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AC/AC-X Story Thread

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  • AC/AC-X Story Thread

    I don't know if any of you have any experience with S&D but I had an idea I thought would be fun to try. There was a suggestion a while back to open an AC War Forum. Well it never got off the ground because MarkG and DanQ wouldn't open a seperate forum. Well I thought what if we opened a S&D type thread. I bet there are some people here who participated in the owo forums Role Playing. We would operate on that basis only consolidating things into one thread. A good example is World 2000 at S&D. I just want to see what people think before I open the thread, so no claims yet.

    But most important. What do you guys think?

    World 2000:
    Good resource for those who aren't sure who exactly to play.
    [This message has been edited by Barbarossa (edited August 15, 2000).]

  • #2


    • #3
      Ok, I read a bit of that thread, and I'm still confused. Those post look like newspaper stories. Is that what this is about? Can you explain it further? (Yes, I am showing interest)
      Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

      Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


      • #4
        Well, mr.president .

        Those threads are basically threads where you tell a story about your nation in its wars through various medias, like newspapers reports and so. You build up an army, get into alliances, and perhaps even start attacking other nations. And write stories about that. Often you disagree with other players on how the attack has fared, then people use OoC messages or story moderator's powers to decide on which player won. Longness, excitement and realness of the story are looked up to. Your luck in wars may change if you write an excellent story about only one soldier, but if you just build up your military and attack the weakest one with using weak stories and so, everybody will attack you then.

        This, of course, is what those stories SHOULD be. The problem is, they get quite unrealistic easily. So if you want to join a game, jump in, ask a few stupid questions, choose a small nation and everybody will be happy with you!
        This is Shireroth, and Giant Squid will brutally murder me if I ever remove this link from my signature | In the end it won't be love that saves us, it will be mathematics | So many people have this concept of God the Avenger. I see God as the ultimate sense of humor -- SlowwHand


        • #5
          Ah, I get it. It's all based on your writing skill, which gives people interesting things to read and thus makes the whole store better as a whole.

          Hmm... tempting.
          Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

          Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


          • #6
            Well yes in those type of forums we use newspaper type writing to give it a more real world feel. For this you would write a story about your faction, ally with other factions, explore, research techs ,and eventually post your military stats.

            Come on we need more players. Googlie, Raging Mouse, LightSniper? Any of the Corssfire Tales vets?


            • #7
              I'm (obviously) interested - - but the timing just isn't right for me just now with my six week vacation looming.

              I could do a couple or three posts from now till Sept 1, then pick up the thread on Oct 15th, but I'd be so out of things plotwise that my faction may not even exist by then - six weeks is a long time in fiction land.

              I take it in an AC context we'd be writing from the perspective of one of the 14 factions (or even a custom faction?) - well, maybe not the 2 alien races (after all, who could decipher their resbursts)

              (And the more technically gifted could even provide links to streaming video footage of the action in question - a la Morgan 3dVision?)

              Sure I'm interested.



              • #8
                Since you know a great deal about AC I'm eager to have you participate. You would wirte from the perspective of your faction, just like in World 2000 we write from the perspective of our country. You would make communiques as the leader of your faction i.e. Brother Lal of the Peacekeepers.

                Since you are going on vacation you could choose your faction and than have an understudy or even another poster you really trust play the Peacekeepers (or whatever) until you get back.

                We still need more players.


                • #9
                  Hmmm.... sounds interesting! I'm happy to take part, but I'm probably going to be more of a "writer" than a "fighter".
                  "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                  • #10
                    It's okay. You can always get someone else to do your military for you. We need more players.


                    • #11
                      I just thought I might join in since I have decided to suspend University Saga because of lack of interest;

                      I would like to post in this 'future war'

                      A Sample:

                      The University Scholar
                      vol. 1 ish. 1

                      University Soldiers in Hive Territory

                      -University Base, University
                      Academian Prokhor Zakharov has just announced that he would be interested in a joint agreement with Brother Lal of the Peacekeepers to join him with his peacekeeping forces in Hive territories. He claims that this move "would be a strategic benefit for both of our peoples (the) Peacekeepers and (the) University.
                      -News Reporter Charles Sash

                      Are we ready to do claims?
                      -->Visit CGN!
                      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                      • #12
                        No we still need more players.


                        • #13
                          Just How many more players. I count just about 6

                          -Light Ening
                          -Alnistera Covelia
                          -Myself (Dark Cloud)

                          Any rules ideas; I can post some rules ideas if you start a thread. I was thinking of starting something like this some time ago but never got to typing the rules up.

                          Here is an outline:

                          -Year 2118
                          Begins with Planetary Governor Election (Original Factions)

                          -Need at least 4 people, hopefully 7.
                          Mindworms count as faction as does Planetmind.

                          -Eventually factions will splinter off or be discovered

                          -4 Techs each faction/ each no higher than level 2

                          -Maximum total population between all of your cities is 360,000

                          -I could make a diplomatic stances chart or flesh out this outline better, however I believe Barbarossa will probably want his own rules and people will probably want to decide their diplo stances.
                          -->Visit CGN!
                          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                          • #14
                            All right, I'll try to recruit a few more players, I'm hoping Provost Harrison (AI) might join. Also SCers like Hydro would be good players. Anyway the diplo stances should start out as the default Firaxis stances. Than players can feel free to change it to their own variation, not straying to much I hope.

                            I'll compile the rules hopefully soon. Claims will start tomorrow. If you have any questions contact me over ICQ at 77118793.


                            • #15
                              Hi, I am interested to join, but my writing skills suck :/

                              I have a great imagination,a mind for creativity...but suck in writing it out :/

                              So doubt i can make anything sound newspaper like.


