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  • #46

    I thank you for eliminating the Cyborg base. We saw it leave a decade ago but had not the means to track it down and deal with it appropriately. I am pleased you saw fit to declare war on the Cyborgs. They are duplicitous in their dealings and are not to be trusted.

    You will have noticed I did not reply to your offer to exchange technology. The Parliament has tabled that issue while they deal with significant internal development strains, and also continuing Cyborg harassment of our people and bases.

    Lastly, Pravin still refuses to answer my calls. Your attacks and those of the minions of Chairman Yang likely distract him. He also might also suspect what I have to say; he is the former Unity officer, and not unobservant.

    Director Morgan


    One sector northeast of Fort Apache, Macedonia , SPARTA-2219

    Santiago watched the troops march by from just off the roadway. She had arrived only several months ago and quickly reorganized the army of Macedonia and then ordered it to war. The first task was to destroy a scout regiment sent by Pravin to spy on her preparations but the unit was quickly discovered and destroyed. The second mission was to destroy a mobile artillery unit just south of UN Headquarters and an infantry unit quickly dispatched them. The last task was to get the bulk of the army moving and try to bring all of the units together so they could delivery one massive blow. Fitz-Wallace had spread out the troops at both bases in order to provide security but Santiago quickly ordered that each base build a single light scout garrison unit so the more highly trained and well armed units could participate in the battle to come.

    Now she turned and looked down the on the UN base. From the point where she stood the grand sloped down towards the coast and city. It was good ground to fight a war and the Spartans would have an elevation advantage in the combat to come. Down there in that city Pravin was hastily building more plasma armed troops something that could not be allowed to become reality. Damn that Morgan!! How it galled her each time she thought of his stupidity and greed that now forced her actions. She could not allow the Peacekeepers to build up a superior defense force and then the war would devolve into a war of attrition, something that she knew she could not let happen. So action had to be taken and quickly. So far Pravin had only one infantry unit with plasma armor. They had the city and the perimeter defenses to help their efforts so it was critical to strike now before they could add more.

    Santiago turned and walked back to her command rover.

    “Alright, lets get down there and show them how a Spartan soldier fights!”


    Morgan Industries, MY 2219

    “The Cyborgs left?” Morgan asked.

    “Yes,” Elaine said as she showed Morgan a clip of the impact rover and infantry boarding a transport.

    “Can we take out the transport before it gets to base?” he said.

    “Unknown,” Elaine replied. “It might cause distress at Construction.

    “Hang the social disruption!” Morgan almost yelled. “We could take out three military units in one blow! Check into it.”

    Elaine nodded. “Also, the golden age is going as planned. Next year we should see the results in a significant growth of population, which will be followed by an increase in resource production.”

    “Is there terrain to utilize?” Morgan asked. To date almost every spare bit of territory was used by supply crawlers, primarily for harvesting minerals to stoke the fires of industry.

    “Generally, yes. Crawlers can be re-assigned,” she said.

    “What of the Cyborgs. Is our probe foil in position?”

    Elaine nodded with a smile.

    “Let us hope they acquire something useful,” Morgan said.

    Then he looked over the economic position, which was both good and bad. Industry was developing at a frantic pace, and its growth was outstripping their energy reserves’ growth. That was especially true now that 20 percent of the budget was allocated to social programs. But, that wouldn’t last forever, and the growth was much needed. He had noted that the Spartans had undergone their own significant population boom, and had surpassed them in total population.

    The old calculus of population equal production no longer applied with the advent of crawlers, but it did have a significant effect. Larger bases were good, and the theories of Malthus were obsolete with the small human populations on Chiron. For a while at least.


    Several kilometers south of UN Headquarters, SPARTA-2220

    Santiago watched the Peacekeeper major from the looks of his uniform approach her command post. The army of Macedonia had arrived during the night and quickly dug in about two kilometers south of the UN Headquarters. The Peacekeeper farmers and civilians were very surprised to see in the morning all of these heavily armed soldiers where just yesterday crops were growing. Within an hour they had all fled.

    “Colonel Santiago, High Commissioner Pravin Lal, the planetary leader of Chiron demands that…”

    “PRAVIN LAL makes no demands on Sparta or myself! You can inform Lal that I have no intention of leaving anytime soon and in fact I order him to surrender his city to us. As far as his being the leader of Chiron he can make all the claims he wants but until I vote for him or he defeats me his claims are worthless.” Santiago snapped back while stepping forward to stand nearly toe-to-toe with the Peacekeeper.

    “I see. Then there is little else to say then, is there Spartan. I will inform the High Commissioner of your response.” The major began to turn but Santiago grabbed him by the arm.

    “You are not going anywhere Peacekeeper until I get a salute!”

    The major looked around nervously and then back at his escorts. He then looked Santiago in the eyes.

    “We no longer salute in the Peacekeeper defense force.”

    “I am a superior officer, salute!”

    The young major raised his hand and performed a poor salute and then began to turn when Santiago grabbed him again.

    “It will enjoy teaching you the proper method of saluting again Peacekeeper. Inform Pravin Lal I have no intention of leaving and if he wishes to push me out then he will have to come and get me. I will soon reposition my forces to cut off more supplies to his capital. Either he can meet me in open combat on the plain around us or hide behind his walls like an old women.” Santiago then turned and went back into the command center leaving a very worried Peacekeeper major wondering what on Chiron had caused this calamity to befall his people.

    Pravin Lal watched the Spartan army spread out over the fields below his city and rubbed his hands again behind his back. The soldiers were already digging up the fields and looting the storage bins and behind them fires had broken out in several of the storage buildings.

    “Father, shall we attack them?” John had walked in quietly into the room but he doubted that even if he come in with a marching band his father would not have heard him. John looked out from the massive observation onto the plain below and each second he saw the Spartans destroying the land around his city his anger grew even hotter.

    “As commander of the defense forces of the United Nations are you advising me to attack or asking me to decide to attack?”

    “I am not sure father. We might hold out longer if we wait for them to try and breach our walls. But then if we can bloody them now perhaps they will leave.”

    “Let me think on this and I will let you know. Are your forces still keeping things under control here, have food riots broken out yet?”

    “No father not yet. I am trying to make sure that does not happen.”

    Pravin turned and walked back into his main office and John realized how quickly he had aged in just a matter of days.


    Morgan Industries, MY 2220

    The population boom was coming along very well, and it was impressive how the new population adjusted to their continuing state of golden age. The wealth of energy was flowing, and would keep flowing – it was worth every joule to keep the people hyper productive. And this was with only five hab complexes up! Soon the ability to grow would decline, and this would probably happen within a few years. It would take some time to get more hab complexes on line, and the requisite social facilities. Well, that wasn’t quite true. Most cities were well equipped, except those on the very fringe of Morganite territory.

    There were some setbacks. The probe foil had failed and been captured, and likely executed for their actions. This was most unfortunate, and alternate plans would now have to be made. The foil at Construction hadn’t taken out the transport before it got back to port, and a Cyborg foil was now on the hunt. The return would be dicey, and it would be unfortunate if the foil succumbed to the enemy foil. At least the artillery could do some damage to the Cyborgs, but without the foil there would be no coup-de-gras.

    Morgan knew he needed more growth! Relying on farms, nutrient specials, and kelp farms was not enough, not if they were to grow to truly large stature!

    He pondered this, and hoped that the scientists came through this time.


    Office of the Pro-Consul – Spartan Federation, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2221

    The doors banged open and Lt. Colonel Hudson rushed through the doors and up to Mannsfield’s desk. Mannsfield quickly stood up, as did several other council members who were seated around the room. Mannsfield was in the process of holding a meeting with the leaders of the federation council and Director Boothe and Assistant Director Smith. Hudson strode up to Mannsfield's desk and slammed down a paper on his desk.

    “SHE DID IT!” He barked at Mannsfield and then a big grin broke out on his face.

    Mannsfield picked up the letter and quickly read it and a smile crept across his face as well. He then looked up and began to read it to the other people in the room.

    “From Colonel Corazon Santiago, Army of Macedonia

    At 01:00 hours the army of Macedonia began the assault on the UN Peacekeeper capital. At 08:00hrs Spartan forces broke through the outer defenses and eliminated all remaining organized resistance. Large numbers of civilians, administrators and deserting Peacekeeper soldiers began leaving the city. I have issued orders to have the Peacekeeper foil docked in the harbor destroyed and Spartan soldiers have begun that mission. Large numbers of soldiers have been captured and they will be sent back to Sparta as soon as possible for internment for the period of the war. We have captured the city and most of the systems are intact including a secret project. The secret project is an advanced computer system that infiltrates other faction’s computers and steals secrets by comparing data and then piecing together the stolen parts to create the original technology. Once the city is secure I will move in the remaining military units and begin repairs on equipment for the next assault. I order you to send replacement troops and any reinforcements that are able to depart. The 1st H.A.Rs was destroyed during the fighting as a result of them being the spearhead of the attack. Once new troops arrive and repairs made I will lead an assault on the nearest Peacekeeper base. The Peacekeepers war machine has been crippled it is essential that we complete the job and finish the job. When the last Peacekeeper base has fallen then I will return.

    Colonel Corazon Santiago, Fort Victory”

    Mannsfield stopped reading and looked up to hear a cheer erupt around the room. He slowly sat down and watched the various council members leave the room slapping each other on the back. Well, Mannsfield thought, perhaps this could be the end he had so wished for and then Sparta could return to building up their society.

    Dockyards of Fort Victory (formerly UN HQ), Macedonia, SPARTA-2221

    Santiago walked alongside the docks watching the Peacekeeper foil burning at the bow; the stern had already sunk below the water. Her troops had quickly brought up mortars and the heavy gatling cannons and demolished the ship as it was trying to leave. There had been a fierce fight to buy the ship time to leave but that had failed and many of the Peacekeepers had been either killed or captured. Santiago walked slowly up to group of Spartans who were watching some captured Peacekeepers. Her leg was still stiff from the wound but it would heal.

    “Corporal what do we have here?” She asked as she walked up to them.

    “Colonel these are the remaining Peacekeeper survivors from the battle off the docks. I think some of them are high ranking officers.” The corporal remained at attention.

    “Excellent, I will take a look myself.” She walked down the line of grim and dirt caked soldiers, most of them had minor wounds however one of them caught her eye. She immediately caught the fact that his Peacekeeper rank was one that she had never seen. She used her command baton to reach down and move back a piece of cloth that had torn on his uniform and it revealed his name tag, Lal. Santiago knew immediately that this man had to be the son of Pravin Lal, the general in chief of the Peacekeeper forces.

    “General Lal?” She asked.

    The man looked up at her with hatred that could burn through steel.


    “Well, well, I knew there had to be some reason as to why the fighting at the docks was the best I had seen. You are a good tactician but you had poor soldiers, if you had been a Spartan you would have made an excellent addition. However, now you will rot on your days in POW camp. I should remind you that as a prisoner of war you will no longer receive any gene therapy so if I were you I would pray that the war is short or you might return here one day to find that you are older than your father.” She laughed and then turned back to the corporal. “Make sure you inform you superior office of the rank of this man and that Major Gregovich has a turn at him in the interrogation room.

    Yes, it was a good day to be a Spartan.

    Pravin Lal stopped at the top of the hill looking down at his burning city with an anger that matched. His city was lost and his army shattered and his son was lost somewhere. The remnants of his city continued to pass him as he stood watching from the side of the road his burning city. He knew he would have to move quickly and get to another Peacekeeper base and organize a counter-attack, if it was even possible. He was about to turn away when he saw the blood red flag rise from the top of the command tower flagpole. It was easy to see since the red contrasted against the white buildings of the city. Damn Santiago, damn her to hell!


    • #47
      Morgan Industries, MY 2221

      Morgan watched the live holo of the fall of the Peacekeeper capitol UN Headquarters. It had fallen a somewhat faster than his strategists had thought, but it was clear that regardless of the timeline that Santiago would be victorious. What was surprising is that it had taken the Spartans 40 years to achieve this victory, and it had come at a considerable cost to their home territory. Their infrastructure was…Spartan, barely adequate to meet their needs. They would get a new influx of resources from the conquered Peacekeeper city, but that was likely to be a long-term drain. Almost the entire infrastructure of UN Headquarters had been destroyed and it was in full scale and massive starvation, a side effect of the martial law Santiago was giving the former Peacekeeper citizens who were none to happy on their new less enlightened master.

      As he watched he wondered how to respond. With congratulations? A warning? Silence? He was well aware that anything he said now would likely come back to haunt him. The Cyborgs would eventually also have to be conquered, even if that prospect now seemed unseemly. There would come a point very soon where the material production of Morganite cities would dwarf anything else on Chiron. Some argued it already did, and a few researchers cited the fact that four developed Morganite cities had more industrial production than all the cities of any other faction put together. This productive potential was matched by energy production, which was the lifeblood of any faction.

      After pondering he decided he was sanguine. It would be difficult for the Spartans to turn their spoils into short-term or even medium-term gains, and their war would keep them distracted for a long time.

      That was good. Very good.


      Command center, Fort Victory – Macedonia, SPARTA-2222

      Santiago watched the video feed for a second time and then turned it off. It was clear that Chairman Yang was now moving with more force against the Peacekeepers however he had yet to bring even a fraction of his total military to bear.

      “When can the army move out again Fitz?” She asked as she reached over to pick-up a manpower report.

      “Colonel, it could be at least three turns before all of the replacements troops are incorporated into their units. Vehicles still need a lot of work. What I suggest is that the more damaged units take advantage of the alien monolith for repairs.” Fitz had opened his report too and motioned to Santiago which of the four papers she should look at first.

      “Okay Fitz make it so. When will the new troops arrive?”

      “They are at Bunker118 now. I suggest that they land the troops near the alien monolith so they can get the “boost” as the troops call it now from it. Once that is completed they should arrive here the following turn. In all, three turns.”

      “Right, in four turns we move out against the Peacekeeper base to our east, the one that is the epicenter of their advanced command and control system. Once we seize the base that system will belong to us as well. I intend to leave the impact infantry units here at Fort Victory to secure our rear. I will take three gatling infantry regiments along with the 2nd and 3rd M.A.Rs regiments as well as the newly arrive 2nd H.A.Rs. That should give us more than sufficient firepower. I am still amazed as to why Pravin has not reinforced that base. It is the logical target for our next attack but perhaps the loss of his son has driven him to try desperate measures. How are the terraformers proceeding with the construction of those sensor arrays?” She replied while putting the report back on the table.

      “Fort Ticonderoga’s southern sensor array will be done next turn and then they will move on to the northern area to build that one.”

      “Excellent, I don’t want us to get blind sided in our rear by a sneak attack from that large fungus field.”

      “Colonel I have one more thing for you today, it was sent by Major Stewart.” He reached into his briefcase and pulled out a sealed envelope and handed it to her that she quickly opened. She began to read the documents and almost immediately a smile began to creep across her face.

      “Have you read this yet?”

      “Yes Colonel.”

      “Amazing, rocket/missile technology is now ours! That will make our infantry and rover regiments the most powerful units on Chiron again and this technology we will not trade. It also seems that a spin-off from the research has been the discovery of a chemical that will destroy the fungus in half the time.” Santiago closed the folder and handed it back to Fitz-Wallace.

      “Colonel, the last thing I have is a recommendation from the Pro-Consul and the federation government to begin a program of improving our education system in order to increase our research rates and improve communication between the various schools of learning.” Fitz-Wallace began to pull out the report but Santiago waved her hand to put it back in his case.

      “Yes, I have read the report but I have no intention of making any switch now. Major Gregovich’s report clearly shows that such a system would make us more vulnerable to espionage attacks. Until the Peacekeepers are subdued I have no intention of making any change that would give Pravin an edge. Make sure you send my reply back to the federation council that I veto their recommendation.” Santiago stood up and walked over to the large floor to ceiling windows and looked out over the massive city. The room was totally impractical from a military standpoint. However, she did enjoy the view of her conquered city. The troops were doing a good job in keeping the food crisis under control. Pravin had allowed this city to grow unchecked. The amount of nutrient material gathered had always been precarious it seems to the amount needed to feed the population. The city leaders had pleaded to her for more shipments but her response had been if people die so be it. The survival of the strongest, the Spartan code of life, if some did die then they should do it quickly so that others may live. The massive window covered nearly the whole room with the exception of a small area to his back that housed the elevator and a bathroom. Yes, she had to admit she did like this window.


      Morgan Industries, MY 2222

      The barrister pounded his silver gavel three times, and the sound echoed across the hall. After a few moments the delegates stopped their debates and looked toward the center of the Parliament, where Director Morgan was standing. He was dressed in his traditional navy blue suit, starched white shirt, and patent leather shoes. His suit seemed to shimmer ever so slightly, and as he turned light refracted off his diamond studded buttons and cuff links.

      “Director Morgan, the Parliament wishes you welcome and thanks you for your attendance. As Special Delegate Extraordinaire, are you ready to submit to the questions of this august body?” Prime Minister Rothchild asked.

      “I am, Mr. Prime Minister,” Morgan said.

      “Very well,” Rothchild said. A few Delegates stood, and Rothchild acknowledged Delegate Shinel from Morgan Processing.

      “Director,” he said, “we have reports that the Spartans have not stopped their aggression against the Peacekeepers. Do you view this as a threat? And, due to their development of missile technology, how will we respond?”

      Morgan turned to the ancient delegate to address him directly. “This is only a threat in that they will be using former Peacekeeper resource bases to increase their power, and their access to Peacekeeper former Special Projects. We need to keep this in mind in our transactions with them and other factions. As to their development of missile technology, Dictator Santiago has made it clear they will not share any military technology with us. This is unfortunate since it is my understanding that this technology is the key to removing xenofungus at a greater rate. The advance of missile weaponry is not impressive: it increases attack efficiency by only 20 percent for existing platforms.”

      The delegate nodded. “And what of our relationship with the Peacekeepers? And does this relationship continue to be problematic with the Spartans”

      “That is a difficult question, and one I have been trying to work out with Pravin. However, he has refused to let me through. I imagine he is indisposed at the moment,” Morgan said. “The Coronal does have a myopic view on our relationship with the Peacekeepers. We will eventually have to choose.”

      Rothchild acknowledged Delegate Cupa from Morgan Interstellar, who stood up. “Will our technology be able to keep pace with the Spartans?”

      “Yes, although I should point out that we are pursing peaceful technologic advances. Properly applied, this should allow us to expand our resource base. Our research rate is more than double that of the Spartans, even though they spend 60 percent of their budget on technologic endeavors. We should be able to retain our status of the most technologically advanced faction on Chiron in the short and medium term. Beyond that I cannot say.”

      “If I may,” Delegate Cupa continued. “Would you advise us to trade technology with the Spartans?”

      “No, I would not,” Morgan said. “The Spartans have little to offer us, and their ban on trading military-based technology is repugnant. Until she changes her attitude I see no reason to modify the ban currently in place by this Parliament.”

      That generated few murmurs of approval and disapproval. The aggression of the Spartans had generated more ill will in the Parliament, and Morgan was using that for all it was worth.


      Office of the Pro-Consul, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2223

      Mannsfield re-read the transcripts from the Morganite special council meeting just to make sure he had a good grasp of the text. He then reached over and hit the inter-officer buzzer on his desk.

      “Open a channel to Colonel Santiago at Fort Victory at once.”

      “Yes Pro-Consul.” His aide quickly replied.

      Mannsfield waited about four minutes when his aide beeped him.

      “Pro-Consul, Colonel Sanitago is ready to open the channel.”

      Mannsfield reached over again and pushed several other buttons and a view screen began to rise from the center of his desk and then it flashed white light and Colonel Santiago’s face was displayed.

      “Yes Mannsfield?” She must have been asleep, he had forgotten about the time delay since Fort Victory was so far away.

      “Colonel, it seems that the Morganites are worried about our discovery of missile technology. Also, they have concerns about the continuing war in Macedonia.” Mannsfield promptly reported.

      “I don’t care what Morgan is concerned about right now. As far as the missile technology is concerned they will not get it from us. I made a mistake, one that I will admit to you and you alone, in trading military technology to them. I wont make a second mistake.” Santiago snapped back.

      “Colonel, they contend that the technology has both military and non-military applications.”

      “Mannsfield the only way I would trade that technology is if Morgan promised not to exchange it with anyone else and I am sure he would never agree to that. As for the war it will go on until it is done. We have two more turns of preparation and then the army of Macedonia moves out again towards the nearest base and Lal’s new capital. Once we secure that command and control center there and turn it towards our use then we will see what mood Lal is in then. I know have reports that more Hive troops are pressing on two Peacekeeper bases now. It is not critical that we secure what bases we can and leave the rest to the tender mercies of Chairman Yang.” Santiago leaned closer to the screen as she shifted her body on the bed.

      “Understood Colonel, I do wish that you would have approved the changes we requested on improving the education system. It would have made a great difference in our scientific research capacity.”

      “I understand Mansfield but right now I can not afford for Sparta to made more vulnerable right now. As soon as Lal sues for peace and it is a Peace we can accept then bring it up again. Santiago out.” The screen went dead.

      Mannsfield lowered the flat screen into his desk and wondered if Lal would ever make peace. His son was living in a prison camp just to the south of Sparta Command and had many of his ribs broken during his interrogation. Also, without the ant-aging treatments he would soon begin to show his age more and more. He was reported to be nearly to be over 95 turns old. Well, Mannsfield turned and picked up a piece of paper and checked his schedule. Just enough time for exercises if we left right now.


      Morgan Construction, MY 2223

      Captain Skaargaard of the foil Free Enterprise asked his sensor tech, “Where did the bombardment come from?”

      She pulled up a holo and pointed to a sector deep in the fungus north of the Cyborg base, “Here, sir. That is our best guess, and there isn’t much chance they’ve moved since they failed in their attack.”

      “Good,” he said as he turned. “Gun, target that sector. Fire when ready.”

      There were a series of retorts, which were followed quickly by a pillar of smoke. “Direct hits!” the sensor tech exclaimed. “More hits!” Then she bent forward to examine her readouts. “It looks like there is a fully loaded transport that is taking collateral damage. It has…a probe team and a garrison.”

      More retorts sounded. Then stopped. Captain Skaargaard turned, “Why have we stopped firing?”

      “Target destroyed, sir,” she said.

      “Really?” the captain said. “Call Construction and have them use their artillery to take out the transport. At least they’ll have to retreat to base.”

      There were more retorts and the sensor tech smiled. “Looks like they were monitoring the situation, sir, with the Command Center interlinks. The probe team is critically damaged, at the transport is at 90 percent.”

      “Excellent!” the captain commented.


      Command center, Fort Victory-Macedonia, SPARTA-2224

      A good looking major walked into the command center and took a quick look around and when he spotted the “knot” of command officers near a holo-table he quickly walked over and stood at attention.

      “Major Carlos Sanchez! Commanding officer of the 1st combined operations task force reporting as ordered!”

      Santiago stood up and looked at the major as well as everyone else. Santiago stepped over to the major and as she moved closer he saluted her and she returned it smartly.

      “Good to have your task force with us Major. I hope your command is just what we needed to begin our next phase of the campaign.” Santiago took Sanchez by the elbow and guided him over to the holo-table.

      “As you can see our forces are nearly ready with the addition of your special combined arms task force. I was very impressed by the paper you wrote on this combined operations group, heavy attack rovers with infantry support working hand in hand. I like it and I am sure it will work out better than we expect. Now, as you can see here our forces are beginning to move out and I will recombine the armies of Macedonia here just east of Fort Victory.” Santiago folded her hands together over a sector just east of Fort Victory. “Once we are all together we will push on towards the Peacekeeper base just to our east, here.” She stabbed her finger at the base.

      “Colonel, how many troops aside from my task force do you plan on committing to the operation” Sanchez asked as he began to jot down on his pad information from the map table.

      “Your group of course, the 2nd and 3rd M.A.S (medium attack speeders) regiments and two more heavy infantry companies. I plan on leaving the impact infantry behind to guard Fort Victory. That should be more then enough since Lal seems to think that reinforcing his next important base is not important. He will pay for that error in judgment. Once we take it” Santiago swept here arm across the table in chopping action. “We will cut the Peacekeepers in half. My plan then is to move south and capture these bases here and then, if Chairman Yang has not taken the northern ones, move north and capture those. My only concern now is support and leaving sufficient forces to guard the cities we capture. Lal has only a few “free” infantry regiments left that are mobile that he can commit against our thrusts and if we catch them out in the open then its all over for Lal. The prize gentleman is this advanced command and control project. Once we have control over it and link it into our Spartan command network system we will have the best C&C system on Chiron and more importantly it robs Lal of its benefit and his soldiers will be all the more easier to defeat. So for now we stick to the plan. Dismissed!” Everyone saluted promptly and the group began to break up and filter out of the room.

      Santiago quickly walked over the Sanchez and motioned him to follow her back to the table.

