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"Crossfire Tales"

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  • Lady Deirdre paced nervously in her office. She had been upset as of late. Things were going well with her faction. Two more churches had been built in her territory. And the Believers had pronounced Vendetta on the Morganites. But now she was obligated to declare Vendetta on the University. She hadn't been inclined to up until a couple days ago. She had heard that New Jerusalem had been destroyed by a University bomb. This had almost set her resolve to come to her Pact Sister's aid. She clutched her black robe and than let it go. She let out a sigh. It would do no good to put it off. She dialed the University commfrequency into her computer console. Than she said a quick prayer. Something that would take some getting used to.

    A minute later the holoimage of Provost Zakharov leaped into view. He loooked the same as always. Frazzled white hair, red and green opticals. And the tech suit he wore at times. He nodded at her. Deirdre took a deep breath and began.

    "Salutations Provost. I am here on behalf of Sister Miriam Godwinson of the Believers" she said. Zakharov nodded. Than he spoke. His Russian accent seemed to drill into her skull with it's harshness.

    "Yes. It dissapointed me to hear you had joined hands with that bible thumping fool Miriam. A good scientist such as your self" said Zakharov. She could tell by the tone of his voice he was almost laughing at her. Mocking what he felt was utter stupidity. This rasied Deirdre's hackles and replied icily.

    "What you did to thousands of innocent Believers sickens me Provost. It's enough to attack her soliders with your atrocities but now you aim at her citizens as well. I now fear for my people as well Provost. I can't hepl but wonder if we are next on your agenda" she spat. Zakharov was visibly taken aback by this attack. He swalloed and spoke hoarsly.

    "We had no intent of harming you Lady. We were simply dealing with a foe. An immensly powerful foe that we felt we needed to bring down a notch" he said. Deirdre could feel her eyes blaze with fire. She could barely contain the anger in her next words.

    "Well that powerful foe has a new friend Provost. I hereby pronounce Vendetta on you. May the victims of your atrocity find their reward in Heaven" she said and cut the commline. As Zakharov's image winked out Dierdre sighed in frustration. Now the Gaians had two enemies on their hands. Provost Zakharov was now Pact Brother with Lal. Another nagging worry for her was if Lal were to come to Zakharov's aid and attack from the south. Peacecorps had just flexed it's muscle by invading the Data Angel base
    on the Isle of Dexamenus. Her intelligence officers had also reported a 1.5% increase in recruitment.

    With a military of that size Lal could easily overpower her. Song of Planet though had just finished creating a chaos unit. But what good is one chaos unit against Lal's MMI equipped Peacecorps? Maybe she should talk to Lal himself? Than she decided against it. She would just have to wait it out and cross that bridge when it came to it. In the meantime she had a speech to make. Than a beeping noise caught her attention. She glanced at hee computer console and gasped.



    The headquarters for the terrorist group Planet's Voice was nestled deep inside Song of Planet. A group of men adorned in scarlet stood around the room. The leader was clothed in shadows. He was reading a datapad. Than he spoke.

    "New Jerusalem was reduced to rubble by a University bomb. It serves those Believers right for desecrating Planet and turning their back on her pleas for mercy. Almost as bad as the Morganites" he said. A collective nod wnet through the group. Than the leader spoke again.

    "This gives me an idea. What if we were to plant a bomb. At Gaia's Landing. Not as large as the UoP bomb. Just large enough to grab everyone's attention. We leave signs implicating a faction of our choice" he whispered. Again the collective of people nodded. Than he looked up from the datapad.

    "On a more serious note our comrade Doig failed to accomplish his mission. Lady Deirdre leads now leads us down the path of the Believers. Planet finds this unnacceptable" he said. A whirring sound was heard. Two burly men also dressed in scarlet dragged Jonathan Doig into the room. Bruises and cuts adorned his face. Signs of a beating by PV enforcers.

    "Well Jon you've left me in a difficult position. Your faliure to assasinate Lady Deirdre and put an end to this Fundamentalist madness is unacceptable. You know the penalty of faliure" he said. He nodded to the enforcers who let go of him. Doig fell to his knees. He wimpered as the enforcers pressed shredder pistols to his head. Than before he could plead for his life the enforcers pulled the trigger. His head erupted in blood which blended in with everyone's scarlet clothing. The body thumped onto the floor. The leader didn't even blink.

    "We have a bomb to make" he said. Everyone scuried away to get working and keep from ending up like Doig.


    • Location: U.N. Headquarters, Commissioner Pravin Lal's office

      "They did *WHAAAT*?!"

      Lieutenant-General Nguyen Zhu nods. He had expected the outburst.
      "As I said, there is a strong reason to believe that the University has exploded some kind of bomb at New Jerusalem; obliterating the city. Our recent photos from the eyes in the sky confirm that the Believers' capital is indeed in shambles."

      "But.. but.. I mean, the *University*? They have a brand new capital because of a similar reason. Surely they wouldn't be so.. so.. immoral?"

      "Here is the psych-profile of Zakharov. Our analysis shows that he is almost as cold, dispassionate and merciless in his logics as the 'Borgs. Almost. He's no humanitarian; that's for sure."

      Lal settles down into a mere simmering anger.
      "But as long as he expects us to be his allies, he'd better start exercising his emotional skills and rememorizing the U.N. charter; his signature is on the revised version."

      "Look, Commissioner. I know you're upset, but the fact is that Zakharov is just as bad as any of the other faction leaders. He's not particularly bad. Or good. He'll go along with your pacifism and reverence for ethics as long as it suits him. If you start accusing him of committing atrocities you'll just kill the pact in it's infancy."

      Lal gives him a look with daggers in it.
      "HE bends the rules when it suits him. I NEVER do it."

      Zhu shrugs. "And so you're put at a disadvantage."

      "DISADVANTAGE?! When the rest of this planet is a radioactive *wasteland* because the other factions bend the rules when it serves them, and we are still alive, WHAT kind of disadvantage do you see?"

      "The fact that 'bending the rules' traditionally includes annexing neutral countries early in any large-scale war. 'Lebensraum', you know. More like 'room to park your tanks in'."

      "Ha! I'd like to see them try."

      "Be careful what you wish for. Miriam is by now probably worked into such a divine wrath that she might declare the Believer-University war an all-out jihad, and declare any friend of the University an enemy of the Believers. Meaning us."

      Lal cools down. "That's what I fear too. Barring some Planet-shaking event, those two will be at each other's throat until there's only one left."

      Zhu shrugs again. "So salvage what you can. The Pact with the University makes you a likely target in the eyes of the Believers. But maybe you can avoid that pit with some diplomacy."

      Lal sighs. "Another good reason why I should send at least a symbolic protest to the University. However, I'm more concerned with matters up north."

      "The Gaians. Yes. Their religious fervor is good for *something*; it's nearly impossible for our probes to operate within their borders nowadays."

      "So don't send them there. We've got all the intelligence we need."

      "Right. But what are you planning to do about them?"

      "I intend to plead and beg." Lal sighs. "Now. So, thank you nevertheless for the news, commander. I have some painful messages to compose. Good day."

      Zhu leaves.

      "Computer, stand by for a holo-recording."
      Lal steels himself and combs his beard.

      "Start recording. Greetings, Professor Zakharov. I have received information that accuses you of terrorism; specifically, of detonating a bomb at New Jerusalem. Know, that if this information is true and the Believers demand an investigation, I could do very little to protect you. However, I hope I have been misinformed, as I'm sure you'd not do something so atrocious since you are a man of logic and reason, and also because you have suffered a similar attack recently."

