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"Crossfire Tales"

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    [This message has been edited by dante^ (edited December 17, 1999).]


    • Midnight
      Safe Haven

      A wearied Sean Yang sat in the probe command room. Although he had never performed a real live infiltration before, he had done countless simulations... and even the simulations were harder than the real thing. The Believer probe teams underwent the strictest training of any other known faction on Planet.

      Engraved in a tiny zenogothic font on every probe team badge was the motto, "Shrewd as serpents, innocent as doves," taken from the mouth of Jesus Christ Himself.

      The probe foil activated its cloaking system, and Don and his team waited for Sean to enter the access codes. They resided just outside the main pressure dome of Safe Haven. The probe team was still awestruck at the magnificent sea colony before their eyes... The highly structured and professionally built base belied the careless and ragtag personalities of this seafaring faction.

      Hands moving almost in a blurr, Sean entered the numerous access codes, decrypting passcodes, and finally cracking the entrance security system.

      The glass "doorway" silently opened, and Don and the probe team members, scuba suits donned, dove in and swam into the heart of this faction. It was a very low-risk probe operation; they were to merely gather the data necessary to give Miriam the lowdown on this faction.

      In a sleepy daze, Sean leaned back and closed his eyes, fleeting thoughts of Liz dancing in his head. He could rest now, it would be a few days before Don completed the mission.


      Next Day
      New Jeruselum

      The Lord's Council was astir. Sister Miriam had just briefed them on all of the diplomatic actions that were taken the night before, and it was obviously too much for them to handle.

      "Are you sure it was wise to give Dierdre this cult's commlink frequency?" Peter Herriott asked vehemently. "What if they were to team up against us in an unholy alliance? An unholy alliance of those eco-freaks vowing to push us off the face of Planet?"

      Sister Miriam said, "You of little faith, why do you doubt me? Everything is under control. The Gaians will not team up with this cult. Bartholomew, explain."

      "Certainly... Council, as you may or may not recall, 30 years ago a few of our probe teams infiltrated Gaian territory. However, their mission was more than granting us access to their datalinks. Since that day, the probe teams have remained in Gaian territory, acting as the Lord's missionaries, spreading our gospel and gaining a few converts."

      Miriam continued, "Yes, and their broken system of government, modelled after our former friend Lal has actually worked to our advantage. The Christian Right political party has been gaining steadily in influence in their legislative body; although they will never achieve the majority, they have already gained a large enough voice to perk Dierdre's ears.

      "Furthermore, I firmly believe that the Holy Spirit has been working actively in Dierdre's heart, and it may be any day now that she will come to know the Lord. When she does, she will most certainly sign a treaty with us."

      Peter Herriott was not convinced. "If that is the case, we did not need to tell her about this Planet cult... Why couldn't we have waited?"

      "Because," a voice from the opposite end of the table started. All the elders' faces turned toward the youngest member, Minister Sean Yang. "If Dierdre is currently undergoing a.. crisis of conscience, she needs to see how debased her sinful environment-loving life is... When she begins to interact with the cult, she will see how dangerous her ideals can become when taken to the extreme. In fact, I am almost certain that this renegade cult originated from Gaian territory... Seeing the error of her ways, she will turn to the Lord." Miriam nodded in approval.

      "Exactly," she enjoined. "Furthermore, the Lord has been using our Morganite friends... The Gaians fight a losing vendetta; their dull citizens and demoralized soldiers don't stand a chance. Deirdre will see the Lord change the hearts of her followers, injecting life and fanning the flames of wrath, and Morgan will be brought to his knees in repentance." Most of the Council members seemed satisfied.

      "In other business, Dierdre has recently been preaching at me with her usual eco-daft rhetoric, imploring us to model our system after theirs. Not surprisingly, they call it a 'green' economy. Minister Matthew, this is quite similar to the economic proposal you mentioned a few meetings ago."

      Matthew perked up.

      "Although I strongly hesitate introducing any form of idolatry into our faction, I think perhaps the Lord wishes to change our ways... Here, Matthew," Miriam stated, throwing him a thick folder.

      Matthew looked at the cover. "The Marvels of Centauri Empathy," it read. "A Memorandum on the Potential Effects of this New Technology / by Dr. Fried Bergman, Chief Gaian Scientist." As he skimmed through the introductory pages, he remarked, "These notes seem remarkably similar to a discovery our own scientists made many years ago..."

      "You are correct," Miriam stated. "Our scientists discovered something similar a while back, but we locked the findings in our.. 'Vault.'" The "Vault" was a large storage room that kept hard copies of any new scientific findings. Whenever a believer scientist made questionable progress, the Council of Human Advancement would review the data; anything bordering on blasphemy, idolatry, and the like would be locked in the Vault until further notice. Naturally, this bereaucratic process severely inhibited the scientists' progress in most research.

      "At the time, the data was deemed idolatrous. It recommended a greater 'relationship' and understanding of Planet. It encouraged us to find our proper niche in this global ecosystem, rather than discovering how we fit into God's plan according to the Bible. Although it did help us in developing empath song implants for our mindworm fighting soldiers," Miriam flatly explained.

      "As I recall, Governor Esau was one of the main proponents for the full exploitation of this discovery," Minister Andrew reminded.

      "Yes, he did. And lately I feel the Lord telling me to begin trusting his instincts. I believe Esau has a certain intuitive spiritual gift... As of late he has been arguing louder for further study of Planet. I myself have reconsidered this... 'Green' economy," Miriam began. Her voice trembled at the mere mention of the word "green," for it signified that possibly she had been wrong. That possibly... another faction's suggestions were right. Nevertheless, she was always willing to humble herself before the Lord.

      "Minister Matthew, study this Gaian report. I want you to provide a detailed analysis of what this system would entail upon our own territory. I also grant you full permission to recover our data related to this topic from the Vault," Miriam said.

      Matthew beamed. "Certainly, Sister Miriam!"

      Miriam raised a hand and said her usual benediction. "And Sean, let us hope Agent Kimball brings good news regarding this new faction."

      Sean made a quick bow, and left the room. When he got off the elevator onto the first floor, he walked out of the magnificent Main Cathedral of New Jeruselum, where a black limosuine would usually drive by and pick him up.

      He looked up at the beautiful clear sky, closed his eyes, and breathed the fresh air of Planet. God has indeed provided a wonderful place for us to live. Perhaps it is wise that we begin taking care of it. He also thought about the latest probe mission. It would be an easy infiltration, and Don would leave unscathed.

      As the familiar limosine pulled up, the doorman opened the door for him, and he stepped inside, reclining in the comfortable seat, mind lost in reverie. A successful probe team mission. Don would come back alive. Sadly, it would never bring Liz back alive. If only that fateful day, I had taken more security precautions... NO. No regrets. Liz always told me that...

