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  • #31
    Office of Col. Corazon Santiago, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2184

    Director and CEO Morgan,

    I have had my senior staff review your latest proposal for a truce and unfortunately the language is unacceptable to us since it resembles a treaty more than a truce agreement. Our terms of a truce are plain and unambiguous. One, we acknowledge your sovereign rights as an independent faction. Two, we will not initiate any hostile actions against your nation either on land or sea. Three, we will respect any and all borders that your nation has indicated through colonization of those lands. Four, we will maintain an open communication channel between your nation and ours in order to foster better relations. By your agreement to these terms you acknowledge our rights as well. At this time we see no reason to include economic or trading terms in any agreement. Once you send us an acceptable truce agreement, along with the agreed upon energy credits, then we will release the files to your care.

    It seems clear that you do wish to pursue additional levels of cooperation but at this time we cannot. Once we have made contact with all remaining survivors from the Unity crew then we can determine as to how we will proceed. Alliances for the Spartan people are taken very seriously and as such we do not enter into them lightly. If this troubles you all I can say is that patience is a virtue in both peace and war.

    Lastly, I find it regrettable that you do not wish to release your map files to us in exchange for ours. I have told the Captain of the SFS WARRIOR to make the best repairs he can at sea and hope for the best. I would have hoped that even limited emergency assistance would be acceptable to both parties. You can be assured that should we ever find any of your soldiers or sailors in need of emergency aid we will do everything within our power.

    Colonel Corazon Santiago
    Supreme Commander of the Spartan Federation
    Sparta Command

    Office of Director Boothe, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2184

    “Surely Director there is something you can do to help convince Colonel Santiago of the merits of switching to a free market system.” Benze said in a very pleading voice.

    “Mr. Benz the problem is Captain Somersby. He did a study and the results were not in our favor, for at least right now. It seems that even with the extra restrictions placed on the general populous there would be major problems with the civilian population. Control would be haphazard at best. Under the current system we are able to maintain control but the economic freedoms that an open market creates would require either a larger police force or more recreational outlets. Currently we do not have enough and the resulting disturbances would be overwhelming.” Boothe replied while reaching for another chocolate that Benz had kindly brought by.

    “Director, surely something can be done. My fellow industrialists have all pledged our support for any political changes the Colonel Santiago requires. Whatever means she has to employ to stabilize the Spartan Federation will be looked on in a favorable light I assure you.” Benz watched as Boothe continued to pop another chocolate into her mouth. Her appetites for many things had grown and grown and now he understood many things about her and how to control her.

    “Mr. Benz I will say this for the last time that as soon as certain improvements are completed within the next eight turns I have been told that Colonel Santiago will make the changes. Now if we can ever get payment from the Morganites then we might be able to implement changes even sooner.” Boothe stood up and began to walk around her desk, a clear indication that the meeting was done.

    “Well, thank you again for your support Director and let us hope that things move along quickly for all of us.” Benz shook her hand and turned to leave the room.

    “Mr. Benz, perhaps you could send over to my apartment another couple of boxes of these candies?”

    “Why of course Director.” Benz replied smiling to himself the whole time.


    Morgan Industries, MY 2184

    Coronal Santiago,

    I reviewed my previous offer and found that I was in error. The entirety of the previous text was not deleted, as I had thought, and it did contain the treaty terms to which you did not agree. Please accept my apology for the oversight.

    Your truce terms are both equitable and fair. I accept. You will find that I have modified the diplomatic offer, and I now believe it will be acceptable to you. The payment of 110 energy is attached and pre-approved, and your offer of a truce and the before mentioned technology is now clear.

    It is my earnest wish that we can, in time, forge a closer relationship. I can understand your need to understand the political lay of the land, so to speak, and support that. Perhaps this first interaction can be the start of a larger understanding.

    Yours truly,
    CEO Morgan
    Chair, Morganite Board of Directors


    Morgan finished his missive to Santiago, truly miffed at the bungling. To have something like this happen in the first negotiations with a potentially valuable trading partner! It was inexcusable and, regardless of thoughts to the contrary, the fault was purely his own. After a moment of thought he sent the revised message and hoped there was no error in it!

    Now, to other matters. It seems the Cyborgs had moved a foil into position by the transport. Of course it had no means of escape. The probe teams might, however, be able to complete their mission. He looked over the map and, not for the first time, cursed the unending expanse of sea fungus that infested the entire sea-lane. The transport could move southwest, where the probe teams could then operate against two Cyborg bases. That might even buy the foil some time. Morgan thought that it might have been better to put some armor on the transport – then it might have a chance, slim though it might be. If they survived the coming year Morgan decided to invest that energy since that, in combination with the fungus, might give them a fighting chance.

    The only other item of interest was that the recycling tanks were nearing completion at most bases, and most would be done in a few years. That was good. One side note was that the base manager at Solarflex had authorized raising the land his base, and an energy special had been raised out of the sea. At this moment terraformers were racing to develop this valuable resource. Morgan was pleased – this was a prime example of initiative, and he made a note to ensure he received a large bonus for his exemplary actions. This raising had another side benefit. It appeared that this had created a land bridge to the west. Now, wouldn’t that be interesting? More land for development, and exploitation! Marvelous!


    Communications center, Sparta Command, SPARTA – 2185

    “Major Hunt what do you mean you can not contact our new base at the alien temple?” Santiago yelled, her eyes full of frustration.

    “Colonel, there is nothing we can do. Due to the unique nature of this system when solar flares occur we anticipated they would create intense magnetic fields that could disrupt communications. I have checked with Director Boothe and her scientists support our conclusions and that is the solar storms will last for 18 to 20 turns.” Hunt picked up a thick folder and began to hand it to Santiago who bashed it to the ground in anger.

    “That is unacceptable!” Santiago roared. “We can not be without communications with our bases or troops for that long.”

    “Colonel, once again radio communications are not possible I can not make it more clear than that. All of the bases on Sparta are connected via buried cables. Blast Rifle Crag, Defiance Freehold and Fort Ticonderoga are connected via an undersea cable trunk line. However, the three new bases will have to communicate via messengers to bases that do have communication links. It’s the best we can do.” Hunt quickly fired back annoyed that she was getting blamed for an act of nature. She did not add that several times she had sent forward reports asking for more resources to increase the reliability and scope of the communication network. One of the ideas would be to eventually add a satellite system that could bounce laser signals back and forth; such a system would be immune to solar flares.