      Lal pauses to catch his breath.
      "However, this information is convincing. I would be extremely happy to hear what you have to say about it. If it is a mere attempt at framing you, then count on the Peacekeepers to defend your honour. End transmission. Computer, send the message to the University."

      He stands up, and walks to the window. Outside there is a dazzling primary sunset, with Alpha A just disappearing behind the horizon, and with Alpha B mere minutes from setting as well. Proxima Centauri is not visible currently.

      "Computer, stand by for another holo-recording."
      Lal turns his back to the window, and faces the holo-recorder.

      "Start recording. Most beautiful Lady Deirdre Skye, it is with mixed feelings that I contact you now, for the joy of being neighbour with you and your wise followers is somewhat diminished by the recent course you have taken. indeed, it is of the matter of the alliance between you and the Believers that I wish to speak with you today. Know that I and Miriam were the best of friends onboard the Unity; I highly enjoyed debating about life and the universe with her, and respected the arguments she presented. I still respect her today, and would very much like to be her friend. Aside from her, you and I are probably the most spiritually active leaders on Planet."

      Lal smiles slightly. "It may sound strange to you, since my nation's government is strictly atheist. However, we tolerate every kind of belief. Almost. Also, I myself try to be a hindu when duties allow; but I cannot be so officially. So know that I know her, as well as her arguments."

      Lal turns around to face the window again, and hears the whirr as the recorder follows the motion. Deirdre will now see him from the side.

      "Without doubt Miriam opened your eyes to the possibility that there is a force greater than Man out there; she gave it a name: God. But I have a name -indeed, several- for it as well. Justice. Love. Compassion. Truth. And Professor Zakharov has names for it; Chaos Theory. Superstrings. Gravity. The Weak Nuclear Force. Morgan calls it Greed."

      He glances at the holo-recorder and smiles.

      "Some of these names I can accept, others I cannot. And, of course, in private I call it Nirvana. But Miriam is fooling you. She has convinced you that one name, God, stands above them all. Why? It's as good a way to describe it as any of the others. It certainly doesn't stand above the one you have taken to your heart; Gaia. Also, a name gives a shape. Man treats God and Gaia differently. Miriam teaches you to fear God's might. You have told me to embrace Gaia, and rejoice in her myriad possibilities. Would you really tell me to fear her?"

      "Nomen est Omen; And so your faction is changing. Your followers learn the meaning of fear, and place themselves above the rest of nature, because they, and they alone according to Miriam, are made in God's image."

      Lal sighs.

      "Of course, the Miriam I once knew didn't talk about the Wrath of God. She talked about love, and peace, and understanding. But times change, and you change with them. Now she is in a conflict where there is no love nor peace. No quarter given, no mercy shown. Of this ideological war I am terrified. It shows what could happen were my messages of peace and tolerance completely ignored."

      "You should know of something; A while back I pleaded to both parties -Zakharov and Miriam- to stop fighting and at least *try* to negotiate. It was no good. Zakharov told me to mind my own business, but also that we could still be friends. However, I was very sad when Miriam told me that as long as I was a friend of Zakharov, I would not be a friend of the Believers. She couldn't even tolerate that."

      Another pause while Lal thinks.

      "So, though it pained me, I did what was least destructive. I kept my friendship with both parties. It has paid off; Zakharov and I are now very good friends indeed, even though I stay out of the matter between him and Miriam. However, it still hurt when Miriam cancelled our friendship treaty."

      "So, after all this, I beg you to reconsider. The way things are going now, you risk getting caught in a world war. I am not asking you to cancel your friendship with the Believers; rather I'd urge you to remember your love of peace and nature, where man and beast are equal, and reinstate the democracy that allows this to be. Also, pull out of the Believer-University conflict before it gets any worse! I'll certainly make sure that Zakharov declares a blood truce, at the very least, with you."

      "Please! If you are unsure, know that you need but tell me what I can do to convince you. I'll do my utmost."

      "As always, you have my highest regard. Stop recording."

      He stands at the window for a long time, while trying to stop his hands from shaking.

      "Computer, send the recording to the Gaians."


      • 0130 hours
        Command Center, Secret Hollow

        “It’s late Sinder, I was just about to turn in before these blasted loud speakers called us all here.” Zebra said, irritated over the late night meeting. Although, as soon as he caught a glimpse of Sinder’s anxious face, he started to actually feel concerned.

        Sinder, without responding, brought up the advanced radar onto the holo-projector.

        The ominously large blob moving towards them on the radar, made several other council members gain consciousness from their trance state caused by prolonged lack of sleep.

        “These targets are traveling at a considerable high speed, which will take them in range of the outward perimeter of the cloaking field within a minute or so. Their vector will also take them directly to the point where the Spartan patrol was last engaged. Which definitely suggests that they are Spartan controlled.”

        Sinder stopped her brief as the holo-projector view transformed into a three-dimensional model of the incoming targets, which were a couple dozen armed rovers. Also, specifics and tactical scenarios scrolled down in front of them as they viewed first hand their enemy.

        Sinder stood up from her chair and walked to the window, with her back to the council.

        “Raptor and Zebra, we will need the Battle Ogres activated and ready for duty, please contact your crews now.” Sinder turned again to face the council as Zebra stood up and ran to a communication monitor in the corner of the room to call up his Ogre crews.

        From inside the command room, the council could hear the loud speakers screaming orders to the populace to prepare for conflict, and to report to their local commanders. The Data Angels were far to small and weak to have a standing army, which made them, resort to a civilian army, for lack of a better term.

        “Should we have the Messiah on standby Sinder?” Beetle asked his female leader with a hesitant voice.

        “That would be a wise precaution Beetle, you can contact the proper people using the secondary communication monitor.” Sinder replied slowing.

        Her face seemed worn with age and stress. Stress tends to age people the most, and even the most advanced chemicals can never seem to repair its damage to your body.

        “What are you saying… they’re gone? Have you gone crazy man?” The council member’s heads turned to see Zebra talking into the comlink to one of his crew commanders. “Find them… how can three 40 ton machines be missing?” Zebra shouted into the communication monitor and then closed the link and turned to the council.

        “What’s wrong Zebra? The Battle Ogres?” Spirit asked concerned over his friends shouting.

        “My crews have informed me that the Ogres are… misplaced.” Zebra responded perplexed.

        “That can’t be right Zebra, I was just with them less than an hour ago… oh no!” Raptor said, as he thought back to the person he had saw at the Ogre armory.

        “Oh no… what?” Sinder cut in abruptly.

        “I knew I didn’t know him!” Raptor said without answered her question.

        “Who? What the hell are you talking about Raptor?” Beetle voiced vulgarly and puzzled.

        Raptor regained his memory of the individual, or so-called “old buddy” he had met earlier.

        Raptor finally stood up. “I saw an individual inside the armory, which I thought I knew… or once knew for that matter. But, when we were called on the loud speaker to come here, I left him alone in the armory. But, that still doesn’t explain how the ogres got out of the building in the first place unnoticed.”

        “They were cloaked.” Sinder simple said as she brought up the armory’s main door file on the holo-projector. The council gasped as they read how the armory’s doors had been open, although nothing reportedly had come out. But, if the ogre’s had been cloaked like Sinder feared, the file wouldn’t have reported anything coming out.

        Sinder instantly flew to her datapad on the table and started to look through the battle ogre files.

