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Comment on the "Spartan Chronicles"

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  • sorry for the lapse, the muse has been unkind to say the least. i put "guardian" h'minee in a scoutship, as a security officer earlier. she is en route to alpha centauri at the moment. it can of course be changed, but i though it odd that the leaders of these two large and warring fcations would both be at the same place and same time with only a colony pod to spare. h'minee will assume 'guardianship' when she reaches alpha centauri, after googlie has his way with his progenitor history and such. after that someone else can take control of the caretakers. the just needed to at least be on their way at this point.

    as for the cyborgs, i can whip up something with michael, after all, aki need another probe algorithm since archon was "let go." if there's anything that anyone wants to yell at me for anything, or clarify anything, let me know and i will.

    i've had the poison leak into my skin
    and it corroded my heart away


    • Edgecrusher,
      I am happy to leave both the Caretakers and the Cyborgs in your hand. I didn't really know where I wanted to take either of them, I just wanted to see them involved more was all. I didn't pick up on H'mnee being around earlier, but as I only recently got SMACX I probably just didn't realise the name was of any significance.

      Dcole-> The battle starts as soon as someone writes it! I don't have any active fighting characters at the moment, but I might be starting something soon. Depends when I get around to writing some new stuff.

      "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


      • ok just didn't know if it was being coordinated or anything..didn't want to mess it up. Next post is coming soon, there you will learn more about the way I see the pirates coming into existence.


        • Hello SCers,

          Sorry for my absence - I have been on vacation.

          I’m just delighted at all the authors interested in SC! One item to clear up, though. Are we assuming that the Chiron atmosphere and environment is now Earth-standard? All my posts to this point are true to the original description of Planet, with heavy gravity, high atmospheric pressure, and way too much nitrogen (causing nitrogen narcosis). Also, I have characterized Planet as being on the warm side, with little seasonal variation due to its low axial tilt.

          If all of Planet has been terraformed then we really need to explain why and how since it is no small task. We also need to explain why all the native lifeforms on Planet aren’t dead or dying due to the massive change in atmospheric composition. I suspect that the Progenitors would be more than a little ticked off, too, for messing up their experiment on Manifold 6 (not that they are ever likely to be in a good mood).



          • Argonaut sorry if I screwed up things up for you. But I took control of the Believers officialy a while back. It seemed like the SC was pretty much dead. Anyway I might come bakc every so often to work on the Believers.


            • Captin Kirk-> No worries, the Believers are all yours. Like you, I noticed that the Spartan Chronicles seemed to be dying so I thought I would try and liven things up with all the potential characters. But I'm more than happy to stick with the two story lines I've now got going.

              "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


              • Bonjour former fellow SCers,

                I did not realise that the story would have gone on this long and am actually very impressed. As most of you know, school has wrenched me from any sort of regular writing, but I am glad that everyone else is still keeping things going here.

                Bon chance

                Veracitas, former Spartan Chronicler
                No Information Provided


                • ok guys second post is up..tell me what you think! The ship was a brain-child I had at the last minute, what would someone opposed with piracy build for his flag ship, why a replica of an old pirate ship of course! I will be going in more to the technical specifics of the ship later....

                  I also uped it's defense, I know that the highest defense before was not this high ut it made sense to me with everything else that had been going on. I mean a world that has advanced space-flight and Nanomeallurgy and nanominaturization should have the probability sheath defense. I have considered giving some of the ships in my story tachyon bolt weapons but I thought I would check with the other authors on that before I did it since that could lead to secrets of creation and frictionless surfaces. So what do you think would that tech have been researched by anyone?


                  • Hi guys I had a question on my mind that I'd like to pose. I was wondering if I could maybe write a bit for the Caretakers. I saw the last post with Zzar and thought that maybe you guys were shifting away from the Usurpers. But if it's not such a problem I kind of would to delve into the Caretakers a bit. By the way my e-mail address is if anyone has any advice on how to write for Progenitors.


                    • i like what you're doing, bearcat. keep it up. new post coming up in the next couple of days.

                      try to save myself but myself keeps slipping away.


                      • Googlie-> I need a scene with our new governer (being you) and perhaps Stazi too. It's to do with Roze's new job. Can you cover that, or do you mind if I just borrow them for the scene?

                        "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                        • Googlie,

                          I’ve missed the machinations you weave that keep SC oh, so interesting! I’m sure Googlie (the character) will be in the thick of things pretty soon. Glad to see you’re back!

                          Morgan sure is playing nice. Is he really penitent? Enlightened self-interest (the same reason he got into bed with Yang 50 years ago)? Or is he plotting something? Perhaps a quid pro quo? Then again, earning some brownie points might serve him well since he is the closest human faction to the nasty ol’ Progenitors, who are getting a little frisky.

                          BTW – if I were facing singularity anything I would be building LOTS of native units. So, good old Deirdre holds the upper hand! I’d bet Morgan realizes this, since his fusion plasma garrisons aren’t likely to stand long against attack factor 80 (20 graviton * 4 singularity) aircraft or hovercraft. Lady D will be a tough nut to crack since the Usurpers have –1 Planet, which will be even worse since she has +4 Planet (+1 Gaians, +1 Manifold Nexus, +2 green) if that counts for defense.


                          P.S. – I’ve noticed that Planet rating doesn’t show up on the combat screen for the defense in psi combat. Doesn’t it matter? If it doesn’t than native units are even more important since there isn’t a defense penalty for FM in psi combat.


                          • Hydro:

                            Thanks for the welcome - sorry I was away for so long....but I'm back now.

                            Argonaut - feel free to borrow G and S as appropriate - I'm about to post the "Yalta" conference which will involve Googlie - but Morgan is there too at the meeting to lobby for Sinder.



                            • The Planet rating only affects offense, not defense.

                              Hydro is right to suggest native life as the countermeasure against high-tech things like Gnats. Even with Res Armor the kill ratio for locusts vs. Gnats should be far better than the 8:1 the Needlejets are suffering -- particularly for Deirdre.

                              Usurpers, meanwhile, have their attack advantage somewhat blunted by their poor Planet rating. A big pile of worms should slow 'em down a bit.

                              (That's why they call H'minee "Booger". The Usurpers are a far cry from being the killing machine that is The Caretakers ...)


                              • VV:

                                Only problem for the Axis powers is that the only locust so far encountered on Chiron has been befriended by the sentient lead Gnat