      “Colonel?” He asked with a somewhat confused look on his face.

      “I want you to join me for dinner tonight, dress mess is appropriate for attire. I like to get to know all of my field commanders before I go into battle. I want to learn all about you and what you have done.” Santiago waited for a reply

      “Thank you Colonel, I would be honored. Should I bring my executive officer as well?”

      “No, not tonight. I plan on a dinner later this week for the command staff but since you are new I need to get to know you first.” She smiled at him.

      “Thank you again Colonel.”

      “18:00hrs and do not be late.” She turned and walked over to an elevator, her bodyguards falling in behind her.

      Sanchez watched as they got on the elevator and wondered what in the world he had done to deserve this honor.


      Morgan Antimatter, MY 2224

      “What do you mean we can’t build a borehole here!” the terraformer foreman yelled. “My specs call for a borehole here, and by G*d I’ll build one here! I don’t need no pointed headed academic to tell me how to do my job!”

      Wellington held his ground. “You are welcome to try, but I can assure you that the cores will not be stable, resulting in systemic collapse. As I said, you options are to clear the land for a farm or forest or build a mine. The area is rainy, so either would be beneficial.”

      Foreman Willis crossed his arms and glared at the pipsqueak.

      “Of course, I will be willing to sign off on the change order,” Wellington said.

      Willis’ face immediately softened. “Well, why didn’t you say so? We’ll be happy to build anything you want, as long as it’s reasonable, and in writing. Standard terms – 30 percent contingency, and overtime guarantees for my crew.”

      “Yes, standard terms,” Jared Wellington stated. Then he gave him the authorized data crystal, and the deal was complete.

      The foreman turned and waved to his crews, who immediately started work.

      For his part, Wellington was reasonably happy. He’d managed to buy the crew off fairly cheaply, and he hoped the crew near Industries would be partially as amenable.


      • #48
        Command center, Citadel, SPARTA-2225

        Pro-Consul Mannsfield had arrived with his emergency action team just hours ago and they did a quick assessment of the situation and it was not good. The “blight” as it was called had destroyed all of the farms and forests sectors in a three-sector radius around Citadel. It was clear action had to be taken in order to stabilize the situation since it also had destroyed a farm near Hero’s Waypoint. Mannsfield had called a meeting with the base commandants from Hero’s Waypoint and Citadel to discuss the action plan he had put together.

        “Pro-Consul when the commandants arrive and hear your plan do you think they will accept it?” Mannsfield’s aide asked.

        “Well, they are going to and I have no intention of leaving this facility until they do.”

        “Pro-Consul I share the same sentiments as your aide, I mean, technically we have no authority to act unless the council itself grants us this power or Colonel Santiago herself issues the orders under her authority as the supreme military commander of the Spartan Federation.” Director Boothe replied.

        “The constitution is not very clear on this point based on the circumstances, I agree but we need to act now. The council is in recess and will not reconvene for nearly 4 months. I tried contacting the leadership but many of them are out of contact for some reason or another and I can’t get a quorum together. That is another issue I need to address by the way. I have the support of the council members from the Citadel and Hero’s Waypoint so I can use that as part of my stick. As for Colonel Santiago she moved out with the army of Macedonia nearly three weeks ago and they are observing operational radio silence. So she will not contact us until she sees fit to do so. So that leaves me.” Mannsfield folded his hands over his folder on the desk.

        “Pro-Consul your plan solves the problem and will maintain enough food supplies for both cities but in the process the entire production capacity of both cities are lost as they rush to build terra-formers and a biology lab. Do you think the Colonel would approve of that?” Captain Allenbee asked. Allenbee had been sent by the High Command to “observe” and report back to Lt. Colonel Hudson what action Mannsfield took to resolve the crisis.

        “Captain Allenbee I have no intention of letting people die, our own citizens die, just so that we can build one more ship or rover regiment. No, that will not happen. Once we fix the problem and replant the fields and forests and build a biology lab that will help us to fight this “blight” the next time it hits. When they are done with these improvements they can resume military production. But for now they are essentially out of action. I consider the situation similar to a wounded soldier on the battlefield. The wounded soldier can keep on fighting at minimal capacity and then die of blood loss or from shock or he can go back and heal his wounds and fight another day.” Mannsfield fired back.

        The doors to the conference room opened and the commandants of both cities walked in with their aides. Mannsfield stood up and opened his arms as a sign of greetings.

        “Please be seated, we have a lot of work to do today.”


        Morgan Industries, MY 2225

        “Ladies, gentlemen,” Morgan intoned as he stood upon the dais of Morgan Industries Polysoft. “This is truly an auspicious day! With the advent of Environmental Economics we can break through some of the last barriers that have held our economy back from its full potential. It seems that economic prosperity is dependent on understanding the ways in which Chiron is different from our long lost home Earth. Some lessons were hard to learn, and only came to us through hard work and loss. The first was the advent of Gene Splicing that allowed us to unlock the full potential of the local biome, and allow us to better utilize native foodstuffs for our own use. The second was Environmental Engineering, which was key to crafting our advanced engineering techniques to coax the maximum extraction from the wealth of resources present in the earth of Chiron. This gave a much-needed boost to our industry.

        “Now we come to Environmental Economics. Again, we have learned to apply the key differences present on our new home to the paradigms of economics. And, they were nothing like we would have guessed: energy is the key, and the biome of Chiron allows for full extraction. We would never had understood this if it had not been for our advances in Environmental Engineering of Chiron and relearning the lessons of Earth with Industrial Economics.

        “Already the latent energy is coursing through our labs, and into our coffers, spiking both to unprecedented heights. Single cities now produce more research than entire factions, and our two lead cities produce much more than any one faction’s entire scientific output. And, just when it looked like our infrastructure costs were causing our budget surplus to diminish, it is now reinvigorated!

        “With this key advance we will begin a new phase of our expansion, for we now understand that the forests of Earth are key to our prosperity. We will build Tree Farms at all our cities using the cresting strength of economy, and with this advance grow to heights. The threat of ecological disruption will diminish as we manage our resources more carefully, and we may therefore coax even more industrial minerals of the planet.

        “In short, this advance opens up a whole new range of development, one that will ensure our prosperity now and in the future,” Morgan concluded.

        “Now,” he said as a fifth spotlight broke off to highlight a group of men and women to his right, “I wish to present to you the group of scientists and engineers that made this day possible. There is no way we can repay them enough, but I assure you I will try.”

        Then Morgan broke with the script and left the spotlight. He walked over to the startled scientists and started shaking their hands, gripping them with both of his. The spotlights caught up with him and highlighted him and each man and women in turn. Each received a personal note of thanks, and Morgan commented on a bit of personal data, asking about a child or loved one, or a circumstance. His assistant Elaine had done her research well, and he knew what to say. Each was immensely flattered.

        Morgan worked them with a practiced skill and made a show of it, and he reveled in the spontaneity. He knew it would come off as more genuine, even if he had planned it from the start.


        Command Nexus Center, Fort Saratoga, Macedonia: SPARTA-2226

        Santiago was still amazed at the complexity of the Peacekeeper command “nexus” center. She sat in a room much smaller than then command center at Sparta Command but the layout was similar. However, the Peacekeepers had used holo-displays almost everywhere instead flat panel displays and the computer handled many of the tasks that people did at the Spartan command center. The major difference, and most important, between the two command centers was the Peacekeeper advanced command & control computer system. The “command nexus” computer system was far beyond anything the Spartans could have built or dreamed about building. A computer system completely dedicated to war. Once the city had fallen she had ordered Major Sanchez to seize this facility as quickly as possible and secure it for Sparta and it turned out to be one of her best decisions ever. Lal had in his hands a powerful weapon system but had failed to fully utilize it to its fully capacity, a mistake Santiago would not make.

        The battle for the city had not been as terrible as previous battle at the former UN Headquarters. There were even less defenders here and Santiago had even more of and advantage in quality of troops and quantity. As soon as she had captured the second Peacekeeper city she had contact both Lt. Colonel Hudson her executive officer and Pro-Consul Mannsfield to update them on her victory and what was the current status of the Spartan Federation. The first order of business was to link the Spartan battle computers to the “Nexus Command Center” and when that was done every Spartan city instantly had an advanced command and control center. What followed after this was not that good at all. Both Mannsfield and Hudson had given her the bad news about the home islands and their Thracian colonies. The “blight” had destroyed a significant portion of the food crops in and around the Citadel. Mannsfield had taken immediate action to help solve the crisis but the end result was that both the Citadel and Hero’s Waypoint were “out of action” until they could rebuild their infrastructure. Sparta Command had experienced explosive growth since she had left and just last turn riots had broken out. The bottom line was that over half of the Spartan “core” cities were now out of action, not good. To add even more misery the expansion program in Thrace was in grave peril due to the fact that a mind worm and a spore launcher were about to destroy 75% of the terra-formers there. The only positive note was the announcement made by Major Gregovich that the planetary data-links computer at Fort Victory had been able to penetrate the computer systems of three factions and had “pieced” together the files on advanced terra-forming operations. Along with the new designs and engineering plans to build better terra-formers they had gotten plans on building boreholes, condensers and solar energy reflecting mirrors. In addition, they had also been able to unlock the potential of mineral production so now the ancient boreholes that the aliens had built were no producing amazing amounts of minerals. However, as a result some industrial pollution was now occurring in Sparta but at minimal levels, for now. The news could have been better but it also could have been a lot worse.

        “Colonel, I am sorry to interrupt you but I have that report you asked me to prepare.” Santiago turned in her chair and Major Sanchez was standing there at attention. Shortly after the base was completely secured she had asked him to work with the High Command and prepare a strategic situation report for her. “Also, as I was passing the communication officer she handed me a not to pass to you, it seems that UN High Commissioner Pravin Lal wishes to talk with you.” Sanchez handed her the note.

        “What do you think this means?” She asked as she waved the note

        “If Pravin is a smart man he is looking to make peace and end this war. The Peacekeepers are getting hammered. The Hive is now attacking three bases along a broad front and we have taken huge chunk and a very important chunk of his holdings. If he does offer peace we should accept it.” Sanchez quickly replied.

        “Why? Why would I make peace now when I could easily take the two perhaps even three more cities?”

        “You know that answer already Colonel. My report and the report sent from the High Command clearly show our society is teetering on the edge. We have sufficient forces now to hold what we have taken and hold it securely. However, if we continue to pursue this war Pravin could launch a sneak attack into our rear or even worse we could expose ourselves to the Hive. I support the High Commands recommendation that we seek a truce at this time and take care of other issues. We have a lot to absorb right now and we are still expanding in Thrace. As it stands our resources could be better spent in building up our nation for the next major conflict to come.”

        “I agree. I will look at your report before I contact Lal. Thank you. Dismissed.” He saluted and she promptly returned it. Sanchez laid the report on her desk and then he left. Santiago picked it up and began to read.

        “Pravin Lal, what can I do for you?” Santiago said in a serious manner.

        “I want peace with you Santiago. That is all I wanted from the start. I also want my son back. I will offer a “blood truce” and not seek to recapture any of my cities if you accept my offer.” Pravin looked tired, very tired. She had no idea as to “where” he was at but she was certain it had to be at a base not far away.

        “Pravin why should I agree? Your forces are broken and the Hive hounds are howling for you blood even now. So why should I seek peace?”

        “Simple, you started this affair by your underhanded espionage tactics and as a result I took two of your cities. Now, you have taken two of mine. Your forces are powerful but not all powerful. I know you have problems too so let this be the end.” Lal replied with a sound of near desperation in his voice.

        “Alright Pravin. I accept the truce. I warn you I do plan on adding a few more colonies to the south of Fort Victory and Saratoga so expect the border to shift. Is that agreed?”

        “Yes. Now when can I have my son and other prisoners returned?”

        “As soon as we can allocate transports to return them. Santiago out.”

        She closed the channel and let out a deep breath of air. She only hoped that this peace was not a mistake.

        __________________________________________________ __________________

        Morgan Industries, MY 2226

        Morgan reflected that the Cyborgs were certainly persistent. No sooner had they completed a gatling speeder than they had fired on Construction, destroying the artillery guarding the city. This was most inconvenient, since in the coming year they were sure to try to destroy the impact foil, and the foil stood almost no chance against the land based artillery.

        No matter. Construction would have to form a new artillery group, this time using gatling technology. Even better, they would form two. And they would have to protect the coastal improvements against sniping, which the Cyborgs were likely to attempt now that the defending artillery was gone.

        Perhaps another tack was needed. Although half the Morgan cities were constructing tree farms, it might be possible to allocate a few cities to the construction of a new army. After a few years it would be more than enough to take out the Cyborgs once and for all. He did a little mental math, and adjusted resource allocation. Unfortunately, there was only one Command Center in that area, and that was at construction. Having a societal emphasis on Wealth did have its disadvantages, the most significant of which was a lagging military morale.

        Numbers could offset that. The industrial potential of three frontier cities was now enough to take on the Cyborgs alone, with about a decade of planning. And would slow transports be needed? Certainly not! Why, it was much easier and safer to raise the land, creating a sculpted land bridge. In fact, that would require the right amount of time to finish the construction of a new strike force.

        There was the minor problem that there were no formers in the area. No matter – one could be constructed in one year, and then set to work.

        Yes, it was time to teach the Cyborgs a lesson, and it would be most satisfying to do so with almost two hands tied behind his back.


        Office of Colonel Santiago, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2227

        Director Morgan,

        I am contacting you to offer my congratulations on your appointment as the new planetary governor. I hope you understand that I am not all together happy about the results since I feel that this planet needs a strong leader to guide the lesser factions towards a secure future.

        As you are aware the war between the Peacekeepers and Sparta has been resolved and we have agreed to a truce with them. However, it seems Chairman Yang is far more ambitious and greedy than anyone had anticipated. When I ordered him to remove his “thugs” from my land he refused so I ordered them destroyed. Their destruction by the way required only a minimal amount of effort. It seems that when I bring peace to one area I now must bring peace to another, Chairman Yang. Even though Chairman Yang voted for your installation as governor I do not believe you have any formal treaty arrangements with him. If you do please advise us.

        In closing, I once again wish to offer cyber-ethics in an exchange of technology. I hope that with hostilities at an end we cannot move forward with a greater promise of prosperity and peace for us all. I would find it most regrettable if you choose NOT to make an exchange at this time. Of course, as I have stated very clearly we will not trade military technology to you unless you agree to limit its spread to “approved” factions. We feel this is only fair and just.

        Colonel Corazon Santiago

        Supreme Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Sparta Command


        Morgan Industries, MY 2227

        Coronal Santiago,

        I am pleased you have resolved your dispute with Pravin Lal and I can assure you that you have proved your martial superiority. Your people have made significant gains, and the Peacekeepers have lost much. And, I have it under advisement that that Hive has continued their unjust war and have within the last year conquered a Peacekeeper city. It seems that your peace with Pravin comes at a time at unbearable crisis, and I think it was wise since it is likely that Pravin, in his severely weakened state, is not a threat to anyone.

        Your decision to call planetary elections was a surprise, and my election as planetary governor is an even bigger surprise. To be forthright, I will not turn down such an honor, and you will have noted that Pravin voted his trust in me to lead humanity for the period of my tenure. Chairman Yang’s support was unexpected to say the least. We have never had any sort of treaty, or much more than a rather frigid business relationship. The only reason I can think of for his support for me in the election is that, perhaps, he views you as a threat. My people are far away, and not likely to be a threat to his people’s utopia any time soon. Consider his position – you have defeated his main opponent, and then called off your war. This leaves him exposed, and potentially at odds with both of you – a betrayal of sorts. You may have noted that although you faction has the best troops that the good Chairman has the largest army, and I can assure you that that this is by a considerable margin. I view this a worrying, and a threat to long-term peace.

        The resolution of your war with the Peacekeepers has changed the entire geopolitical situation, as has Chairman Yang’s continued war against the remnant of Pravin’s holdings. Pravin is severely pressed, and before you contacted me Dr. Lal called me with a plea for assistance. He offered me a Pact, the technology Cyberethics, and a modest sum of energy as compensation if I would assist him in his war with the Hive. Considering his vote of support in the Planetary Governor election I could hardly say no, and I think this is advantageous for him and for my people. It is also clear that this violates neither the implicit nor explicit terms of our treaty since your people are no longer at war.

        I look forward to a renewed relationship with your people, and in keeping with our modified treaty agreement your loan is hereby absolved. I have no claims upon you, and our slate is clean. Unfortunately, it seems that with the gift of Cyberethics from the Peacekeepers you have no technology for a technology trade except Synthetic Fossil Fuels, which I have been lead to believe is off the table. I am willing to entertain further offers.

        Warmly yours,
        Director Morgan


        • #49
          Office of Colonel Santiago, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2228

          Director Morgan,

          I am sure it was not your intent but your last letter gave me much amusement. I suppose in the business world even the perception of an alliance might have a tremendous effect on the market and business strategy but in war you need hard and substantial support. Your “pact” with Pravin Lal will do nothing to save him. Even if you were to send him vast amounts of mega-credits I doubt at this point it would do much to change the balance of power. I for one have no further dispute with Pravin Lal or his people. He has paid the price for his reckless behavior and Sparta has established a “buffer zone” in Macedonia that serves our long term strategic goals and security concerns. However, Chairman Yang is another subject. I have no interest in seeing Chairman Yang “gobble up” the remaining cities of the Peacekeepers; such an event would prove to be tactically and strategically unsound for Sparta. Should events continue to move forward unchecked then Sparta will act unilaterally to secure certain highly strategic Peacekeeper Cities in order to prevent them from falling into they tyrannical hands of Chairman Yang’s grasp. I am sure we can all agree that it is better for those Peacekeepers cities to find themselves under the democratic rule of Sparta than the dictatorship of Chairman Yang. However, these events do not even need to come to pass if you accept my following proposal.

          Sparta would be willing to support Pravin Lal and help defend his people and as many of the remaining Peacekeeper cities as possible in exchange for the following items.

          One, Morgan Conglomerate will transfer those technologies to Sparta that will increase our energy production and reduce pollution.

          Two, a written promise from you as Planetary Leader that Sparta will not be in anyway penalized for actions taken against Chairman Yang in order to support Pravin Lal and his Peacekeepers. We would define such actions, to include only those actions taken to “liberate” his cities and deny Chairman Yang the means to make war and as such those cities would remain under Spartan control as a protectorate of Sparta.

          Third, you would agree to the exchange of map files.

          If you do not agree to our terms and conditions, and there is no debate on this subject, we will move to preserve Spartan strategic and tactical interests. We will confine our actions to defensive operations against Chairman Yang and we will move aggressively to secure those strategic Peacekeeper cities from falling into the hands of Chairman Yang. It is the consensus of the Spartan High Command that even if we had not taken as payment the two cities from Pravin Lal he would not have been able to win this war against Chairman Yang. I think you can see the wisdom of our proposal in that it will immediately provide direct military assistance to Pravin Lal and his people rather than energy credits or technology that he is unable to take advantage of. Suffice it to say we are not totally heartless. Should you not accept our proposal we will immediately deploy our forces to secure at least three Peacekeeper cities within the decade. However, Pravin Lal has established several small island outposts north of Sparta. I will issue orders that those bases will be considered a protectorate of Sparta and the Spartan navy will move to secure them against all possible attack. As long as Pravin does not use these bases as platforms to stage military actions against Sparta, they will remain under Peacekeeper control. They will remain under Peacekeeper control but we will insure their security against any sea invasion.

          Lastly, I leave you with this information. I was contacted once again by Aki-Zeta and during our discussions I ordered her to make peace with you and your people. She agreed to do so. I suggest that you contact her and try to finalize this arrangement. We made this effort with no expectation or with hope of compensation. It was an act of friendship. I hope that you take advantage of this opportunity.

          Colonel Corazon Santiago

          Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Sparta Command


          Morgan Industries, MY 2228

          Coronal Santiago,

          I admire your bravado, and your sense of self. Your statements froth with confidence and the Morganite Board reads them with great interest.

          In particular, you point that the new Pact between the Morganites and the Peacekeepers would be ineffective in preserving the Peacekeeper civilization did strike a chord. As a result, the Morganite Board of Directors has agreed to a rather risky plan, which I originated. The objective is to preserve the Peacekeepers and to effectively use Morganite resources to affect their long-term well being here on Chiron. In effect, it would make the Pact more than a trade agreement and transform it into a true Pact of Brothers.

          You will by now note that there is now a Morganite city on the continent that the fractious parties of the Spartans, Peacekeepers, and Hive share. While Pravin Lal thought it below his dignity to sell this city to us, he was more than willing to trade cities, and this we have done. He now has a safe city on my continent, one that will now be protected and nurtured.

          You might ask what are the chances that this newest Morganite city might have against the minions of Yang, to which it is so very close. The answer is that it doesn’t have much chance. But, this is where the risk enters into the equation. There is a small chance that, if it survives, that this city will become a bastion. Already the good Chairman has failed to take it when it was undefended and at its most vulnerable. Within a year it will have a pulse armor defender behind it perimeter defense, and each year it will acquire another defender, probe team, and assault rover or infantry unit it is secure from all but the most fervent attack. This will be a bulwark to preserve the remnants of Peacekeepers, who have lost so much against your onslaught and against the treachery of Chairman Yang.

          If this city stands then your need to effect military action against the Peacekeepers ‘to protect yourself’ will be unnecessary since my resources will take the brunt, and perhaps win back some of Pravin’s lands from Yang.

          As to the rest of your proposal, the Board will consider it when it is clear this experiment has failed. It most likely will, but even if it does we will have lost a small base and Pravin will have sacrificed what he would have already lost. But, in the end Pravin will have new lands in which to expand, and these lands will be near a friendly neighbor that bears him no ill will and has no designed on the works of his people.

          In other matters, the peace treaty you ‘ordered’ between Aki and us lasted less than the time it took for you to finish your sentence. Once again the Cyborgs have proven themselves faithless and to be uncivil neighbors in the extreme as they continue to press their wars with us.

          Take care Coronal, and I wish you well,
          Director Morgan


          Office of Colonel Santiago, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2229

          Director Morgan,

          I wish you well in your endeavor to save the Peacekeepers. The Spartan offer will stand, for now, and should your endeavor fail then you have an option. As chance may happen it seems that that one of the main routes to several Peacekeeper cities pass through Fort Saratoga’s lands. As such many Hive “thugs” (since I could never give them credit for being soldiers) have attempted to utilize this route to their doom. Consider this our small effort to stabilize the Peacekeeper regime. As I have stated we will not press this conflict against the Hive, for now, since we are waiting to see if we need to act upon other matters first.

          I was not surprised to hear that Aki once again disobeyed our command to make peace with you. It seems you have made a mortal enemy with her and she will do all she can to see your doom.

          Take warning!

          Colonel Corazon Santiago

          Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Sparta Command


          Morgan Industries, MY 2229


          The gambit has failed. The change in regime at UN Education Agency was traumatic with massive unrest, resulting in starvation. As a result the workers failed to complete the garrison and the city was undefended. So, in an attempt to save the undefended city I transferred ownership to Zakharov in the feeble hope that the Chairman would not attack Zak. It was a false hope, and the city now is in the hands of the Hive.

          I also have some rather odd news for you. An air vector of the mindworms attacked the Morganite city Morgan Antimatter. It was more than surprising since this new vermin came out of nowhere. Of course the trance defender beat off the attack with ease, but it was disconcerting.

          Director Morgan


          Office of Colonel Corazon Santiago, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2230

          Director Morgan,

          I was not shocked to hear of the failure of your project to save the Peacekeepers. The Spartan High Command studied your plan in great detail and quickly came to the conclusion that it was doomed to fail. It was a half-hearted attempt on your part but I understand the reasoning behind it. I want to remind you that my offer is still on the table and in anticipation of you acceptance I have sent our map files to you in an encrypted format pending your answer. I have consulted with the High Command and Pro-Consul Mannsfield and we wish to make the following modification to my proposal. Sparta will return to Pravin Lal, with the exception of Forts Victory and Saratoga, any former Peacekeeper city that is recaptured from Hive control. Any base will be returned as quickly as possible to Pravin Lal as soon as arrangements can be made. Our motives for this offer are not based on some newfound generosity but rather due to cold hard facts and simple practicality. Sparta is expanding in Thrace and in other areas soon so our resources are thin and we do not have the time, energy or administrative staff to support these former Peacekeeper cities. Once again I urge you to accept our offer. Currently Sparta is expanding a great deal of effort in stopping the flow of Hive war material that could be used against Pravin and his Peacekeepers. We could just as easily use that same force to secure certain Peacekeeper bases under our banner than continue to risk their fall to Chairman Yang. Do not hesitate any further!

          Colonel Corazon Santiago

          Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Sparta Command.

          Santiago hit the send button and looked up at Mannsfield and Hudson who were waiting patiently for her to finish the letter.