        “Shoot… the incoming targets have activated their jammers, I can’t get a lock onto our ogres. We have no way of tracking them while they are cloaked and outside of their base. How in the world could we have let this happen?” Sinder’s fist hit the table in anguish, making a slight depression on the table’s surface.

        “We have bigger problems Sinder.” Junior said as he pointed to the radar screen, which showed the blob slowly penetrating the perimeter of the cloaking field. “They know we are here now.”

        Sinder Roze felt helpless as she took a step back from the table. She had thought her base secure with its cloaking field and bizarre ‘alien’ machines, which had almost unlimitless power. The blessings of almost infinite resources inside the Borehole Cluster and the beginnings of a space capability had given her a sense of accomplishment she had not felt in a long time. But, now that her precise ogres were gone, and the base’s position able to be detected, her dreams of rebuilding her shattered faction were slowly fading away.

        “There is nothing left for us to do, except to fight. We will only abandon this base if it is the last course of action.” Sinder said dominantly, as she took out her shredder she had strapped to her waist and flipped the power switch on, filling the room with its infamous buzz.


        • Iota Station
          Command Centre

          “Five minutes until landing, Commander Venus.” The com officer reported.

          “Copy that com station. The airstrip is secured,” replied Venus. “The rioting drones have been forced away from the area. Iotal, how are the pacification procedures coming along?” she asked.

          The former citizen she addressed, Iotal, was one of the first she had met when she took over the base. Originally Iota-145-H, he changed his name to Iota Talent after the seizure. Now, he had gained respect among the Drone probes, and they all simply called him ‘Iotal’ for short now.

          “Procedures progress. Several citizens have been converted and are aiding us in our cause. The empaths are attempting to persuade the doctors to help us remove the cybernetic implants from some of the more violent citizens. Construction on a Recreation Commons has began.”

          Some of the people in the room smiled at the awkward way that Iotal delivered his report, but Venus just said, “Understood. I will ask Domai to give us some extra funds to hurry along that project. Scanners, what’s on the scopes?”

          “Nothing, Commander. No Cyborg forces are spotted, and if any new come on the scopes, they won’t be in range before Domai can land and evacuate the airstrip. Long-range scanning is still not online, however, so something nasty could be coming our way.”

          Venus scowled, “The long-range scanner isn’t online yet? What is taking so long?!”

          One of the engineering techs said, “After you detonated that EMP in the broadcast tower, you shorted out the scanner’s main circuitry. It’s all totally fried and we don’t have the manpower to repair it with most of our talents trying to control the drones.”

          Venus grunted, “OK fine. But fixing that is priority two; right after stopping the riots. Seline and Iotal, come with me. It’s time to meet the leader.”

          The three left the command centre.

          Makeshift Airstrip

          The Cloudbase escape pods made their landing out on the airstrip, which was little more then a cleared field that was trampled by some rovers. Ahead of them lie Talon and Razor groups, and behind was Blade and Yoop. From Iota Station, it was a motley picture: 40 bombers and five escape pods randomly scattered along a dirty plain.

          For the Free Drone council members, it could have been a fungal field. They gladly disembarked and stretched their tired legs. Even Rockmore seemed to be in high spirits. The council debated the Knowledge values change, admired the landscape, and stared at awe at their new base.

          “Wow…. That’s going to be a nightmare to remodel. We have hardly anything to work with,” commented Newman.

          “But think of the scientific value! That base has developed labs for us to take over. It is quite a catch for that alone,” responded Atlasia.

          “Well, whatever it is, it needs a new name. I refuse to call our catch by a letter. It’s all Greek to me!” grumbled Rockmore.

          Domai smiled at him, “Too true. How about… “Freedom's Foundry.” That sounds like a fitting name. Ah, here is our reception.”

          Several rovers had pulled up, and Venus, Iotal, and Seline had come up to greet them, “Hello Domai. Sorry for not being in touch, but I was out scouting some new territory for us.” Venus said smugly.

          Domai laughed, “You’re lucky you pulled it off too, or these guys would have thrown you out of the council. Now, show me around. Let’s see what we have to work with here. And I want to here your story directly from you.”

          Venus motioned toward the lead rover, and they all got in.

          That night
          Top level of Freedom's Foundry
          New observation deck

          The observation deck was empty. It was not even open to the public yet. The chairs, tables, and drink counters were still being installed. But two figures were present, staring out the window at the rolling plains below. One was dressed in a jet black, tight-fitting uniform, the other in a simple worker’s outfit. The air, and the night, were silent.

          Finally, one of them spoke, “Why did you do it?”

          The other answered slowly, as if coming out a trance, “I did it… for you. For us. For our people. For these people.”

          There was silence. The first figure said, “These people… the unaware slaves of a master. They are no better than Yang’s. We can turn off the master. We can free the minds. But, the minds do not know how to think.”

          “We can teach them to think.”

          The first seemed to consider this. Again, silence filled the floor. Finally, the first said, “You spoke earlier about a captured Pirate foil captain. You believe that he has information vital to our efforts here, and will gain us brownie points with the Pirate faction if we return him.”


          “How are you going to get him out?”

          The second figure sighed, “It won’t be easy. The map didn’t reveal the Cyborg capital, which I assume to be ‘Alpha’ something. The only base it showed us is Omega Terminus. I will sneak in there, find some convoy information on Alpha, board one of these convoys, travel to Alpha, and release the Pirate.”

          “And how will you get back.”

          “I’ll be alone with the Pirate, so I can steal a small rover and blast out. I’ll need one of the bombers to cover me. Talon group. That one has the most experience. It will cover me all the way back here.”

          “I see…what if you fail?”

          “… then you will need to find a new DIN OP Commander.”

          The first figure turned sharply. “Don’t talk like that. The faction needs you. I… this plan will need to be worked on. I know you’ll be in danger any way we plan it, but I don’t want to risk you any more then I have to.”

          “I understand. I won’t leave without your permission.”

          The first figure turned back to the window. No more was said. Silence filled the deck.
          Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

          Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


          • Location: Near Hive's Communal Nexus

            "Lieutenant! Sir!"

            Rolf Storgard slowly stirs. He doesn't want to lose that rosy feeling between unconsciousness and consciousness just yet. Besides, he's pretty sure the first thing he sees will be the slopes of inferno.

            "C'mon, sir, wake up please!"

            Someone has grabbed his shoulder and is pushing it. Suddenly storgard realizes he is upside down, and whoever is holding his shoulder is vainly trying to correct that. He tries to open his eyes, and manages to crack one of them open a bit. He gets a foggy glimpse of a corporal from his platoon -name's Ulrich, or something- before the rest of his senses kick into action and nearly makes him faint again. The corporal seems relieved when he hears Storgard attempt to groan, spit and curse, all at once. He shouts at some other soldiers to give him a hand.

            Soon, Rolf is the right way up. He forces open his left eye and turns his head carefully this way and that. Then he coughs hard.

            "-*Cough*..*gasp*..c..corporal? Why am I still attached to the jump-jets?"

            "It was as good a stretcher as we could find, sir. You're really well supported by that thing. And we were 'fraid you'd broken every bone in your body, sir. You certainly look that way, if I may be so bold."

            "Well, what's my verdict? Where's the doc?"

            "Haven't found him yet, sir. But I'd say you're fine, now, except for your shoulder. Something's lodged real deep in that. Gave you all my stims; you were bleeding from everywhere when I found you."

            "What happened? Wait.. Oh, dear planet. The missile. *COUGH!* *PTOOEY!*"

            "That's right, sir. Seems to me that you were spinning in the air for a good time before the autonav checked your descent. That's why you were bleeding so bad."