      "No regrets, Sean. Put the past behind you," came a voice from within the limo.

      Sean glanced up. Elizabeth Wyvern looked across at him, and smiled.


      • 1200 hours
        Morgan Interstellar
        Warehouse District 1-3-5 Blue Sector

        “I’m glad you could make it Master Kurita, on such short notice.”

        “Anything for the Apex Council.” Kurita was never nervous or intimidated, even by the two shrouded figures sitting in front of him.

        “I hope your progress with our specimen is progressing on schedule.”

        “He has made outstanding progress, far exceeding our wildest dreams.” Kurita said with a bit of pride in his voice.

        “Good, then you would not disagree with our decision to use the specimen on a trial run.”

        “Well… that may not be wise.” Kurita said, although he kept his composure.

        “What is the problem then Kurita, do not make me doubt your usefulness to the project.” The hidden man said with a bit of bite in his voice.

        “You asked for my opinion!” Kurita answered slightly louder than usual, which was a rare event for the monotone man.

        “Settle down gentleman, we are both on the same team.” The second member who had been quiet to this point said, as he moved his face slightly into the light just enough for Kurita to make out the some of the facial features. “Master Kurita, we are fully aware that you are the best at what you do, but you must understand the problem we face. Their arrival is imminent, and we must have time to test the specimen before mass production.” The man slowly withdrew his face back into the darkness.

        “His physical body is not what I’m concerned with, it is his mental abilities. They may not be developed enough for interaction in the outside world.” Kurita viewed the ‘specimen’ as if he was his son and was unwilling to part with his disciple without concern.

        “Then let us test your fears out. There should be no difficulty in this task.” The more vulgar of the two council members suggested.

        “I have told you my concerns, but if I must send the ‘specimen’ out, I will require at least one more week training.” Kurita hated talking about the student as a lab specimen, but he knew he would be thrown off the project if he let his emotions get involved.

        “I believe that’s a fare compromise. I will transmit your specimen’s assignment in one week from today. I have full confidence in you and the future of this project.” The second of the two members said as they both rose and walked out of the room, still remaining in the shadows.

        Master Kurita bowed respectively as they walked out and then left the building through another doorway.


        • The gilded spires of the Believing bases stood on the horizon. The double suns gleamed in the hazy sky bouncing their light off the domes and crosses. However more impressive was Dawn of Planet. But it was all a matter of opinion and religion.

          Durr stood with another brood trainer. Both of them had orders to carry out an attack on one of the two bases. And this one was closest. Durr had, had to travel from Well of Souls all the way up here to Seers of Chiron. With a stop off at The Hermitage. There he had met up with the other brood trainer.

          Both of them had pre-boil and boil mind worms. However from what intelligence had gathered the Believers had trance/empath garrisons at their bases. Thsi would be a hard battle. Fortunantly Prophet Cha Dawn had left the part of choosing the victim upto them.

          "So which one should it be ?" Durr asked his comrade. The other man looked at the bases. He seemed to be listening to Planet, perhaps asking it for guidance. Then he spoke up.

          "That one there" he said pointing to one. Durr looked at his mind worms. Then back at the base. These Believers would soon know the wrath of Planet. First hand !
          [This message has been edited by Bearcat (edited December 19, 1999).]


          • 2000 hours
            Secret Hollow, Testing Grounds
            Storage Facility Alpha

            ‘Why was this machine created… this…ogre… it is much more than Zebra and his scientists know. It seems to have a pleasant aura that permeates my body when I am close to it, yet its power is immense and destructive.’ Raptor thought as he walking slowly through the warehouse where the mighty so called ‘battle ogres’ rested, during the night.

            ‘These computers that we use to control these…metallic beasts… are limited, yet there is nothing to prove my theory. Zebra would merely laugh at me if I were to address him with my ‘feelings’.

            Raptor stopped in front of the largest of the three ogres, named mark II, due to its slightly different setup and body.

            ‘Perhaps their is something greater within this beast that I can not sense. Perhaps a more powerful telepathy than humanity possess is needed to control it, yet I am merely your average human who was forgotten by god…or planet…or who ever controls this unfair universe. I can never sense or control these creatures.’

            Raptor raised his hand and touched the metallic creature, feeling the slight infractions of its unknown metallic outer shell.

            ‘Richmond had a special gift… perhaps it was telepathy… or perhaps it was faith. He was willing to die for me, without fear or hesitation. I’m sure he could have sensed the secrets of this beast.’

            Raptor retracted his hand from the battle ogre’s skin and merely stared at the beast, remembering the old times with Richmond and others.

            ‘There must be someone or something with the ability to communicate with these creatures more than these foolish computers can. Perhaps I will have to wait until the original creators come back…’ Raptor turned around and walked out of the facility chuckling over the absurd thought of its creators coming back after so long, if they were still alive or actually existed.


            1100 hours
            Data DeCentral
            Headquarters Perimeter

            “Here they come…. Fire!”

            “There’s so many of them Sir!”

            “Die Peacekeeping Bastards!”

            The Peacekeeper troops had started their final offensive that morning and were steadily making ground, under the almost suicidal defense of Data Angel garrisons. Now, all PK units with the help of the newly arrived University third marines were sweeping the Angels away like a plague of Locust, and now the only beacon of Data Angel resistance was their headquarters with its quickly erected perimeter wall.

            “They’re not stopping Sir!”

            “My impact rounds are bouncing of their armor… we are all going to Die!”

            “Just keep firing men… fight hand to hand if you have to!”

            The faces of the drained Data Angel forces could tell a thousand stories of agony as they saw there obsolete technology rebounding off the enemy force’s photonic armor. It was ironic that the Data Angels had many of the same technologies or better as their enemies, yet they never saw it fit or needed for them to concentrate on conventional forces. Their culture was built around secret missions, espionage, and the free transfer and movement of knowledge, not aggressive power.

            “They’re breaking through!”

            “Take your unit to defend that southern whole!”

            “What unit Sir?”

            “Oh no… Here they come!”

            “Fall back into the building, we must defend the command building and its secrets!”


            • Harmony Planet
              Tau Ceti System
              Chiron year 2216

              “Steady,” she hissed, in a low resonance mode that carried just across the scoutship’s command console.

              H’minee sank back on her acceleration couch and looked over at Mwindu B’rath, her astrogator, then to Kaala L'mota , the technical officer.

              B’rath was concentrating intently, one limb extended, with a sheathed talon poised to hit the command toggle. She was intently watching the screen with the feedback loop being bled in by L’mota. L’mota on the other hand was a bundle of concentrated energy as her talons flew over her controls, pausing only to listen intently through the ear filters as she fought for matched resonance.