          “Alright, that’s done. Assuming that Morgan accepts our offer how soon can we begin operations against the Hive?” Santiago eased back into her chair and picked up a pen and paper to make notes on. She had never liked using PADs and she was not about to start now.

          “Colonel, assuming once again Morgan sends us the technology to increase our energy production and the files on improving our tree farming capabilities and reduces pollution we can begin a program of phasing those improvements into our production schedules almost immediately. We will start with those bases that are causing pollution now and gradually move on to the other bases. Even with the best completion estimates fully half of the core Spartan cities will be out of action for a decade. The remaining cities can continue to build war materials, as they are able. Currently most of our Spartan cities are completing much needed infrastructure improvements to extend their production facilities and living space. As far as our Macedonia colonies go they are still trying to build or rebuild basic infrastructure items such as recycling tanks, terra-formers and recreational facilities. It will be decades before they can contribute to the war effort. Thrace is simply too far away to assist in war material production and the current policy has been on expansion and improving the infrastructure systems at each city. To have them switch now to war production items would be difficult to say the least.” Mannsfield finished his report and put his PAD on his lap.

          Santiago turned now to Hudson and nodded for him to begin.

          “Colonel, our current war production schedule is limited to say the least. Sparta will complete the first missile rover regiment in a few more turns and as per the plan it will be shipped to Macedonia to join the army there. There are some other military units set for production but those units have been “earmarked” to replace and upgrade the garrison units currently stationed at those cities. Our Macedonian colonies as the Pro-Consul has said are just trying to complete basic systems and garrison units so that the army of Macedonia can be free to maneuver again. Currently Commandant Sanchez at Fort Saratoga has the army operating on a strictly defensive capacity. We are doing considerable damage to the Hive and that has allowed the Peacekeeper base to the north time to rebuild some garrison units to help defend their city but the army of Macedonia is getting worn down due to the constant defensive actions. Commandant Sanchez will have to hold back his troops from any operations to give them a chance to rebuild, and retrain otherwise he risks loosing the army.” Hudson finished his report and waited.

          Santiago looked down at her notes for a few minutes to give her time to gather her thoughts and review her strategy.

          “All right so as I understand it even if Morgan agreed to give into our terms we could not even begin to go on the offensive against Yang for a decade or more?”

          Both Hudson and Mannsfield nodded in agreement.

          “This is not good at all. I simply will not accept this. Perhaps when we get the map files from Morgan the High Command can determine a better military strategy against the Hive. Perhaps Yang has to funnel his troops through one or two areas to get to this area if that is the case we can move some troops in and secure those areas to stem the tide. Then after we have put a stopper in the bottle we can then move against the former Peacekeeper bases.” Santiago was guessing and they knew it too but to accept a defensive military strategy was not acceptable either.

          “Colonel, perhaps we get the technology that will help us to expand our energy production we can use all of the extra energy to speed up production.” Hudson’s statement sounded more like a question than a statement.

          “I want to caution both of you that we have no idea as to how much more production will increase. To make a plans around a “possible” boon in energy production could lead us down a path of destruction.” Mannsfield quickly responded.

          “Mannsfield is right.” Santiago stood up and walked over to large wall map in her office then turned and faced them. “For now we hold our course and see what Morgan does.”


          Morgan Industries, MY 2230

          Morgan finished digesting what the synopsis he had requested from his empaths on his enemies factions, the Hive and the Cyborgs. He was quite pleased with the state of the Cyborgs, weak and miserable. The Hive, however, was growing faster than anyone might have thought possible. The overconfident Santiago was going to be in for a rude shock in a short period of time, and it would be most unfortunate if Spartan holdings on the Tri-Continent were to fall to the Hive.

          With that in mind he penned his missive.


          • #50

            I think we are closer to an agreement. But, before I start that discussion, there is some information I feel you will find to be directly salient to your situation. As you might guess, Chairman Yang has his entire empire fueling his war machine. This is not a new idea since he has been pursing this end for his entire existence on Chiron. His war machine is, in a word, amazing. At this point he has three times more offensive troops than does the Spartan Federation and a good number of these are gatling armed, and many of these troops have just as high morale as the Spartans enjoy. I was surprised when my empaths informed me that his prototype missile rovers and infantry have been deployed in some numbers. More worryingly, almost every Hive city is producing missile infantry or rovers. It is clear that his military production will increase by almost 50 percent in just a few years.

            Coronal, this realization suggests that your holdings may be immediately threatened, not just those of the sad remnants of the Peacekeeper empire. He has several brigades, if that is the right term, that are moving at this moment toward your and the Peacekeeper’s positions. Almost all of the Peacekeeper cities have fallen and those few remaining non-Hive cities will be his next target. Chairman Yang had no qualms about taking a ‘University’ city, and I am certain that he will have no qualms about enforcing his regressive ideology on your people as well.

            As if this weren’t enough, Chairman Yang is now prototyping missile attack aircraft. This raises the stakes enormously, and puts everyone on your continent in grave peril. With this new mode of attack perimeter defenses are useless, and he can bypass terrain at will. Moreover, you can be sure he will produce these in prestigious numbers.

            This inclines me to hear your proposals with a favorable stance and I have the following counter proposal.

            First, the Morganites will gift to the Spartans the enormously valuable technology Environmental Economics. You have already recognized that this technology is key to an advanced and productive society since it augments nutrient production, reduces pollution, and increases the level of contentedness of citizenry. This gift is made from the Morganites to the Spartan Federation to ensure their continued well being, and to enhance the viability of your thriving economy.

            Second, the Spartan Federation will use all humane means to affect war against the Hive and will not delay in maintaining a minimum parity of forces to hold off and then push back the Hive and its forces.

            Third, the Spartan Federation will take reasonable efforts to defend the remaining Peacekeeper cities and former Peacekeeper cities liberated from the Hive will be returned to Pravin Lal at a prudent and reasonable time. The Spartan Federation will understand if Pravin or his people may occasionally make imprudent actions that may impact the Spartan Federations, and will be judicious in resolving these disputes short of war. The Morganite Board of Directors will in this instance act as arbitrators, if necessary.

            Fourth, the Spartan Federation will make every effort to acquire Doctrine: Airpower directly from the Hive or by original research. Within a few years after this acquisition the Spartan Federation will turn this technology over to the Morganites. It is well understood that this is a powerful technology, and I would argue that it would have as powerful effect on society as Environmental Economics. In our view these technologies are of the same caliber. Moreover, you will benefit from Environmental Economics for a significant period of time. We are willing to wait, however, in the interests of goodwill and understanding. In addition we will pledge not to turn this technology over to a third party, even on to which we area allied.

            In the view of the Board this is a fair agreement that gives the Spartan Federation a powerful tool to enhance their society now, and with that tool press the war against the Hive.

            I can’t emphasize enough the magnitude of forces the Hive possesses. With the ability to harness your economy, and with the noteworthy ability of Spartan troops, I am confident you will prevail in your efforts to limit the onslaught of Chairman Yang’s mindless minions.

            Director Morgan


            Spartan High Command Center, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2231

            Director Morgan,

            I was not “shocked” by your revelation concerning the Hive. For some time the Spartan High Command has considered them the greatest threat on Chiron. However, in truth, we did not know of their prototyping of military aircraft. This does cast a new light on matters. So I will respond to your proposal:

            First, the Morganites will gift to the Spartans the enormously valuable technology Environmental Economics. You have already recognized that this technology is key to an advanced and productive society since it augments nutrient production, reduces pollution, and increases the level of contentedness of citizenry. This gift is made from the Morganites to the Spartan Federation to ensure their continued well-being, and to enhance the viability of your thriving economy.

            Response: We accept item #1. Transmit this technology, along with your map files.

            Second, the Spartan Federation will use all humane means to affect war against the Hive and will not delay in maintaining a minimum parity of forces to hold off and then push back the Hive and its forces.

            Response: We agree with this point. Sparta has already made some “adjustments” to our production scheduling. However, the “key” to sustaining long term military production will be the implementation of those technologies that allow us to harvest more minerals and produce more energy than we are currently doing so.

            Third, the Spartan Federation will take reasonable efforts to defend the remaining Peacekeeper cities and former Peacekeeper cities liberated from the Hive will be returned to Pravin Lal at a prudent and reasonable time. The Spartan Federation will understand if Pravin or his people may occasionally make imprudent actions that may impact the Spartan Federations, and will be judicious in resolving these disputes short of war. The Morganite Board of Directors will in this instance act as arbitrators, if necessary.

            Response: We have already agreed to the return of all Hive controlled Peacekeeper cities to Pravin Lal when we retake them. As for aiding Pravin Lal we have been doing this for some time already by destroying as many forces as we can as they have tried to move towards his cities. However, our current equipment and manpower levels only allow us to operate in a defensive capacity for now. We will try to do all we can to preserve any of the remaining Peacekeeper cities. We pledge now NOT to take offensive operations against Pravin Lal or his people unless he would sue for peace and join with Chairman Yang. If that were the situation we feel that all agreements concerning Pravin Lal and the Peacekeepers are null and void.

            Fourth, the Spartan Federation will make every effort to acquire Doctrine: Airpower directly from the Hive or by original research. Within a few years after this acquisition the Spartan Federation will turn this technology over to the Morganites. It is well understood that this is a powerful technology, and I would argue that it would have as powerful effect on society as Environmental Economics. In our view these technologies are of the same caliber. Moreover, you will benefit from Environmental Economics for a significant period of time. We are willing to wait, however, in the interests of goodwill and understanding. In addition we will pledge not to turn this technology over to a third party, even on to which we area allied.

            Response: Agreed. Once we have YOUR MAP FILES our intelligence teams can “plot” the best course of action and begin operations to obtain this valuable technology. As we have stated the only additional condition we make to this point and to point #1 is that you also include your map files.

            We also make the request that you add a “fifth” point. Our last demand would be that you would continue to supply us with as much intelligence as possible. Normally our intelligence teams would infiltrate Yang’s network to gain access but the more important target right now is the plans on aircraft design.

            Lastly, I will offer the following additional item as well. We will sell you the chemical formulas to create missile weapons and the anti-fungus compounds. In exchange you will give us 250 mega-credits AND your promise NOT to sell this technology to anyone else. Since you have agreed to limit yourselves on the selling of airpower technology we see that this minor stipulation would be easy for you to accept as well.

            This last “request” can still be open for debate. However, the other five issues above are not and we would demand that you decide now and send the files to us on your next transmission without delay.

            Colonel Corazon Santiago

            Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Sparta Command

            Santiago walked into the room and made straight towards the central command meeting area where all of the High Command members were waiting for her. As she approached the command staff jumped to their feet and saluted which she returned and said.

            “Take your seats.”

            Santiago walked over to her chair and pulled it out and then sat down.

            “Okay, you have all read both my letter and Director Morgan’s so the question is what do we do now?” Santiago looked around the table.

            “Colonel, if I may.” Major Gregovich stood up and began using a screen remote to pull up some data on the side screens and on the main holo-table. “We have seen no credible evidence to support Director Morgan’s statements. I have contacted Commandant Sanchez at Fort Saratoga and he confirms that not a single Hive unit that they have fought has had anything like our missile weapons or even gatling lasers. I am not calling him a liar but clearly the evidence so far does not support his statements. I tried to dispatch one of my teams to infiltrate one of the Hive cities but the road was patrolled by Hive troops and they are now trying to return. It is the combined opinion of the intelligence corps that Morgan is getting misleading information.”

            Gregovich began to sit down but Hudson slammed down his fist on the table and the sound made him stop.

            “Dammit Major we have to assume the worst case scenario here. We cannot be playing around with guesses or “combined opinions”. We need hard data and your people had better get it fast.” Hudson turned to Santiago. “Colonel, it is clear that Yang or his generals are much better than the Lal was in deploying his forces. Which makes the risk all the more dangerous. So far our troops have fought only poor to average troops, nothing near our army of Macedonia’s capability but that does not mean somewhere Yang might have better ones. Our tactics are more advanced than his and I think we have better leadership but we will still need to break his army. We have no idea as to how many cities he has or what is the composition of his army or his production capacity. Morgan claims he has three times the numbers but what is the force structure and the composition. Before we make any moves we need this data before we try anything rash.”

            “I agree Lt. Colonel.” Santiago stood up which caused the other command staff members to do so as well. “I have to leave so I can meet with the Pro-Consul and confer with him. While I am gone I want options and military production plans prepared for my review. I want options and I want them now!” Santiago turned and left the command and control meeting area as quickly as she had come in.


            Morgan Industries, MY 2231


            I am afraid we don’t see eye to eye on the exchange of world maps. The omission on our part was not an accident. You must understand that the world map we have was purchased at great price from none other than Chairman Yang, Prokhor Zakharov, and Lady Skye. Each of these transactions required the gifting of technology or significant amounts of energy, all of which are dear to us. In short, it is not something to be lightly given away. Moreover, I fail to understand how the world map would influence your ability to press your local war against the Hive.

            That said, the rest of your terms are acceptable, but for one thing. In compensation for not attaching our world map I have persuaded the Board to gift the Spartans 100 megacredits to aid your war efforts. While this is a significant sum, it will be of great assistance to your war chest. I have also attached the technology Environmental Economics. If you agree to these modified terms then signal you acceptance and the deal can be complete next year.

            As a gesture of good will here is the latest information my empaths have on Hive forces:

            Impact plasma infantry – 17
            Impact synthmetal rovers – 4
            Missile plasma infantry – 1

            The following forces are in production:

            Missile plasma infantry – 7
            Missile synthmetal rover – 4
            Missile needlejet – 1 (which will be complete next year)

            You can see that Chairman Yang will almost double his army in a few short years. Also, if you will look at Pravin’s nearby base you will see that it is heavily besieged. He may be able to hold out, but it will be difficult for him since his people will be starving soon. We found out the hard way that starving people will not man factories even if the alternative is to be overrun by a deadly enemy, and UN Education Agency fell the next year to the Hive.

            Lastly, with the potential gift of 100 megacredits to your people the Morganite treasury cannot sustain further depletion for the purchase of Synthetic Fossil Fuels. I hope this offer remains on the table since this is a technology that is of interest, and per our agreement we will not sell or trade this technology to a third party.

            Director Morgan


            Spartan High Command Center, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2232

            Director Morgan,

            We will not be able to provide any immediate assistance to Pravin Lal since we can not leave Fort Saratoga undefended. Your information as to the composition of Yang’s forces has forced us to reexamine our tactics. It is now the consensus of the High Command that we should adopt a defensive strategy for now until we can field more troops. I am sure you do not find this statement acceptable but the simple fact is that if Yang does have the numbers in troops you claim he does our best chance of causing the most damage to him is by allowing him to throw his troops against the walls of our cities to die. Our forces can take advantage of their skills, weapons and defensive capabilities and thus cause the most damage to his forces. We currently lack the energy reserves to “rush build” more troops and equipment so we have to work with what we have.

            I have accepted your terms and conditions. Please approve the release of your information and “gift” as soon as possible. I do find it regrettable that you fail to see the wisdom of sending us the map files. One of the strategies we considered was a flanking movement to strike deep into Yang’s territory to stem the tide of his advance and force him to pull back his forces to take care of his rear area. However, without the lack of proper reconnaissance I will not risk our troops.

            I want to make one thing clear. Should Fort Saratoga or Fort Victory become so threatened that they might fall we will take steps to destroy those cities so as to deny them the use or the special facilities inside to Yang. The resulting death and damage will be terrible but Sparta will do anything to deny Yang such an advantage.

            Our conviction is firm…

            Colonel Corazon Santiago

            Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Sparta Command


            Morgan Industries, MY 2232

            “I am sorry, Prokhor,” Morgan said. “I am afraid that I am not allowed to gift you our technology Advanced Military Algorithms to your people. For the time being that is a state secret. In normal circumstances I would be delighted to strike a deal, but not in this instance. Would you be interested in Environmental Economics instead?”

            Zakharov shook his head. “I am afraid not.”

            “I am sorry to hear that,” Morgan replied. “I am willing to extend our hand in friendship, as always. We Morganites are always interested in furthering peaceful relationships with those neighbors where this is possible. Would you consider a Pact as a sign of our growing cooperation? Such a treaty would surely benefit both of us.”

            “Yes,” he said. “I think that would be wise. I accept, pending approval of the Advisory Council. Is our business concluded?”

            “I have no further issues. Feel free to call upon me whenever you wish, Pact Brother!”

            Zak nodded, and then terminated the holo link.

            Morgan sat back and reflected. The Morganites were now Pacted with the Peacekeepers, Gaians, and University, and had a treaty with the aggressive Spartans. There were wars with the Cyborgs and Hive, but the Cyborgs would shortly cease to be a problem. Trade income from the Pacts was skyrocketing, as was energy production.

            Even better, the Parliament had authorized another Golden Age by allocating 10 percent of the budget to social programs. If the modelers were right a third of the Morganite cities would enter into a golden age induced population boom, and this boom would likely continue due to the completion of a half dozen tree farms.

            Yes, life is good. Soon three more colonies would be established, and with the Cyborgs out of the way there would be almost no impediments to uninterrupted economic expansion.

            Now, to the Spartans. Morgan authorized the transfer of 100 megacredits and his files on Ecological Engineering. That would help the Spartans in their bloody war with the Hive. After seeing the last reports from the empaths the Spartans were in for a very rough ride, and that ride would start sooner than they would be comfortable with.


            • #51
              One sector east of Fort Saratoga, Macedonia, SPARTA-2233

              Commandant Sanchez walked up to the small knot of soldiers standing near a large outcropping of rocks. Sanchez immediately picked out his intelligence operatives who had set-up the meeting and also standing there, he assumed, were the leaders or commanders of the Hive missile infantry regiment. Sanchez approached the group and the Hive soldiers snapped to attention and slammed their fists against their chests as some form of salute he assumed.

              “Commandant Sanchez this is Thought Guard Master Igan Roe, commander of the Hive missile assault regiment #3.” Sanchez stuck out his hand and the Hive commander looked at it for a second then slowly put out his hand and Sanchez shook it. “I have already explained the details of the agreement to Master Roe but before he agrees he wanted to see you and hear it from you.”

              “Commandant my men and I have fought a long time for Chairman Yang and our battles have been without honor. From what I have been told by Mr. Paradiso we will be free men in your country, correct?” Roe asked forcible but not too loud.

              “Yes, as soldiers of Sparta you will be free men. Once you complete 20 turns of service in the Spartan army you can then retire and become citizens of the Federation. At that time you can buy land, own a house, start a family. 100 mega-credits have been set-aside for your men in a special account for you. Each year you may withdrawal no more than 5% of the total amount. It is up to you to determine how you wish to disperse it or use it.” Sanchez replied and then he watched the Hive commander look at the other men around him, most likely his aides and company commanders. They exchanged looks for several minutes and then he turned back.

              “Agreed.” He slammed his fist to his chest again.

              Sanchez saluted the man and he held it for a few minutes and the Hive commander then moved his hand up towards his head and performed a Spartan salute.

              “Good to have you with us Roe. Now, we need to get your men back to Fort Santiago as soon as possible. Can they move now?”

              “Yes.” Everyone one of them began to nod their heads.

              “Okay, then lets get moving.” Sanchez turned an motioned for the officers standing behind him to coordinate the return trip with the Hive commander while he continued to walk back to the command rover. Once there he reached in and picked up a radio headset and put it on. He flipped a switch on the communication panel.

              “Colonel are you still there?” He asked

              “Yes, I am. Did you convince them?” She asked with some urgency in her voice.

              “Yes I did. They will be returning to Fort Saratoga within the hour. One full infantry regiment with plasma armor and missile weapons.”

              “Excellent. Sparta Command just completed a missile pulse-plasma rover regiment and they will be leaving to support you. We will have more troops soon but you have to hold out. Also, Assistant Director Boothe will begin building sensors to help aid your defense. The sooner those are up the more accurate your weapon fire will be. The High Command has established new production schedules to get you as much material as we can as quickly as we can. You need to hold, is that clear?”

              “Yes Colonel, we will hold.”

              “Santiago out.”

              Sanchez took off the headset and turned around to see the first of the Hive soldiers pass by the rover. Most of them had impact rifles but each squad had a missile sled that mounted a six tubes filled with deadly missiles. He had to hold, those were the orders. If the Hive troops got past Saratoga and captured the weaker Spartan cities in the rear all would be lost.


              Morgan Industries, MY 2233

              “It is therefore resolved that, with the full consent of this august body, the representative Parliament, and defender of our people, the budget resolution authorizing 20 percent of our treasure be allocated to the well being of our people, so that they may prosper and enhance their lives. And, in doing so, enrich the entirety of this society, whose founding principles were on the wealth and affluence of all Morganites.” Prime Minister Rothchild sat down, and a thunderous storm of approval washed over him. This was one item upon which all the delegates could agree: prosperity and growth.

              Morgan looked on from a private balcony. He enjoyed seeing this drama play out, with all its pettiness and bickering it was clear that these were men and women who profoundly agreed. It was a far cry from the early days after the Unity disaster when it was a daily struggle to formant a consensus, with force if necessary. Now it was not necessary.

              It was clear that two-thirds of their cities would experience a golden age, and with it unprecedented growth. There were a few cities that needed key improvements, such as hab complexes, but these were growing few. Indeed, worthy city improvements were growing thin, and some cities were now on their third tier of improvement: biology labs.

              What to do when there were no more improvements? That was easy to answer, too: build more cities, formers, and especially supply crawlers. There was always more to terraformers to do, such as ripping out fungus and building boreholes, or perhaps an ‘energy park’, a new concept that seemed to have great merit.

              Spartan High Command Center, Sparta Command – SPARTA 2234

              Director Morgan,

              We require more energy mega-credits to assist us in our campaign against the Hive. I have consulted with Pro-Consul and it seems the “balance of trade” between our two nations is hardly balanced. It turns out you reap a great deal more wealth for our business dealings that we do. I have been asked by Pro-Consul Mannsfield to impose a tariff of one energy credit per city to help “even” out the balance of trade. I understand this would complicate our warm and friendly relationship so I will trust you to make the appropriate gesture that will mollify the council members and Pro-Consul Mannsfield. I would hate to have to end our treaty just over a few mega-credits but there is talk of this in the council. However, I am sure you will see the wisdom of being our friend rather than just our business partner.

              We have recently convinced an entire regiment of Hive missile infantryman to join our cause. For just another 100 mega credits we could “convince” another infantry regiment to join. It seems Pravin’s cities are about to fall and it is unfortunate that at this time I am unable to spare any troops. However, more troops are in route to Fort Saratoga and I feel that we should be able to launch a counter attack in several more turns. Once Yang stretches out his forces a bit more we can counter-attack and catch him flat footed.

              I regret that we have been unable to break the grip of Yang’s forces from Pravin’s cities but our resources are thin as well. We will soon be able to launch our espionage missions into Hive territory and retrieve the plans on airplane designs.

              Colonel Corazon Santiago

              Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Sparta Command


              Morgan Industries, MY 2234


              It is my understanding that the last two major Peacekeeper cities on your continent have fallen to the Hive onslaught. This means that your cities are the last bulwark against further Hive advancement, and I urge your people to steel themselves for the trials to come.

              With that in mind I remembered an offer you made to sell Synthetic Fossil Fuels to us for 250 energy. I have attached this sum and will approve this transfer upon the attachment of the key files for this technology. As I have said, we pledge not to give or sell this technology to any third party. Moreover, I can assure you that the main Morganite interest is the key ability to remove fungus at a more rapid rate, which would be a fine benefit for us as our lands are afflicted with fungal blight due to an excessive number of fungal blooms we have suffered, eight at last count.

              My second suggestion is to use your probe teams to not only subvert Hive units, but to infiltrate him. Intelligence is all. Moreover, you can cripple him by stealing his energy, and any technology you acquire can also be used against him. This benefits you while depriving his People’s Utopia of the resources it needs to expand. Subverting his cities may also be an option; his capital is far away, and his people may be amenable to the values your society has to offer. Using probe teams is a shadow war, one that I am sure you will win.

              Beyond this I can only offer advice, and this advice is to increase your economic output by switching to a Free Market economy. This would entail sacrifice and some social disorder, but that is manageable. What is key is the huge boost it would give all your cities, allowing a prestigious increase in energy production. Energy is life, Coronal. You might be concerned about unrest associated with military units in the field. You have told me you intend to fight a defensive war for now, so this shouldn’t be of much concern once your military units are back within your territory.

              It is my opinion that after a brief period of disorder that your people would reap huge benefits in switching your economic model. These benefits could be used to push back the forces of the Hive, punishing his primitive economic system that values raw production over economic performance.

              Director Morgan


              Sparta High Command Center, Sparta Command – SPARTA 2235

              Director Morgan,

              We have agreed to sell our technology to you for the sum of 250 mega-credits.