            "How did you come through so unhurt, son?"

            "Sir, I boosted as hard as I could straight at the blast. When the shock came, I was.. well, I don't remember. But I should have been relatively slow-moving once the blast countered my own momentum. So it was easier for my jumpjet to land on it's own. Of course, it cost me my hair, and I'm gonna smell cooked for some time."

            Now Storgard takes his first good look at the corporal. Jan is soot-black from head to toe. His uniform is partly melted. And his hair is gone, together with the outer layer of his facial skin.

            "Soldier, sonny, you must be going through several lifetimes of pain, by the look of you."

            "Had partial pain-sense removal when I drafted, Sir. It paid off today."

            Now Storgard looks at the other three soldiers. They are all wounded, and they are unfamiliar to him.

            "Who are you?"

            "Sir, we're from the First Company. We can't locate any others from our unit."

            "Oh. Well, get me loose from this thing."

            Jan and the soldiers step forward and force the harness open. Storgard takes a step and collapses. Eventually, using his left arm, he manages to stand again. They are in a scorched fungal field, surrounded by high ridges. Here and there parts from jumpjets and people can be seen. There are two fresh craters close by that Storgard meaningfully ignores once he has spotted them. The sky is alive with lights from the fighting going on all around them.

            ">This is Lieutenant Storgard. First Platoon report!<"

            No answer. Corporal Ulrich sighs.

            "I've been through the stats of first platoon. There's five MMI's still functional in addition to us. None of them are responding."

            "Let's see.. Yes. And I'm detecting the Captain's signal as well. >Captain! Captain Cormora, do you copy?< No answer. His bio-readout is steady, but weak. Damn, his crash-beacon is on! Let's find him. Stay on my right, Corporal. You three, spread out!"

            They set out.


            • U.N. Headquarters

              Donovan and Shell both strode down the hall. They were wearing the uniforms of Peacekeeper guards. They stopped at a security checkpoint. The electronic spiderweb of the PK security was easily bypassed. Shell bent down and fiddled with the checkpoint's computer. It blinked and then went off. Both men hurried down the hallway. They looked at the datapad holding their instructions. Both of them scrutinized the maze of corridors.

              "That way" said Donovan. Both men moved down a hallway. Than they stopped. And started again. Back and forth, in and out they went. Finally they stopped in front of a door. It swished open and they were greeted with a scene of technicians walking back and forth. They smiled and stepped back.

              "This place is worse than a Hive base" growled Donovan. Shell nodded. They started to walk again. Shell glanced at the datapad. One hallway to the right. Turn left now right. Donovan was right. This place was worse than a Hive base. Finally he stopped. A computer panel was on the wall. He stepped up to it and typed in their destination. It outlined a path in yellow light.

              "Nice. A virtual guide" said Donovan. Shell nodded. That Tomahawk was sitting out there. Probably telling the Peacekeepers everything he knew. Shell turned down a hallway marked 2 Alpha. He'd have to remember that. A guard walked by him. Shell stopped and motioned to Donovan.

              "He's in here" he said. Donovan stepped toward the door. He almost walked into it when it didn't open automatically. Shell smiled and spoke.

              "You need a code" he said. Donovan gave a sheepish grin. Than he pulled out an overide device. He placed it on the door and tapped it. A soft buzzing could be heard and than the doors swished open. Inside the room a man sat on a sofa of sorts. The room was sparsley decorated. No doubt it was serving as a prison cell. But a picture of Brother Lal stood on one wall. And the walls were a light beige color. He stood up when they entered. He spoke in a subdued voice.

              "Are you here to interrogate me?" he asked. Donovan stepped forward. He seemed to tower over Greenburg. Although they were actually the same height. Than he spoke.

              "No. We are here to take you somewere else" said Donovan. Greenburg backed away from him and spoke quickly.

              "Where? To another one of your bases?" asked Greenburg gruffly. Shell answered in a soft voice unbefitting a Spartan.

              "No. We're going to take you to Sparta Command" he said. He watched Greenburg's face go from nervousness to absolute horror. When he spoke his voice quavered.

              "Why do you want me?" he asked. Shell answered.

              "Simple. You were the Datatech leader weren't you?" he repplied. Greenburg shifted nervously. Than he answered.

              "Well yes" he said. But Donovan cut him ofo before he could continue.

              "Come on. We don't have alot of time" he said. All three men walked out into the hall. Shell removed the overide device from the doorpanel. Now to get out of there.


              • Judgement Seat

                Prophet Cha Dawn sat in meditation in the office of the former Believing governor. The nerve gas had proved to be a very effective weapon. There had been hardly any resistance at all. Of course hardly any one had been in the base. According to his intelligence officers the former governor had evacuated large portions of the population. However Cha Dawn still felt a thrill. The Believers had been driven of the Isle. They would no more pollute this part of Planet's flesh with their factories.

                Two Cultist guards waited for him at the door. They stepped to the side as his General walked in. Cha Dawn got to his feet. General Ari Kang entered the room and bowed. Cha Dawn extended his arm. Than Kang stood up. He spoke with a deep, rich voice.

                "We are victorious Prophet. The Believers have been driven off the Isle of Deinara. What shall we do now?" he asked. Cha Dawn stepped back and closed his eyes. No one dared bothered him when he talked to Planet. After about a minute he opened his eyes.

                "We consolidate our holding. Raze this base. Like Glory of God we will build a new base here. A base pure in it's homage to Planet. Than we find allies" he said with a certain finality. General Kang nodded and exited the room. Than Cha Dawn walked out after him. However he did not follow the General. He walked into a small room. Inside it smelled of incense. An old man sat there. Cha Dawn seated himself on a cushion on the floor.

                "Tell me oracle what do you see in the future? What do you see of the Believers?" asked Cha Dawn. The old man threw some incense on the fire and chanted an incantation. Than he answered.

                "The Believers are strong on land. They protect their homes with a vast army" said the oracle.

                "What of the Gaians?" aksed Cha Dawn. The man repeated his ceremony and answered.

                "The Gaians are weak. Their army could not stand up to the wrath of Planet" he said. Cha dawn dropped a coin in the man's cup and left the room. So the Believers had foritified their home turf. And the Gaians were weak. They would need to find allies if they were to show the other factions who was king.
                [This message has been edited by Bearcat (edited January 28, 2000).]


                • Secret Hollow

                  Sergeant First Class Ali Rashir ducked behind a wall. Two soldiers were standing at the intersection. Over an hour ago he had been forced to abandon his rover, Tiger Six. Commander Wallach probably thinks I'm dead. Rashir had been listening in on his commband to see and hear what was going on. Apparently they were supposed to be at the main street. But were is the main street ? Rashir dove out from behind his wall and fired two quick shots with his Impact pistol. The two soldiers fell to the ground wounded.

                  Rashir ran up to one of them and wrenched away the man's chaos rifle. Than with cold detachment only a Spartan could show he finished the two men off. He listened to his comm for a minute.

                  "This...Wallach...all..units...Main Street..repeat..Main Street" said Wallach's voice. It was hard to hear through the static. A loud boom shook the area. Tiger Fifteen was on the loose. The only artillery rover in the bunch. Another boom. Rahir looked up. A tall tower was flaming as rubble fell from it. Another boom and the whole top part of it caved in. Rashir kept moving. Beta Block. Imperius Street. Keep going. Finally he found Main Street. Heavy fighting was going on. Spartan rovers sped around firing. Defenders had taken up refuge behind silksteel barricades. And they were sniping the rovers from that position.