              H’minee watched, powerless. This was not her area of expertise. They had practiced this maneuver several times in the training simulator, but never live.

              “They’re firing up,” L’mota resonated softly.

              B’rath’s response was to toggle the scoutship’s singularity engine. She wrestled with the controls to activate and maneuver the bafflers to dampen the resonance signature to more closely match that of the fission powered Immunity shuttle.

              “Ten seconds to launch,” L’mota resonated softly.

              B’rath’s talons flew. Genetically engineered for piloting, they had lost the sharpness of their natural state, being blunted for handling controls more readily. Gingerly the resonance built.

              H’minee looked at the screen. L’mota had overlain the resonance pattern of the Immunity shuttle against their own, and as the power built in the shuttle half a continent away B’rath matched it on the scoutship.

              The power curve rose, and as the data feed continued, with the odd grunt from L’mota, the scoutship rose on its antigrav struts. The graphs were almost identical, as B’rath fought the controls, alternately feeding and bleeding power to parallel the shuttle’s.

              “Launching” hissed L’mota.

              B’rath hit the toggle, and the drive cut in with its ferocious power, lifting the scoutship on its journey to the stars. As the scoutship rose from Harmony she fought to match the resonance pattern now displayed. H’minee watched the surface of Harmony disappear below, and uttered a silent resonance deep inside: “Farewell, dear Kenal K’esh, my mate. Who knows when we shall see each other again.”

              As the shuttle reached for the breakthrough to escape Harmony’s gravity, so did the scoutship, on a parallel arc, matching acceleration and with an almost perfect duplicated resonance signature.

              H’minee softly resonated satisfaction to her crew; they altered pride, professionalism. All the more surprising, she thought to herself, as they had only simulated the exercise on screen. The theory had seemed sound, but now they were definitely hostage to the soundness of that theory.

              The two resonance charts were overlaid as one, as the acceleration was matched perfectly.

              ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++

              “Launch detected,” resonated M’Sanda, at his controls on the monitoring station.

              Altered his crewman, Skoth, “probably the Immunity shuttle.”

              M’Sanda pondered, watching the feed scroll the data across his screen.

              “Heavy today. Huge signature. Getting echo from Harmony herself,” resonated M’Sanda. “Did they advise us?”

              Skoth rapidly scrolled the links.

              “Affirmative,” he altered. “Transporting resonator grapplers and terraformers –infer expanding Immunity size to accommodate Grand Library additions. We were so advised.”

              M’sanda altered affirmation and settled back in his command couch to monitor the routine shuttle flight from Harmony to Immunity.

              ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++

              The Caretaker spacefaring fleet had been built surreptitiously, and rarely tested. What few forays that had been made that were more than planetary orbits soon drew the attention of the Usurper warfleet. They were jealous of their position and stature – the ancient warrior race, now exiled from Harmony and occupying their Rim Systems series of engineered planetoids. Much of their equipment was old, and indeed the Caretaker spies reported that several of their battlefleet had weaponry and equipment that either couldn’t be repaired or whose purpose was unknown.

              On Harmony the Caretakers had carefully nurtured the planet back to health, bringing it out of the stone age it had been cast into at the time of the Flowering. That had been one of the problems facing the Usurpers after the succession wars. The technology to repair and rebuild the great spacefaring ships was lost initially – and the ground station infrastructure had been destroyed in the Flowering shock wave.

              But the old technologies had been recovered, and the Usurpers with their planetbuild capability had harnessed asteroids to form the basic building blocks of planets, fusing them together to form their series of small engineered planets called The Rim Systems. They had also rehabilitated partially destroyed space complexes in space and on moons and planetoids, greatly expanding their painfully limited population and resource base.

              Likewise the Caretakers had rediscovered the lost knowledge, and with the benefit of the minerals of Harmony had newer, smaller, more effective and efficient spacecraft that had not tasted the far reaches of space in their 200-year renaissance.

              ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++

              “Shuttle’s launched,” the orderly resonated. ‘Yees and ‘Teq raised their drinks in a toast. “To a pristine Planet,” ‘Yees altered softly.

              They were lounging in the observation deck of the Great Progenitor Library on Immunity. As the “bringers of the knowledge” they were revered by both factions – and the fact that each was some 4000 years old had much to do with that reverence.

              After their ship, “The Explorer,” which had been disabled during the Flowering, had been detected in the asteroid belt by the Usurper mining craft, they had been tractored in and grilled mercilessly by the Usurpers as to the whereabouts of the six Manifolds. The Usurpers had played upon their naivete to try and convince them that they were the true Progenitors, but while ‘Yees was gullible, ‘Teq would not be taken in.

              He had insisted on being transported to Harmony’s surface, and absent any movement on the part of the Usurpers had stolen a small shuttlecraft and escaped from the Usurper warship to Harmony. The near resumption of full scale war that this defection – and the Usurpers subsequent demand for ‘Teq’s restitution to them - had led to the two faction leaders meeting to discuss their differences.

              This had produced the agreement between the factions to build the Immunity planetoid, which had been completed in a record twenty five years, during which an uneasy truce had prevailed while Usurper technology and Caretaker wealth had fashioned Immunity out of resonance-fused asteroids.

              Then the Great Library of the Progenitors had been built, and ‘Yees and ‘Teq had taken residence.

              And Immunity was aptly named.

              To preserve the neutrality and sanctity of the joint effort to research their history – and that of the Grand Experiment into the Six Manifolds – each of the two factions, together with one of the survivors of the Emperor’s family, had agreed to place a hostage permanently on Immunity.

              The Usurpers had chosen to place ‘Yset, the daughter of their faction leader, the Supreme PlanetLord Pot’r Sh’taad. The Caretakers had responded by sending Kenal K’esh, the brother of their leader and H’minee’s brood mate. The son of the pretender to the Emperor’s throne was the final piece of the puzzle, resident on Immunity.

              ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++

              “Reaching apogee,” resonated L’mota.

              H’minee sat up, emanating seriousness, concern.

              This was the crucial part of the plan.

              “Preparing to engage singularity resonance drive,” resonated B’rath.

              They tensed.

              The moment the shuttle began its fall from the peak of the arc towards Immunity, they would be detectable as a second signature, so every second counted.

              L’mota stared at the screen. “Ten seconds,” she resonated.

              Reflexively all three tightened their restraining harnesses.

              H’minee toggled the intercom.

              “R-drive in five seconds,” she warned the crew in the belly of the scoutship, with a soft resonance that could be sensed throughout the ship.