    Santiago watched Hunt standing there at attention waiting for another storm of anger but it was not her fault.

    “Major Hunt, I apologize. I know it’s not your fault and it’s not fair for me to take out my frustrations on you. Thank you for your efforts and whatever you can do to help please do so.” Santiago saluted Hunt and then turned and left the communications room. Lt. Colonel Mannsfield was standing outside of the communications room waiting for her.

    “No luck Colonel?’ Mannsfield asked as she fell in step with her as they walked down the hall towards the command center.

    “No, no luck. I suppose we should count our blessings for the things we did do. Fort Apache is up and running and we took a huge chunk of land away from Pravin Lal in doing so. We took away a fully developed farm and solar collection sector and more importantly the alien monolith. I did contact the commandant of Fort Ticonderoga and they did confirm that the 1st scout/rovers are in route to Fort Apache to give support. I am sure Pravin is livid over the land we claimed. He was the one who established the rules on how land would be claimed by colonies so I bet he is regretting that plan now. His capital must be experiencing some starvation due the farms he lost. He has over 70,000 people in his capital and having to feed all of them has to be a strain on his resources. He has pandered to the mob in the past so perhaps he might use our actions to start a war.”

    “Colonel, is that why you ordered the transport HAULER to move northwards to investigate the area around their capital? I did find it strange that you yourself handled the operational orders for that deployment rather than Commander Stepovich and the naval operations group.” Mannsfield waited for Santiago to reply but she continued to walk in silence. That was clearly an indication that the subject was not to be discussed in the hallway. When they reached the command center Santiago turned on him and grabbed his arm.

    “Mannsfield you do not need to concern yourself with what’s going with HAULER, is that clear?”

    “Yes Colonel.”

    Santiago spun around and quickly walked across the large command center to her office while Mannsfield continued to wonder what she was up to.


    • #32
      Morgan Industries, MY 2185

      Morgan was pleased. Not only had the Spartans accepted the diplomatic offer, they had done so just before the solar flares had rendered all further communication impossible. That was just as well. Moreover, the infiltration of the Cyborgs had gone very well indeed. There had been no resistance, and their lands now were open for inspection. Considering the dynamism of the infiltration it was highly unlikely that they would find all the creepers. The result was a treasure trove of information, from military status to research.

      And that last topic was of extreme interest. The second probe team had acquired a technology-of-opportunity: Adaptive Doctrine. Surely it was of no use now, but it may be in the future and the cadre of Morganite scientists were even now poring over the details. It also appeared the Cyborgs had other research that could be acquired, and it would be in due course. Unfortunately, the Cyborg foil had eliminated the transport, but that had been expected. It had served its purpose. It did remain to be seen if a defense against the foil’s possible predations could be found. Hopefully it would attract the attention of an isle of the deep and die a nasty death. But, it would not due to count on happenstance.

      The Spartan data had come through: Secrets of the Human Brain, High Energy Chemistry, and Nonlinear Mathematics. This, added to the theft from the Cyborgs, meant that Morganite science had advanced more on one year than in more than a quarter century. This boon was likely to affect future research, but that was acceptable.

      Other fronts were progressing well. The Morganite treasury had been tapped to finish two recycling tanks, which would boost overall production and allow those bases to concentrate their efforts elsewhere.

      The key would be the next year when the next breakthrough was predicted. Morgan could hardly wait to see what advance came in!


      Monolith site north of Fort Apache, Macedonia, SPARTA – 2186

      The espionage teams had left the transport ship by way of small inflatable rafts during the night as the ship was anchored off of the coast. It took little over an hour for them to reach the beaches were they quickly landed and then destroyed the rafts and swept the sands clear of any signs of the landing. Once inland they unpack their gear and handed out the various packs and parcels to the teams. They would travel in small groups and then once the various teams reached Fort Apache they were to rendezvous at warehouse that had been built for their use. Once there they would wait for the go signal from command and make their way across the border into Peacekeeper territory.

      Highguard Fortress, temple of the planet, Thrace, SPARTA – 2186

      “What do you mean we can raise command?” Commandant Jones demanded.

      “Commandant, our equipment is in perfect working order. However, from the type of static we are getting it looks and sounds like solar flare interference. If that is the case even the advanced communication at Sparta Command is useless. Until a messenger gets through we are on our own.” The communications chief replied. He had been trying for days to get the equipment to work and when he finished the assembly process all he heard was static. Even the video channel was snowy from interference. He had tried everything for weeks now but it was no good.

      “So that’s it then. We are cut off from command.” Jones slowly turned and walked out of the small communications room into the main meeting area. Luckily for the Jones she had her own garrison and the 1st L.E.R.P. regiment for support. She slowly walked into her office and then shut the door. Santiago had told her she could handle this command and had hand picked her for the assignment but now she was not sure. She thought things could be worse but they were not. The base had ample sources of energy, minerals and nutrients that seemed to all around the temple area. Even areas that were covered in fungus if a monolith was there one could still pull ample amounts of resources. It was like a miracle even the scientists from the investigation teams could not explain it. Well, she hoped that her sister who was commanding the other colony pod to the south found ample sources of resources as well.

      Three sectors due south of Highguard Fortress, Thrace, SPARTA-2186

      “Commandant are you sure this is the spot?” Commandant Terri Jones turned to face Captain Tom Sanders, commander of the garrison unit.

      “Yes captain, I am. Or I am as sure as I can be given that our communications are knocked out. I say we proceed with the plan as command laid out, we have no other choice.”

      “Commandant, there are always choices.” Sanders fired back. He hated being out here and he hated the fact that from every indication they would have next to nothing to support the base.

      “Captain, unless you plan a mutiny I suggest we continue on as planned, now get moving!”

      Sanders glumly turned and kept marching but he was mad a hell about this whole thing.


      Morgan Industries, MY 2186

      The pointy-headed scientists had finally come through!