                  Rashir knew he probably stuck out like a sore thumb in his black armor. He dropped to the street. And that was when it him. The carnage was everywhere. Corpses of dead soldiers littered the street. Blood ran down the gutters. The wounded stumbled along screaming in pain. And flames licked at the charred remains of Tiger Squadron rovers. One wounded soldier still alive was taking aim at him. So Rashir fired on him out of instinct. The man's chest exploded and he fell to the pavement screaming. Than he stopped. That was when Rashir snapped.

                  He jumped to his feet and ran screaming at the barricades firing wildly. In what seemed like slow motion a defending soldier raised his weapon and fired. Rashir felt a searing pain in his chest than he felt himself soaring backwards through the air. He hit the ground hard. His vision was blurred. He tired to scream for a medic but no sound came. Than all was black.

                  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                  Wallach sat in the cockpit of his rover. He banked hard to the right to avoid a shot. He looked at the battlemap on his sensors and cursed. Over half of Tiger Squadron had been destroyed. How could this of happened. Tiger Squadron was the best. What could a group of garrison soldiers and a motley crew of peasent soldiers do to them. But in truth 10 of the 16 rovers were gone. 10 ! If any of the pilots had survived they were fighting a force of Chaos armed soldiers with Impact pistols.

                  They weren't infantry. They were rover pilots. He sighed and slammed the dashboard of his vehicle. Tigers One through Seven had been destroyed along with Tiger Nine, Eleven, and Twleve. If retreat wasn't forbidden Wallach would of ordered it along time ago. Antoehr explosion from Tiger Fifteen shook the area. ALong with blasts from the still fighting rovers. A horde of peasents were running towards them but were quickly cut down like grain.

                  "This is Tiger Leader to all remaining rovers. Fall back to Kappa Block. Tiger Fifteen hold position and continue your barrage" ordered Wallach. He put his rover in reverse and sped backwards. Until he tunred right and sped down an alley way. For over two hours he fought his way to Kappa Block. He battled off hordes of defending soldiers. With each shot from his chaos gun he felt his sanity slipping away. Finally he made it back to Kappa Block.

                  What he saw horrfied him. Burnt out shells of Spartan rovers still flamed. The corpses of the pilots lay either littered all over the ground or still sitting in their charred cockpits burnt beyond recognition. He satrted to reverse. Than he heard the sound of a rover engine. And Tiger Fourteen burst onto the scene.

                  "Tiger Fourteen were is Tiger Fifteen? All the others have been killed" he said. It took a minute and than Tiger Fourteen responded.

                  "Tiger Fifteen stopped transmitting ten minutes ago. And the artillery fire stooped sir" responded his subordinate. Wallach thought long and hard. Than he answered.

                  "Abandon your rover Sergeant. We're sitting ducks like this" he said. He heard an affirmative grunt.Than he watched as Tiger Fourteen's pilot hopped out of his rover armed with an Impact psitol. Wallach unstrapped himself and reached into his glovebox. He pulled out an Impact pistol and opened his cockpit. Than he jumped down and tightened his breather. Both men took off dwon a side street.

                  They watched a group of armed civilians march by. Both of them stole out into the oncoming night. However before they could make it very far two shots sounded behind them and both men collapsed dead. The Fighting Tigers were destroyed.
                  [This message has been edited by Captain Kirk (edited January 29, 2000).]


                  • Location: Near Hive's Communal Nexus

                    From the ground it is impossible to sense the true scale of the fighting. Along an entrenched border several hundred kilometers long, the Hive defenses have been surrounded. Knowing they will die if they fail, the Hive units are hurling everything they have at the peacecorps' units.

                    The Peacekeepers' drop infantry are also trapped. Several thousand troops, on foot or in all kinds of vehicles, are pouring out of Communal Nexus. The Peacecorps' new attack choppers are tearing into the oncoming horde in a furious attempt to let the infantry reorganize after the near-disastrous landing, but are finding their efforts frighteningly ineffective. Soon the reason is revealed to the Peacecorps, in a message to all troops from Central Command:

                    *** URGENT *** PRIORITY ONE ***

                    To all soldiers: Intel shows there is strong evidence that the Hive has upgraded all personnel and vehicles to mark two powerplants. Repeat: Hive is using Fusion Engines. All officers must adapt their tactics immediately.

                    *** MESSAGE ENDS ***

                    Manuel is too dazed to really understand the message, or to figure out that the loud beep that announced it has jerked him out of unconsciousness. Somewhere deep inside he suspects he is bleeding to death, but the rest of him is drifting in and out of hallucination. However, he is slowly regaining some ability to think...

                    ..And presently he wonders why on Planet that message from Central Command was shown on the great billboard counting down the last moments of the twenty-second century. Now it is again showing the last minutes and seconds until new-year, superimposed on aerial holos of U.N. Court of Justice's recreation dome.

                    "Captain! Can you hear me?"

                    "Quiet down, Rolf! I can hear you fine. Hey, wait a minute.."

                    Manuel turns toward Rolf Storgard. He is clad in his army graduation-uniform, which is odd, since he shouldn't even have enlisted yet. Not to mention that Manuel didn't meet him until the army. At Storgard's side stands Jan Ulrich, clad in a tuxedo and cradling a mindworm.

                    "Hey, what are you doing here? And how do you know me already? We won't meet until wayy later. Not to mention you, Corporal Ulrich! You are too young to have taken longevity-treatment, so you couldn't possibly be here!"

                    As fireworks explode in the sky, Jan's head inflates. He thrusts the Mindworm into the chest of Manuel.

                    "Hey, what-"

                    "It'll make you feel better, sir. Just relax."

                    "RELAX, those things kill you, you know- oh damn."

                    Suddenly the ground swarms with mindworms. The sounds of merriment dies away, and all the people in the rec-dome stop partying and just stand, apparently unconcerned by the ever-rising tide of mindworms. Manuel looks down at his legs, and sees that he is already swamped by the things. He hardly notices as Corporal Ulrich and Lieutenant Storgard grab his arms.

                    Manuel is enveloped in blackness, and he falls. All that can be heard is the rushing of the wind. Then an ear-splitting crack rattles his teeth, and Manuel slams open his eyes again. The real world, and all it's pains, comes rushing in. Rolf and Jan are on either side of him and are supporting him while they run towards the smoking wreck of a helicopter. Halfway there Storgard stumbles and falls, and Manuel tries to stand on his own. The next few seconds will haunt his memory forever.

                    He can't feel his legs, but he knows he partly stopped the fall since he is now instead toppling over to his side. But he is too close to the ground. Is he kneeling? He looks down, and sees that this is partially true. The knee on his right leg is severely damaged, and the leg is folded the wrong way. His foot is in front of him, toes pointing up. But there is no knee at all on the left leg. It is severed, just above the knee.

                    Jan helps lieutenant Storgard stand.

                    "Sir, your shoulder is bleeding again."

                    "I KNOW. The shoulder is why I fell in the first place."

                    "Right. Oh no, the Captain's out cold again."

                    "Can't be helped." Storgard sighs. "We'll have to pack him on ice and secure the area. Looks like I'm in charge until we find premier-lieutenant Kalin."

                    Soon, Manuel dreams of frost.


                    • 0630 hours
                      Nova Main Street, Secret Hollow

                      Sinder Roze and Raptor looked down at their old friend. His body, almost blown open from the inside, rested on the concrete road silently. The crimson blood from the body seemed to stick to the road, giving it a deep reddish stain. Sinder respectively bowed her head and said something slightly under her breath. Then, both turned around to walk back to the recreation commons, which had been turned into the command center after the headquarters had been blown by artillery shelling.