              “NOW,” resonated L’mota, as her talons flew across the control panel sending resonating chaff throughout the bandwidth to confuse sensors and buy some precious seconds.

              B’rath hit the engage toggle, and the huge singularity drive augmentor engines kicked in, their energy reinforced by the resonance supplementers that took the wave and bent it back on itself, amplifying it and sending it out to the bafflers to be again redirected and amplified before intertwining with the drive emissions to propel the scoutship to the outer reaches of the Tau Ceti star system towards an independent wormhole.

              ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++

              M’Sanda sat bolt upright.

              “Skoth,” he resonated, emanating alarm and distress. “The shuttle has disintegrated.”

              Skoth sat upright and stared at the screen, his eyes squinting as he tried to assimilate the data that was pouring in.

              “Massive explosion confirmed,’ he altered, emanating equal alarm and concern.

              Then he saw the tell-tale emission signature.

              “Fleet alert, fleet alert,” he barked, the resonance wave palpable throughout the small surveillance satellite that they manned far above Harmony’s atmosphere.

              “Come in spyeye, what are you observing?” came the calm resonance over the link from the fleet command.

              “Here is Deputy Fleetlord Xantra, aboard the Galactic Battleship Resonance. What are you reporting?”

              Skoth looked at B’rath, who tapped a tusk indicating for him to continue.

              “Junior Ensign Skoth, Deputy Fleetlord,” he resonated, emanating alarm and warning, which of course was lost to the vastness of space.

              “We have detected what we believed to be the break-up of the Immunity shuttle, en route from Harmony to Immunity, but it turns out that it – the shuttle, that is – was hiding the signature of a second vessel. This has now engaged its wormhole drive and we can confirm it to be a singularity engine bolstered by resonance wave adapters,”

              “Ensign Skoth, stand by,” Xantra resonated.

              ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++

              “Theory into Reality” H’minee resonated to her crew. “We’re the test tube hatchlings for the scientists to discover if their elegant theories work.”

              L’mota altered “Of course they work. Or at least they did four millennia ago – no reason why they won’t work today. You have to trust science.”

              H’minee grunted mirthlessly, the dissonating resonance echoing off the command console surfaces and grating to the receptors of her two crew. “Trust the scientists? Look what they did when we trusted them before. Destroyed complete star systems and almost cost us our own. Never again must they…..”

              B’rath’s interruption resonated sharply, insistently, cutting H’minee off in mid stream:

              “Singularity approaching – need attention”

              H’minee subsided into her couch. This discussion would be continued at a later time. Right now was coming up ther most crucial part of their mission.

              L’mota was giving B’rath the readouts as they approached the wormhole. To the naked eye, gazing ahead into space, there was nothing discernable. But to the instrument sensors, the gravitational distortion was intense, represented on their screen by a series of colors. B’rath was piloting by sense now, the resonance radar picking up and returning the echoes of the variances in the magnetic field surrounding the singularity.

              “Going in” she resonated softly, as the scoutship entered the outer fringes of the gravitational distortion.

              The ship bucked, and tossed as it was drawn deeper into the well of the wormhole. The viewing ports turned black, and H’minee was seized again with the nauseous feeling that she always had in these situations – using psi-gates between the Harmony cities always gave her that same feeling.

              The antigrav dampers were working full blast as B’rarth wrestled with the controls, aligning the course from Tau Ceti to the Epsilon Eridani star system. Even in a wormhole it would take them well over a year to cross the just over one light year separating the two systems. Then they would seek the next wormhole link to continue their journey. But it would be a lot safer since they would avoid space debris and interstellar radiation.

              As the g-forces built up, H’minee gave up the fight and relaxed into the antigrav bed that the command couch molded round her body.

              And slept.

              ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++

              On board the Resonance all hell was breaking loose.

              Xantra was momentarily paralyzed. Then he snapped to.

              “Get Hra’ath to the conning,” he resonated abruptly. “And Moss and A’an,” he altered.

              The orderly shuffled to the commlinks to summon the officers.

              “Patch the feed through – burstspeed,” he commanded Skoth.

              Within seconds the sensor relays could be seen scrolling across the conning screens. Xantra could make neither tusk nor tail of them.

              The conning doors hummed open, and Hra’ath waddled in.

              Xantra bared his throat, exhibiting obeisance. Then stood upright, facing his commander.

              “Supreme Fleetlord,” he resonated, “we have detected what we think is an attempt by the caretakers to escape from the Tau Ceti system. Our surveillance satellite above Harmony detected a split in the Immunity shuttle’s signature and has inferred a resonance-enhanced singularity wormhole drive has been activated. The signals have been transferred and are looping here.” He indicated the screen with a sweep of his forelimb.

              Hra’ath did not deign to look.

              “Where’s ‘Yfolle?” he resonated interrogatively.

              “I have summoned ‘Yfolle A’aan,” altered Xantra. “The Astrogator will be able to make more sense of this than we can.”

              Hra’ath altered assent.

              The doors hummed and the Astrogator, ‘Yfolle A’an entered along with the Thrall Commander of the Resonance, N’Dab Moss.

              ‘Yfolle took in the situation immediately, as she walked over to the screens, nodding subserviently to her Fleetlord.

              “Arrogant female,” Hra’ath resonated quietly to himself. “She should show more respect when officers are present.” However he remained outwardly calm, as befitted a Fleetlord.

              “That’s the Immunity shuttle’s signature,” ‘Yfolle resonated. “Heavily loaded, judging by the power curve.”

              Her eyes widened as the trace abruptly disintegrated into a thousand shards of energy, each with their own unique resonance pattern, then she stepped back a pace as the signal showed the massive surge as the scoutship’s singularity drive fired, followed by the now weaker shuttle signature as it arced it’s descent towards Immunity.

              Hra’ath and Xantra were waiting expectantly.

              ‘Yfolle did not disappoint.

              “Compact Scoutship, I’d guess,” she resonated. Crew of just under 100 or so. Singularity drive –. Bolstered by Resonance wave enhancers. Probably capable of close to lightspeed in addition to its wormhole drive. Can’t detect from this if armored or if armed.”

              “Direction?” snapped Hra’ath.

              ‘Yfolle looked at the screen, then leaned closer and tapped some commands to the comm link.

              A graphic representation appeared on the screen. She then superimposed the vector reading on the displayed graphic, and grunted softly to herself. A few more taps, and she stood up, emanating triumph, resolution.

              “Supreme Fleetlord,” she began to resonate, “it is my opinion that they are executing a series of linked wormhole maneuvers. They appear to be heading for Epislon Eridani, about a light year away, where they will emerge and use the gravity of that star to slingshot around, and pick up speed on a vector that will lead them to a wormhole for either Sirius or for Sol. These are the only two that we know of in the Epsilon Eridani system. Whether one of these is their final destination, I cannot tell for now. They may simply be going to repeat the slingshot maneuver around whichever of these is their vector and head elsewhere.”