      Morgan held in his hands the design parameters for Industrial Automation, which was without a doubt the most important economic breakthrough since Industrial Economics. While Industrial Economics gave a society the preparation to switch to a more efficient and lucrative Free Market economy, the wonders of Industrial Automation allowed something just as great, and near and dear to Morgan’s heart: WEALTH!

      Morgan’s breath caught just thinking about it. Within this one breakthrough was, perhaps, one of the keys to success on Chiron. This one technology, when implemented, would improve Morganite economy by 33 percent, and industrial capacity by 10 percent. That was nothing but amazing. There would be some significant restructuring fees, to the tune of 40 megacredits, but it was worth every joule.

      The long-term implications were staggering. Besides the obvious production advantages it provided something more – energy! Now each base would produce more energy, and that was the key to prosperity.

      At first the scientists were dismayed that the breakthrough time had doubled after the discovery of Industrial Automation. But implementing a Wealth-based economy would cut that by half. Moreover, the extra energy provided to the treasury was significant, and to the tune of a 30 percent increase. Yes, a switch would pay for itself in mere years, if that!

      And, as if these were not enough, there was more. Within this key technology was the ability to form units that would more efficiently gather resources, and then take them to any given respective city. After these supply crawlers were created they would provide a never-ending supply of resources, and this was a key. Previously production was tied to population, but no more. Now it was tied to created objects! The importance of this can now be overstated.

      Reviewing base production ques Morgan noted that a few had either finished or would be finishing soon recycling tanks or network nodes. Now they would get new orders: create supply crawlers. And, this would not be a ‘suggestion’ from the Board, but a direct order. Morgan had no doubt that any sane base manager would understand the importance, but it was possible that a few would not be as studious as might otherwise be desired. This directive would ensure there were no errors; that was key.

      Now, what to have the scientists focus on next? That was difficult. Nwabudike put in a request to have this put on the next Board meeting agenda; it would likely result in a furious and lively debate. Morgan looked forward to that.


      Fort Apache, warehouse complex north side of city, SPARTA-2187

      “Team leaders this will be the final meeting as a group because starting this afternoon teams #1 will leave followed by the rest of you in staggered in intervals. Unfortunately I still do not have any precise information as to the composition of garrison units stationed at the Peacekeeper capital. The solar flares make it impossible to send a clear signal so what we hope to do is send in the 1st scout/rovers to investigate and then they will pull back. On their way back they will rendezvous with your teams at these coordinates. Memorize them.” The infiltration team leader tapped a display screen next to him with a pointer. “Do not be late to the rendezvous point or you will not get the data. Well, before each team leaves I will meet them and cover any last minute details. Good luck to you all.” The group of forty-two men and women stood up and began to move to their respective areas in the warehouse to make last minute equipment checks. The team leader watched his people sort their equipment and make last minute adjustments. What worried him was the fact that they would most likely have to go right back to the Peacekeeper capital after this mission. Command had decided that the Peacekeepers could not be allowed to complete their newest secret project, the civilian defense force. The project would give each base the ability to quickly build a perimeter defensive wall and other improvements. Add this to their advanced command and control facilities and the Peacekeepers would rival the Spartans in military strength. It was crucial to the survival of the Spartan nation to have that technology. Hero’s Waypoint was only 6 turns away from completing the merchant exchange project but the resources could be switched quickly if they had access to the citizens defense force. So as soon as the teams left he had been ordered to begin planning the next infiltration attempt.

      SFS WARRIOR 18 sectors north of Sparta Command, open seas, SPARTA-2187

      “Captain radar has a contact bearing 270 relative. It’s a slow moving large contact. War-comp indicates the contact matches a transport vessel. Should we close to investigate?” The bridge officer turned and waited for a response. Captain Jorgenson had not been able to make any repairs yet to his ship since the last encounter with a sea worm. The crew had suffered only a single causality but the damage to the ship had been severe.

      “Lay in an intercept course, best speed possible.” Jorgenson leaned forward and began to review the radar data that was now being fed to his station. Yes, it was a transport and from the days the shadowed the University transport he was sure as anything it was the same configuration. If he could follow the transport back to University territory he might be able to find a safe harbor there and make repairs without threat of attack by the sea worms.

      “Once we close with the transport I want you to shadow them until and see where they are going, clear?”

      “Aye sir.”

      Jorgenson watched the duty officer log in the new orders into the computer and order the new course corrections. Without radio communications they would not be able to signal the transport of their intentions so he was worried they might do something dangerous if they closed in to hail them by voice. No, it would be much better to shadow them and see where they were going.

      Office of Col. Santiago, Sparta Command, SPARTA – 2187

      “Colonel you still have not made a decision as to when you plan on ordering the transition to a market economy. Can I ask why?” Boothe had asked for a private meeting today so she could find out why her proposal had not been acted upon. However, when she arrived at the colonel’s office Captain Somersby was already there. Santiago had asked for him to “set-in” on the meeting.

      “Director Boothe the answer is simple and easy to understand, civil unrest. Even with the additional restrictions I would impose on the civilians there would be still too much unrest. Once we complete the network nodes and the holo-theaters then we can re-look at the situation. An effective fighting force is only as good as the support behind it. If the civilians will not cooperate then I am left with few options. However, Captain Somersby is working on a new police force training program that might help our soldiers become more efficient in fighting crime and keeping the peace.” Santiago handed Boothe a single sheet of paper detailing the training program.

      “As you can see Director,” Somersby leaned over and pointed at one of the special training areas on the sheet. “That graft and corruption are the main reasons now why our current economic plan is not working as we had hoped. Many civilians are taking advantage of the many bureaucratic loopholes in the system to advance their own concerns.” Somersby looked up at Boothe, his eyes caught hers and she knew that he knew about all of her “gifts”. She was caught.

      “So you see Director, in time we might make the change but not now. Is that clear.” Santiago watched as Boothe slowly stood up and nodded.

      “Thank you Colonel.”


      South of Morgan Construction, MY 2187

      “So, what do you think is out there?” Private Lanny Westfield asked as he pointed to the ‘great unknown’ at the southern part of the Morganite continent.

      “Who knows,” Private Wipf said. “And who cares.”

      Lanny shrugged that off. “I’m going to ask the lieutenant. She’ll agree with me. We have to know!”