              Your tactical advice on the current military situation has been reviewed. We will soon begin offensive operations against the Hive. Our naval forces are bombarding his troops to weaken them and we will also initiate covert operations against Yang. Our ground forces are highly motivated and skilled while most of Yang’s troops are raw recruits that lack any proper military training. Our reports indicated he actually has a group of young “green” cadets as soldiers in his missile rover regiment!

              As far as your suggestion concerning a “switch” as you put it to a free market economy that is for Pro-Consul Mannsfield to decide. It is my belief that something so traumatic as a wholesale switch to a new economic system is unwarranted at this time. Our production in both energy and minerals continues to increase so it does not seem prudent right now, in the middle of a war, to risk social disorder for a few more mega-credits of energy.

              The High Command staff would request that you provide a current military assessment of Yang’s forces. Of late, we have dealt him several serious blows and as such I am sure it has weakened his forces. Please include in your report a detailed analysis of war material in production and the expected completion times. This will help guide our actions as to our own production timetables. Once we commence offensive operations: covert then traditional ground, I am sure the pendulum will swing towards us.

              I suggest that you consult with Pravin Lal and inform him that once we retake his old city north of Fort Saratoga we will return it to him as quickly as possible. As a “pact mate” to Pravin I would hope you would provide him with as much “military and economic” assistance as possible to build up his forces there or he might suffer another city to fall into the hands of Yang.

              Colonel Corazon Santiago

              Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Sparta Command


              Morgan Industries, MY 2235


              Here is the latest information my empaths have on the Hive disposition of forces. This only includes offensive units. Defensive units are almost too many to count.

              Impact plasma infantry – 9
              Impact synthmetal rover – 2
              Missile plasma infantry 8, 8 in production
              Missile synthmetal rover 2, 4 in production
              Needlejet – 1, 1 in production

              I still think you should have your aids consider a switch to Free Market. The economic boost would be considerable, and it would also increase your trade income. In short, it is a long term investment, and perfectly suited to defensive wars and probe actions.

              I also wish to inform you that the Board has sanctioned and offensive war against the Cyborgs. To date our hostilities have been one sided, with the Cyborgs launching an occasional invasion and we Morganites defending ourselves. As a result of Aki Zeta-5’s repeated broken treaties we have come to the unpleasant realization that we cannot be good neighbors and that we must act to defend ourselves. We take no delight in doing this since we are not suited to war, and it is a massive waste of resources. Regardless, we will push this to a quick conclusion.

              Director Morgan


              Fort Saratoga, Macedonia – SPARTA 2236

              Sanchez was still stunned for the explosions that rocked the city during the attack. It had happened so quickly that no one had even had time to sound the alarm. Just before dawn a squadron of Hive ground assault aircraft had struck the city from the northeast. An entire infantry regiment had been destroyed during the attack and their barracks were now a smoking ruin. He knew he would not be able to hold Fort Saratoga for long under this type of attack so he immediately contacted the High Command for instructions on how to proceed. Suddenly his communication consol began to beep and he rushed over to activate it. The screen went from black to white then Colonel Santiago’s face was displayed on it.

              “Good morning Colonel.”

              “Commandant it seems that you’re having a bad morning. Well, I have some good news for you. Our scientists were able to complete their work on anti-aircraft weapon systems and I am sending you the plans now. You have full authority to use whatever resources you feel are needed to build at least one anti-aircraft infantry regiment or to upgrade as needed.” Santiago replied quickly.

              “Thank you Colonel. I think an upgrade is in order first and I will begin that work at once. Do you know where the aircraft came from?” He asked quickly.

              “No, but we know where they are now, they are at the Peacekeeper base just to your north. USF SPARTAN FEDERATION has the city under constant bombardment and the USF WARRIOR will join next turn to assist. We estimate that they attack squadron is heavily damaged now and most probably will not attack you again. Also, we received your after-action report on the battle at Fire Base 111. Excellent work! That will hopefully stop the flow of war materials from that direction and give us time to launch espionage attacks at his forces. I also see you convinced another Hive missile infantry regiment to join you, good work again. The High Command is well pleased with your work to date. Expect more reinforcements within four to five turns. You need to hold out till then, understood?”

              “Yes Colonel. I also need to report that Pravin Lal has sent troops across the mountain range to our south. Why he has done so is unknown. Suffice it to say it has taken them some time to reach the northern slopes and they are worn down from attacking worms it seems. What are your orders concerning Pravin’s troops?” Sanchez picked up a P.A.D. to write down Santiago’s instructions.

              “For now, nothing.” Sanchez looked up at the screen in puzzlement. “Commandant, I want no action taken against his troops unless he would attack us. Is that understood?”

              “Yes Colonel.”

              “Commandant, you just need to hold on for a little longer. Major Gregovich has informed me he will begin operations against the Hive as soon as he can get clear access of his operatives to get in cleanly and quickly. In five turns you will have more troops. Parade Ground and Citadel will complete some much needed improvements and they will begin building more troops as well. The Spartan Council is even considering a policy change to adopt a free-market economic system that would boost our energy reserves but no decision has been made yet on that. Just a little bit longer Commandant and even more war material and support will be at your command. If need be we will strip our core city garrisons to get you the manpower you need.”

              “Thank you Colonel but I think we can manage for now. From all reports if Yang does launch an attack all of the troops he hits us with will be under strength and poorly trained. Our forces should hold.”

              “See that they do, Santiago out.” And the screen went dead.

              Sanchez put down the P.A.D and eased himself back into the chair. He really at times he had not allowed Santiago to talk him into this job. Commandant of Fort Saratoga and field commander of all the armies of Macedonia, nice titles but far too much work with the resources he had at his command. The few Spartan cities in Macedonia were still trying to build basic infrastructure and help provide what forces they could. It was critical that help came soon….

              Director Morgan,

              I have no issue with your war with the Cyborgs, good luck!

              The Federation council has decided that a change is in order but not at this time. We simply could not risk the wholesale disruption to both our economic, social and environmental systems. When certain improvements are completed perhaps then we can make the switch.

              Colonel Corazon Santiago

              Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Sparta Command


              Morgan Industries, MY 2236

              Senior Attache Redfield entered Morgan’s office. She had a big smile on her face, and Morgan put down his work.

              “Sir,” she began, “our scientists have come through again, and this time with another totally unanticipated field of research.”

              Morgan frowned. “I typically do not like surprises, nor do I like ‘unanticipated research’. Such is a waste of time and effort. Witness the glories of laser weapons, which was useless and for which we spent nine years researching so many decades ago.”

              “I think you’ll appreciate this breakthrough, which is in Pre-Sentient Algorithms. This improves our operatives ability, and gives us the ability to design a new project to protect us from almost any espionage attach, the Hunter Seeker Algorithm.”

              That got Morgan’s attention. “Indeed.”

              Elaine could tell he was pleased. Now for the icing. “Our troops also took Morgan Terminus from the Cyborgs with very little loss. It is garrisoned with three probe teams, one defensive, and six offensive units. Three more offensive units will move in next year.”

              “I gave no such authorization to rename the Cyborg city,” Morgan said.

              Elaine could tell there was a gleam in his eye though. He was a vain man. “It was the decision of the new base governor. And they are rush building a trained infantry, and will request funds to upgrade it to plasma pulse next year.”

              “Very good. Keep me informed,” Morgan said. “Now, I need your assistance for these economic and population projections. It seems we can’t grow our cities past 11,000 people…”


              • #52
                Sparta High Command Center, Sparta Command – SPARTA 2237

                Santiago had been sitting for hours while they completed the annual military review of the war with the Hive. Lt. Colonel Hudson, the last to speak, was giving the tactical/strategic overview on the war.

                “Now, it is clear that we can not at this time begin offensive operations. We lack the troops in theater to allow the Army of Macedonia to maneuver freely. Perhaps in several more turns but not now. As you heard from Major Gregovich the way is clear now to begin covert operations against the Hive. Next turn we will send in three teams to breach the security and steal military secrets, infiltrate their networks and transfer energy credits from their offshore accounts into ours. We will hammer the Hive this way every turn we can as long as we can. Commander Stepovich will continue to order his squadron to hammer the Hive coastal city thus weakening any forces trying to find sanctuary there.” Hudson looked up for a moment and paused, everyone looked up from writing notes wondering why he had stopped. “The bottom line is we need more military equipment as soon as possible. As soon as Parade Ground, Ironholm, Hero’s Waypoint and Citadel complete their projects we must convert all production resources to the war and build up our troop levels so that we can begin offensive operations.”

                Hudson sat down and looked over at Santiago.

                “Thank you Lt. Colonel. I want to stress how important it is that we retool for increased war production. Commandant Sanchez is forced to fight a war on a shoestring budget and with insufficient forces. If I had made way I would scrap every project that is holding up war production but the Pro-Consul has convinced me that our long-term ability to fight this war is better served by completing these projects. Be that as it may I am still not happy. I have ordered next turn the rapid completion of the rover regiment being built here at Sparta and the missile regiment at Bunker 118. This will give Sanchez more men and material to work with. The troops he has now are good but we need to get him more of them. That’s it, lets get back to work.” Santiago stood up and everyone else jumped to their feet and saluted and she returned them. The meeting began to break up but Santiago sat down and studied the holo-map again.

                Fire Base 111 had been lost in a counter-attack as well as the troops guarding it. The battle had been fierce, so much so, that when the battle was over the base was gone. One positive development from the battle was the destruction of the city as a forward supply point for the Hive and with the bases destruction the road system had been destroyed as well. Any Hive troops coming that way would be slowed considerably by the lack of a proper road system. What was worrying her now was the lack of credible intelligence on the Hive and the where their troops were at. So it was more important than ever that special operations group got the data they needed. She looked up and Hudson was standing next to her.

                “Yes, Lt. Colonel?”

                “Colonel you need to get some sleep. You have been putting too much time in here of late and it is wearing you down.”

                “Hudson, until we get more data I will be here around the clock. Now, get me the latest troop manifests and strength reports for all of Macedonia.” She turned back to the table and began to study the map again.

                Hudson stood there for a second or two more then turned and left to get the reports. There was nothing to do when she was like this. Mannsfield had warned her about this but he had not seen it until now, her near fanatical devotion to managing every aspect of the war. When things began to go bad she felt that only she could solve the problems. He hoped that this time would not be one of those cases.


                Morgan Industries, MY 2237

                “Sir, the Cyborgs finished the Project Planetary Transit System,” Elaine informed Director Morgan.

                “Good. We delayed our attack on their capital so they would finish it before we continued with the subjugation of the troublesome Cyborgs. What are the defenses at their capital?”

                “Substantial,” Elaine said. “They have two synthmetal defenders and three plasma defenders at last count.”

                “And our forces?” Morgan asked.

                “Two gatling infantry, five gatling rovers, and a scratch impact rover. We have a garrison rover and a pulse infantry. We could build a few more and upgrade, if necessary.”

                “Ensure there is enough to take the city in one season. Delays are costly in ineffective. It is better to amass overwhelming force and then shock the Cyborgs. Hopefully then Aki Zeta-5 will see reason and agree to an enforceable peace.”

                “You mean a surrender,” Elaine said.

                “Of course. Total surrender,” he said. “Now, what of our population boom?”

                “It is going well, but it seems many of our bases have the same habitation limit of 11,000 people, and our secondary ring of bases are now approaching that limit. We did found a new base to the south, too. The base commander at Construction thoughtfully recommended the garrison at Processing take up residence to ensure the Cyborg base that is nearby, which has a transport, does not take an undefended base.”

                “What of probe defenses?”

                Elaine was silent for a moment. “I’ll check, but I don’t think there is any.”

                “A critical oversight. We do not have the Hunter Seeker Algorithm active yet, and it will be a few more years before it is done. Before that time we must be vigilant.”

                “Yes, sir,” Elaine said as she made a note in her datapad.


                Office of the Pro-Consul, Sparta Command – SPARTA 2238

                Mannsfield laid the latest “request” from the High Command for greater military production on his desk. The war with the Hive was consuming vast amounts of mega-credits, credits that could be used elsewhere. However, there was nothing he could do about it. He had tried several times himself to talk with Chairman Yang and the man was simply too arrogant for words. He must really believe all of the things he has them write about himself, it was the only explanation he could come up with.

                He picked up another folder and quickly saw it was another status report from the High Command concerning war production and he threw it back on the pile. No, he had enough for today. Things had been so much clearer when in those early days when the Spartans were struggling to survive on just a few meager food packs and hoping that the next dawn did not bring a worm attack. He stood up and put his sash of office on and walked to the doors.

                “Lights off.” He commanded and they blinked off and he opened the door.

                His aide and two assistants that sat in the outer lobby stood up quickly as he walked through the doors.

                “At ease, at ease.”

                “Going home Pro-Consul?” His aide asked.

                “Yes.” Mannsfield rubbed his head with the back of his hand. “I am going home and I do not want to be disturbed.”

                He walked out of the room and around the corner and he was gone.

                “What’s wrong with the boss?” The junior assistant asked. He always asked where Mannsfield was going which had made the other assistant and Mannsfield’s aid suspicious that he might work for the intelligence department.

                “We don’t know. Go back to work.” They too returned to work but each of them wondered why the “old man” was getting so tired of late.


                Morgan Terminus, MY 2238

                “We have a problem,” General Wheeling said.

                General Clocke looked over to invite him to continue.

                “Morgan Construction and Morgan Interstellar are in full riot. Their people object to the war effort, and the fact that our troops are now out of our territory. The base governors have tried converting all their people to placate the crowds, but nothing works. They are asking, no demanding, answers and have forward their formal complaints to Director Morgan, the Parliament Executive Council, and the Board of Directors.”

                General Clocke simply nodded. “They won’t have to worry after next year. If the projections are correct we’ll take the base after we destroy their sensor suite, even with their reinforcements. They don’t have a perimeter defense so we won’t lose anyone like with the assault on Terminus.”

                “Are you going to go the expected inquiry?” Mark Wheeling asked.

                “Of course,” Clocke said, “With Alpha Prime as a war prize.”

                General Wheeling smiled.


                Central military industrial complex assembly area, Sparta Command – SPARTA 2239

                Santiago walked up to the edge of the catwalk and looked down and around the vast assembly area. Everywhere she looked she saw the skeletal frames being assembled that would constitute the first attack aircraft squadron of the Spartan air force. It would take another four turns to complete the first squadron since the designers had decided to upgrade the designs stolen from the Hive and add armor belts to protect vital areas and the pilot cockpit.

                “Colonel, what do you think?”

                Santiago turned and faced the speaker, Air Marshall Wallace Goodknight, commander of all air operations for the Spartan High Command

                “I like what I see. You have done some excellent work getting the production lines set-up here and at Parade Ground and Citadel. But what I will really like is when I see them flying off to Macedonia to support the war effort there.” Santiago replied as she motioned for Goodknight to follow her down from the catwalk.

                “Colonel I could not agree with you more. The odds we will be facing will be stiff since the Hive already have five full squadrons of attack aircraft.”

                Santiago smiled to herself when Goodknight made the comment about the Hive air fleet strength. Along with the designs for aircraft they had also infiltrated their computer network and had stolen a good “chunk” of energy mega-credits. She ordered more “covert” missions as soon as possible to gain more data or if possible more energy credits. What was the most shocking to her was the fact that the Hive’s economy was in shambles and yet they still could build and support a massive military force. It seemed the only thing that was keeping them going was their massive treasury surplus. If somehow that could be eroded then perhaps the Hive’s military production capacity would be destroyed.

                “Goodknight your planes will have armor and that will hopefully equalize things. We will build as many as we can as quickly as we can but we also need to get the aircrew training facilities up and running for you as well. With those facilities up and running you will also have superior pilots.” Santiago stepped down onto the production floor where her bodyguards had been standing and she walked over to the nearest plane. The production assembly teams were still measuring and cutting the various beams that were used to make the airframe itself. The workers looked over as she approached and began to look a bit afraid of the great Colonel Santiago.

                “Understood Colonel. I agree that we need to begin offensive operations as soon as possible. If we can take out several of these Hive controlled cities then we will deny them resources and production facilities. But Colonel, do you really intent to turn them over once we capture them to Pravin Lal and his Peacekeepers?” Goodknight stood patiently as Santiago bent down and examined the underside of the plane.

                “Well, let us say that we will return some bases to Lal but if we do not keep some of them how can we continue to fight the war cut off from our supply lines. No, should this become an issue with Morgan I will simply say I can either keep the base so I can continue the war or return them to Yang since returning them to Lal only set-ups him up for failure.”

                “Do you still plan on turning over the aircraft designs to Morgan?” Goodknight quickly replied.

                “Yes, but not right away. I want to have at least three aerospace training facilities built first before I turn over the information. The agreement did not stipulate and exact time. Now if Morgan would like to speed the transaction up with a few mega-credits then perhaps we can work something out. Morgan is getting more powerful each turn so I see no reason to add to his wealth on his timetable. Anyway he is enjoying the fruits of his little war with the Cyborgs anyway and will soon but an end to that abomination.”

                Santiago stood up, dusted her hands off and turned around to face Goodknight. “Now, lets go see those pilots.”


                Morgan Industries, MY 2239

                “General Clocke,” Prime Minister Rothchild said, “you are standing before this Parliamentary Special Commission to answer allegations of gross misconduct in military doctrine, which resulted in massive unrest in two Morganite bases, Morgan Construction and Morgan Interstellar. This disturbance was due to your taking troops outside of their accepted field of battle. The evidence has been presented, and it is clear. How do you plead?”

                “I understand charges Prime Minister, and I plead guilty with extenuating circumstances,” the General said. He was in a green military uniform with a full ‘fruit salad’, the most notable of which was a gold starburst of bravery for ‘liberating’ Alpha Prime. No one could fail to see it.

                PM Rothchild nodded to accept this plea.

                “The diversion from standard fighting protocol was required to conduct a brief out-of-theatre action against the Cyborg capital, Alpha Prime. Troops were stationed outside of their city on rocky terrain, and they were technically in Cyborg territory, which is why I say they were ‘out of theatre’.

                “This was required, however, to assault the entrenched defenders at the base. Aki Zeta had reinforced this base with six garrisons, and sound military doctrine suggests that half measures are not appropriate. We had numeric and offensive superiority, but it was not overwhelming.

                “The result was that the city was taken this last year, and that it occurred with minimal loss of Morganite life. In fact, no Morganite units were lost except for an obsolete impact rover, the captain of which got carried away and failed to remember she was specifically given orders her group was in the reserves.

                “In the end we took the base, secured the Planetary Transit System, and brought in fresh troops to garrison the base from Morgan Terminus.

                “I trust this answers the allegations. If it is insufficient then I will tender my resignation to Director Morgan immediately.” The general sat down, and the Commission members were quiet.

                Then Rothchild spoke. “General Clocke, your answers and actions are more than sufficient to answer the charges made against you. It is the opinion of this Commission that your actions were both justified and necessary. All charges are henceforth dropped. Moreover, this Commission wishes to thank you for your efforts in bringing the Cyborgs to heel, and pledges to give you the resources necessary to finish the task.”

                “Thank you, Prime Minister,” he said.

                The barrister then rose and thumped the base of his oversize baton on the floor, causing it to echo through the cavernous room.


                “The Prime Minister and the Commission have spoken. All issues before this august body are resolved. This Commission is dissolved.”



                [b] Command Nexus control center, Fort Saratoga –SPARTA 2240 [/b}

                Commandant Sanchez had been working on some reports through the night for the High Command when he suddenly heard the emergency claxon. He jumped up from his desk and rushed down the hall towards the command center with every step the alarm was louder and more ominous. The guards stationed at the entrance to the command center quickly opened the doors as he ran into the room.

                “WHATS WRONG!” Sanchez yelled.

                The duty officer suddenly turned with a surprised look on his face in his right hand he was holding a comm-unit.

                “Commandant, I was just trying to call you. We have an urgent priority #1 flash message from Fort Victory. It seems they are under attack by some biological agent.” Sanchez quickly walked over to the duty officer and was handed the message.

                --FLASH –
                At 04:31 hours this morning reports from all over the city began to flood into the command center about mysterious deaths during the night. Current estimate puts death toll into the thousands! Can only assume some sort of biological attack from unknown source. Request immediate assistance.

                Sanchez put the message down and was about to give the duty officer an order to contact the High Command when the emergency claxon went off again. The duty officer swiveled about and began hitting some keys on the command consol. Within a few seconds a second urgent priority #1 flash message began to scroll across the holo-screen.

                --FLASH –
                Fort Apache Command Center
                At 04:55 hours Fort Apache reporting under attack from unknown biological agent. Hundreds have died during the night including the base commandant. Cannot trace source of attack. Request immediate assistance.

                Sanchez slumped into a chair next to the duty officer and tried to absorb the flood of information that was now scrolling across the holo-screens from both bases. The death toll was in the thousands. How could this have happened? No reports of any enemy activity or even covert operations in any area controlled by Sparta so how could this have occurred.

                “Captain, have there been any reports here of mysterious deaths or at Fort Ticonderoga?”

                “No Commandant.”

                “Okay, inform the base medical officer to organize a relief mission for both bases that have been infected. All extra food and medical supplies are to be sent to those infected bases at once. I want our medical teams there as soon as possible.” Sanchez stood up again and pushed his hands through his thick black hair to comb it and then he straightened his uniform.

                “Okay, get me the High Command, emergency flash # 1 priority. I want to speak to Colonel Santiago at once.”


                • #53
                  Office of Colonel Corazon Santiago, Sparta Command – SPARTA 2240

                  Santiago watched her computer screen as it continued to flash information about the losses at Forts Victory and Apache. The viral outbreak had killed over four thousand Spartan citizens and civilians and had reduced the populations at both bases to just around three thousand souls in all. What was still so baffling was the fact that they could not find any source for the virus. The only thing they could determine was the virus was airborne and it was deadly. None of the research teams had been able to break down the genetic code and what was even worse the virus had mutated and from all indications it was now non-lethal. The perfect bio-weapon it decimates the population making it easy to re-populate the city with your own citizens since none of the buildings are equipment are destroyed. Instant city! If Yang really had control of such a weapon then the war was over. Perhaps this is why he had stopped attacking, build up your forces first, launch the bio-weapon then simply move in a few infantry regiments to mop-up. The perfect weapon.

                  BEEP BEEP BEEP

                  Santiago reached down and activated the inter-department vid-phone. The face of Major Stewart popped up on the screen.

                  “Colonel I have the final report on the virus.”

                  “What did you find out, did Yang create this?”

                  “Colonel, I think we have ruled out Chairman Yang as the creator of the virus. Since we gained access to his computer network it is clear he lacks the either the resources or technical skills to create this. What we do know is that the base virus is indigenous to Chiron and has been somehow mutated to be lethal to humans. It enters through the skin and then quickly begins to kill red blood cells, which in a sense suffocates the victim. Once it enters the blood stream it begins to multiply but it does not begin to attack the red blood cells until it reaches maturity and by then there are so many of them death is almost instantaneous.”

                  Santiago was stunned. A perfect bio-weapon.

                  “What else do we know?"

                  “The good thing is if we can detect it soon enough a hospital facility could treat the victims before the virus reaches maturity. However, you need to have a hospital that has the equipment to process a serum to kill the virus.”

                  “Why don’t we just make a supply up for each base and then have them store them?” She fired back.

                  “Colonel the antidote can not be stored since it loses its effectiveness within a day. Also, we cannot get enough serum to remote locations in time. So it all depends if a hospital is there that can make the serum.”

                  “Who made this thing?” Santiago questioned.

                  “To be honest we do not know but what I do know is that there are only two factions on Chiron that could do this. The Gaians and the Morganites.are the only ones that have the technical expertise and knowledge of Chiron to create such a weapon.”

                  “Thank you, Santiago out.” She reached over and killed the link.

                  Damn! Skye or Morgan? One of them had tried to cripple Sparta. She thought hard for some time about the entire situation and what troubled her was that lone Peacekeeper infantry regiment that had set-up camp near Fort Victory. Perhaps Morgan had used Lal to be his agent to deploy the bio-weapon. That was the most likely explanation that had to be it. Now how to deal with it?

                  Director Morgan,

                  An unknown enemy has used a terrible biological weapon to kill thousands of Spartans in Macedonia. We have named the biological weapon the “Prometheus virus”. It seems clear that some “agent” has created it as a weapon of war. We have no hard evidence as to who it was but we find it very suspicious indeed that Pravin Lal has stationed an infantry unit next to our city Fort Victory and refuses to communicate with us. Since Pravin lacks the resources to create such a deadly weapon we are left with only our questions as to who could have made it. It seems clear to us though that the culprit would have to have large reserves of mega-credits and sophisticated research facilities.

                  At this time we are still investigating the attack.

                  Colonel Corazon Santiago

                  Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Sparta Command


                  Morgan Industries, MY 2240

                  Coronal Santiago,

                  I grieve for your people and your horrific loss. I would caution you, however, to examine the situation again when the pain has subsided somewhat before you make unwarranted accusations, and I commend your willingness to study the circumstances before placing judgment.