              “Plot them,’ barked Hra’ath. “On an astromap, with Tau Ceti showing.

              ‘Yfolle’s talons flew, adding Tau Ceti, Sol, Sirius and Epsilon Eridani.

              “Now add Cygni and Groombridge,” resonated Hra’ath softly.

              ‘Yfolle’s eyes widened. These were two of the sites often speculated as the star systems where manifolds Three and Four had been established. The returning researchers had confirmed that indeed these were the locations of 3 and 4.

              “Show me Epsilon Indi,” hissed Hra’ath.

              ‘Yfolle inserted the co-ordinates, and a seventh star system appeared on the screen.

              They stood mesmerized, looking at the screen.

              “Render it holographically,” commanded Hra’ath.

              The screen flickered, and then over the command console came the seven star systems, in full holographic projection, seemingly hanging in the air between them.

              Hra’ath padded around them, inspecting them from every angle.

              Suddenly Xantra let out a low rumble, emanating discovery, excitement.

              They turned to look at him.

              “Take out Sol,” he resonated.

              The star system blinked out.

              They looked at the six star system representation.

              “Revolve – Groombridge and Cygni as the base,” Xantra resonated quietly.

              ‘Yfolle tapped the controls, and the holo shifted on itself, and reformed.

              “Connect them,” altered Xantra. Lines appeared connecting the six systems.

              As one, they gasped.

              A straight line linked three, with one almost in the middle. From that middle one three more lines ran, forming a wide cone, to the other three.

              Xantra walked over to the display. He stood beside the central star system from whence the five lines radiated.

              His body emanated excitement, discovery. His resonance was deep and powerful, decisive.

              “Manifold Six,” he resonated. “That’s where they’re going. To Manifold Six. And it lies in that star system.” He seemed to cup the central holostar in his extended claw.

              ‘Yfolle tapped the console. Names appeared as if hanging from the star representations.

              The name Alpha Centauri hung below the central star.

              “Manifold Six is there,” resonated Xantra triumphantly.

              “Not so fast,” altered Hra’ath.

              They all turned to look at him.

              “Restore Sol,” he ordered.

              The yellow star blinked back on.

              “Drop Alpha Centauri”

              The lines disappeared as the star system on Alpha centauri winked out.

              “Restore the lines,” Hra’ath grunted.

              They all gasped.

              The sight was utterly beautiful.

              The central axis line had dipped to form a shallow V, and the remaining three lines now showed almost perfect symmetry emanating from Sol. It was the classic shape of the Progenitor energy grid.

              “There’s your Manifold Six,” Hra’ath resonated.

              They were huddled round the command console.

              “Twelve lightyears to Sol,” Hra’ath resonated. “And what speed can they attain?”

              “Supreme Fleetlord,” ‘Yfolle altered, “I estimate that they can attain point 8 lightspeed. So they will be in the Solar system in fifteen years. And if it’s not in the Solar system, then it’s another 4 lightyears – or five traveling years – to Alpha Centauri.”

              Xantra whistle snorted through his nasal passages. “We have nothing that fast. Our entire Battlefleet can cruise at about one tenth lightspeed.”

              N’Dab Moss coughed discretely.

              They turned to him.

              “Supreme Fleetlord,” he resonated. “We have one. Planetary Scoutship, 427_s . It can attain short bursts of point 9 lightspeed.”

              “And who is its Thrall Commander?” altered Hra’ath.

              “Conqueror Judaa Marr,” re-altered Moss.

              “Then contact him.” resonated Hra’ath. Send him to chase the Caretaker ship, and have him summon the fleet when he identifies Manifold Six and has secured it. We will pick up our Exalted PlanetLord Pot’r Sh’taad and his Exalted Lady R’n and their son, YoungLord Ark. They will accompany us.

              “The Great Experiment may yet be reborn.”

              ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++

              Across the Tau Ceti star system, the Planetary Scoutship 427_s was coasting while their crew of marines was conducting exercises in freefall. Conqueror Marr never let a moment go to waste when he could be honing the skills of himself and his men.

              He was sweating profusely as he wrestled with a large trooper who outweighed him by 100 pounds. But in zero gee, there was no weight advantage.

              The klaxon resonated:

              “Commander to the bridge.”

              As his attention was momentarily diverted the trooper seized his right tusks in a lock and was slowly twisting his neck so that he risked a broken neck or a shattered tusk if he resisted.

              “You fool,” he resonated in the trooper’s ear. “Release your hold. I’m wanted on the bridge.”

              “Sir,” he altered. “You resonated with us never to give you any quarter. You altered – the day that you cannot beat any one of us one-on-one is the day that you quit your command. This might be that day.”

              “You fool, you utter fool,” Marr resonated.

              He twisted in the trooper’s grasp, breaking his tusk painfully, but getting leverage on the larger body. With a quick snap of his forelimb he raked his talons across the other’s eyes and at the same time engulfed his head in a necklock with the other forelimb.

              A quick snap, and the neck was broken.

              Marr left the broken body floating, and pushed off to the rails to get himself to the bridge.

              “Have him taken to the sick bay for revivification,” he resonated to an orderly.

              Towelling himself down, he reached the bridge.

              “Orders just come in, from the Fleetlord,” his number two rumbled.

              Marr scanned the message.

              Twenty years. Visiting and investigating Sol, then if no sign of the Caretaker ship, on to Alpha Centauri.

              The race for Manifold Six had begun.

              [This message has been edited by The_Progenitors (edited December 21, 1999).]


              • Location: Data Decentral

                Manuel squints up at the walls of the tower.

                "See how there's no cameras or any other sensors on the outside? At least, none that we can see? Means that the Data Angels trusted any intruder never to reach this far; the surveillance is on the streets beyond this building."

                Captain Steiner is standing right next to Manuel. He shakes his head.

                "I don't know. I wouldn't call that much of a hint. If these poor bastards hadn't retreated so directly to this point, and then put up what is obviously their last stand in their minds, I would probably have looked elsewhere for the command centre."

                Manuel nods.

                "You're probably right. Before it became obvious, I'd have put my money on that big structure over there." Manuel points.

                "Nah, that's just a machine-shop for big construction vehicles."


                Their University counterpart steps forward.

                "Gentlemen, are you ready? Our seismic soundings have detected large hollows underneath this building. The readings from the outer shell of these cavities show clear signs of armoring. I suggest we ignore the defenders on the ground floor and instead burrow directly into the command bunker."