                      “Do you remember the first time we met Beetle… Sinder?” Raptor asked as they continued to walk down the long street, avoiding the fallen bodies and vehicle carcasses as they went.

                      “Yes, how could anyone forget. He stumbled into my suite back at Morgan Industries by mistake. The kid thought he was in the economic sector instead of the covert ops zone.” Sinder turned around and took another look at Beetle’s body and then continued on her way to the makeshift command center. A slight tear formed on the corner of her eye, but seemed to be reabsorbed back into her eye when Raptor turned to look at her.

                      Raptor thought about saying something, but then rejected the idea. He remembered that Sinder had asked Beetle to check out what was happening at the front during the fighting, but he had been cut down in route by a Spartan rover. Raptor knew that Sinder would never forget her own order that resulted in another of her friend’s death.

                      They had survived the battle, but what a cost. Of the two thousand people who inhabited the base before the attack, now only a little over five hundred survived. The civilians were too inexperienced to fight in a battle, let alone a street battle. Most people could have called the defense of this base suicide but it was their new home. Now the difficult decision had to be made… whether they should stay and fight the next wave of inevitable Spartans or leave as they had done back at Data DeCentral.

                      Zebra, Spirit and Junior turned from what they were doing to face Sinder as she entered the building along with Raptor. The large dining facility inside the Rec-commons was filled with salvaged systems from headquarters and was also cluttered by injured individuals at the other end of the room, hoping for medical assistance. But, with only a handful of medical personal left, assistance was marginal at best.

                      “We have more problems Sinder.” Spirit asked, as he watched a salvaged electronic surveillance screen. Even Spirit, had a large cut that ran down the full length of his arm.

                      “What now!” Raptor voiced, instead of Sinder.

                      “Aircraft, eighty kilometers out from our location which are vectoring to this location.” Spirit replied, although addressed to Sinder only, who had walked next to Spirit.

                      “How many?” Zebra, from across the table, asked as he put a white ailment patch on a small neck cut.

                      “Two groups… probably large class aircraft due to their slower speed.”

                      Sinder walked over to a chair, which had small reddish stains on it, and sat down. She slowly stroked her two hands along her face, wiping the fatigue off her face, symbolically.

                      “We will leave.” Sinder quietly said.

                      “Where will we go?” Junior, who had remained quite, asked.

                      “Does it matter Clark. We will hide, like we have all our lives.” Sinder said with a bit of irritation in her voice. “There is nothing we can do to bombers or what ever the hell is coming our way! Although you are welcome to stay behind and fight!” Sinder, now steaming, threw her shredder into Junior stomach in disgust.

                      The others just stood there in silence, looking at their leader who had fought and seen death most of her life. She had been responsible for the deaths of dozens of prominent people on Chiron when she worked for Morgan and it seemed like that bottled up anger was releasing. But, as quickly as the rage came on Sinder, it left. A true testimony to the power of Sinder’s mind to repress angers or sorrows.

                      “Gentlemen, we have about a half an hour if we are going to make it out in time with our lives. We have tried to defend this base, but to stay and continue to fight would be suicide. I suggest you start making the arrangements.” Sinder said and walked out of the building without a word where she was going.

                      0710 hours
                      T-4 “Messiah” Transport
                      Ten kilometers south of Secret Hollow, 2000 meters above Sea Level

                      The five remaining council members sat down around a makeshift holo-table onboard the aircraft known as the Messiah. All the members were extremely quite, even the harsh talking Zebra. Each member had their own strange childhood or harsh experiences growing up, but they had all endured the recent hardships together. They knew who their enemies were and who to trust and who not too. They were ready to rebuild and take out their revenge for the loss of their friends and families. Yet, there was one more distressing act to watch before they could get to work in the vile task of revenge and rebuilding.

                      “The attack is beginning.” Zebra said, ending the eerie silence of the room.

                      The holo-grid slowly came to life in front of them, almost encompassing the entire circular table. The holo-grid tied directly back into the cameras of the now abandoned Secret Hollow.

                      Through the cameras facing the sky, they could see several dozen contrails orbiting the base several thousand meters above.

                      One camera zoomed onto one of the needlejets orbiting above. A large black aircraft could now be easily seen. The camera zoomed in further, just enough so that the council could see the aircraft’s cargo bays slowly opening.

                      Like demonic gods, the aircraft released their cargo of kinetic energy mines, which acted like dumb gravitational bombs when dropped from aircraft. The same camera now focused on the bombs falling towards it own position. The holo-projector displayed the energy mine’s altitude, slowly counting down to infamy and destruction.

                      “Holo-graphic system beta …off.” Sinder said to the computer system, several seconds before the mines reached the abandoned base. “I believe we have all seen enough destruction these past few days.”

                      Sinder leaned back into her seat, deep in thought. She had escaped destruction a second time. Sinder Roze knew that fate would catch up to her, but for now, she had to be focused on the mission ahead. She had been foolish to believe that her people could compete against these other factions in there own games. This time, they would fight her game, her fight. She wouldn’t be concerned with bases, or production queues or even territories. No, this time she would work within the enemy’s own bases, and fight from the inside, using the knowledge she had been engrained with, since her birth.

                      “It will be interesting going home again… its been such a long time.” Raptor said out loud to the group, although it was strictly intended for Sinder.

                      Their destination was Morgan Industries. They would be able to hide there with some level of impunity. But, yet again, it was risk. Morgan was well known for his cunning and hatred for Sinder Roze. Sinder could taste her revenge.


                      • Freedom's Foundry
                        Temporary Headquarters

                        Several important Free Drone members wandered the unfinished room. Signs of construction were apparent everywhere, and some of the computer councils had not yet been installed. The Cyborg citizens were loud in the city below, protesting this or that and generally making a nuisance of themselves. It wasn’t an official council meeting, as everyone’s schedules were conflicting in an attempt to get as much done as quickly as possible. The council members were scattered around the room, peering at computer displays, going over charts and tables, and accessing the latest information.

                        “Our attempts to pacify the former Cyborg citizens have been, on the most part, ineffectual. They ignore our free-thinking philosophies and reject our attempts to teach them how to think for themselves.” said Iotal.

                        “Yes… this is harder then we imagined. They are like children as they don’t know how to live by themselves, yet they are large enough to cause some major trouble. What’s the latest riot about?” Venus asked.

                        An empath replied, “Our wealth values. The Cyborgs have no real use for material wealth, since most of them do not experience greed.”

                        “Well, this one we can actually fix.” Venus said, “Make sure that they are aware that we are changing to the Knowledge values. They may take that as ‘left-brain’ thinking and calm down. What do you think about that Newman?”

                        Newman snorted, “Yeah maybe. But meanwhile, at home, Free Drone Central has gone into a riot of it’s own! Since Domai won’t let me use our police force at maximum efficiency, we can do little to quell the disturbance.”

                        “I will not betray the very thing we stand for, Newman.” Domai said, after overhearing the conversation from the other side of the room. “Riots or not, our people have their rights. I want to make sure they know that.”

                        “I got it. I’ve heard that enough Domai. But your ‘rights’ aren’t halting the mass-rebellion in the very streets of our capital city. These new ‘Knowledge’ values will just make it easier for enemies to access our datalinks. I urge you to change—“ Newman protested.

                        “The vote has been made. Your idea for extra labs, while interesting, does not match the efficiency and laboratory bonuses that a simple change of view will give us.”