                  Chiron is a very big place, Coronal. I am sure you have examined the geologic data that is freely available and then compared them to our available technology. For any party near Morganite territory, and by that I mean the Cyborgs, Aki, the Gaians, or the Morganites, to reach your territory would have required a trip of at least 15 or 20 years, depending on the delays caused by the accursed fungus. Moreover, there would be additional time needed to both research any offensive toxin and its delivery system, and the means to get it to your territory. In short, such a situation is not probable. That said, in the future I have no doubt that the horrors of biological warfare will rear their ugly head again. The unscrupulous or desperate always are tempted by such an ‘easy’ feat, and at the same time they do not see the consequences.

                  The other item I would like for you to consider is the obvious: we live on an alien planet. This planet has it own unique and virulent ecosystem, and as we have seen this ecosystem shows signs of being much more integrated that anything that ever existed on Earth. Witness the unending attack of mindworms, and how the xenofungus ‘spawns’ these seemingly as a defense, much like white blood cells in our body. It is clear to me that, if this theory is true, that we are ‘germs’. I can bear witness to the attack of these ‘antibodies’, and I am sure you can also.

                  The Board does not have any words of wisdom for you that can console you for your loss. They did approve a gift of 50 megacredits to help in the rebuilding process, which I will hope you will pursue with vigor.

                  Director Morgan


                  Sparta Main Command/Control Center, Sparta Command – SPARTA 2241

                  Santiago had been waiting for this day for a long, long time. Commandant Sanchez had reported that the espionage teams had once again infiltrated the Hive network and had obtained their map files that he would send via encrypted format as soon as possible. Now the computers were decrypting the coded files and within seconds all of the maps the Hive had obtained would be theirs.

                  “Colonel we are ready now.” The computer technician reported.

                  “Display it on the main holo-table now!”

                  Suddenly the table seem to dissolve then the map began to reform and become clearer. All around the table the entire command staff stood waiting to see how the Hive cities were laid out. Then the image sharpened and locked in.

                  Almost everyone with the exception of Santiago went white as sheet. Some of the officers sank down into their chairs in shock. A few of them uttered phrases like “my God” or “This can not be”.

                  Santiago began to look around the room and realized how great of an impact this was having on her command staff and what it might do to them.

                  “Alright! ON YOUR FEET!” She bellowed at them. “We are Spartans! When I see this map I see possibilities, strategic choke points just like we thought there would be. If one little map has this effect on you then by God I need to get a new command staff!” Her voice was like a whip and it snapped all of them out of their stupor.

                  “Colonel I am sure you are right but this changes the entire strategic and tactical plan.” Hudson replied quickly.

                  “Yes it does, so lets get to work and make a new one!” Santiago sat down and the others took their seats. Yes, there would be work to do, lots of it. She was not as shocked by the map as were the others but what did trouble her was the entire map, something all of them had failed to notice. Morgan, Zakharov and Aki-Zeta. All of their cities were now mapped in detail for her review. No wonder why the Cyborgs and University were so backward. They had fallen on even worse luck when they landed than she did. Why had Zakharov never developed the rich jungle continent was still an amazement to her and why had Morgan not gone after the energy rich uranium fields and what amazed her the most was that structure, another massive alien structure. What other secrets could it have? Well, this changed many things for Sparta and Corazon Santiago.


                  Morgan Prime, MY 2241

                  “Well, this is messy,” Lieutenant Wallace said. He was looking at the new land the Cyborgs had inexplicably raised northwest of Morgan Prime, the former Cyborg capital. A huge swath of land, at least three sectors worth, had risen out of the fungus-choked sea. It was odd since General Clocke ordered that they remain unmolested; they choked off the Cyborg’s manufacturing ability and posed no real threat. And, the Cyborgs might need them when the day came submit to the Morganites.

                  “That doesn’t matter. The Cyborgs are using their last artillery piece to bombard our forces massed outside one of their bases.”

                  “Any effect?” Wallace asked.

                  “Nothing significant. The forest protects us, and many of our units have armor. And,” Senior Aid Perkins said, “it looks like we’ve goaded their gatling rover into attacking.”

                  Both watched and the battle washed too an fro. The pulse plasma defender was doing a good job, and both knew that if they failed their reactor would hurt everyone in the massed attack.

                  That was not to be. The Cyborg rover fell silent, evidently rendered useless by the return fire.

                  “What remains to defend that base? Clocke will want to know.”

                  Wallace shunted through the command datapad. “A synthmetal garrison.”

                  “Is that all?” Perkins asked. “Well then, the Cyborg will fold faster than we thought.”


                  Office of the Pro-Consul, Sparta Command – SPARTA 2242

                  The doors opened and Mannsfield stood up as Colonel Santiago walked into the room and up to his desk. It was always hard to read Santiago but if he had to guess he would say she was happy.

                  “Good morning Colonel.” Mannsfield moved from behind his desk and walked up to her to shake her hand.

                  “Good morning Mannsfield.” She shook his hand.

                  “Please set down.” He motioned for her to sit and he moved back around his desk to his chair.

                  “So Colonel, what can I do for you? It was a bit out of the norm for you to want to see me.” Mannsfield picked up a stylus and his P.A.D.

                  “Let me get to the point. I am pleased, very pleased for the first time in some time all of the core Spartan cities are producing equipment for war.” Santiago replied.

                  “We are trying to meet your requirements Colonel.” Mannsfield replied defensively.

                  “Not to me liking!” Santiago leaned forward in her chair and slammed down her fist on the desk. “I need more guns for the infantry, more attack rovers and more planes. If we are going to defeat the Hive or even bring them back to the peace table we need to begin going on the offensive. The Hive is simply out building us at every turn. For every rover we build he is building three and it just keeps getting worse.”

                  “Colonel I have seen the information on the Hive and I agree it is a daunting task but if we give up on improving out cities and production capabilities then we will really loose. I would suggest a limited military campaign against the Hive. Target just one city every ten turns and the first one I would take is that city just to the north of Fort Saratoga.”

                  “Mannsfield that is the plan I already came up with but I can not do it until I get some more planes and more troops.”

                  “Colonel, then I would suggest the following. Once Parade Ground and Citadel complete their attack squadrons then lets transfer some of this military production to the Thracian colonies. Many of them already have good internal infra-structure and that way we can spread out the production more and allow our core cities to grow.”

                  Santiago crossed her arms over her chest and bowed her head in thought. Mannsfield watched her as she debated the pros and cons with herself. She really had not choice. Sparta could not “out build” the Hive so what they had to use was their superior technology and troop quality. They had to chip away at the Hive “inch by inch” rather than any grand invasion. Take a base and hold then move on. Let Yang throw his troops into the Spartan meat grinder as they try to storm the walls. Then move to the next base.

                  “Okay pull together a plan and send it the High Command for review.” Santiago stood up and quickly turned and walked out of the room.

                  Mannsfield hadn’t even had a chance to stand up and show her out. Ever since the creation of the council Santiago had never been too pleased about sharing power let alone having to compete for resources. For her it was simple and easy to understand, Sparta is at war therefore Sparta should build weapons. However, Yang’s society, his cult, could out produce Sparta in war material any day. So the battle could not be one by numbers it had to be done with tactics and patience. Chip away, chip away…


                  Morgan Industries, MY 2242

                  Morgan cut the holo link and sat back in his throne-like black leather chair. It was over. Aki Zeta-5 had formally surrendered, and this time in a Pact that was more than just a piece of paper. She had finally realized, after the easy victory and the taking of her latest city, that she had absolutely no hope of survival, much less victory.

                  Now investment could continue apace, not that the war material had been too much of a strain. It was more of an irritation since troops that were out of Morganite territory caused so much unrest. There were benefits, though. This new Pact would bring in 23 megacredits per year in trade, and megacredits were always good.

                  Other changes had gone well, too. The Board had made a surprising discovery – switching from Wealth to knowledge would bring greater benefits than would be believed. Research was predictably increased by 20 percent, but overall efficiency was increased, too. That meant greater stability, and more economic gain through less waste. Morgan reflected that the emphasis on intellectual freedom would make them more vulnerable to attack, but the recently completed Hunter Seeker Algorithm would solve that problem.

                  So there were no enemies nearby, so what were the unresolved problems? The only significant issue was the war with the Hive, who empire was waxing while the Spartans were trying to keep and preserve their holdings. What could be done about that? Morgan frowned. The answer was that not much could be done. The Spartans were too far away for any material assistance. It did not take too much of an imagination to see that the situation could continue for the foreseeable future.

                  If only Santiago would see reason! Economics was the key, not brute force military strength. Head to head the Hive would beat them on that front since they were much more numerous and productive.

                  Morgan sighed. He had tried. The next step was Santiago’s.


                  Command Nexus control center, Fort Saratoga – SPARTA 2243

                  Sanchez had just received the latest intelligence report from the High Command and it was not good. Yang had issued orders to deploy most of his air power forward to the Hive base just north of Fort Saratoga. What made matters worse was the fact that Yang had also reinforced the base with more ground troops and assault rovers. It was clear Yang was planning something and he needed to contact Santiago and consult with her.
                  He reached over and activated the communication link and contacted the High Command. In about 10 minutes they were able to track down Santiago and route the call to her.

                  “Good morning Colonel, I am sorry to wake you up.” Sanchez commented when he noticed that she was still in her quarters and was dressed in a gray robe rather than a uniform.

                  “What’s happened?”

                  “I am about to send you the latest intelligence now, it should be on your screen in a moment.” Sanchez activated the transfer and waited while the information was downloaded to Santiago and she had time to read it. About 20 minutes went by as Sanchez watched Santiago read the information he had sent.

                  “Okay, it looks like Yang might move against you soon, is that how you see it?” She asked

                  “I agree. It does seem clear that he is moving more troops into the area to either help defend the old Peacekeeper base or launch an attack, I would say it is the latter.”

                  “I concur. Up until now he has lacked a forward support base that he could launch air sorties which limited his ability to strike at us since none of his planes would make it back. The fact that he has moved them up to clearly indicates he is willing to expose them to our forces in order to use them against us in an attack.” Santiago pulled a book from out of her desk and began to read it then after several minutes she looked up. “Okay, as I see it you have only one air defense unit right now. If at all possible we need to get you another air defense infantry regiment as soon as possible, by the end of next turn. Also, we need more attack and interceptor airplanes. We need to gain control of the air or this war is lost.”

                  “Once again Colonel, I agree. The question is how?” Sanchez replied.

                  “Leave that to me. I will get you the air defense troops as quickly as we can. The planes are another issue. Keep me apprised of any changes immediately, is that clear?”

                  “Yes Colonel.”

                  ”Santiago out.”

                  Sanchez watched the screen grow dark and the lights in the room automatically adjusted the light level higher. He had to hold….


                  • #54
                    Personal quarters of Corazon Santiago, Sparta Command

                    Santiago sat quietly in her chair for some time going over all of the possibilities she had in front of her and she didn’t like a single one. Mannsfield had completed his economic policy proposal that would “switch” the Spartan economic system from centrally planned to free market. He had also prepared a similar report that explored the possibilities of “switching” the economy to a green system. The main drawback to the free market system would be the social disorder it would create. More specialists would have to be allocated to support the population and as a result food riots could occur along with other social problems such as crime. The “green” plan had some good features to it but it would not solve the fundamental problem of production. She had even requested a separate report, a secret report, from Major Gregovich that explored the possibilities of dissolving the federation council and replacing it with the military command council with her as the supreme leader of the Spartan people, essentially a military dictatorship. The plan drafted by Gregovich included recommendations to help focus their efforts into either research or pure military conquest. Both ides had interesting and beneficial aspects as well as negative ones.

                    However, there was one idea she had been thinking about for some time and perhaps it was time to explore that option. She stood up and let her robe fall to the floor as she walked to the shower naked. The anti-aging treatments and a strict military regime of exercise and diet had kept her skin and beauty nearly flawless. In fact, the only leader on Chiron that looked more ageless was Skye. However, no leader had her health and stamina and physical capabilities. Her “idea” made her think about all of the other leaders on Chiron and the one she respected the most was Morgan. He might be fat and soft but his mind was as sharp as hers, perhaps even more so. He was also ruthless but he had demonstrated he had some integrity and in his own way he would honor any agreement you just had to make sure you read the “fine print”. As she turned on the shower and let the cold water snap her attention back into focus she realized that there was only one faction on Chiron, other than Yang, that could help Sparta in any measurable way and that faction was Morgan. So she would propose the plan to him and see if he would accept. If he did accept then depending upon how things developed she would or wouldn’t have to implement the changes in the economic and social system of Sparta. If he refused then she would gather her resources and in four turns she would make the change to a military dictatorship with a free market system and she would assume control of the research complexes of Sparta and give them whatever they needed to improve their technology and efficiency. It was not her first choice but it was her only choice that would increase their resources to fight this war. The biggest problem Sparta had was the simple fact that none of the Sparta cities or production capacity was centralized on one landmass while Yang had all of his bases centralized on one continent. The Spartan nation could never be easily overrun simply due to the fact it was spread out over three continents but it also made it very difficult to focus the industrial capacity of the entire nation into one purpose.

                    Santiago stepped out of the shower and toweled herself off. It was time to contact Morgan.

                    Director Morgan,

                    It has become very clear to the High Command that even if we implemented drastic social and economic changes to combat the Hive hordes it would simply not be enough. It would take many, many turns for Sparta to recover and then utilize the new prosperity brought about by the changes. In the meantime, Yang will be free to exploit our temporary weakness to secure even more land and power. This is something neither of us wishes to see. If left unchecked Yang’s power will continue to grow menace all the factions on Chiron.

                    So this is what I wish to propose. We have secured the plans for airplane technology and per our agreement we will send these to you as soon as we are able. With aircraft technology you will be able to build airplanes that will significantly increase your military reach. However, even with such technology the distance between your nation and ours is very far. So I propose the following. We will dispatch a transport loaded with terraformers to build an airstrip in a strategic location. This will allow you to move your air fleet to our theater of operation and assist us in repelling and in time defeating the Hive. In order for us to work so closely we would have to establish a much higher level of treaty, a pact. With this “pact” we can both jointly use facilities and support each other. In essence we would provide the ground forces and some air support and you would provide the remaining air support. With such an arrangement we can quickly push back the Hive and reestablish dominance over him.

                    I hope you take the time to consider my offer.

                    Colonel Corazon Santiago

                    Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Sparta Command


                    Morgan Industries, MY 2243

                    Coronal Santiago,

                    Your offer is most intriguing, and I commend you in your efforts to improve your economic situation while your society is under duress. I would venture to guess you have found that the initial transition to a free market economy is painful. We dealt with the social disorder while Morganite society was much less developed than yours, although we had the advantage of not being under serious threat from one such as Yang.

                    The Board is fully supportive of an upgrade of our relations. Such a move can only serve to strengthen both of our societies, and bring significant economic benefits. I can assure you that if such an offer is made that it will be accepted. However, as gesture of good faith we request that you transfer to us the files on Doctrine: Airpower. My empaths noticed you acquired this technology from the good Chairman some time ago. I did not mention it previously, but this is a good venue.

                    The second part of your proposal is most interesting, and audacious. You must understand that any Morganite aircraft would have to be defensive interceptors. Such are the limitations of a free market economy. This would mean a significant number of air bases, and a considerable period of time to develop. After a bit of through it occurred to me that a string of bases would be more efficient, and permanent. I have not broached the subject with the Board, but now that we have secured the Planetary Transit System from the Cyborgs such bases would be immediately significant. A string of sea and land bases might be sufficient, but each would have to be no more than eight or ten sectors apart.

                    But, even if such a grand plan were to come into being it could not be so in a small amount of time. Such a plan is predicated on the construction of aircraft, which would require city improvements to ensure they had proper training. And, we do have other priorities that will take a good portion of our not inconsiderable resources.

                    Coronal, this is a grand idea – one that we should explore further.
                    Director Morgan


                    Office of Colonel Corazon Santiago, Sparta Command – SPARTA 2244

                    Director Morgan,

                    I was genuinely pleased and surprised and your acceptance to our offer of a “pact”. I have sent to you in encrypted format the files on aircraft design and our offer of a pact. Based on your previous communication I can only assume that you will agree. I was somewhat offended by your comment concerning the length of time we have had the plans for fighter craft. If you review your own agreement no firm timetable was set, just the mention of “several turns later”. We only had obtained the files less than five turns ago. However, I am willing to overlook this matter in light of the greater good we can achieve.

                    The only stipulation I would “add” to this pact agreement is this. While we are allies neither of us would take any action that might cause harm to the other. For example, if Yang decided to make peace with you and not us you would not take advantage of this situation and sell him highly classified technology to him. Our guiding principal in all actions should be “to do no harm”. I doubt you could find fault in this or have any objections. By entering into a “pact” or “alliance” we become brothers in arms and as such all actions should be reviewed with that in mind.

                    The High Command has reviewed your proposal for bases to serve as refueling stations rather than an airbase. We submit that the construction of just two sea bases could provide a suitable route between your territory and ours. If you agree to this proposal submit your coordinates to us as to the location of your bases and then we will to you.

                    Lastly, as a gesture of your goodwill I propose that we exchange map files. If you agree we will send ours in the return communication. As alliance members there should be no reason now to keep such information secret.

                    Colonel Corazon Santiago

                    Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Sparta Command

                    Santiago hit the send button and then stood up and looked out her window and up into the sky. There far above the capital of Sparta were con-trails from the 1st attack squadron, the “screaming eagles”. Next turn they would deploy to Macedonia followed by even more planes. In some sense Santiago regretted sending the proposal to Morgan, perhaps she had been too hasty in seeking his help. However, by locking Morgan into her camp she denied this option to Yang. Check! Sparta could not risk the possibility of Yang making a separate peace treaty with Morgan and then cutting Sparta off. She turned and picked up the report from Sanchez, her son. The squadrons of attack planes Yang had deployed to the Peacekeeper base had been badly damaged by naval gunfire. Should they attack they would not be at full strength. More anti-air infantry regiments were coming on line as well. Perhaps next turn would be the year that marked the high water mark of the Hive.


                    Morgan Industries, MY 2244


                    I have accepted your offer of a Pact, and attached our map files. I notice that you attached the filed for Doctrine: Airpower and your map files and that the deal awaits your final approval. I look forward to a period of greater cooperation between our peoples!

                    Since we are now Pacted the Board agrees not to provide assistance to those with whom our Pact sister is at war. Such is only just. I should point out that we Morganites bear Yang no love whatsoever, and that it would be against our interests to support him in any case.

                    In the meantime the Parliament will draw up plans for construction of air training facilities and the construction of interceptors. I do think your estimate of the number of bases that will be required to traverse the territory between our peoples is grievously low, however. Moreover, it is likely that a combination of sea and land bases will be appropriate to assist the flight of air resources to your territory.

                    Director Morgan


                    Office of Colonel Corazon Santiago, Sparta Command – SPARTA 2245

                    Director Morgan,

                    I will soon issue a directive to the Federation Council to organize the required resources to build several sea bases once these have been established they should easily provide access to our “sphere” of the planet. This should allow you to “shuttle” your aircraft to Sparta and aid our cause. Each time we establish a sea base we will update our map files and send them to you.

                    I understand that it will take some time to organize your forces and make the suitable preparations to build your forward bases to create a supply chain. I do need to make one thing clear. As it stands now our “spheres” of influence dominate the northern and southern areas of the planet. I see no reason at this time to extend our spheres into each faction’s territory. We will extend our sea bases northwards but not to extend beyond the equatorial line. We feel that this limitation will only serve to prevent any issues or areas of contention. As allies in arms we need to work together to establish safe and secure facilities and trying to over-extend ourselves only serves our enemies, not each other.

                    So once again I hope this will begin a very honorable arrangement between brothers and sisters in arms.

                    Colonel Corazon Santiago

                    Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Sparta Command


                    Morgan Industries, MY 2245

                    Coronal Santiago,

                    I have requested that the Planetary Council be convened so that we may all discuss an issue of prime importance to us all – the enhancement of trade. The Morganite Board of Directors has requested that all of us on Chiron form a Global Trade Pact, which will have the effect of doubling all of our trade. It is instructive that only those enlightened factions, such as ours, will benefit from this trade pact. Those un-enlightened factions, such as the repressive regime of Chairman Yang, will get exactly nothing from this proposal due to the primitive nature of their economy and the sad fact that they have no trade. I have unofficial word that my Pactmates Aki Zeta-5, Zakharov, Deirdre, and Pravin Lal will all support this measure, and I hope you will see the value in supporting this effort.

                    Your argument on spheres of influence seems a bit premature. You will have noticed that we Morganites have been perfectly happy to expand our current holdings. But, if you wish to claim half of Chiron I will not stop you. I would venture to guess that the other faction leaders who are directly affected by your unilateral pronouncement, such as Pravin Lal and Chairman Yang, might feel differently.

                    Director Morgan


                    • #55
                      Command Nexus control center, Fort Saratoga – SPARTA 2246

                      The doors to the command center opened and Santiago walked in wearing a flight suit and under her arm was her pilot’s helmet. Sanchez stood up quickly and saluted, as did the entire command staff in the room.

                      “Colonel, I had no idea that you were coming!” A very surprised Sanchez remarked as he dropped his salute when Santiago returned it with a quick flip.

                      “Commandant I have decided to take command of the Army of Macedonia. Based on the intelligence the old Peacekeeper base Yang captured to the north has been considerably weakened by naval gunfire. Add that to the fact that your stubborn defense of Fort Saratoga has destroyed thousands of his troops in the process. The High Command and I agree that the time is right for us to make a move on the base. We will soon have two more fighter squadrons join us and they will be the tip of the spear. The plan is simple: fighters will strafe the city and take out any planes on the ground or in the air then ground forces will move in and take the city.” Santiago sat down in a chair at the head of command/conference table and began punching up the map around Fort Saratoga. “As soon as the fighters that I arrived with are refueled and the pilots briefed I want a reconnaissance flight sent out to scout east and north of the city. Once we are sure there are no Hive troops marching from the east we can then issue orders for the army to march to here.” She stood up and picked up a laser pointer and highlighted a sector just north of the city. “Once they are in position the planes will make their sortie and then the army can move in.” She sat back down and began to unbutton her flight suit.

                      “Colonel I thought the plan was to wait till we could get some Morgan military assistance?” Sanchez replied as he sat down next to her.

                      “We can not wait on Morgan and to be honest with you the more we capture before he gets any forces into position the better for us. Once he has troops or planes or equipment in theater it will be all the harder to get him out. Besides our energy reserves are up and we can now build equipment faster than before. I want to see us take at least four to five cities before he arrives. Then we can assign his forces to security work in the rear rather than helping in any attack.”

                      “The plan you have laid out does not speak to highly of our new ally” Sanchez replied in a mocking tone.

                      “ I agree. Our alliance we simply a means to check any move by Yang to create an alliance with Morgan. What the command staff and I feared was that once we began our attack on Yang he might try and make a quick peace with Morgan. Now that we have Morgan in our camp we are free to act.” Santiago looked around the command center and began to study the holo-displays that floated around the room. She always liked this command center the best; it was smaller and more intimate, the information was easier to view and comprehend.

                      “Colonel I have to ask, will I be allowed to join the army?” Sanchez’s comment made her stop looking at the displays.

                      “No, you will stay here.” The look on his face was firm but she could tell he was very disappointed. “However, I have good news for you. In appreciation for your supreme tactical skills in the constant struggle to defend Fort Saratoga, your management of relief services during the viral outbreak at Fort Victory and your management of the Army of Macedonia you are being promoted the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and military governor of all of Macedonia. Your base of operations will be here at Fort Saratoga and your first act as military governor will be to name a new commandant.” Santiago looked around the room and she could see from the happy smiles of the command staff they also were pleased with the news. Sanchez was well loved by his men due to his reputation as leader and hard worker who cared for his men.

                      “Colonel, I could think of new better replacement than my second in command here, Captain Sosa.” Sanchez replied quickly and then looked over at his friend who had been standing a few meters away at a communication station, Sosa quickly turned when he heard the news and smiled and nodded his head in appreciation.

                      “Excellent! Now as a military governor you will be a member of the High Command staff and a voting member of the Federation Council. You will have your own transport plane to shuttle you anywhere you please or need to be. Also, just to let you know I have appointed Lt. Colonel Hudson to be the new military governor for Sparta and I promoted Commandant West to Lt. Colonel and the new military Governor of Thrace.” Santiago looked around the room quickly then stood up and motioned for Sanchez to follow her over to his office. As they entered the office she closed the door and turned to him. “I have told the others and I am telling you. I need for you to become as knowledgeable as possible concerning the operations that the Federation Council manages. If need be, in a time of crisis, I might have to dissolve the council and impose martial law. You three governors will assume control of the government and answer to me, is that clear?”