                "You mean you guys brought along equipment for earthmoving?"

                "No, but our standard rifles can easily be modified into reasonably efficient vaporizer-drills. I have had the -uh, privilege- to study your chaos weapons, and I believe that something similar might be accomplished with your rifles as well."

                Manuel and Steiner look at each other.

                "I see.. Well, how about keeping a squad of soldiers up here to tie down the defenders so they can't help once we actually break into the bunker?"

                "Yes, that's a good idea. Actually, let's commit enough men to make it seem we are really trying to get in that way."

                The University officer looks at them both and shrugs, clearly not that interested in tactics.

                "It sounds reasonable to me. We could start drilling from that building over there. It's well ventilated and should keep our effort hidden from thermic scans. Allright?"

                Location: Data Decentral, Central Admin.

                Commander Jackson leans back in his chair and massages his eyes. Then he turns to his president.

                "Sir, there hasn't been a charge by the PK or the University in over four hours. The firing outside is sporadic, and clearly intended to keep our forces pinned."

                Tomahawk looks up at him.

                "Yes? What are you trying to say?"

                "It seems our defenses have worked. They appear to relax; they know they have time on their side. We could keep this base for several months, but not forever. Sir, we could utilize this time to -well, I don't know, contact another faction, maybe. To see if we could convince the Hive to aid us?"

                Tomahawk shakes his head.

                "Such an option is hypothetical, for I do not share your conviction that it's over for now."

                "What do you mean, sir?"

                "It's about feeling some kind of accomplishment; also known as soldier's honor."

                Tomahawk looks over at Jackson's expression of bewilderment and gestures wildly.

                "Where's that final and furious attempt at smoking us out?! I can expect the Peacecorps to fold without gambling everything, but not the University! Oh no. Their advancement system is too much based on merits to let any officer back down without first hurling everything he has on his enemy!"

                Understanding dawns in Jackson's expression. "Oh yes, I see now. But what are they planning? There is only one way in unless you can teleport!"

                A faint rumbling noise is heard, and Tomahawk turns toward Jackson with a grim expression. "Or cut through the half-meter of plasma steel that is the bunker's shell." He hits the alarm and grabs a microphone. "Battlestations! The bunker has been breached! For the sake of freedom, do everything to drive them out!"

                He pushes a button. The only door into this inner sanctum swings shut noiselessly. Soon after a loud CLONK is heard. Seconds later both Jackson and Tomahawk are startled as a furious gunfight seems to erupt just outside the door. A loud explosion is heard, and the lights go out. They are replaced by a dim red emergency-lighting. The gunfight lasts for fifteen seconds, then everything is quiet.

                Then: a faint voice on the other side of the door. "You in there! This is Captain Manuel Cormora of the Peacecorps. Your forces have surrendered, and now it's your turn. You will open this door and step out with your arms raised!"

                Commander jackson is about to shout a snappy answer when Tomahawk puts a hand on his shoulder.

                "Don't be stupid. It would be a pointless gesture to lay down your life for a country you already have lost. Besides- there are other kinds of war. If I know Sinder right, the Peacekeepers and the University will discover at least one new kind real soon." He winks at his commander and smiles a nasty little smile.

                Jackson simply stares as his president opens the door and walks out of the room, into the arms of the invaders.


                • Isle of Deinara
                  Glory of God

                  The klaxons wailed and thumped with fury. Believing soldiers decked out in orange armor ran to and fro. Cultist mind worms slithered across the ground. High Dervish Durr walked across the plaza. One Believer ran towards him firing crazily with a chaos rifle. Obviously he had been affected by the worms.
                  Such perfect animals. Some among the Cult believed that Planet had created them especially for their cause.

                  "Heathen." Durr looked up. An enemy soldier had come up from behind a pile of rubble. He aimed his weapon straight at Durr. But before the Believer could fire a virtual wave of mind worms enveloped him. Durr turned away from the man's strangled screams.

                  Down the street one boil of worms had been decimated. Trance/empath soldiers were very effective against mind worms. But Durr had faith that Planet would guide them to victory. He watched as a regiment of Cultist
                  soldiers scattered under heavy fire. They were armed with inferior Imapct rifles.

                  "Get out of the way" screamed on of the soldiers. Weapons fire whipped past him like snow. He watched as one Believer stood up. The Cultist weapon fire didn't seem to phase him.

                  "Nooo" he screamed. Durr smiled as one of his boils overwhelmed the soldier. A heavy rumbling came from behind him. He turned around. A gatling infantry unit approached behind him. It stopped abruptly and opened up on the Believers. Orange energy flew through the air. Under this and heavy assault from the many mind worm boils the Believers were forced to fall back.

                  A tall church like building stood far down the street. One infantry commander walked up to him. He started to talk. But coupled with the din of weapons fire and screams of the dead and the dying Durr couldn't hear him. He motioned for the commander to speak up louder.

                  "Down there. That church. That's their headquarters for this base. If you can capture it the base will be ours. And the Believers will be shown that Planet is all powerful" he said. Durr nodded and felt a surge of patriotic pried.

                  He gathered his mind worms around him and started off down the street.


                  Dawn of Planet

                  Prophet Cha Dawn stood by his large window looking at Planet. He could feel it. Than he turned his attention back to the man standing in the room. Harlen Pierce (his minister of war) was droning on about the battle at the Believing base Glory of God.

                  "Two of our mind worm boils have been destroyed by the Believers. Trance/empath. Our gatling infantry is fairing well and our impact soldiers are doing so-so" he finished. Cha Dawn thought about telling him to breathe, but thought against it. He just smiled inwardly. It was kind of hard having to look up at his ministers. But ah well.

                  "Tell our soldiers to collect the planetpearls. No need to let the Believers add the energy to their larder" he said. Pierce nodded and recorded those to send to the front. He tunred back to look at Planet again. Obviously Planet was leading them to victory. This would teach the Believers and all the factions a lesson. He rembered Pierce and dismissed him.
                  [This message has been edited by Bearcat (edited December 22, 1999).]


                  • New Jeruselum
                    Failop Street

                    "Liz! What are you..." Sean gasped.

                    "Shhh..." Liz put a finger to her lips. She slowly reached over and held Sean's hand with hers. "I've missed you so much!"

                    Suddenly the intercom sounded... it was the limosine driver. "Minister Yang, I found her wandering the streets of New Jeruselum. She sure was worn out... bruised and scarred. Says she escaped from the University. So I cleaned her up and she thought this would be a nice surprise for you!"

                    Waves of joy and uneasiness flooded Sean's heart. God is truly a gracious God! To think that Liz actually escaped! He beamed. "Elizabeth. How did you get out of there?"