                        “Just drop it Newman. We have to deal with the problems we have here. Rockmore isn’t here right now, but does anyone know what military forces we have active at the moment?”

                        Newman replied, “The scout rovers are in the process of being upgraded to Chaos weaponry. The missile shock troops have already been upgraded to chaos. Talon and Blade bomber groups have been refueled, but the other two have not. They’re still scattered over on the plain, so they’ll be sitting targets for any enemy bomber groups that come our way. Also, the garrison has been given some anti-aircraft ‘AAA’ capabilities”

                        Domai nodded, “Good. I believe that we should push forward toward Omega Terminus in the north, and Rockmore agrees. I want one of those bomber groups in the air on active defence duty, snce the long-range radar has been disabled for quite a while. The chaos shock troops will leave soon, and the rovers will follow when they are upgraded. Any objections?”

                        Newman spoke up, “On this matter, I agree with you Domai. The garrison will serve as a military presence with the other units gone, so control shouldn’t decrease.”

                        “Thank you for that Newman. Any other comments?” no one spoke up. “Good. The chaos troops leave in two days. I have to go find Rockmore and inform him of our schedule. Good day.”

                        Domai left the room, and the plans continued.

                        That night
                        Seline’s room

                        Seline… wake up Seline

                        Seline’s eyes fluttered open. She clicked on the light, but there was no one in the room, nor at the door.

                        “Whhaa…” she murmured, still in a sleepy trance.

                        Seline… I’m in your mind. I’m an empath. Although you can’t respond to what I say, I need to tell you something. Venus wants you at the north exit, in your probe uniform, in fifteen minutes.

                        “Venus…? What… hey! Hold on!” But the voice in her mind was gone. Grumbling, she got out of bed and get dressed.

                        North Exit

                        When Seline arrived, she found the rest of her team was there as well. They were all looking impatiently at her as she joined the group.

                        Venus spoke, “Domai has upped the schedule. He is sending military units against Omega Terminus starting tomorrow. I have spoken with him, and he believes that we must get there first. We will proceed to Omega Terminus. Once there, I will tell you more.”

                        “Let’s move” And they did.
                        Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                        Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


                        • Sparta Command

                          Colonel Corazon Santiago stood and watched the large monitor in her office. It showed her a holographic view of the base formerly known as Secret Hollow. Santiago was stunned by the absolute destruction. Shelled out buildings and wrecked vehicles stood as sentries of destruction and death. There were a few corpses. Left by the former inhabitants during their flight. An Atmospheric Corps major was talking to the holocamera. Santiago followed his motions as he outlined the urban sprawl of the former base. Than he said something that caught her attention.

                          "Apparently there was something that drew these people here. There is a group of three Thermal Boreholes in the region" he said. Santiago wasn't sure she could believe her ears. Three Thermal Boreholes. She paused the holovideo. She tapped her interlink.

                          "Get me General Kabila up here. Now !" she said. In a few minutes the tall African solider entered the room. Santiago spoke.

                          "Did anyone ever tell you that you present yourself like CEO Morgan, General" said Santiago. Kabila smiled at this jibe and retorted quickly.

                          "I'm insulted" he said with a smile. Santiago laughed and motioned for him to join her. She backed up the tape and pushed the run button at the desired spot. After viewing it Kabila cleared his throat. He knitted his brow for a moment.

                          "Three Boreholes" he said in awe. Santiago nodded. Than he spoke.

                          "Speaking as a military strategist I would send a colony pod to claim the region. Keeping the University and Believers from taking it" he said. Santiago agreed with him. Than she spoke.

                          "We shall not allow the sacrifices of those people, of our people to be in vain. That base shall be a memorial to all the sacrifices. Ours and theirs" said Santiago. Kabila nodded and exited. Santiago turned and pushed the resume button and turned back to the holovideo.


                          • Sol System

                            rocketed from the wormhole with sensors flaring.

                            They egressed just beside a gas giant that was in a long elliptical orbit around its star. It was the sixth planet out, replete with around 20 moons.

                            Mwindu B’rath, the scoutship’s Astrogator was busy at her screens.

                            “Picking up intense emanations from the third planet,” she resonated.

                            “Analyze and report” Lular H’minee altered. “And Kaala, prime the weapons and alert Hornets.”

                            Kaala L’mota. the ship’s technical officer, altered her assent and gave the command to the waiting crew aft.

                            Vrath Bek’t, the Hornet commander, looked over the crews.

                            “Who hasn’t seen action at all?” he resonated.

                            The question was taken by the six pilots, and caught with deft movements of their flaps and caressed and altered so that Bek’t caught the alterations and identified ‘Ychert as the one with no experience – fresh out of the Academy just prior to the launch.

                            She stepped forward.

                            “What are our orders?” she resonated.

                            “Probe,” Bek’t altered, then added “sensor pods.”

                            ‘Ychert altered her assent “I’ll go and alert Caillon. He’ll need some reassurance with the reduced weapons load.”

                            She bared her neck in obeisance to her commander, and left for the hangar bay.

                            ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++

                            Caillon anticipated her arrival as she walked through the hangar doors.

                            Mission? Danger?

                            ‘Ychert felt the interrogative resonance in her mind, sending a slight tingle through her bones although there was no palpable wave disturbance. “I’m so used to associating a feeling with the resonance that I feel it even with the empath thought.”

                            Yes and No, she resonated internally to Caillon. Investigative. Probe. Sensor pods

                            The mechanic was already peeling back the weapons membrane and disconnecting the command nodes for the string disrupter cannon.

                            “We’re leaving the Bolt with six charges,” he resonated. “Everything else will be sensors.”

                            Caillon unfurled the command sheath and ‘Ychert climbed aboard to run the mission checks.

                            ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++

                            H’minee took the Preservation inward toward the star, past the fifth planet, another gas giant, the largest of Sol’s nine planets. The reddish hue, the product of the decomposing phosphine, was clearly visible to the Caretakers.

                            As they approached the fourth planet, a smallish mineral planet about the size of Harmony, the far sensors of the Preservation recorded remnants of habitation domes from its surface.

                            “Save, for analysis later,” H’minee resonated to her technical officer.

                            “Prepare to launch.”

                            The external bay doors slid open, and at her command Caillon soared from the scoutship, his singularity drive kicking in almost immediately as ‘Ychert had only to think the thought “Power down resonance – fire singularity.”

                            The Hornet soared free of Preservation, and H’minee marveled again at the joy of these sentient craft as they were released from captivity to take their rightful place in the vast expanse of space.

                            She held the Preservation off at a deep orbit around the third planet while the Hornet went in for its scan.

                            ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++

                            Kaala L’mota sat at the console watching the sensor readings displayed as they were fed by Caillon to the scoutship, and translated the readings for the benefit of the other two officers.

                            “Breathable atmosphere, more oxygen rich than Harmony. One fifth oxygen, four fifths nitrogen, traces of argon and minute traces of carbon dioxide.

                            “Strong radiation residue and much crater evidence – strange – the heavy atmosphere should have burned up all but the largest asteroids – unless….”

                            “Yes?” H’minee resonated.

                            “Was there any mention of radiation being a by-product of Flowering?” altered L’mota.

                            “Not that I recall,” altered Mwindu B’rath, the Astrogator of the Preservation

                            ‘Wait,” altered L’mota, mandibles clacking excitedly, “the heat sensors are picking up signs of life. There is alien life on that planet. And ‘Ychert reports some electromagnetic distortions on her craft, emanating from the planet surface.”