                      Sanchez was stunned for a minute as he absorbed her words. “Understood.”

                      “You three are the people I trust the most and as such in a time of crisis the ones I will count on to help preserve the Spartan people, the Spartan dream.” Santiago sat down in a chair and shook her hair free from the knot she had tied it in. Sanchez moved to sit at his desk but Santiago motioned for him to sit next to her.

                      “Carlos it is important that you understand something else, something for you to know only. If I should die in this coming battle I have prepared a document for you. In that document is my recommendation for you to become the next Colonel and supreme military commander of Sparta.” Santiago looked into Sanchez’s eyes and realized the enormity of the statement she had just said. Since landing at Sparta Command her will has been the guiding force behind every action taken. She had built a whole new society with her own hands.

                      “Colonel, why me?” Sanchez asked with a hint of panic in his voice. Santiago was glad to hear it if she hadn’t then she might have thought she had made the wrong choice.

                      “You are the best man for the job. Everything you have accomplished to date is a tribute to yourself and to our nation. I also have other reasons but that is for me to know.”

                      Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

                      “Come in.” Sanchez ordered.

                      A young lieutenant walked in the room and held out a piece of paper.

                      “Commandant this just came in from the High Command for the Colonel, her eyes only.”

                      Santiago stood up and took the note and read it quietly for several minutes and then looked at Sanchez.

                      “A note from Morgan, I need to send a reply.”

                      Director Morgan,

                      First, let me say that I have no plans on conquering half of Chiron, as appealing as that may sound. We are still new to being allies and as such I wanted to make sure there were no incidents that might damage our new relationship. Your resources, just like ours need to be put to the best use possible and building bases in the southern continent or us in the north would be a waste. I can support your troops if need be as I am sure you would ours.

                      I also wish to inform you that we will soon began our first offensive operation against the Hive. Yang has wasted countless numbers of troops trying to breach the walls of Fort Saratoga to no avail. We have an air force now that can contend with his and we intend to put it to the test. Our first target will be the old Peacekeeper city to the north. Once we have secured it then we will determine then if we can continue the struggle.

                      Once again, I feel, in time, I think we can work more closely to resolve other major disputes and problems that might arise to the satisfaction of all concerned.

                      Colonel Corazon Santiago

                      Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Fort Saratoga


                      Morgan Industries, MY 2246

                      The bailiff slowly raised his gold encrusted staff into the air and then ponderously brought it down again.


                      “The most honorable Prime Minister, exemplar of the Parliament, duly elected representative of the Morganite people, enters. All rise,” he intoned.

                      Men and women in long flowing robes, which varied from elegantly sedate to garishly ornate, rose as one. Lush fabrics swished, and Prime Minister Rothchild entered the room. He bowed to the member of the Loyal Opposition, Minister Payne Watkins of the Conservatives, and then to his Senior Deputy Rose Ssarn. Then he pulled his high back gold leaf Chair Of State and sat down. An attendant materialized to help him push the heavy carved wooden seat to the proper position.

                      The bailiff strode forward.


                      “All rise! The honorable Director Morgan, Chair of the Morganite Board of Directors and Minister Without Portfolio Exemplar,” he said. All heads turned as the CEO pushed the grand doors of the Parliament inward and walked down the crimson carpet to the central dias. Whereas the ministers wore flamboyant robes befitting of his rank, the CEO was understated with a meticulously cut navy blue collarless suit and iridescent white shirt. His diamond studded gold cuff links and buttons refracted the light, making him seem to shimmer slightly as he ascended.

                      “Director Morgan,” the Prime Minister started. “I welcome you on behalf of the Parliament to our humble chamber.”

                      “I am pleased to attend,” the CEO replied, bowing slightly to the Prime Minister, then giving a brief nod to Minister Watkins and Ssarn. “It is my duty to report to this august body and sate the people’s right to understand the place in which we stand, and the vision we have for the future.”

                      Rothchild nodded, motioning for him to continue.

                      “Our position is strong, Prime Minister. Our war with the Cyborgs is long over, and we have come to a permanent solution to that conflict. We are Pacted with the University, bringing us the knowledge the good Prokhor graces us with, the vaunted Lady Deirdre Skye and her deep knowledge of Chiron, Pravin Lal and his people of peace and upholders of the best of old, lost Earth, and Coronal Santiago, whose martial people are an example all of us on the principles of honor. It is telling that we have come to such a position, and it has been through hard work and the values our people possess. Alone among the survivors of Unity has Chairman Yang chosen not to be our partner; he stands alone.

                      “More than that, we have convinced these disparate parties of the value of trade, and the riches that it brings. That, and the completion of the Planetary Energy Grid, has boosted our coffers to unprecedented levels, quintupling our energy reserves in one year and almost doubling our scientific output. And, our people benefit with a greater level of happiness.

                      “Truly, the future looks bright. I submit this most inadequate report to this Parliament, and invite their questions,” he said, bowing slightly.

                      Rothchild looked over. “Director, it is true that we have an unprecedented level of diplomatic success, but at what cost? Our Pact with the Peacekeepers came at the cost of war with the Hive. And our Pact with the Spartans came with the commitment to purse that war. My question to you, is what will be the cost of these alliances? The Parliament and the Morganite people have a right to know the full impact of what they will be expected to sacrifice for these ends.”

                      “The cost will not be more than they can bear, and indeed, pursing these aims will allow us to expand our influence to a much greater extent. I propose that our efforts to assist the Peacekeepers and Spartans against the Hive follow three phases. The first phase will be the concurrent establishment of sea and land bases. These will be both forward sentry points and staging areas for aircraft that will eventually assist in helping the denizens of the Hive see reason.

                      “Phase 2 is the construction of at least three aerospace complexes. This can happen concurrently with Phase 1, and it should since these facilities have a significant price tag. Phase 3 will be the construction of a two interceptor wings. The first wing will be sent to assist the Spartans in their war efforts. The second wing will be for local defense and will be stationed in and around our holding for both defense of our core cities and our newly built frontier.”

                      Minister Watkins ventured, “A grand plan, Director. What time frame would you place on this…expedition? It seems much needs to be prepared, and much energy spent, to see such a plan to completion.”

                      “You are entirely correct,” Morgan said. “I propose that 10 percent of our cities production be devoted to this cause. This is not a hard number, and will of course be dependent on local needs. Such a commitment should not overly tax our productive capability. Indeed, with the completion of boreholes and as terraformers make more and more land useful for resource extraction I expect this will not be much of a burden. Our construction of infrastructure will continue apace, I assure you, and with the guidance of this Parliament all such projects will be expedited.”

                      Minister Ssarn then called for a recess. Morgan looked over the senior council, trying to read their faces. Most were ambivalent, but Nwabudike could feel a growing excitement, a tension at having a new vision.

                      Morgan smiled. Just as he planned.


                      Command Nexus control center, Fort Saratoga – SPARTA 2247

                      Director Morgan,

                      I called for elections so that we could determine the level of support for our new alliance. I had heard rumors that Yang was trying to undermine your authority and coerce several other factions to declare war against you. This would certainly distract you and our alliance from the greater goal of defeating Chairman Yang.

                      I congratulate you on your re-election to office.

                      Colonel Corazon Santiago,

                      Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Fort Saratoga


                      Morgan Industries, MY 2247


                      Thank you for your trust. I truly appreciate the gesture.

                      You will note, if you examine the production of our cities, that two have started the first start up of our efforts to aid you in the struggle against Chairman Yang. Morgan Robotics is now starting construction of an aerospace complex, and Morgan Mines is starting a transport to ferry a few colony pods to nearby islands. The Board decided that a few well-placed land colonies would be more efficient that a sea colony, at least at this time. The proposed bases will be placed on the large landmass southeast of our territory. That, in combination with the use of Zakharov’s bases, should be a good start. We will not count on Zakharov, of course, but I consider his bases a backup in case of the worst.

                      Director Morgan


                      • #56
                        One sector north of Fort Saratoga, Army of Macedonia – SPARTA 2248

                        Santiago jumped out of the command rover and looked down the hillside of dead Hive soldiers. The battle had lasted the better part of the day and for once the Hive infantry had put up a fight but in the end the superior mobility of the Spartan rovers won the day. The Spartan wounded and dead had already been removed from the battle field but Santiago had ordered that all dead Hive soldiers were to be left on the field of battle to honor their sacrifice today.

                        “Colonel a high priority message coming in for you” The communications officer for her command rover rushed over to give her the mobile vid-phone unit. The face of Pro-Consul Mannsfield popped up on the tiny screen.

                        “Mannsfield what do you need?” She barked as she wiped some grime and blood from her face.

                        “Colonel, the Spartan Federation Council wishes to inform you that late last night we completed an alliance with the University. This alliance is based on the exchange of technology and information between our two societies and as a result we have seen a marked increase in our research rates and efficiency. The University will make excellent scientific partners but not very good allies in arms.” Mannsfield reported.

                        “I could veto this alliance, right Mannsfield? Don’t you think in the future you should consult with me? What did you get in exchange for this pact?” She fired back.

                        “Nothing except the increase in technology that we will reap as a result. We did have to trade some technology to the University to speed up the negotiations.” Mannsfield quickly replied.

                        “So if I understand you correctly, we have opened up our scientific research channels that make us more vulnerable to attack by espionage units. We traded our technology away for nothing, is there anything else?” Santiago barked back.

                        “Well, I thought it prudent to solicit a loan from the University to secure the completion of some projects and an earlier than project date, such as the new air-force training facility at Sparta Command.” Mannsfield allowed some irritation to sneak through his normally even toned voice.

                        “Mannsfield send me everything you have on this new alliance. Santiago out!” She slammed the vid-phone to the ground and smashed it with her heel. DAMN!


                        Morgan Industries, MY 2248

                        Morgan sighed.

                        In many ways this was tedious, but necessary. Offering solicited or unsolicited advice to base managers had become an institution and Morgan knew exactly where that fault lay with himself. He had seen to it that these decisions reached his desk in the early years. Now there were many more decisions to make and they still needed his approval. In fact, no social improvement or project was started without his explicit approval.

                        That said, Morgan knew that if he objected he could have the base managers be completely independent and then trust to those decisions. But he knew that he got a perverse pleasure from finding good terraforming projects, moving around crawlers, suggesting social improvements that may not be intuitive but very useful in the future. Such was his lot.

                        At least he was spared the painful political process. Poor Rothchild! He did seem to relish the challenge for riding herd on all the ministers. As the old saying went, it was like herding cats. He was a very good cat herder, however.

                        It seemed the latest breakthrough had been…disappointed. Centauri Meditation was useful, but not as useful as the recent breakthrough Zakharov had. And he had turned down a trade flat saying he was not authorized to trade at this time. Morgan had used that exact wording in the past with Zak, and even though relations were at an all-time high it was irritating.

                        Time to redouble effort and spend 60 percent on research. That still left a hefty cash surplus, and took breakthroughs to three years. He could live with that.


                        One sector north of Fort Saratoga, Macedonia – SPARTA 2249

                        Corazon turned over at the sound of approaching soldiers.

                        “Over here!” She yelled or what she thought was a yell. Her oxygen tank and re-breather unit had been damaged in the fighting so all she had left to keep her alive were the emergency O2 tablets that helped her lungs process the air but only barely.

                        “COLONEL!” Several medics heard her gasp and rushed over and began to administer oxygen and checking her for wounds.

                        “What happened Colonel?” One of the medics asked as he checked her pulse and temperature.

                        “The command team I was leading got cut off by a Hive infantry regiment we fought for hours but eventually they overran our position.” She took another long pull on the oxygen mask and continued. “It was hand to hand combat for hours, something those Hive soldiers don’t seem to practice much but they soon learned. We won but it was costly. I blacked out trying to reach the rear.”

                        “Well, Colonel we did win the battle. The entire army of Macedonia was engaged in hand to hand combat, just like you, through the night. It was not until this morning we realized that all of the Hive soldiers were dead, nearly four thousand men!” The medic took out an IV bottle and hooked it up to Santiago. “I will inform the High Command you are okay and we will call for immediate EVAC. Governor Sanchez just knew you would be alive and ordered more medic teams to search the area, good thing he did.”

                        “How is the army?” She asked faintly.

                        “One infantry regiment was wiped out and almost every other regiment is down to 20% capacity. It was a tough battle. More troops are being rushed in to secure the area but Governor Sanchez has ordered the army to hold this area for now. Attack planes are providing security for now.” The medic looked up at the other medic who made a hissing sound. The second medic had gently turned Santiago to one side only to find a Hive knife stuck in her leg.

                        “Colonel did you know you had a knife in your leg?” The second medic asked.

                        “Yes, I was afraid if I pulled it out I would bleed out so I left it.” She laid her head back and took another deep pull on the oxygen.

                        “Colonel, I have found perhaps a hundred men today with similar wounds and they were all dead. How did you live?”

                        “It will take more than a Hive knife to kill me. Now lets get going.” She closed her eyes and took another deep breath of oxygen.

                        The medics finished up there field dressings and decided it was best to leave the knife in as well until they could get her back to the field hospital.


                        Morgan Industries, MY 2249

                        Manager Sedrick Sing, Morgan Distribution: Request to use the resources of three supply crawlers to advance the special project Aesthetic Virtues.

                        Morgan looked over the proposal, viewing the lost resources that would be sacrificed by switching the crawlers from resource harvesting to scrap. After a few moments he determined that the decision was elementary. Due to growth, the crawlers had no sector to harvest resources. In short, they were redundant until more terraformers were brought on line. Morgan made a note to self: encourage base managers to fund more formers, particularly if they requested significant projects like boreholes.

                        Morganite Board of Directors: Fund completion of two hybrid forests, one of which was at Morgan Industries. Cost: almost 700 energy. Justification: increased nutrient and energy production, enhanced social stability, and reduced pollution.

                        The cost was high, but completing the social improvements was worth the expenditure. Granted, this would not be preferred at most bases, but these bases were the core Morganite bases, providing much of its energy and research. Morgan marked the request approved.

                        White paper recommendation: boost social psych allocation from 10 to 20 percent to enhance growth at bases where hab limits had not been reached.. Morgan reviewed the core simulation analysis and found it lacking. Only a few bases would be affected, and others in the third tier did not have the proper infrastructure, which required both tree farms and hab complexes. Morgan marked this white paper rationale inadequate and referred it back to the think tank.

                        That was the last. It had been a long day, and he knew his major domo had prepared his bath. It was a treat, not one he indulged in very frequently. He simply did not have the time. Contrary to popular opinion Morgan’s life was not one of the idle rich. Far from it. He worked 12 of every 18 hours in the Chiron day, every day. It was a passion had driven him since he was a child and such a imperative could not be denied.


                        Two sectors north of Fort Saratoga, battlefield area known as the “rocks”, Macedonia – SPARTA 2250

                        Santiago walked over to the map table and watched as one of her lieutenants moved an infantry company marker from Fort Saratoga to the “rocks”. The “rocks” had been a nickname that some of the junior officers had called the battlefield area that for two turns Sparta and the Hive had fought over. The area was a critical piece of ground that controlled access to the Hive city just north of Fort Saratoga. Santiago had just returned from the front where she had lead the last assault on the remaining Hive soldiers in that sector. She was tired, hungry but most importantly she was worried. Worried for the first time that all of her vast knowledge of tactics and warfare accounted for nothing. The battle for the rocks had devolved into nothing more than a slugfest, a meat grinder. Yang had thrown into the grinder 8,000 infantry soldiers and for the most part all of them had died. Spartan soldiers had captured 355 Hive soldiers during the two turns of fighting was not too surprising. Yang had issued orders that no quarter was to be given and as a result Santiago had issued the same orders, no quarter. Since most of the combat in the rocks basically came down to hand-to-hand close quarters combat it was hard to take prisoners in that type of fighting anyway. The one thing she regretted was the fact that she had lost two full rover regiments during the battles. In order to “plug some holes” in the battle lines she had ordered them in to the battle but the rocks greatly limited the rovers ability to maneuver and as a result they had been destroyed. They did accomplish their goal in stopping the Hive advance but the did it with their own bodies.

                        “Colonel, Governor Sanchez reports that the High Command has more troops and aircraft to send the next turn and another missile rover regiment will arrive soon as well.” The lieutenant handed her the report listing the various units in route to the front. She quickly looked it over and then put it down.

                        She looked at the map again and it was clear to her that if she could not take the rocks this next turn and advance on the Hive base then she would have to fall back on Fort Saratoga and rebuild the army. Damn!


                        Morgan Industries, MY 2250

                        Morgan looked at the report on the latest breakthrough and tried to fathom its implications. At first glance it was somewhat frightening. Neural Grafting meant that the boundaries between the artificial and human, or even the biological, were well on their way to breaking down. It was clear that it would have grave, or stellar, implications for all humanity.

                        If managed properly it could be the biggest boon to mankind. The wedding of augmentations would continue what had been done for hundreds of ears, where artificial ‘parts’ replaced those that were worn out within the human body. These could now do much more than replace systems – they could supplant them, make them materially better. Even make humans wholly different from their current form.

                        That was the frightening part. If used by a dark or driven power this ability could be twisted to horrific ends.

                        Of more practical import was that it allowed a simple (yet very expensive) upgrade for all Morganites – a Neural Amplifier that could be of great assistance against any attack by the native life that infested Chiron. That Project would be given immediate priority.


                        Two sectors north of Fort Saratoga, the “rocks” battlefield area, Macedonia – SPARTA 2251

                        Santiago had marched with her troops through the night and they had at last reached their destination, the outskirts of the former Peacekeeper city. She stopped and in the center of the roadway as the company commanders issued orders to the men to take up defensive positions to her flanks. She could catch out of the corner of her eye her command team setting up the field headquarters. She was tired and her leg still hurt from the knife wound.

                        “Colonel, we just got the radio set-up as ordered and here is the reply from the High Command you were waiting for.” The lieutenant handed over to her the P.A.D. She simply nodded and took it and activated the screen.

                        FROM: SPARTA HIGH COMMAND
                        TO: COLONEL SANTIAGO
                        REF: STATUS OF MORGAN PREPARATIONS.



                        Santiago threw the P.A.D. to the ground with all of her strength as it shattered on the ground. She turned and stormed over to the command post.

                        “I need to send a message to Director Morgan!” She reached for a marker board to write her message.

                        Director Morgan,

                        I have to ask myself if you understand that a state of war still is in effect between our alliance and the Hive. From the latest reports I have seen your production facilities and resources are over 90% committed to non-war related projects. You are making advances faster than anyone else on Chiron and you have either through conquest or your own efforts completed more special projects than anyone else. So I have to ask the question why should I continue to wage a war by myself? Wouldn’t it be easier to make peace with Yang and then with our combined war machine turn it against YOU! Perhaps then you might decide to switch over a few more factories to war production.

                        I have been in the field for four turns as the Army of Macedonia has been fighting and killing over 11,000 Hive soldiers and we have only advanced two sectors. My army is tired and it is under strength. So I hope you can appreciate the situation I am in as opposed to you. If you have no intention of honoring your previous commitments to the war against the Hive then inform us and we can end our pact with you and seek allies elsewhere that appreciate the strategic situation. If you still wish to help your “pact mate” than I will need the following at once:

                        900 mega-credits
                        Hybrid forest technology

                        In turn, I will send you our files on bio-resonance, one of the few technologies you do not seem to have, yet. I need those energy credits to crash complete many projects that are monopolizing production facilities and resources. Once we can complete these we can then build more war equipment and train more troops.

                        From our perspective the amount of money we are asking for is a trifle since the balance of trade is in your favor anyway it will only take you a few turns to rebuild it anyway while I can use it to jump-start the Spartan war machine.

                        I expect, I fully expect that your next transmission will include the above items, pre-approved.

                        Colonel Corazon Santiago

                        Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Army of Macedonia


                        Morgan Industries, MY 2251


                        I do not take kindly to threats, Ms. Santiago, and would urge you to temper your statements since, as they stand, they can be easily misunderstood. The Board of Directors was highly insulted that our Pactmate would threaten war with us. I urged them to reflection and moderation, and to consider the stress from your protracted war with the Hive. After considerable effort on my part reason prevailed.

                        That said, I fully understand your position with regard to Chairman Yang and am sympathetic to the cause. As you have duly noted, approximately ten percent of our resource base will be devoted to the production of war material. You will note that ‘war material’ includes the supplies necessary to set up the required infrastructure. A transport is being finished, and when it is complete colony pods will be formed so that bases can be constructed on the continent. All this takes time, Coronal; you are a long way away from us and supporting you will be difficult to say the least. That is why it is unfortunate that our gambit to create a beachhead on your continent failed. If it had succeeded I expect that considerable Morganite forces could have been unleashed upon Chairman Yang. Creating a series of transports, bases, and a slow wing of interceptors would not have been needed. But, such is fate.

                        I have attached the requested 900 energy and the files for Planetary Economics. This transfer is not pre-approved. Planetary Economics is an extremely powerful technology and it is not one we give away lightly. Moreover, 900 megacredits is a considerable amount of energy, even for us. Your files on Bioadaptive Resonance, while interesting, are hardly critical. So, this deal will be culminated with your agreement to transfer of one additional Spartan technology. We do not ask this immediately, of course. Your technology path is significantly different than ours, and I have noted with pleasure that your technological ability is rising nicely. Lest you take offense, consider this a Morganite investment in your future, and all investors wish to see long-term benefits.

                        One last note, Coronal. Morganite energy production is the product of our advanced economic paradigm, the research of development-based technology, and diplomacy we have worked very hard to maintain. Even with your war with the Hive you could also have these benefits but you have elected not to purse the glories of a Free Market. I urge you to reconsider, and ponder the long-term benefits of such a change. At the price of short-term instability you would be able to vastly increase your energy production and the energy from trade. As long as your war is largely defensive you will not have a problem, although a proactive war can be pursued as we did with the Cyborgs.

                        I wish our friendship to grow, Coronal. Consider my advice.

                        Director Morgan


                        • #57
                          “The Rocks” two sectors north of Fort Saratoga, Field Headquarters of the Army of Macedonia, SPARTA 2252

                          Director Morgan,

                          First let me say I am so relieved that you are, and I quote “sympathetic to our cause.” Your actions to date have not mirrored those sentiments but perhaps that was my fault. I have been slightly pre-occupied with a war in which I am leading my army into battle. I have been wounded on several occasions and I can personally claim 67 kills during the past four turns of combat. So perhaps the fault is mine for not gathering all of the information first before I attacked you and your government for lack of effort certainly 10% war production is nothing to be ashamed of. I can assure you that I did not threaten you or your government with a war. However, I did want to dramatize the situation I am in. Simply put even if the Peacekeepers and Sparta had never gone to war I doubt Lal would have been capable of stopping Yang. Suffice it to say the two cities we now control would most likely be under Yang’s control and the special projects they contain.

                          Far be it to say that Sparta will not aid you in your hour of need so I have the pleasure to inform you that we have completed our first sea colony transport. The colony pod will move to sector 85,85 and establish a colony just off the coast. That base will be up and operational in 6 turns! With the completion of that base you will now have the ability to “shuttle” fighters through University territory to Sparta. If you begin building fighters this turn they should be completed and ready to fly by the time the base is built. The Spartan High Command estimates it will take 3 turns to shuttle your fighters to our sea base and then another three to the front lines in Macedonia. So if you begin right now you could have aircraft fighting the Hive in about 12 turns!

                          On another issue we no longer need your files on hybrid forests since our own scientists made that discovery recently with the help of our superior computer systems. So there is no longer a “need” for you to send us those files. We will still honor our agreement with you and send you the files on bio-adaptive resonance in exchange for the 900 mega-credits. Once the exchange has been made we consider this transaction to be complete. We do not agree with you statement that we would, and I quote, “…this deal will be culminated with your agreement to transfer of one additional Spartan technology.” Your payment of 900 mega-credits is your contribution to the Spartan-Morgan alliance against the Hive. We are offering bio-adapative resonance technology as “token” compensation for those funds. If we still needed hybrid forest technology then that would be another issue. If you have “another” technology in mind that you would like to make an exchange on then please notify us and then we can consider a one-for-one exchange at that time.

                          Lastly, time and time again you have returned to the issue of a free market system for Sparta. At this time I feel it would not be prudent to risk any chance of social unrest that could jeopardize war production. Every turn that guns and rovers or planes are not being built then that is a turn that Chairman Yang has won. Once we can secure our dominance over Chairman Yang I have authorized Pro-Consul Mannsfield to look into the possibility of making that transition. My biggest concern at the moment is each Hive city that we capture will be in a state of Chaos. I see no reason to add to the confusion and drain on resources a free market economy.

                          I am sure that once we see Morgan planes flying escorts and attacking Hive facilities our brotherhood will become stronger.

