self-defence.

                            Also, I haven't stated my vision of peace, just my proposal. "Assumption is the mother of all screw ups" just to say.

                            Spartan units are deployed in only small areas of Believing territory, and they are there by invitation. In contrast, Morganic and University sovereign waters were violated by Pirate vessels on thirteen separate occasions over the last two months. Article XV of the U.N. Charter, Second Revised Edition, which our former Alliance supposedly reveres as their bible, states, "No party shall place combat personnel or equipment in the territory of another party, without the express consent of that second party, preferably formalized in written or other contract." Did the "Peacekeepers" seek permission before building a fortress in Cult territory, flouting Believer airspace, and marching armies across neutral Gaian soil? Did the Nautilus High Command warn us before sending heavily armed destroyers through our waters, disrupting merchant routes and terrorizing the civilian population?
                            Thirteen seperate occasions in last two months? You consider escorting merchant vessels via your waters disrupting and terrozizing civilians? According to the Global Trade Agreement, the Nautilus Pirates as the rights to escort any merchant vessels that request it. If our ships happen to scare your people, it is not our fault.

                            History has proved that there is always a way to engagement. But it must be based upon open and earnest discussions, catering to the needs of all parties. You have not learned your lessons from Versailles and Oslo: entente is a choice, it cannot be forced on anyone. You would disarm and humiliate the Spartan Federation, Morgan Industries, the Human Hive, and any others who dare to exercise their democratic rights. To paraphrase a famous 21st century writer, when such as us hear the words "peacekeeping mission" or "nation-building" we feel the shadow of world government and hear the whine of black helicopters.
                            Where in my proposal did i say I want to dismantle your militaries? Are you def man? I said all factions agrreing to the proposal require to withdraw all military back into their territories.
                            I suggest you rewind your recorders and listen again to what i have said.

                            Every day your media and government claim that all peoples have a right to be independent. I believe it was you, Captain, who said that no-one is fond of hypocrisy.
                            Nautilus Pirate Media can say the hoot they want and the Nautilus Pirate Government say some factions should stop sending ambassadors to the council who has earing problems.

                            Captain Svensgaard


                            • I'm afraid I must concur with Council Liason Fleischer on this matter. Captain Svensgaard, while your proposal is certainly noble and I'm sure well intended, it is also idealistic and unfortunately unfeasible. I would like nothing more than to see an end to war, and factions restricting all movement to their own territory. But let us be realistic. War exists on this planet, and factions need to be prepared to defend themselves. For there are agressors among us who would take advantage of such weakness.
                              Why is my proposal unfeasible? Because no faction as the guts to try ot make it happen? If all factions are so interested in making peace, then they shouldn't have any problem agreeing to the porposal. For the ones who don't, they don't seem interested in having Peace, making them hypocrites if they continue to preach it.

                              While I applaud your noble sentiment, it is unfeasible at this time. However, the need to find a resolution to Believer-Cult conflict is the first step towards such a peace. And making sure that the conflict does not merely become a theatre for further tensions between the U.N. Peacekeepers and the Spartan Federation.
                              The conflict there could easily be over if all Factions agree to my proposal. So for the ones who do not agree to it should stop complaining about the Pirates.

                              Captain Svensgaard


                              • To: Planetary Council in Person
                                From: Captain Svensgaard

                                Before i start getting flak for what i have said in my latest replies, I would like to say that the Nautilus Pirates votes for Datatech Sinder Roze to become Planetary Governor.

                                Captain Svensgaard