      Wifp didn’t even bother to shrug.

      Within minutes Lanny returned and he had a huge smile on his face. “Looks like we’re going! Get your stuff.”

      Wifp groaned. Moving meant moving, and moving meant work. He hated that.


      “I can’t believe my baby is so far away! Bring them home. They could get killed out there!!” Mrs. Westfield yelled at the seated base manager.

      “You can’t be serious. There is no point to being in the fungus. That’s where the worms are! I’ve seen the tri-V vids, and I know what happens to humans in fungus! I will not have my son have his eyes eaten out, and his brain infested with worms. Bring them home now!”

      There was a general murmur of agreement, and a hiccupping sob from Mrs. Westfield.

      Manager Morrison had had enough. It was certainly not worth the pain and agony to have the forward armored scout go so far from Morganite territory. “I understand your concern, and I will place a request to the military command to have the garrison move back into Morganite territory. In fact, I will do this as soon as soon as I can have some peace and quiet.’

      He left it unsaid that peace and quiet was impossible with a crowd of irate parents and anti-war activists. After he was done he examined some faces and was gratified to see that most had calmed down a little, and those in the back were leaving. The most resolute were the Westfields.

      “Is there anything else?” Morrison asked.

      “Yes, there is,” Mr. Westfield stated. “Our water tastes funny, and I think it needs to be tested immediately. If it is contaminated I’ll call my lawyer.”

      This was Morrison’s territory: placating minor citizen concerns. “I’ll send a team over within the next few days. Please as them for the credentials, and feel free to observe if you wish.”

      The Westfields nodded, and then they left.

      As soon as they were gone Morrison got to work. First, he composed a vid for the local military command, explaining the situation. He was sure the scout would be recalled to friendly territory. Then he looked into the water issue.


      • #33
        SFS WARRIOR, 32 sectors north of Sparta Command, SPARTA – 2188

        “Captain, I am sorry, we lost them.” The XO reported while giving an info pad to Jorgenson for his review. Sometime during the night the University transport simply out paced them due to the ships damage.

        “No problem, XO. Look at least we found land. We will anchor here and make repairs. It is amazing to find a monsoon jungle here of all places. Its just like the Amazon back on earth. At least we will have plenty of food to help tide us over till repairs are made.” Jorgenson swung out of his seat and walked out to the observation deck to watch the coast. It was gorgeous to say the least. White beaches of sand and jungle like vegetation. The crew had already been allowed to take day trips to the beach to relax under the security of an armed patrol. Once communications were restored he would inform command and have them send a colony pod here fast. With the rich resources of this land the Spartan people would expand even more.

        “Sir, perhaps you should go aboard?” His XO had been trying to get him to relax but there was just too much to do.

        “Sorry number one. Not now. Once repairs are done I will take a stroll, I assure you!”


        Morgan Industries, MY 2188

        Morgan took particular relish in allocating 70 megacredits to complete the last two recycling tanks. With those complete the first tier of infrastructure was complete, and all the 12 Morganite bases were productive. It was heartening to know that in a short while these same bases would be cranking out supply crawlers, and at two per base that would be 24 remotely units remotely harvesting resources! Of course, that would be a while before that lofty situation came to pass, but it wouldn’t be too long. After all, resources beget resources – that was a truism.

        There were some things on the back burner, such as a new transport to exact punishment on Aki for her unjust war. It would not be a hot war, oh no, but it would be an expensive one. For Aki the Cyborg, that is. The base would have to construct a new transport, but this time it would have to wait for at least one crawler to be completed. When it was ready there would be plenty of spies, and they would happily load up. Another interesting note is that the Cyborg impact foil that had caused so much worry had simply disappeared. It was unclear whether an isle got it, or if it was scrapped. Regardless, the Cyborgs were busy building a new foil. A Morganite foil would be done long before then, but its lack of training might be an issue. Hopefully a sensor and base advantage would be good enough. It was clear that it would not be venturing out into the fungus any time soon.

        A minor note is that the garrison that inadvertently went outside Morganite territory and caused so much consternation at distribution was now back in friendly territory. The drones had calmed down, and everything was back to normal. This little incident highlighted the importance of establishing a footprint in these areas soon. In fact, a new colony pod would be at its new home in two years. The territory was complete with a sensor and a nutrient special, and a river with a brand new forest. What could be better?

        That question was easy to answer: more money, industry, and bases, of course. The CEO promised that one day he would have it all, or have so much he wouldn’t care about the rest.


        Office of Colonel Santiago, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2188

        Corazon looked up from the report she was reading when the door buzzer alerted her that someone wanted to see here. She reached over and stabbed the intercom button.

        “Who is it?”

        “Colonel, Captain Somersby wants to see you he says its important.” Her bodyguard promptly reported.

        “Let him in.”

        The doors to her office opened and Somersby walked in holding a briefing book in his hand. One of the bodyguards watched him enter and then waited for instructions.

        “Close the door, no one is to disturb us, no one!” The guard quickly pulled the door shut.

        Somersby walked up to Santiago’s desk and stood at attention saluting which she promptly returned.


        “Thank you Colonel. The mission was a success. My team of computer experts has been able to examine all of the data and information stored in the Peacekeeper data banks and I have prepared this report. All of the team members returned unharmed and the Peacekeepers as far as we know have no idea of what we did. As new information comes in I will send you a report or if you wish I can get you the raw data. As you instructed all of this information is for your eyes only and not to be distributed to the other command staff elements.” Somersby put the report on Santiago’s desk. Corazon pulled it to her and opened it up.

        The report was broken down into various categories but the first one she wanted to see was military strength what she found astounded her. The Peacekeepers had only a small handful of troops and none of them were equipped with nothing more then assault rifles and one rover had a laser cannon. None of the troops had armor of any type. What was amazing was the fact that of the seven cities the Peacekeepers had three of them had no military garrisons at all! The Peacekeepers had three counter espionage teams but that was it. The Peacekeeper capital was protected by a single laser armed rover and that was it. What did concern her was the fact that the Peacekeepers were only eleven turns away from completing the citizens defense force project. If they did complete it along with their advanced command and control system they could become very powerful enemies. If Sparta could steal the technology from the Peacekeepers they could complete the project before the Peacekeepers since they were only six turns away from completing the merchant exchange project. Santiago continued to read the report further as she delved deeper into the inner workings of the Peacekeepers. The research rates were about the same but the Peacekeepers had more energy to commit to production and research and as such they were averaging a breakthrough every 10 to 12 turns. What was really important was the lack of any organized military. Pravin Lal had always been a fool when it came to military matters and now he would pay the price.