                          Colonel Corazon Santiago

                          Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Army of Macedonia Field Headquarters


                          Morgan Industries, MY 2252


                          I congratulate you on your superior negotiation skills. I am sure Lady Skye drove a hard bargain in her sale of Planetary Economics to you, but in the end you will be the one who profits the most.

                          Since you have no need of our files then our previous deal no longer seems appropriate. As such I have rescinded the technology transfer and reduced the energy gift to 600 megacredits. It is the opinion of the Board that this is more than generous for these files, and that the Spartan Federation should consider most of this energy to be a token of our friendship.

                          We have begun construction of our first Interceptor and I have to say I was less than pleased with the cost. For the same price I could build a tree farm. Granted this is the prototype cost but it is galling. A second aerospace complex has been started, as has the first of several colony pods at Morgan Mines. At this point I am unsure how to protect these fledgling bases since any transport of military material will cause significant unrest. Perhaps an armored probe team with trance ability? I will have to see if this is cost effective.

                          You should know that we have completed the Aesthetic Virtues. This is hardly a Morganite philosophy, but it will allow our more unenlightened citizens to find more room for others within our sprawling cities. Most of our holdings will be entering a Golden Age population boom so we can fill in this space appropriately, which will give us more resources to assist in the war expansion.

                          Lastly, I have to complement you on how you are halting all building at the Hive-occupied Peacekeeper base nearest to your. The continual bombardment is preventing the Good Chairman from completing his recreation commons, which is keeping his city in a constant state of unrest. This bombardment is also crippling his air force, and preventing his defenders from recuperating. It is unfortunate you do not have the forces to take advantage of this situation, but after a major war effort your valiant soldiers need time to recuperate. Their morale and valor are nothing short of astounding. You should be proud.

                          Director Morgan


                          One Sector south of the Hive controlled city UN Information Agency on the outskirts of the city, Field headquarters of the Army of Macedonia – SPARTA 2253

                          Santiago sealed the door behind her and removed her facemask as she entered the field headquarters center of the Army of Macedonia.

                          “Is he still on the line?” Santiago questioned as she unbelted her battle harness and handed her impact rifle to one of her bodyguards.

                          “Yes Colonel he is.” Captain Longstreet replied.

                          “Is everything ready? All units are standing by for my command?”

                          “Yes Colonel.” Longstreet quickly replied as he pulled a chair out for her to set next to him. Santiago sat down and waited for Longstreet to activate the view screen for her. The screen began to flicker and the face of Chairman Yang appeared.

                          “Good morning to you Colonel Santiago it has been a long time since we talked. I was somewhat surprised to hear that you were with your army in the field.” Yang’s voice was soft and he spoke with a rhythm that almost made it seem like he was singing each sentence.

                          “Chairman Yang what can I do for you?”

                          “Surrender” He chuckled for a few seconds his eyes on fire with excitement. “Yes, I want you to surrender to me. I have positioned five infantry regiments to your east and they are advancing on Fort Saratoga and when they reach there I have ordered them to take your city.”

                          Santaigo had known about the approaching Hive soldiers for some time due to high-level surveillance flights by the air corps. She waited a few more seconds before responding watching his over confident face beaming with pleasure.

                          “Chairman Yang do you recognize this image?” She nodded to Longstreet who activated a live video feed and tied it into the transmission. It showed the southern outskirts for the Hive city and the airfields and fortifications that protected it. A rover regiment had dug in around the perimeter of the airfields to help provide security. From the video feed you could clearly see the four squadrons of Hive fighters, which comprised two-thirds of the Hive air force.

                          “Yes Colonel I know this place.” His voice slipped and a slight tone of irritation. “What has it to do with our discussion.”

                          “Chairman do you know this place?” Santiago nodded to Longstreet who manipulated the screen again and an aerial view was displayed showing the territory just east of Fort Saratoga. You could clearly see the advancing Hive infantry in staggered formations.

                          “YES I DO SEE IT!” Yang fired back his anger getting out of control. “You are beaten Santiago, BEATEN! DO you HEAR ME! My forces outnumber yours by nearly five to one you have no chance of winning!” Flecks of spittle shot from Yang’s mouth as he barked back at her.

                          “The question is do you see it Chairman?” Santiago turned her head slightly. “OPEN FIRE!” Behind her several radio operators began to shout in their mouthpieces the same command Santiago had given them.

                          Within seconds the airfield and the surrounding defensive positions were being blown to bits by Spartan missiles. Planes were being flipped hundreds of feet into the air as missiles tore into the fragile hulls. Pinpoint missile attacks were blowing the rovers out of their defensive positions and leaving nothing behind but smoking ruins. On the other screen Spartan soldiers began to fire into the advancing Hive soldiers near Fort Saratoga. A Spartan attack fighter swooped in and destroyed one entire infantry company before the squadron was blown out of the sky. Suddenly from the left flank Hive infantry began firing into their own troops providing the coup de grace’. Defecting Hive soldiers began to rush at the remaining loyal Hive soldiers and quickly overran their positions and eliminated the remaining troops. It was all done in a matter of minutes and when it was done the Hive had lost three infantry regiments near Fort Saratoga and two-thirds of their air force and all of the garrison troops at the old Peacekeeper base were gone.

                          Santiago looked back at the screen watching the stunned expression on Yang’s face as watched the smoldering ruins of his army. In the background Santiago could hear Hive military advisors screaming about status reports and demands to get communications on line to contact units.

                          “Well Chairman, I suspect that we will be taking some property of yours soon. Have a good day.” Santiago nodded again and Longstreet closed the link.

                          “Okay, how bad did we get hurt?” Santiago said as she turned around to face her commanders.

                          “Colonel, we took some loses, the attack fighter squadron was completely destroyed and some minor losses to the infantry units but nothing major.”

                          “Excellent work people, well done!” Santiago stood up and looked out the window at the Hive city to the north. Yes, soon she will be calling Yang from inside there.


                          Morgan Industries, MY 2254

                          Morgan looked up from his datapad. “And why should I approve a military upgrade budget of 2000 megacredits? The very idea of spending that amount of energy is…ludicrous.”

                          “Sir,” Coronal Khilling said, “the advent of fusion reactors makes our offense and defense twice as effective. But more to the point, it makes the offensive force of our enemy’s twice as effective. Think of it this way. If some unknown assailant pulled up to Morgan Industries with a transport full of fusion missile infantry and rovers, do you think your plasma defender would be able to hold them off for long? Then do you think the upgrade cost would be worth every joule?”

                          “Excellent point, Coronal,” Morgan said as the impact sunk in. “I will approve this budget, but over a number of years. I will recommend that you be directly responsible to the Parliament and a liaison to the Board, and that you upgrade forces at our critical and isolated cities first. Make your budget count, Coronal.”

                          The Coronal gave the CEO a broad smile, and it wasn’t a pleasant sight. “Yes, sir!” he said, and then he saluted and left.

                          Morgan watched him go and could help but think of another bloody minded Coronal half a world away.


                          Central command center of Fort Sparta (former Peacekeeper/Hive base) – SPARTA 2254

                          Santiago walked into the cramped and primitive command center and realized how lucky again they had they command nexus system. Spartan workers were already installing the interface units that would connect them to the main system at Fort Saratoga. Even though the room was small the capabilities of the command center would be immense.

                          “Colonel, I have an urgent flash message from the High Command!” Captain Longstreet had remained on the surface with the field headquarters until this facility could be brought on line. He handed her the note and she quickly opened it.

                          TO: Colonel Corazon Santiago
                          FROM: Sparta High Command

                          Major Gregovich reports the planetary data links computer system has infiltrated the networks of three factions and has pieced together technology on fusion power. New discovery will increase our firepower and defensive capabilities ten fold! Have begun process to upgrade all current production units with fusion power cells. First units should roll off the line in three turns. Expect another discovery within a turn.

                          Santiago briefly glanced at the bottom of the message and the notes on the other benefits fusion power had given them. Oh, Chairman Yang, she thought, you are in trouble now! She handed back the paper to Longstreet.

                          “Okay, lets get this base up and running now. I need to coordinate with the High Command production schedules.” Santiago sat down at a desk and began to write down her demands for fusion powered rovers and missiles. This day could not get any better she thought. They had captured the Hive city north of Fort Saratoga, demolished even more Hive soldiers in the process and made a massive discovery. Yes today was a good day.


                          • #58
                            Morgan Industries, MY 2255

                            “It appears, Elaine, that the Spartans have achieved Orbital Spaceflight at the same time we have,” Nwabudike said. “I can not say I am pleased, however. Coronal Santiago will undoubtedly build as many of the planetbusters as she can, and, in her bellicose way, use that to bully all around her.”

                            “Sir,” Elaine said as she got up to get a cup of coffee. “Keep in mind that the planetbusters have a fairly limited range, which I am told is about 16 sectors. It would take some doing to target anything near Morgan Industries. Now, if I were Yang I’d be worried.”

                            Morgan shook his head. “No, Yang need not fear Santiago’s planetbusters. Her aim on her continent is expansion, and planetbusters only destroy. Or used for threats or intimidation.”

                            “Do you think she’d try to intimidate us?” Elaine asked. “We’re her pactmates.”

                            Morgan smiled. “She would not hesitate to do what she could to get what she wants. That includes threats, intimidation, and blackmail. I have endured scathing criticism at the Board for giving in to her demands. Some of that criticism is warranted. So is the old phrase, ‘Keep your friends close, and enemies closer.’”

                            Elaine’s eyebrows rose a notch. “The Spartans are our enemies?”

                            “A poor choice of words. Adversaries might be better. Would you like some cream?” Morgan said as he lifted the silver creamer in her direction.


                            Fort Sparta central command center, Macedonia – SPARTA 2256

                            Director Morgan,

                            I am contacting you to request your assistance in a matter of some urgency. For some time Pravin Lal has stationed two infantry regiments within our territory. They have set-up camp in two sectors that have resources that we need to feed our soldiers and people. I have repeatedly asked Pravin to remove his troops but he will not return any of my calls. I will be blunt and to the point if Pravin does not move them by 2260 I will be forced to remove them myself. I need those sectors for production and I can not long tolerate UN Peacekeeper troops within my territory. If you can “persuade” Pravin to remove these troops you will do all concerned a great service.

                            I also wish to inform you that we will soon be moving against more Hive cities in two turns we will have our new aircraft on station along with new troops to replenish the army of Macedonia. We intend to move northwards to secure the Hive city just north and east of Fort Sparta and then northwards to the old Peacekeeper base there. Once we secure these northern cities we will move eastward and secure more cities there.

                            Once we secure the eastern Hive cities I will move my forces northward again to capture the remaining Peacekeeper cities. I will turn over the three cities to the north to Pravin Lal I will need to keep two cities under my control until such time as Yang has been “pushed back” from this side of the continent.

                            Colonel Corazon Santiago

                            Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Fort Sparta


                            Morgan Industries, MY 2257

                            “Lady Skye,” Morgan said as he hastily sat down. “It is good to hear from you.”

                            “Yes, I imagine you would say that,” she said. “Since we are pactmates I’m going to remind you again that your free market economic system is causing great harm to Planet. It would be best if you chose a more enlightened system that embraced Planet.”

                            “Thank you for the advice,” Morgan replied as he examined her body language. After moment he decided it was decidedly ambivalent, to downright hostile. She was turned slightly away, her manner more than reserved, and her language less than friendly. He would have to tread carefully.

                            “I understand that you have files on airpower, and I ask you as a loyal Pactmate to share them with us as a measure of trust,” Deirdre said.

                            Morgan didn’t hesitate for a second. “Of course. How forgetful of me. I will send them immediately. There is one item of note. One of our transports spotted an isle immediately west of your transport, and you may want to warn their crew…”

                            “No need,” Dee said with a wave of her hand. She smiled knowingly. “The crew knows it is there and they have no fear of it. Such are the benefits of harmony with Planet, Nwabudike.”

                            “Be that as it may, they are in the xenofungus and should consider retreat,” Morgan continued.

                            Dee gave him a pitying stare. “As I said, we have no fear of isles. They will not attack us, and we are more than acquainted with the sea fungus. You should look after your crews since they are vulnerable. Now, this has been a lovely chat but I have other duties. Goodbye.”

                            The channel went dead. Morgan reflected that it had not gone that badly. The pact was still in place at least. Now to Santiago.


                            Dear Santiago,

                            Pravin has been as uncommunicative with me as he has been with you, I am afraid. But even if I were to speak with him I am unable to see how I could get him to remove troops from your territory. I recommend not bothering him for a while, then trying again. Perhaps his aids are screening your calls, and this may be particularly true if you have been more than persistent.

                            Even though I understand your irritation at his presence in your territory there is another option – pact with Pravin. Then his troops would not be hostile and block utilization of resources. Of course this will only occur if you can get through to Pravin himself so this solution does not solve your immediate problem. I urge you not to attack him since I doubt he would understand your needs, and it would likely permanently damage your relationship, which is strained due to past actions.

                            Director Morgan


                            Fort Sparta command center, Macedonia – SPARTA 2257

                            Santiago read the reply from Morgan again and then crumpled it in her hand and tossed it to floor. It was as she had expected, platitudes and meaningless statements. She knew he could force Pravin to remove his troops if he wanted to. To think otherwise was foolish to say the least. Pravin was Morgan’s lap dog and everyone knew it. Well, if that is how he wanted to play it so be it. She turned back to the holo-map table and watched the little markers move ever so closer to Fort Sparta. Soon the army of Macedonia would be reconstituted and back to full strength. New fusion-powered fighters would lay waste to the Hive base to the east and then the infantry and rovers could move in and mop up and take control. More equipment was being built but key improvements kept “bumping” even more military items from the production schedule. However, these improvements Santiago could understand and wanted: fusion labs and the new satellite space station complex that would be launched soon. These improvements would only add to the increasing power of the Spartan war machine.

                            Santiago punched in the intelligence data on the next two Hive cities: practically defenseless. Yang had at last exposed his soft underbelly to her and she was about to claw his guts outs. He had thrown everything he could at her and her army and she kept on coming and now he was about to pay the price for it. In two turns Yang was going to learn how it felt to have his world come crashing down around him.


                            Morgan Industries, MY 2257

                            “Members of the Board, the golden age-induced population boom at our secondary bases continues as planned. A few bases required the allocation of substantial energy to complete infrastructure projects to facilitate the population boom, but this was judged by the Board to be prudent. The only other significant event is the completion of the Neural Amplifier. This Project will give our troops a much-needed defensive weapon against the predations of all native life forms.”

                            Prime Minister Rothchild leaned forward. “And against human-guided worms too, I gather?”

                            “Yes, indeed,” Morgan continued. “In the unlikely case that a human faction would use native life forms against us then this ability would manifest itself, to the detriment of those trying to attack us with Chiron’s native forms.”

                            “Very good,” Rothchild said. “How has the chain-of-colonies progressed?”

                            “Slowly. The distances are significant even with a transport and the benefit of the Maritime Control Facility. Our first new base should be ready next year, and more colony pods are being formed as we speak.”

                            “And the hydroponics satellite? The Board is most excited about the prospect that we will again be in space.”

                            “I am happy to report that the honor of being the first humans in space since the Unity disaster will go to we Morganites. Our hydroponics satellite will be launched next year. I am told it will allow a detailed scan of the entirety of Chiron – a useful thing, indeed.’

                            Rothchild nodded. “An encouraging report, Director. Thank you for coming. There will be reception at 1900 and you are welcome to attend. Coat and tie, of course.”

                            Morgan inclined his head to the Board and smiled. “Of course.”


                            Fort Sparta central command center, Macedonia – SPARTA 2258

                            Director Morgan,

                            As I stated in an earlier communication we will establish next turn a sea base at the coordinates we have given you. I see no reason as to why you cannot begin “shuttling” aircraft to the theater of combat immediately. Delays will only indicate your true intentions in this matter.

                            I expect to see aircraft flying southward next turn.

                            Colonel Corazon Santiago

                            Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Fort Sparta


                            Morgan Industries, MY 2258


                            The entire Morganite air force left Morgan Industries this year and they are on their way to your territory. Currently they are in Morgan Processing. The chain-of-bases is not yet complete, and the interceptors and penetrators will have to move through University bases. I have been told it will be at least six years before they reach your base Militia Station, which is in the northwestern portion of your lands. It is unfortunate that progress cannot be greater but these planes, even with their advanced fusion reactors, have a maximum range of 18 sectors and their flight path to your lands is strictly limited. I am afraid your sea base was not of much use in locating an appropriate flight path.

                            Director Morgan


                            Field headquarters of the Army of Macedonia, Macedonia – SPARTA 2259

                            Santiago watched through the mag-glasses as the last rounds hit the Hive city blasting away at the remaining defenders. Her scouts had reported that only a few ragged units were left inside the city. The bulk of the city’s garrison units had been destroyed by the attack fighters during the first wave. No resistance was left in the city to speak of and she could now move her army in and rest them up for the next assault. More troops would be coming but each base that they took required that they leave behind some garrison troops of their own. With combat losses and garrison requirements she calculated they could take two more cities before she would have to halt the advance.

                            “Colonel, I have a message here from the High Command. They report that Director Morgan is now sending attack craft to support the army.” Longstreet handed her the P.A.D. and waited for a response.

                            Santiago looked at it briefly and then handed it back.

                            “No response.” She added flatly.

                            Longstreet turned and went back to the communications table. Santiago picked up the mag-glasses again and watched the missiles blow chunks of concrete and steel from the armored entrance to the Hive city. She had to give credit to Yang for coming up with such a unique idea to build his cities underground. Well, it would do him little good in this case.

                            “Longstreet!” Santiago turned and walked back to the map table. “I am leaving for the front to lead the troops into the city. Alert me the instant Yang calls.”

                            “Chairman Yang is planning to call you Colonel?” Longstreet asked in a questioning manner. He had not been aware of any previous agreement for him to call the Colonel.

                            “Longstreet the minute that city falls I am sure his spy’s will inform him and I will get a call from him demanding its return. I fully intend to keep squeezing him and then force him to either surrender and become our loyal vassal or be hunted down like the dog he is and face the tender mercy of Major Gregovich’s interrogators.” Santiago walked to the pressure seal and slammed the button down hard as the doors opened. She hit it as hard as she planned on hitting Yang.


                            Morgan Mines, MY 2259

                            “Your transport has been scheduled for upgrade to fusion power,” Coronal Willis said. “The fusion speeder colony pods are ready to load, as are the formers. The will not all fit into your hold until the upgrade, unfortunately.”

                            Captain Sue Hsuou smiled. “Excellent.” She padded through the manifest and nodded a few times.

                            “One more thing. Here is your destination,” the Coronal said. He watched her reaction as she scanned the coordinates.

                            “Well,” she said. “That is not what I had expected. It will take a while, but we’ll get there. Any other orders?”

                            “Yes,” he said. “You are to remain at the new base until a garrison can be built. While en route you are to upgrade the formers, if that becomes practibable. Keep in touch with Industries. Director Morgan will be checking up on your progress.”

                            That got Sue’s attention. “Yes, sir. I’ll inform the crew.”

                            The Coronal shook his head. “No, you will not. This is for your eyes only. Understood?”

                            “Yes, understood.”


                            Firebase 112 (formerly known as Seat of Proper Thought) Macedonia – SPARTA 2260

                            Santiago waited patiently for the techs to check out the communication console that kept flashing a message:

                            URGENT: For Colonel Santiago
                            Message from Chairman Yang

                            Captain Longstreet had ordered the techs to check the system in case of booby traps that had been left behind by the fleeing Hive commanders. The battle for the city had taken a short amount of time but the unexpected arrival of Hive attack planes had made things messy. Several Spartan ground units had been wiped out during the strafing runs but they had shot down a good number of planes in retribution. What still amazed her was how primitive these Hive cities were. This was the first “pure” Hive city she had captured and it was a rat nest. The people lived like animals with the barest pretense of civilization. Many of the civilians freed from the lower mines had no idea that even other people were even alive on Chiron. Almost all of the lower echelon of people who made up the bulk of the population could not even read or write. This was how Yang had kept them under his control for so long she guessed.

                            “Colonel the console is clean.” A tech sergeant reported to her.

                            “Activate it!” She ordered

                            The tech reached over and hit the flashing button and after a few seconds the screen began to flash a white light then the image stabilized and Chairman Yang’s face was displayed.

                            “Ah Colonel, I guessed correctly it would be you leading the attack.” Yang’s smile looked awkward on his face.

                            “What do you want?”

                            “My city for starters. If not, then a truce, I see no reason to continue this battle against you when it seems clear I can not stop you.” Yang smile faded as he talked as if the words were washing away his façade.

                            “No and No.” Santiago quickly replied.

                            For a minute a wave of anger washed over Yang’s face as if the retort had been a slap in his face.

                            “Then so be it, to the death!”

                            The communication line went dead along with the console. Santiago knew in her heart of hearts that it would be Yang’s death and not hers. Firebase 112 gave them access to either the northern Hive bases or the east. Yang would now be forced to protect both flanks and thus weaken his position overall. There was much work to do and her army needed replacements and rest before marching again, to where, she was not sure yet.

                            “Colonel we have cleared out several rooms down the hallway that you can use as your quarters while you are here.” She turned to face Longstreet.

                            “Captain, that’s fine I think we will be here for a while before we move out.”


                            Morgan Industries, MY 2260

                            “Do you have any explanation?” Morgan asked.

                            The assembled panel of economic advisors squirmed and Morgan waited patiently. He had found that was much more effective than outbursts, or even a carefully crafted word.

                            Finally astrophysics Gregor Chernenko spoke up. “Sir, I believe we are witnessing the convergence of our trinary star system, and the fact that this convergence has augmented our energy production by a factor of approximately two.”

                            “Or more,” the woman seated next to him said.

                            “This effect is present at all of our cities, and those of the other factions. One can only imagine what it is doing to the native life forms since they seem to be tuned to Chiron’s movement with respect to this system’s suns,” he said.

                            The woman continued. “Our research has spiked to the unheard of level of almost 5000, and our yearly energy surplus has risen by a factor of four to almost 1500 megacredits.”

                            Morgan listened as watched each person in turn. Then he asked, “Will it continue? And if so, for how long?”

                            Gregor spoke up. “It will likely not last more than a year, a few years at most. Then energy production will go back to normal.”

                            “Any possibility of…engineering this to be permanent?” Morgan asked.

                            “Not likely,” Gregor said. “Enjoy it while it lasts, Director. And keep in mind that while we are benefiting more than the other factions since our energy output was much higher, they are still experiencing a flux of energy that we are used to.”

                            Morgan nodded. He liked where this earth scientists was leading. “I see. We could use this as an example of what our more advanced economic system has to offer.”

                            Gregor smiled. “Yes. They will be particularly susceptible when the flux ends and they are forced to return to their energy-starved condition. A truly sad state of affairs.”

                            Now it was Morgan’s turn to smile.


                            • #59
                              Firebase 112 command center, Macedonia – SPARTA 2261

                              Santiago was pleased at the work they had done in the past turn at Firebase 112. In just one turn they had rebuilt the command center and improved the housing situation and food distribution system. However, there was a lot of work ahead that still needed to be done and to make matters worse Firebase 112 was the far away from the normal supply routes so getting new equipment, troops and supplies had been difficult. One of the most recent changes she had made was an organization change in the army of Macedonia. For all future operations the army would operate as two distinct units codenamed Army Group ODIN and Army Group Zeus. Majors Ross and Holms had been selected by her to command the two armies. She would remain at Firebase 112 and provide operational control and coordinate fire support with the air corps.

                              “Colonel I have an urgent incoming message from the High Command, it’s Major Stewart.” A communications technician stood a few feet away at attention.

                              “Send it to my station now.”

                              The tech saluted and returned to his console and a minute later the face of Major Stewart appeared on the screen.

                              “Good morning Colonel.” Stewart happily said with a big grin on his face.

                              “Good afternoon Major. What is so urgent that you had to call me directly?” She replied quickly with a slight hint of irritation in it.

                              “Colonel I have great news. My research staff made a marvelous discovery just recently, we call it organic super lubricant. With that breakthrough we have been able to construct the first fusion cannon! It is over 80% more powerful than missile weapons! It is also more powerful than these “chaos” weapons that the University is working on by nearly 25%! I suspect the Morganites will not be far behind us in this discovery but none of our adversaries have this technology!” Stewart’s face faded and it was replaced by a picture of the fusion cannon, mounted on a tracked fighting sled, with a large fusion reactor and gun shield composed of blood red pulse armor. It was a dangerous looking weapon to be sure but it was also the final piece of the puzzle to destroy the Hive. For some time Yang and herself were equally matched in firepower and armor but now that was about to change.

                              “Thank you Major and thank your team for me. Santiago out!” She turned off the screen and sank back into her command chair. Yes, this was the end of Yang.