                    She laughed and winked. "It was a piece of cake. Those University guys tried to interrogate me, dissect me, tear down my faith... but they failed. One late night, at the end of interrogation, I spoke with the University officer and converted him to the Lord... That's how I got out of there." She smiled.

                    "That's.. that's great! Weren't you scared or something?" Sean said.. He was so excited he could hardly form any meaningful sentence.

                    Liz leaned back and ran her fingers through her hair. "No way. Like the Word says, 'Though I walk through the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,'" she said confidently, lips twitching.

                    "Um, don't you mean, 'valley of the shadow of death'?" Sean corrected. Not that it was a big deal, but Liz was always very particular about getting those verses exactly right.

                    "Oh... right," Liz responded, caught off guard. "You were always better at quoting Scripture than I was," she said uneasily.

                    Sean knew that wasn't true. Not once did he ever have to correct her... Never mind. What a silly thing to dwell on... he quickly pushed it out of his mind. They certainly had much catching up to do.


                    Judgement Seat
                    Isle of Deinara

                    The words flashed on the screen, coldly and cruelly.

                    "Urgent message to Governor Esau:
                    Glory of God has been captured by faction known as the 'cultists.' Mindworm attack. Please take caution."

                    Esau stared at the message, then bowed his head in silent prayer. He slammed his fist on the desk, burning with rage. Why couldn't those soldiers defeat those worms? The trance/empath implants were inspected a hundred times. They could not have failed!

                    He sighed. At least he knew his intuition was right. This mysterious new cult was indeed on that Isle.

                    Suddenly, the screen blipped and Minister Peter Herriott's face appeared.

                    "Governor Esau, I am sure you have heard the grave news. Although you weren't specifically in charge over Glory of God, I know you felt a special kinship over all the bases on that Isle. Know that all of us at New Jeruselum are praying for you." It was rare for Peter to show such displays of empathy.

                    "I appreciate your prayers. It will certainly take a miracle of God to save Judgement Seat. Please send over as many trance/empath troops as you can. God bless," Esau replied.

                    "I will do the best I can. God bless," Peter said, closing the commlink.

                    Judgement Seat Esau pondered. He smiled wryly at himself. How ironic. As much as he writhed at the thought of demonic mindworms gnawing their way into the bodies of Believer women and children, he could not help but sense God's own judgement upon His believers. For years Esau and Minister Matthew had implored the Council to cease the abuse of Planet for the sake of proliferation and production.

                    He knew that somehow they were offending God by not caring for His creation. Soil was destroyed, the sky was filled with thick smog, and the waters were filthy. Certainly God never intended for His masterpiece to be defiled so... Years of research of Planet life and its interactions with humans gave Esau a sixth sense that all was not well, and that soon the Believers would pay for their actions.

                    It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God.


                    • Resplendent Oak
                      Gaian Territory

                      Lady Deirdre Skye moved from person to person smiling and encouraging. Currently they were trying to rebuild from the disasterous battle that had brought the base back into Gaian hands. Thankfully Morgan hadn't had time to make any changes to the base. Her ecologically safe factories were all intact and the Biology Lab hadn't been torn down.

                      Deirdre could however see the begginings of something Morgan had ordered built. Probably an Energy Bank. She turned as Lindly walked up to her.

                      "Greetings Lady, it appears all is well" she said. Deirdre wanted to agree but she couldn't. In the long term things would get much worse.

                      "No Lindly everything is not well. For the short term yes. But in the longterm we will have to face Morgan again. And that will create problems" Deirdre started to walk toward the Recreation Commons. Lindly followed, her white talent robe flowing behind her. Deirdre saw a quizzical look in her eye. She smiled and turned to her.

                      "You know our people are pacifist and loathe to fight Lindly. So that creates problems" she said. Lindly interrupted.

                      "But what about the Morganic soldiers. Their pursuit of wealth has weakened their morale and made them soft, Lady" she said. Deirdre laughed. Indeed her aide was right. The Morganites were just about as bad off as them. But still.

                      "And we can use something they don't have. Mind Worms" continued Lindly. Deirdre turned toward her aide. Her mind was reeling in thought.

                      "That is a noble idea Lindly but it has it's flaws. The Morganites would simply use trance/empath technology against us. And think how much it would cost to breed mind worms. We simply don't have that amount of energy right now" said Deirdre. Lindly looked away. Deirdre resumed her journey to the Rec Commons. Than she stopped suddenly. She looked up into the sky. It was a bright blue. But covered in a veil of haze. So beautifal.

                      "Lindly when you look at the sky, what do you see ?" asked Deirdre. Lindly answered hesitantly caught off guard by the question.

                      "I see beauty. A natural wonder" she said. Deirdre's eyes had taken on a peculiar glint.
                      She started.

                      "What if it was created by a higher power than us. A..well..God" said Deirdre. Lindly's head snapped in her direction and she laughed as she answered.

                      "You sound like a Believer saying that" she joked. Deirdre answered as she walked.

                      "Just what if the Believers are right. That the universe was created by a God. A higher power than us. Did you ever consider that Lindly ?" asked Deirdre. Her aide was shocked and dumbfounded. The leader of Gaia's Stepdaughters talking like a Believer.

                      "Why do say this ? Has Miriam brainwashed you Lady ?" asked Lindly. Deirdre laughed and answered.

                      "No. I've just been thinking of late. And after I talked with that Cha Dawn I saw how far our ideals can be taken, Lindly. We are here to try and understand Planet. To live in harmony and protect it. And this Prophet is bent on destroying us and sacrficing everything we have gained to Planet" she said. Deirdre nodded to a couple members of the Enviromental Police who were on guard out side the Rec Commons. They saluted stiffly.

                      "Lady, I've never thought about it that way. I mean as were scientists and with the Planetmind. I just never thought about a God
                      Lady" she said. Deirdre felt almost lighthearted. It was so simple. The key she had been lacking all thses years. To be found from Miriam and her followers.

                      "Come Lindly let's contact our new friend Sister Miriam" said Deirdre. Her aide followed her confused as they left for the transport depot.


                      "So you say that she plans to become a fundamentalist ?" aksed a dark figure sitting at a table. His comrades nodded. The man stood up and faced th window. He turned back and whispered in a sinister voice.

                      "See that this doesn't come through for her" he said and grinned revealing a set of broken yellow teeth. His cronies nodded and dispersed.
                      [This message has been edited by Bearcat (edited December 26, 1999).]


                      • Sean Yang's Quarters
                        154 Firebrand Lane

                        "What are you smiling about, Liz?" Sean grinned.