        “What are your thoughts concerning this information?” Santiago asked as she glanced up from the report.

        “Colonel, I would attack.” Somersby replied quickly.

        “Explain in more detail, why would you attack?”

        “Colonel we could quickly upgrade our forces at Fort Ticonderoga within a few turns and build another infantry regiment as well. We stage them on the border and then quickly cross over and smash that lone defender to bits and claim their capital. As I see it we have no choice because if you read all of the report you can quickly see that the Peacekeeper nation is a sleeping giant. We need to strike now within the next decade before they have the chance to use their greater production power against us. What good does it do us if we have the best soldiers in the world when they will overwhelm us with numbers? If we strike and capture their capital we will force them on the defensive and then we can move against the other cities. We need to do it now.” Somersby finished and waited for Santiago to reply.

        Corazon could not agree more but the issue was troops. She had ordered the transport to move northwards to scout along the Peacekeeper coast and now it would have to hurry back to act as a ferry to move troops across from Sparta to Macedonia to support the attack. That would be at least four turns to get the transport into position. Also, she would have to order the production stopped and switched at several bases to meet the new troop requirements needed for the attack and then holding the bases. She debated for several seconds with herself the pros and the cons but then she remembered the old saying, “he who hesitates is lost”. They Spartans would attack, they had to, there was no other choice but the attack had to succeed on the first assault that was clear. She could commit the alien battle robot to the attack that would insure their victory. However, the transport had to get back fast. All energy reserves had to be committed for this upcoming battle because even if they did capture the city they would have to hold it against repeated counter attacks and then launch their own counter-offensive. This was the moment Sparta had been created for. All of her work and her blood had gone into this moment of decision. The strong must become stronger. Once she had the Peacekeepers under her control she could consolidate her position as the strongest power on Chiron. What was even better with the solar storms in effect the Peacekeepers could not contact any of the other factions for military assistance, which was just another reason to attack now. She looked at Somersby her eyes a blaze with energy.

        “I agree Somersby, we will attack. I will hold a war council session this afternoon to plan the attack and make the changes and orders needed to accomplish it. Any changes in troop deployments or in military production by the Peacekeepers and you will alert me at once. On the eve of the attack I might have your team launch another espionage mission to steal the citizen defense force technology. This way we are assured that one way or another we will complete it before them. Also, is it possible to sabotage their defensive wall before the attack?”

        “Yes Colonel, they can do that.”

        “Excellent. Okay first they will steal the technology a few turns before the attack and then launch the sabotage mission on the eve of the attack. If I am correct you have a plan in place that we could use to frame another faction for the theft of the project files?”

        “You are correct again Colonel.” Somersby replied quickly.

        “Excellent, we do not want to tip our hand as to our true intentions to soon. With their defensive systems off-line it would be all the easier for our troops to wipe out the garrison and claim the city as ours. Put a plan together as soon as possible as to how you would coordinate these attacks by your espionage teams and have it to me by tomorrow.” Corazon stood up and walked around the table and shook Somersby’s hand after he stood up.

        “Excellent work, excellent. Now, you and I both need to get to work.”

        Command center, Sparta Command, SPARTA – 2188

        In the command center the entire senior council had been assembled as quickly as possible. Santiago stood up and picked up a pointer and slammed the tip down on the Peacekeeper capital displayed on the map.

        “We are attacking the Peacekeeper capital in five turns.” She quickly looked up to gauge the reactions of the staff. Mannsfield was a blank slate, as always, he did not blink an eye. Major Stewart on the other hand looked like he had just been shot; his face was contorted and red. The others had various looks of surprise and dismay.

        “Colonel, if I might ask, why?” Commander Stepovich was the first to ask.

        “Simple, they are weak. I have reliable information that the Peacekeepers have practically no army to speak of. In fact, their capital has only a single loan unarmored rover regiment to protect it. If we strike quickly enough we can scoop up several cities before the Peacekeepers can even begin to react. In addition to their military strength I have good information that the Peacekeepers have only seven cities. Once we take two or three of them we would essentially cut them off at the knees. We then regroup and prepare for their feeble counter attack and then we go back on the offensive to scoop up the remaining bases.” Santiago quickly replied as she keyed in a program on the map table that showed the route of the attack and the forces used.

        “Colonel, in order to get our troops ready we will have to use up all of energy reserves, is that wise?” Director Boothe asked hesitantly.

        “Yes, it is wise. Once we gain the resources and population of even a few Peacekeeper cities will be able to build anything we want.” Santiago quickly fired back.

        “Colonel I think this a bold plan but perhaps you could show us in more detail the intelligence that you have.” Mannsfield turned to Santiago, his eyes locked with hers.

        “I will have a separate meeting later today with you lt. Colonel and Major Hudson, Major Gregovich and Commander Stepovich. At this time the how I got the information is very sensitive and for those who need to know only. After the meeting Major Hudson and Lt. Colonel Mannsfield will begin drawing up the war plan for my approval. Everyone here is to give both of these soldiers their full support, is that clear!”

        “YES COLONEL!” Everyone replied quickly.

        “Excellent, let’s get this done!


        • #34
          Morgan Industries, MY 2189

          “We need to find a path forward,” Morgan stated. “In five years we will be finishing the first set of supply crawlers, which will significantly boost mineral production. Some of these bases will produce more crawlers, but others will have to have to complete new infrastructure.”

          “I recommend at least two bases produce colony pods. By the time the first wave of crawlers are complete the terraforming to our south will be well along, and will likely have at least two more base locations done,” Director Slike said.

          Morgan nodded. “Agreed. Rothchild, please ensure that enters the record. Any other ideas?”

          “Yes,” Director Smithe said. “We need to continue our actions against the Cyborgs, so Morgan Transport needs to complete a new transport and then drain the Cyborgs dry. If we’re lucky they’ll have another breakthrough or two. That will benefit us greatly.”