                              3rd Light Infantry regiment mess hall, Bunker 118 – SPARTA 2261

                              The mess hall coordinator was a retired infantryman from the 4th regiment and he was very annoyed today. Both the 3rd and the 4th regiments, the garrison regiments for Bunker 118 had not shown up for morning chow. The servers were ready but not a soul was there, not even the top officers from the command team. He double-checked his schedule to make sure that training had not been scheduled without his knowledge but everything checked out. So he decided to go take a look for himself. He had walked to the 3rd Infantry regiments area and walked up to the Company A’s barracks. He knocked on the door and heard nothing so he opened the door and went in.

                              The room was dark so he hit the lights and what he saw at first pissed him the hell off to no end. In every bunk was a soldier sound asleep.

                              “OFF YOUR COTS YOU DOG FACES!” He screamed at them and not a one of them moved. He then kicked a trashcan near the door down the center isle and still not a soldier even wiggled in their cots.

                              Now this was strange. The ex-infantryman knew that soldiers could fall into a deep sleep but Spartan soldiers were trained to be alert even while sleeping. So he went over to the first bunk and pulled the sheets down. The soldier that lay there froze his blood and his heart. Blood had oozed from his eyes, mouth, nose and ears and fingernails. The entire cot was soaked in blood and the soldier was as pale as a ghost.

                              “My God!” The ex-infantryman had seen his fair share of fighting during the Peacekeeper war but this was beyond belief. He quickly checked each bunk and then the next barracks and each of the soldiers were dead. When he left the second barracks he ran over to a field communication node mounted next to a guard shack and activated the emergency line.

                              “Hello, the is Citizen Mclurry and I have got to inform you of a huge problem!”

                              Days later the cause of the deaths had not been determined but what was known was that every soldier, the entire garrison of Bunker 118 was dead.


                              Morgan Industries, MY 2261

                              “Dr. Watkins, this is rather frightening. The implications of the Mind/Machine interface are push the bounds of the human condition, and I am not comfortable with that,” Director Morgan said.

                              The other members of the Board nodded, or were silent.

                              “I agree, Director,” Dr. Watkins said. “But consider that was the response to our past advance in Neural Grafting, which also pushed the bounds of the human condition. I would suggest that as long as we go into this and future advances with our eyes open then we will be able to set appropriate bounds. For instance, would any of you decline the neural regeneration treatments that have extended all of our lives, making them more fulfilling and more productive? The same can be said of the Mind/Machine interface, which will allow us to use biomachinery to enhance our lives.”

                              “And then there are these Projects,” Morgan continued. “These have a powerful allure, since the Cloudbase Academy and Cyborg Factory promise to affect our entire society and in particular our military. Do you have any comment?”

                              “No, Director. These are as you have read. I would suggest that with these advances our military, should we chose to invest in it, could be the best on Chiron.”

                              “Indeed,” Morgan said. He did not sound very interested in such ‘investing’. “And where will this line of research lead, doctor?”

                              “That is unknown. We are emphasizing discovery and building our society, and I have to say that this technology was not on our radar, to use an obsolete metaphor. I imagine the future will offer us more surprises.”

                              “Yes, this planet is full of surprises, Dr. Watkins. Let us hope we survive them,” Morgan said.


                              Firebase 112 command center, Macedonia – SPARTA 2262

                              Santiago watched the attacks unfolding all along the front and she was not pleased. Yang had pulled out the last of his reserves, including artillery and he was trying to break through the lines and in some places he had. Damn!

                              “Inform the commanders of Army Group Odin and Zeus that I want them in my office within the hour! I have new orders.” Santiago barked and behind her a flurry of voices began to issue the orders. It was important, very important that they hold until the new weapons could be brought to bear. Yes, then everything would be different.


                              Morgan Industries, MY 2262

                              “Santiago has made another key breakthrough in weaponry,” Elaine said.

                              Morgan didn’t look up. “I am hardly surprised. If I am correct this will give her army triple the firepower than that of the Hive.”

                              “Yes, sir, when her fusion gun is combined with a fusion reactor it is quite formidable. Do you see any value in prototyping a fusion chassis at this time?” Elaine asked.

                              “No,” Morgan said. “Perhaps in a few years, but not right now. It would be advantageous to complete the Cloudbase Academy and the Cyborg Factory.”

                              “That will be more than a few years away, sir,” Elaine commented.

                              “Then it will have to wait. We have that luxury,” Morgan said.

                              “Santiago will be less than pleased,” Elaine said. “She has commented frequently on our lack of investment, where she is putting considerable resources toward her war with the Hive.”

                              Morgan paused. “You are correct. We need to hold to our agreement. See that two or more bases start producing more aircraft, prototyping the new fusion gun in the process. Then tell Santiago that we will upgrade the aircraft coming to her territory. It may be prudent to finish the Cloudbase Academy in an expedited way. Our treasury can afford it, I assume.”

                              “Yes. Do you want to divert crawlers from the Supercollider at Industries?”

                              “That is prudent. Do it. We should still finish the Collider before Zakharov, unless he rushes its completion. Unfortunately for him he chose a base poor in industrial resources or he would have completed the Project long ago. His loss.”

                              “What do I tell Santiago in the meantime? We have no military material to send her,” Elaine asked.

                              “Tell her we are gifting her 500 megacredits as compensation for next year. That should be adequate compensation,” Morgan said.

                              Elaine nodded and left the room.


                              Office of the Pro-Consul, Sparta Command – SPARTA –2262

                              The doors opened automatically as Santiago walked in flanked by the military governors of Thrace and Macedonia. Mannsfield quickly stood up as did Chief Director Boothe and Assistant Director Summers as well as Major Gregovich. Santiago had called this meeting only a week ago in response to some major issues that had come to light. It had taken almost the entire week for Governor West and Sanchez to fly in and Santiago had just arrived several hours ago.

                              “Colonel its good to have you back at Sparta Command!” Mannsfield quickly walked around from behind his desk and motioned to where the new arrivals should sit. “Should I have some refreshments brought in?”

                              “No Pro-Consul we need to get to business right away. The fighter plane I used is needed back at the front as quickly as possible so I will be leaving within the hour. So I suggest we get started now.” Santiago undid the top clasps of her flight suit and sat down in the chair between West and Sanchez.

                              Mannsfield stood silently for a few seconds and then walked back to his desk and sat down.

                              “Major Gregovich has released the latest intelligence update on the Hive and it is clear that Chairman Yang is not going down without a fight. Every Hive base is now building and training replacement rover and infantry units and at pace that far exceeds our own.” Mannsfield stated as he dimmed the lights in the room and activated a holo-display along the right side of the room so everyone could see the figures. “Now, I have coordinated with Governor West and she has agreed to begin supporting the war in Macedonia. Two cities in Thrace will begin building war material and soon a third one will join the effort. However, even with that help we will still be far below the quota that the Colonel has set.”

                              “Well, I wish Macedonia could be of more help but we are still building up the cities and trying to shore up the defenses. Many of the bases under my governance are still being attacked on a daily basis. Why, just this turn Fort Saratoga’s new supply crawler was destroyed by Hive attack fighters from the last attack so building expensive terraformers or other improvements is out of the question. Until we can gain air supremacy the resources we can gather and put into production are limited to say the least.”

                              “I had expected additional air cover support from Director Morgan but from last reports his planes are still sitting idle and none of them have arrived at our sea base. But, they have not arrived. I intend to contact Director Morgan and get a resolution to this issue. But let me make this clear I intend to crush Yang but I need troops and equipment and I need them now. I am issuing a directive today, before I leave, that as cities complete any non-military production they will switch over to military production until Yang is brought before me in chains. Is that clear?” Santiago stood up and looked around and then turned and left the room grabbing her flight helmet on the way out.

                              Director Morgan,

                              Once again I find myself in the position of informing you that your war effort seems to be “lacking”. You certainly find the resources and credits to build numerous special projects and city enhancements but little seems to be spent on war production. This is the last time I will come to you asking for your aid. The next time you will receive a notice of the termination of our “pact”.

                              Colonel Corazon Santiago

                              Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Sparta Command


                              Morgan Industries, MY 2263


                              I see by your missive that you did not receive my last message in which I acknowledged that we had been less than forthcoming in our military assistance and that, in compensation, we would forward the sum of 500 megacredits to your people this year. This sum is attached, pre approved, and it should assist in your efforts. Our air force is making its way to your territory, although one of our airplanes took an unexpected detour when its pilot thought she had to return to base out of fear of running out of fuel. They either have or will arrive in your territory next year.

                              I am also happy to announce that we have completed the prototype fusion fusion interceptor. This will allow us to upgrade the wing that is in your territory. Considering that two of the planes are interceptors I would prefer that these be upgraded before they see combat since they are less than optimal for attacking ground targets. If you have other needs please let me know.

                              After a brief review my emapths informed me that your latest conquest is being severely contested by Chairman Yang. The only advice I can offer is to augment your forces, but not with the most expensive configuration possible. In most cases this is simply not economical. For instance, I noticed that your fusion infantry are almost as expensive as can be designed. Although I am not militarily inclined I would suggest that two less optimal fusion fusion infantry would be better, even if they did not have the latest secondary upgrades. I do not mean to tell you your business; I am merely making an observation that may be wholly or partially in error. It could also stem from my aversion to construction of military equipment unless it is needed, and even then only in the most cost effective manner possible.

                              Director Morgan


                              [b] In flight to Firebase 112 – SPARTA 2264 [/b}

                              Santiago read the response from Morgan again and then turned off the display screen. Another 500 energy credits and another promise, typical Morgan, just enough support again to get himself off of the hook and that’s it. It was becoming very clear to Santiago that Morgan was just playing for time. While Sparta continued to slug it out with Yang the Morgan Conglomerate continued to prosper and become more powerful.

                              She glanced out the window and down at the blue-green seas below and wondered how soon would it be before Morgan merchant ships and military vessels were the only ones you could see down there. They would have to do something soon to restore the balance of power or face domination by Morgan. However, until Yang was dealt with there was little she could do now. Once Yang was safely “tucked” away in a Spartan jail then she could turn her attention to Morgan. She knew that Aki, Skye and Zakharov had little love for the man or his people but until she offered them proof of Spartan support they would never move against them.

                              “Colonel we are about to feet dry. Macedonia is 5 minutes out.” The headset crackled in her helmet as her co-pilot alerted her. It was time to begin checking the skies for Hive fighters. The Hive planes never ventured out over the ocean for some reason and they did tend to stay within their territory but you could not count on it.

                              “Roger that. Going activate on radar and infra-red scanning and weapons safety is now off line. I repeat weapons are now hot!” Santiago began activating the controls and double-checking the system to make sure everything was okay. It took her mind off of the troubles with Morgan and Yang that was a welcome relief. Recently only when she was at the front or deeply involved in military planning did she find any release from the constant turmoil that plagued her thoughts.

                              “Lieutenant my scope is clear and there are no E.M. warnings in this area. It looks like we are clear all the way to Firebase 112.” Santiago reported. Even though she was the supreme military commander of the entire Spartan Federation this was still Lieutenant Reed’s plane and he was in command.

                              “Roger that Colonel. I estimate we will land at Firebase 112 in two days barring any problems. Since we are now in hostile territory I suggest that begin combat sleeping schedules, four on four off.” The pilot commented.

                              “Roger that. You sleep first and I will take the stick.” She replied.

                              “Roger, the stick is yours. See you in four hours.” The pilot activated his sleep induction unit and within seconds he was out.

                              Santiago loved to fly and now for the next four hours she could concentrate on flying and nothing else.


                              • #60
                                Morgan Industries, MY 2264

                                Coronal Santiago,

                                I am forwarding to you, pre-approved, our files on Silksteel Armor. This, in combination with fusion reactors, should make your soldiers all be invulnerable to the Hive – a significant tactical and strategic advantage, I would say. This armor is fully 33 percent more effective than that currently in use around Chiron. These defensive abilities combined with the offensive abilities of fusion guns should make your soldiers the force to be reconed with, which the Good Chairman will undoubtedly learn to his loss.

                                Our prototype fusion interceptor is on its way to you. We will be completing the Cloudbase Academy in the coming year, and with this completion we will be able to field larger numbers of good morale air force. Currently only two of our bases have an aerospace center, but that will change. Another advantage is the increase in range, which is particularly important for interceptors since they will increase from nine to 11 sectors per year.

                                Director Morgan


                                Firebase 112 central command center, Macedonia – SPARTA 2265

                                Santiago had arrived several days ago and she had wished now that she had never left. Yang had been able to penetrate the Spartan forward positions and now had three bases under constant artillery bombardment. Yang’s troops had even reached Fort Saratoga and attacked there as well. The air corps had been doing all it could to weaken the oncoming Hive infantry but they had not been able to attack the artillery positions. Now to make matters worse the newest Spartan Base, Fleet Anchorage, had lost one of their sea-formers and the base itself was now threatened.

                                “How soon can our ships reach the sea base?” Santiago asked as she watched the holo-map intently.

                                “Colonel as you can see here.” Longstreet highlighted a sea sector about nine sectors east of Fleet Anchorage. “Our fleet is still too far away to reach them anytime soon. At least three more turns at flank speed. The commandant of Fleet Anchorage expects an attack this turn. He does not believe that he can hold out against the attack. The Hive ship is armed with Mark-III ship missiles and it has plasma armor. The garrison unit at Fleet Anchorage was equipped to defend against native attacks so it has trance and resonance equipment with laser weapons.”

                                Santiago was not happy. Damn! To loose Fleet Anchorage was not acceptable but perhaps unavoidable.

                                “What other assets do we have nearby?” She asked.

                                “None. The only other military units in the area are the Morgan fighters but the report we have on them is that they are only interceptors and lack the avionics to attack ground targets.” Longstreet quickly replied.

                                DAMN! Well there was no use in yelling at Morgan for help since there was little he could do. At least she was spared from making a phone call to plead for more help from him.

                                “Order the captains of the Warspite and Warrior to make best possible speed to Fleet Anchorage. Support the base if possible. If the base has already been taken they are authorized to retake the base.” Santiago slammed her fist down hard on the table scrambling the holo-projection for a second.

                                Longstreet turned and walked back to the communication stations to send the signal leaving Santiago alone. Wartime production was still slow, too slow for her liking but when they did arrive they were the state of the art, top of the line. That in and of itself caused even more production delays due to the procurement process. Major Stewart ordered the very best equipment possible and due to the red tape the contractors seemed to go overboard and provide every extra enhancement possible. Santiago had tried to investigate the problems with the contracting and planning process but the systems seemed to be riddled with loop holes and problems. Even Stewart admitted that he had lost control of the process decades ago and now the entire military industrial complex seemed to operate with no regards to the reality of the current situation. Santiago needed troops, and more of them, and even if they were armed with missiles or gatling lasers it would be better than none at all.

                                Morgan Industries, MY 2265

                                Morgan looked over the latest reports from the empaths and they were quite distressing. It seems that Santiago had overextended herself. Although the situation was not dire it was…uncomfortable. Hive forces were swarming through perimeter breaches in the north and south.

                                He knew he was no military man – that’s why he hired the best. But even to his mind it was clear that Santiago had not been afflicted with overt greed or strategic blindness. She simply had the overwhelming problem of taking on the Hive and its mindless minions while trying to devote half of her production to military units. That, and trusting to a significant technological advantage, would allow her to prevail, but it would be slow going.

                                That entered into the calculus. It was not in his people’s best interests to have the Spartans bear the Morganites significant ill will.

                                There was only one thing to do.


                                Coronal Santiago,

                                You will note that I have forwarded, pre-approved, another gift of energy to help your people in their efforts against the Hive. I clearly understand, as does the Board of Directors, that your efforts are more than expensive and that you are bearing the cost of subduing the Mad Chairman by yourself. It is my hope that this will allow you to invest or upgrade your military as you see fit.

                                The Board also agreed to upgrade the two interceptors and single bomber already in your territory to the most advanced type available. These should be ready for service in the Hive theatre within a few years. Kindly let us know where they should direct their efforts. The pilots have been put under your personal command and will follow your orders. More interceptors are being and will sent to your territory as they are completed.

                                Directory Morgan


                                Fleet Anchorage Command Center – SPARTA 2266

                                1st lieutenant Samuels stood on one side of the holo-map table and on the other side stood the sea base Commandant, Richard Brooks. They had been arguing for hours over the best plan of defense for the sea base. Brooks plan was to evacuate the garrison, along with the command staff, and wait till the fleet arrived to retake the city. Samuels had listened and now it was his turn.

                                “Commandant, I will put this on the record and I want everyone to hear what I am about to say. First, I have no intention of leaving fleet anchorage. Two, I intend to fight the Hive scum when they arrive and defeat them. Any order you issue to the contrary will be ignored. I know my duty sir and as a Spartan I will die fighting if need be!” Samuels snapped to attention and saluted and then turned and left the room. Brooks stood there in stunned silence watching the young lieutenant leave with his aides.

                                Outside of the command center Samuels XO grabbed his arm and forced him to stop.

                                “Sir, exactly how are we supposed to defeat a missile armed attack foil with just laser weapons?”

                                “Lets get the men together and I will tell you.”

                                Two days later at the Harbor entrance to Fleet Anchorage

                                The Hive missile foil had circled the sea base for some time and all the sensors seem to indicate the base had been abandoned. The Hive foil captain was ecstatic over the prospect of capturing a fully operational Spartan base and the prospect of advancement by Chairman Yang, so he ordered the foil to enter the sea base.

                                The foil glided through the large gates that protected the harbor and as soon as the foil cleared the gates the shut behind them. Suddenly from all around the harbor laser beams began to lash out at the foil blowing chunks of metal into the air. The foil began to maneuver and pick up speed to come about but it only served to expose the aft sections of the ship to concentrated laser fire. A lucky hit by a laser took out the aft steering compartment and the ship could only turn now by propeller action only which made her even less agile. What even made matters worse for the Hive ship was the simple fact that the main missile batteries could not engage the Spartan defenders due to the extreme close range, the missiles would simply not activate in time after they launched from their tubes so they crew was forced to use only secondary armaments to defend the ship. Within 20 minutes the foil had stopped moving and it was sinking by the stern in the harbor. Several Hive sailors had already jumped overboard and tried to swim to the dock walls but it turned out swimming was not a required skill in the Hive navy so all of them drowned. The battle had been short and sweet and another victory for Sparta.


                                Morgan Industries, MY 2266

                                Yes, the transport is vulnerable. The cargo is precious and bound for distant shores, and inevitably not to the liking of Chairman Yang. Santiago would likely be annoyed, also, Morgan thought to himself. He also contemplated what Chairman Yang would do if he found this transport – sink it immediately.

                                That would not do. So, Morgan tapped a few commands and ordered the production of Morgan Industries changed to prototype the latest armor, silksteel, on a rover frame. Of course, the prototype would use the latest clean technology, which would eliminate the bane of support that was such a drain on the industrial capacity of host cities.

                                In a moment it was done. Then he ordered that all new interceptors also use clean reactors. True, it increased the build time but it was well worth it in the long run. Then he could devote three or four cities to build nothing but interceptors and effectively produce at least one per year. This would nicely supplement Santiago’s war effort, and provide some home defense.

                                In other news, he noted that Lal had finally built another base. A far-flung Morganite base on the large continent had been given to Aki, and the Pact-based trade it was generating more than compensated for its industrial loss. Morgan made a note to himself to build many more bases of this sort and give them to Lal and Aki – they were very productive at very low cost.

                                Finally he put his work down and heaved a sigh. It had been another long day, and his favorite courtesan was waiting. Matilda was quite talented.


                                Command bunker, Firebase 112, Macedonia – SPARTA 2267

                                Director Morgan,

                                I have been with the main army of Macedonia fighting the Hive for several turns so I have understandably only concerned myself with events or tasks to win the war. Your aircrews still seem to be “bogged” down with maintenance issues and repairs while my fighters are hammering away at the Hive while being 90% under strength. The sooner you can force the issue with you air commander and order them into combat the better for us all.

                                Colonel Corazon Santiago

                                Supreme Military Commander of the Spartan Federation of Free Cities, Firebase 112

                                Santiago hit the send button and then eased herself back into her chair. The war was not going well. Yang had taken a beating like none other in history and yet he still continued to fling his soldiers into the maw of the Spartan war machine. The army of Macedonia was now spread out over three bases and had taken a beating as well. It would take three turns or more for the army to regroup and get back on line and it would still be another three turns above that before more reinforcements arrived. Six turns in all before she could re-launch the attack on the Hive with any measure of victory. What she needed was those damn Morgan planes to give air cover for the ground forces.

                                Santiago stood up slowly and walked over the mirror. Her hair was graying now but even still she was in good shape. Her advisors had told her that she must regenerate soon but there was no time for that. Yang had to be put down and the security of Sparta established. That was her goal now and nothing else was relevant.


                                Morgan Industries, MY 2287

                                Morgan read the latest missive from Santiago and was seriously annoyed. That woman apparently had no conception of the difficulties of crossing an entire world to bring an air wing for her aid. She also had no appreciation that it cost 120 megacredits to upgrade the interceptors, and a more reasonable 40 megacredits to upgrade the bomber. ‘…maintenance issues and repairs..’ indeed! The upgrade was costly, but it made all the units combat effective by providing six times the firepower needed to destroy a plasma steel Hive unit. Now the interceptors could engage ground forces and win, all things being equal.

                                It was irritating, but Morgan could understand. The Spartan campaign had not turned out to be a steamroller, with the Hive folding when seriously opposed. Santiago only now understood that Chairman Yang, paranoid that he was, was no pushover like Pravin. All of Santiago’s actions had only reinforced Yang’s delusions, making true his belief that all oppose his blighted vision for humanity.

                                Morgan sighed. Santiago deserved support, and in view of this he ordered upgrades for all interceptors in production to the latest weaponry. Two supply transports would be used to speed prototype production, and then each would be sent to support the Spartans. This would be a major setback, but not so much as the Spartans were forced to bear.


                                Main military runway, Fort Victory, Macedonia – SPARTA 2268

                                The last Morgan fighter plane was beginning the landing approach. The plane like that other eleven fighters that had landed was painted a rich golden yellow but for intents and purposes it looked exactly like a Spartan fighter. This was not totally unexpected since it was Sparta that had given aircraft technology to Morgan. However, Morgan engineers in there great zeal for efficiency and not wanting to spend a single mega-credit to continue the design process simply used the Spartan design. The last plane landed and quickly taxied to the hardened bunker where it would stay until it left. The Spartan ground technician waved the plane into the bunker and then signaled to the pilot to cut his engines. After a few minutes the cockpit opened up and the Morgan pilot, the commander of this fighter wing, jumped down from the plane and walked over the technician.

                                “So where are our quarters?” The pilot asked as he pulled his helmet off.

                                “Here.” The technician replied as he put the chocks under the wheels and then moved to a control panel.

                                “Excuse me technician, do you see here?” The pilot replied.

                                The technician didn’t say a word but quickly activated the controls and the massive blast doors began to shut.

                                “If you will follow me I will show you where you can sleep. Also at the end of the runway is our command center and repair facility. You can take your meals there.” The technician locked down the doors and then moved to the back of the bunker with the Morgan pilot in tow. Once at the back of the bunker a heavy “man-sized” blast door could be seen and once the technician opened the door the pilot saw that it lead downwards. The walked down the stairs for several minutes going about fifty feet down and the stairs ended at another heavy blast door. The technician opened it up and they walked in. The room was nearly empty and it was unpainted. The room measured 30 feet by 30 feet and it contained a bed, table, two chairs, a small monitor screen mounted to the wall and near the far corner of the room was a toilet and sink. The “shower” was tucked into the corner of the room and it had a simple dingy plastic sheet to keep the water out of the room.

                                “The door over there leads down a long corridor to the command center. Along the way you will find the rest of your crew. When the support crews and planes land they will be housed at the end of the runway near the repair facilities.” The Spartan jumped to attention and just stood there. The Morgan fighter pilot watched him for a few seconds and then nodded his head to the man, in the Morgan confederation useless military ceremonies such as this had been eliminated due to the fact they were inefficient. The technician dropped his salute and then turned and left the room via the door along the wall. The pilot walked over the bunk and sat down and wondered what in the world had he gotten into. From a strict military perspective the entire facility made sense it was designed for one purpose only, war. However, even the most “crude” Morgan bases had luxuries and excellent quarters to live in. Director Morgan took care of his people and made sure that the military was well cared for. This room on the other hand was worse than any jail he had ever seen. Well, there was not much else he could do now. This was the home base of operations for now.


                                Morgan Industries, MY 2268

                                Coronal Santiago,

                                I just saw the breaking news on Morganvision HoloNet about the Planet Blight that has struck one of your larger cities. Let me be the first to express my deepest sympathy since I know this will grievously affect your citizens. As we speak the Board has convened an emergency session on how to respond to this crisis, and I can assure you they will act promptly. The only small note of advice I can offer is to speed terraformers to the area as soon as possible to start rebuilding the devastated farms and forests.

                                Warm regards,
                                Director Morgan