                        "I'm just so... so thankful to god for setting me free.." Liz replied, gazing out the window with her empty eyes. "So Mister Minister, what's been going on with the Believers?"

                        "Well... it's complicated. Dierdre seems to be coming to the Lord, and we're looking into a new kind of economic system. And there's this freaky, demonic cult faction out on the Isle of Deinara that is attacking our bases. Already we've lost Glory of God, and Judgement Seat could be next."

                        Liz looked at Sean, shocked; or, at least she appeared to be. "That's horrible! How are we ever going to expand now?"

                        Sean looked at Liz quizzically. "Uh... true. Actually, I was more thinking about the thousands of men, women and children brutally killed by vicious mindworms in the battle," Sean replied.. He expected a similar reaction from Elizabeth.

                        "Oh yeah, one more thing. Don's on a probe ship out to get the lowdown on this seafaring faction..." Sean continued.

                        "Oh? And are you sure you won't screw up this time?" Liz asked, brushing aside her hair.

                        Sean stopped. Weeks of pain, agony, and guilt had plagued his heart for allowing Elizabeth to be captured, and just recently did he arrive at peace with the Lord over his actions. He was speechless.

                        Liz laughed. "I'm kidding! Sheez, Sean you are so serious all the time!"

                        "Yeah, haha... very funny." Sean responded. Elizabeth sure is acting strangely... "Um, are you ok, Liz? You don't seem to be yourself."

                        "I'm fine," Liz replied abruptly. The brainwashing chemicals had altered Liz significantly, but the closest of friends could still notice a difference. I need to minimize contact with Sean until the mission is accomplished Liz noted mentally to herself.

                        "I've had a harrowing experience, Sean. Come on, give me some slack," Liz smiled, melting away all of Sean's apprehensions. "I think I'm going home to rest now, and I'll report to HQ tomorrow. See you at the Main Cathedral!"


                        • 0900 hours
                          Command Center, Secret Hollow
                          Sinder’s personal room

                          “I haven’t seen you in that position in a long time.” Beetle said as he walked into Sinder’s room and saw her looking out of her large rectangular windows behind her desk, contemplating something.

                          “I used to watch the fields of red and yellow fungus that surrounded our old base. The swaying of its boundless tentacles always soothed my heart and soul.” Sinder replied but continued to look out the window.

                          “Yes, I also loved to take early morning walks just outside Data DeCentral and bask in its beauty as the sun’s rays made contact with the fields.” Beetle said as he walked up to her desk and took a seat at the opposing side of Sinder’s desk.

                          “Have you heard the news, Beetle?” Sinder finally turned around, showing Beetle her tired worn out face. But Beetle could still see the hidden beauty within her.

                          “About Tomahawk?” Beetle put down his datapad on her desk, as he relaxed into the chair.


                          “I heard yesterday from a Peacekeeper message back to their headquarters. We have a dangerous and unpredictable situation on our hands. If his interrogation reveals the true secrets about our past actions against the other factions, primarily the University, we may have problems.” Beetle replied and took a deep breath to relieve the stress of his own work, but it failed.

                          “Perhaps we should make the situation more predictable.” Sinder softly replied as she took a datapad out from her elegant dark metallic desk, and handed it to Beetle.

                          Beetle leaned back in his chair further, and started to read what he had just been handed. His face lit up over what he was reading, as he though about the possibilities.

                          “A probe action… it’s been a long time.” Beetle simply answered after skimming the datapad.

                          “We pride ourselves on our intelligence gathering… so I thought it was about time to test our skills on a worthy adversary. But who to send against them is another question, which I’m still considering.” Sinder’s face managed a halfhearted smile as she answered Beetle.

                          “Against the Peacekeepers… we will need the best… many years of fighting Hive teams, has given them excellent training on how to detect and defeat probe teams. Another question is do we have the ability to perform the task with our limited foreign assets from this isolated base.” Beetle said as he stood up and walked over to another window, which faced the growing city of Secret Hollow.

                          “You have a point Beetle, but a simple mindsweep of Tomahawk could be pulled off without substantial resources and a handful of luck.” Sinder stood up and joined Beetle at the window.

                          “Its amazing what people can do when they have a goal.” Beetle simply said off topic as he watched the dozens of workers in the process of building the various buildings, which would soon house the future satellite-manufacturing infrastructure. The actual Data Angel Space Command building, which will be massive in proportions, will almost reach as high as the base-cloaking device can extend its field.

                          “You are correct again, human nature never changes no matter the place, time or fear. If we are able to maintain our secrecy for just a while longer, we will guarantee this faction’s future existence.” Sinder replied statesmen like, as if she was giving a propaganda speech to the masses rather than talking to her friend.

                          Both individuals walked out together talking about the particulars in managing the important probe operation, which would be undertaken. Together, they realized that the best person for the job would be the former council member Virus, who was currently stuck teaching the civilian population basic defense and protection techniques.


                          • erased
                            [This message has been edited by Captain Kirk (edited December 29, 1999).]


                            • Glory of God

                              Prophet Cha Dawn looked over the cityscape of Glory of God. Smoke still billowed and flames still licked at certain buildings. He watched as Cultist soldiers herded Believing citizens togethor into work forces. Men were making repairs and working normal assignments. Women and children were gathering the corpses of the dead. Cultist soldiers were sperated form Believers.

                              They would be givne speacial death rites. The Believers would simply be buried in a mass grave. Simple and efficient thought Cha Dawn. He then felt a pang of guilt. Planet wasn't evil. Certainly she wouldn't approve of such inhumane treatment. But what had to be done had to be done.

                              "Prophet" said a voice behind him. Karta one of the Believing converts had entered the room. Cha Dawn motioned for him to approach and continue.

                              "Most of the converts are returning to Cultist territory as you have ordered. But the rest are firmly rooted in their faith. It will be very hard to convert them" he said. Cha Dawn mulled over possibilities then answered.

                              "Then we won't convert them. We will raze this base and kill then all" he said. Karta paled. Cha Dawn turned to him.

                              "Is there a problem ?" he aksed. Karta fumbled for words and answered.

                              "Well Prophet it seems very cruel. They may be wrong but they are still people" he said.
                              Cha Dawn spoke.

                              "I sense loyalties in you. You aren't fully converted. Very well. You shall die with them" he said. Karta backed away. Two guards came up and grabbed him. Cha Dawn turned away form the man's pleas for mercy.

                              The next Cultist offensuve would be on the base the Beilevers called Judgement Seat. Then on to mainland. The colony pod from Well of Souls. They would form a Cultist base here. Soon all the factions would be taught the wrath of Planet.


                              • [Erased At Originator's Request]
                                [This message has been edited by DanQ (edited December 29, 1999).]