          “Agreed,” Morgan said. “Any dissent?”

          There were lots of heads shaking, and no objection.

          “What about our special project, the Merchant Exchange?” Morgan asked.

          “I am not sure we need to hurry that along. I’ve looked over the statistics, and I’m not impressed. Continuing to stockpile resources is a good idea, however,” Director Slike said.

          “Any other critical infrastructure?” Morgan asked.

          “I think we need to invest in children crèches,” Lathke said. “The efficiency bonus would be a boon, particularly in remote bases. This would also provide significant growth bonuses. Moreover, the increased industrial production facilitated by crawlers will make this a fairly short task. It might be a while before we can do this, though.”

          More nods.

          “A few bases may need holo theatres, but not many. Most are perfectly stable,” Smithe said. “I believe that Antimatter will finish its holo theatre soon, and that it has a supply crawler planned after that.” She looked over to Rothchild for confirmation, who nodded.

          “Rothchild, formalize these recommendations in the minutes and then send it to the board members for approval,” Morgan said.


          Sparta Command, office of Capt. Somersby, SPARTA-2190

          Somersby could not believe his eyes; surely this could not be true. The Peacekeepers had abandoned their entire research program for some reason and used the cumulative assets left over to build a scout infantry regiment. This had to be the most colossal waste of resources he had every seen. But another defender was better than none at all. Also, the citizens of UN Headquarters were near full riot over the lack of food and resources, perhaps Pravin needed more police. Santiago had authorized another intrusion into the Peacekeeper base and all they had come back this time is some worthless files on improving sea fungus production. Worthless. They would have to go back again but that did not matter. The fact that Pravin had dumped his research program was indication enough that he now anticipated the Spartan attack and was trying to stop it as best he could. Fool, it was too late. He had declared vendetta for all the good it would do him. Fort Apache had completed the upgrades on the 1st attack rovers, as they were called now. Synth-armor and laser weapons more than a match for lone scout rover at the base. Santiago had been true to her word. There were now four heavy attack rover regiments being built with full impact weapons and plasma armor. She had also authorized the production of another pulse-armor protected impact foil to destroy the few transports the Peacekeepers had. One of the transports had been detected carrying an espionage team moving south to Sparta. It would soon be destroyed as well. It seemed that as the data flowed in from the Peacekeepers they were trying to build several more scouts to help keep order rather than defend their lands. Somersby stood up and gathered his data. Off to see Santiago and give her another report.


          Morgan Energy Monopoly, MY 2190

          Morgan was basking in the afterglow. The dedication of the 13th Morganite base Morgan Energy Monopoly had gone well. The inexorable expansion of the Morganites now extended well south into the partially unexplored lands, and they were rich. This base boasted a nutrient special, which massively boosted growth, and a nearby river. Terrain had long since been improved, and the base had been constructed on a sensor to ensure that it had an intrinsic defense. Nearby was a river, which was already forested. The formers who had prepared this site had already moved southeast to remove the rocky outcrop on yet another nutrient special, which was also on a river. That would be an even better spot for a base than this one!

          This area was almost too good to be true. There was room for at least 10 more bases, if that amount of expansion was economic, and Morgan suspected that the laws of diminishing returns would start to kick in before too many more were constructed. But, the lucrative locations would have to be utilized, and hang the cost. These were excellent bases that gave an immediate return on the investment.

          Morgan raised his glass in another toast. This one was for the first foil in the Morganite fleet: MS Bounty. It was a modest thing, but it was a start, and it would provide protection against Cyborg attack. The Cyborg lands were all too close. One day something definitive would have to be done about that.

          For now Nwabudike was content to savor the moment.


          War journal of Col. Santiago year 1, SPARTA – 2191

          This journal is to record my thoughts and observations on the war with the Peacekeepers for future generations to learn from.

          Year one of the war, 2191

          The first year of the war opened up with some very interesting moves on both sides. We have completed our war production plans and the plants are now building heavy assault rovers and weapons. Sparta Command has nearly completed the construction of a new attack class foil that has pulse-plasma armor and high-energy dual impact cannons with trance protection shielding. Once the ship is launched it will scour the seas of Peacekeeper ships and transports. We did loose the SFS HAULER this turn due to an attack by Peacekeeper foil. The HAULER was destroyed but the crew fought bravely and drove their transport into the Peacekeeper foil causing considerable damage. I have awarded all of the crew our highest awards for bravery for their actions, posthumously. Our land campaign is still in the early stages since we are still collecting our forces to begin the drive. We have destroyed several espionage teams as they tried to penetrate our territory but in turn the Peacekeepers have done the same to us. We sent our espionage team into the Peacekeeper capital again but they were caught this time and executed by the Peacekeepers. I have used the Peacekeeper actions to create some very effective propaganda but if I had caught Peacekeeper saboteurs in our capital I would have done the same.

          I am still confident of our ultimate victory since Pravin Lal is an idiot but I think it will be at least a decade before I can bring sufficient power to bear to strip his capital from him. We have many advantages that aid our cause the chief among them is the fact that the Peacekeeper capital is right on our border with no supporting cities near by. We can continue to hammer it while he has to funnel reinforcements along a coastal road. The mountains to the east make any military deployments very difficult. While we on the other hand have a road connecting Fort Apache and Fort Ticonderoga. My chief concern is still the fact that our bases on Macedonia have to be supplied by transport across the narrow channel between Sparta and Macedonia. We also need to concentrate on more probe teams to help defend our bases and steal more technology from the Peacekeepers.
          Our greatest advantage, aside from our noble soldiers, is the fact that we have full access to the Peacekeeper data banks so nothing they build or do is hidden from us. While they are as blind as a bat where we are concerned. As long as we have this advantage I think victory is a forgone conclusion.

          Our goals for now are simple and straightforward. Build more combat troops and when we have an effective field force take the Peacekeeper capital and all of the resources and the special command and control center they have there. Once we have that victory is ours.


          Morgan Industries, MY 2191

          “Here is the simulation you asked for,” Rothchild said as he handed Morgan his datapad, which Morgan took and examined in silence for a few minutes.