                            “Could this be one of the Manifolds?’ resonated B’rath. “Perhaps even the fabled sixth?”

                            “I doubt it,” altered H’minee. “More likely an alien race that at one time had nuclear weapons and bombed themselves into a dark age as we Progenitors did those thousands of orbits ago.

                            “Recall ‘Ychert, and let’s move on. Drop a beacon to alert the fleet that this is marked as future exploratory but not Manifold material.

                            “Let’s get to the wormhole and move on to Alpha Centauri system.”

                            ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                            Space shimmered, and shifted as the singularity formed and reformed and the Scoutship 427_s appeared – insubstantial at first, then taking form and emerging gingerly.

                            Conqueror Marr was at the console, eyeing the sensor ourputs.

                            Y’Apathar, the technical officer, was examining one particular display.

                            “Leader,” she resonated, “indications are that the Caretaker ship exited this system just tenths ago. The ion dispersions are fresh. No more than two turnings.”

                            ‘And,” Soone, the Astrogator, altered,”we are picking up a Mark III beacon transmission from the vicinity of the third planet – it’s in Caretaker code, but we have the encryption key here…” –His talons flew over the command console, then the message appeared:

                            No Manifold in Sol System. Alien race still extant. Backward. Investigate and conquer at leisure. Alpha Centauri binary system most likely host of Manifold, possibly Manifold Six.

                            ‘Go,” barked Marr. “Let’s not hang around. Slingshot round Sol to get maximum speed for entrance.”

                            ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++

                            [This message has been edited by The_Progenitors (edited January 30, 2000).]


                            • Location: U.N. Headquarters

                              Lieutenant-Commander Zhu looks worried.
                              "Are you sure you want to do this, Commissioner?"

                              "Yes. I have told you why."

                              They are walking along a non-descript corridor, dodging technical personnel and lesser talk-show hosts. At the far end lies their destination, a door marked 'Studio One'.

                              "I'm afraid I am still at a loss."

                              Lal sighs and turns towards Zhu.
                              "For more than a century, the Peacekeepers have stood for peace and stability, and the rights of the individual. Right?"


                              "Currently, Planet's nations are redrawing the political map. There are several new powers out there, and the old nations are restless. Not to mention the Gaian-Morgan conflict, the Believer-University vendetta, Our vendetta with the Hive and the quickly escalating Drone-Cyborg war. And countless lesser 'police-actions'. Right?"

                              "Yes, but I don't see where you are heading with this."

                              "Zhu, I am at a loss. To act as a calming force in all of these areas at the same time, we would need double the resources we have now. We'd have to become intensely expansionist to get that, and that would be interpreted as an act of hostility. No solution there."

                              Zhu nods reluctantly.

                              "Now, traditionally, I have always favoured the diplomatic solution, but that doesn't work when dealing with a conflict of ideals; e.g. the Gaians versus the Morganites. And frankly, I doubt that many of the warring parties would care about what I think, nowadays."

                              "I don't see how that fact could support your actions now."

                              "I can't stop every war on Planet anymore. I need to find out where my efforts are appreciated before I decide where to act from now on. I hate the very thought of doing this, but I don't see any other way."

                              "And how will you find out where you are wanted without upsetting your current friends?"

                              "That's actually quite easy. As there will be new participants in this council, the firt thing that needs to be done is the reaffirmation of the U.N. Charter with their signatures. Now, since the latest version was prepared to hold only seven names, even though it is completely electronic, we'll need a new version."


                              "Thus, every faction will have the opportunity, once again, to vote with their names whether we should enforce it or not. I do think the Charter will remain, and that eventually all will sign, but those that hesitate.. They are beyond our help, basically. They can die by their own sword. I won't stop them."

                              Zhu gives a low whistle.
                              "I don't know what to say. This is going to cause trouble, for sure. I mean, think about the Hive. They will now find out about the Drones."

                              Lal shrugs. "Maybe they already know and don't care. Anyway, operation 'noisemaker' is well underway by now, and should draw most of Yang's forces to us."

                              "Allright. I sure hope you know what you're doing here, Lal. Get it wrong and we have no legal authority to punish atrocities."

                              "I sure hope I know what I'm doing too."

                              They enter the studio, and Lal walks over to the waiting technician.

                              "Is everything ready?"

                              "Yes, Commissioner. We are ready when you are."


                              Lal walks to a small raised area on the studio floor, and nods to the technician. All lights, except for a spotlight on Lal, go out. He looks directly into the main lens of the holo-camera.

                              "Greetings, leaders of Planet. I, Commissioner Pravin Lal, hereby call you all to a Council of Planet, to be held during the week one month from now. Topics will include the introduction of new members to the Council, the reaffirmation of the U.N. Charter and the election of a president of the Council. Other topics, such as trade, can be discussed if the schedule permits it. Welcome!"

                              He steps out of the spotlight.
                              "Was that allright?"

                              Zhu nods. "Yes. Short and simple."

                              "Good." Lal turns to the head technician again. "Add the Peacekeeper insignia to the beginning and end, and send it on the general diplomatic frequencies. By the way, will it reach everywhere?"

                              "Oh, yes. The antennae closest to ours will have to be closed to prevent short-circuiting. Once we've made this message nice and compressed, we'll send it to all our satellites. They will then blast the message all over Planet. If the other factions have any understanding of technology at all then they should intercept this message immediately."

                              "Good. Now we'll wait for the response."


                              • Paul ‘Raptor’ Cotroneo’s
                                Personal Log
                                Morgan Industries, MY 2235
                                International Data-Exchange Office, Sector 5A, Currency Street

                                Today was peculiar, to say it mildly. It seems Zebra, Junior and several dozen others have decided that they do not want to continue the fight, for our own independent way of life. They apparently think they can return to a decent life in Morgan territories without any significant problems. Zebra, in particular, plans to make a killing; selling the secrets of fusion on the exchange markets. I don’t hold any bitterness for them, and I totally understand their problems with our predicament of late. Most are just tired of the constant fighting and migration to safer areas.

                                Many were attracted to Sinder Roze and her vision because they wanted to leave the controlled life styles, their leaders oppressed on them. Yet, as much as freedom of information attracted them, destruction repelled them.

                                Sinder still seems defiant in her will and mission though. She did not even try to talk the others into not leaving, as she felt it was their choice to stay or leave.

                                Mostly, she’s been in her own little world as of late. Apparently she has even made contact with some of her old operatives, that she used back in the days when she worked for Morgan. She has not told me anything in particular about what she is actually planning with these old ‘associates’. I’m worried she is to entangled in her search for revenge that she sacrifices what’s left of her faction.

                                It’s funny, now that I think about the word, faction, in particular. Are we really a faction? Or more of a deranged unguided cult or brotherhood? I guess time will tell.

                                I’m still wondering if I should confront Sinder myself. To be honest, I don’t even think she would listen to me, her only friend left. Perhaps, ill ask Spirit what he thinks, but I'm not optimistic.

                                I have established the Interfaction Data-Exchange Company as a cover, to hide our less than honest business exchanges to finance our little movement. Any corruption or embezzlement the authorities manage to track, will be sole blamed on a imaginary interfaction company. I think it’s quite a brilliant scheme, if I may say myself.

                                Its amusing, for lack of a better term, being home in civilization after so long. Data DeCentral and Secret Hollow never seemed to give off that same feeling of civilized life that I feel in Morgan Industries. Perhaps, it is simple because I’m back in the city I grew up in. Yet, time has changed, and I find that the city has grown not only in population, but in secrets also.