          “What is your analysis?” Morgan asked as he pored through the metaanalysis.

          “Switching to a democratic political government has many advantages,” he started. “Overall the democratic political system is very efficient. It enhances growth, and it would allow some of our size 2 bases to grow to size three in fairly short order, and the difficult jump from 3 to 4 would be attainable in a much shorter time, too. Another significant benefit is the boost in overall efficiency. This means that our bases lose less energy to waste, which is a particular problem for cities that are further from the supervision of Morgan industries. In essence, distance breeds energy loss. This efficiency also reduces the bureaucratic overhead, which results in more effective application of governmental resources. The bottom line here is happier citizens, which is critical at our size 2 bases that don’t have a recreation commons yet, and our size 4 bases that are experiencing the joys of bureaucratic inefficiency and have to devote resources to keeping the unwashed masses happy.”

          Rothchild leaned over to point out a few key elements of the analysis, which Morgan then examined. Rothchild continued, “Overall, our energy reserves would grow by 16 percent and our research by about 7 percent.”

          “And the downside?” Morgan asked. He knew the answer, but wanted to hear another version.

          “Each base will have less industrial resources to support its troops and support units. This will mean that each base will have from 12 to 20 percent of its industrial capacity tied up in direct support costs,” he said.

          “It seems to me that is significant, and that the industrial loss is greater than the gain,” Morgan commented.

          “Likely true,” Rothchild admitted. “But, that will not be true when the second wave of supply crawlers starts gather resources. Right now four crawlers have been completed, although one was allocated to complete the plasma steel prototype. In the next few years the rest of the bases will finish their first, and within six years all will have at least one and possibly two crawlers. This will double the industrial potential of most bases. Then the penalties of a democratic government will seem trivial by comparison to its advantages.”

          “My conclusion exactly,” Morgan said as he put down the datapad. Holos continued to cycle, showing 4-D graphs and multi layered displays, many of which blinked into existence and then, seeing that they weren’t being examined, disappeared just as quickly. “It is not the time to execute a democratic government. Yet. But, within five years there will be no reason not to move in that direction.”

          The CEO pushed the datapad back toward Rothchild. “Package this for the Board, and get their feedback. Some of them actually have original thoughts, or points of view that contribute to the decision making process. Get their opinions and prepare for a Board of Directors meeting in two days. Will that work?”

          Rothchild picked up his datapad and tapped a few time, calling up a virtual calendar. “Yes, it will. Next Tuesday, at 10:00 am. Acceptable?”

          “Fine. See you then. Now, show in the manager from Monopoly. She has a grievance that has made it to me so it must be important.” Morgan sighed. He knew it wasn’t, but to become detached from day to day drudgery was a dangerous path – one he would not follow.


          Office of Colonel Santiago, SPARTA – 2192

          War journal entry, year 2 of the war, SPARTA 2192

          We continued our war preparations by taking another look at our war production capacity. It was clear to me that we would need more heavy attack rovers and three more units were put into the production queue. This would bring our attack force to four heavy assault rovers and two medium assault rovers along with several infantry units. The entire army should be complete in less than eight turns.

          Pravin continues to build up his military but at a much smaller pace. He is building basic scout units that would stand no chance against a one on one battle with our heavy rovers. I am still amazed at his stupidity. With the small number of bases he has he lacks the industrial capacity facilities to create a larger force. I suspect that even building the few military units he has done is a great strain on his support capacity.

          I have also made preparations with Captain Somersby to add more espionage teams to our attack force. They should prove very useful when the time is right. However, I must not let other goals or events to distract me from our primary goal, the capture of Pravin Lal’s headquarters. I have decided that we will build no further colony pods to expand but rather due it through conquest. Director Boothe has convinced me that we should still try to continue a modest expansion program in Thrace due to the fact that the continent is uninhabited and the resources there should be developed. I have placed her in charge of this program with the goal of expanding our four holdings into eight within the next twenty turns.

          Lastly, I have decided that recalling WARRIOR would take far too long since she is so far north. It will be better to use her to continue her exploration efforts and hunting sea worms.

          This completes my journal entry.

          Morgan Transport, MY 2192

          "I just hope we have better luck than our predecessor," First Officer MacGier said.

          First Mate Wallans didn't say anything. He didn't have to. Everyone knew that the first transport went down with all hands just out of Cyborg territory. Yes, they had successfully delivered their 'cargo' of espionage teams, but it had been a one-way trip. It was also well known that roving Cyborg foils were not the only threat out there. Isles of the deep were a constant threat, and although the foil's armor might help a little they were likely to lose. Or if they won they would be critically wounded. It was too bad that the CEO decided that trance training was not 'cost effective'. That would have given them a fighting chance.

          "Say, where are the probe teams? They were hear a while ago."

          Wallans didn't look up. "They're in the forest southwest of Transport."

          "Why the h*ll are they there?! They need to be in the city to load up! We'll be ready to go soon!"

          Wallans shrugged.

          "Does the captain know?" he asked.

          "I suppose," Wallans said. "You're the First Officer. Go ask."

          MacGier paused. Then he turned and left.

          The First Mate never ceased to be amazed at how dense officers could be.


          Office of Colonel Santiago, SPARTA – 2193

          War journal entry –year 3, SPARTA 2193

          The Peacekeepers made a crude attack on our outpost, Fort Apache. Our veteran medium attack rover regiment that was assigned there easily dispatched the laser equipped/synth-armored infantry regiment. I wonder why he wasted so many good men for nothing. I ordered the rover regiment to use the alien monolith technology to regenerate and then return to base. They had only suffered light damage but it was still better to get them back to 100%.

          Our sensors detected a Peacekeeper transport sailing past Bunker 118 and it had an espionage team loaded on it. The SFS WARSPITE is complete and it will now leave dock and cruise at maximum speed to intercept and destroy the transport. I have issued orders to execute any espionage teams that Pravin lands.
          Our war production is on track and we should be able to field our assault force within eight turns. It seems clear now that our attempts to capture the technology for the citizen’s defense force have failed. I blame myself for this, no one else. My plans were hasty and crude. I should have attempted several espionage attacks at multiple Peacekeeper bases.

          For now Pravin still is not moving quickly to build any major infantry or heavy rover attack regiments so it now is just a matter of time.


          Middle Sea south of Morgan Transport, MY 2193

          “We have a chance, but not much of one,” Captain Colsted said. “Industries just squirted me that our target Cyborg base just completed an impact foil. Don’t tell me how they did it so soon, or how they converted their production so quickly. All we know is that it is complete and on an intercept course.”

          “What are our orders?” First Officer Shane McGier asked.

          “To continue to our target,” the captain said. “We will have to bank on our plasma armor, and the fungus we hope to hid in. There is a small chance they won’t see us there, but I wouldn’t count on it. I hear reports that the fungus will give us a significant bonus, miring the foil before it can get to us.”

          “What if we can’t enter the fungus? What happens then?” the senior purser asked.

          “Then we’ll have to trust to luck. We have to get our probe teams into position, and they should be able to penetrate and, with a little luck, procure either data or energy. The decision has been left in their hands.”

          “We don’t seem to have much luck with our sea efforts, have we sir,” the first officer said.

          “No we don’t. But, we take what we are given. Gong back to base wouldn’t do much good since we’d just be destroyed in port. It’s better that we do what we can, and hope for a little luck.”

          The crew nodded and got ready for the mad dash for the fungus. It was not lost on them that they were trusting their fates to a life form inimical to humans. Poetic justice? Hardly.


          • #35
            Office of Colonel Corazon Santiago, SPARTA – 2194

            War journal of Col. Santiago, YEAR four of the war with the Peacekeepers,
            SPARTA 2194

            Another “uneventful” year in our war against the Peacekeepers. There were no attacks our counter-attacks. Our production goes well and more units are coming on line each year. We will have another transport done by next year and the SFS WARSPITE will make contact next turn with the Peacekeeper transport with orders to sink it. Pravin’s planning seems to be our greatest ally in this war. He still is woefully behind in production and when we complete our forces we will be able to roll over him like water over a rock.

            However, with that being said we are dreadfully behind in the training and equipping of counter-espionage units and as such we are vulnerable to his attacks. We need to keep the war on our terms but Pravin seems to want to make it war of espionage. This will not happen.

            Our colonies in Thrace our expanding and the 1st L.E.R.P team have found three more very hospitable sites for future expansion. I almost hope though they find more worms because we need energy now more than every. Even the infusion of 30 energy credits would go along way to completing several military units.

            Once the war is over we can consolidate our gains and rebuild the shattered Peacekeeper cities but for now we need to concentrate at the task at hand. Destroying the Peacekeepers.


            Morgan Industries, MY 2194

            Morgan was both pleased and disappointed. Alpha Team had procured the files for polymorphic software from the Cyborgs, and that would allow building artillery, which would be most useful when defending against Cyborg sea attack. The second team had tried to penetrate the same city and had decided the risks. After the first attack the citizens were on their guard, and Beta Team knew this. However, they decided to make the attempt, and that was the last that anyone heard from them.

            The second major disappointment was that the Cyborg foil had barely destroyed the plasma foil. Dutiful to the last, the crew had squirted the results of the mêlée and then there had been silence. This was the second transport constructed and lost at sea, which is a terrific investment in resources. Was it worth it? Probably yes since two technologies had been acquired, and the Cyborg datalinks had been penetrated. But, when one considers two foils and a probe team the price in material was steep. The next question – construct a new transport, and a few more probe teams?

            Not yet. The second wave of supply crawlers was about to come out. There were already eight working the land, and nine more in production. Morgan Mines boasted an impressive 14 production now, and Industries wasn’t far behind with 12. And, this was after support costs! In short order constructing a transport or probe team would be a trivial thing at almost any Morgan base. Then the Cyborgs would pay!

            It was also clear that a switch to a democratic government was gaining strength. The company Morgan Information had been hired to begin laying the groundwork among the populous for the last two years and, it was clear, they had been successful. The Morganite democracy would not be the chaotic free for all that was so common on lost Earth. There would be no complete election. By law, Morgan would retain his position of Chair of the Board, and the elections would affect a parliament to guide some policy and local Managers would be elected. It had been determined that this brand of democracy would have the same efficiencies as other models, and that was a good thing.

            The treasury was swelling too. With all the supply crawlers in production there was noting else to spend on, except for the Merchant Exchange project. After looking over the stats Morgan was not convinced. Another possibility was the Planetary Transit System, which would offer stability for small bases and incredible early growth. Tempting. But, accumulating resources was not a bad investment either. That seemed to be the prudent course.


            Office of Col. Corazon Santiago, SPARA – 2195

            War journal entry, fifth year of the war with the Peacekeepers, SPARTA 2195

            This year marks a low point in Spartan history. Late last night we lost all communications with Fort Apache. We can find no explanation as to the reason for the fall other than treachery. There were no espionage teams nearby yet the base is out of our control. We also lost the 1st medium assault rovers and the garrison unit that was stationed there. They are no where to be found which only heightens the mystery. I have ordered that increased emphasis on military production must commence at once in order to reclaim our lost city. Pravin Lal will pay for this ultimate indignation! The final outcome is ordained, we Spartans are the superior race, the superior soldiers the superior planners.

            Some of our military units will reach Macedonia soon to start re-claiming what is ours. I have ordered that no mercy showed by shown to any Peacekeeper soldier. Let their deaths pave the road to our ultimate victory.


            Morgan Industries, MY 2195

            Morgan couldn’t resist. He had to spend some cash, and there were only a few things to reasonably spend it on. First, there was a small base that was struggling to get its first supply crawler done. Most bases were starting or finishing their second crawler, and one base was finishing its fourth. So, since they were half done, Morgan authorized their request for an infusion of energy.


            Next, Morgan Monopoly had two problems. First, it was growing too fast since it was on a nutrient lode. Soon it would be at size three and it was certain that, even with the stabilizing benefits of the Human Genome Project, that the base would start to riot. Second, they were working on a colony pod. So, to solve two problems at once Morgan allocated some energy to finish the colony pod. Now the base could start a supply crawler while the colony moved into position to take advantage of yet another nutrient lode a mere three sectors away. The road should be long done by then, and that base would be immediately productive. It was good thing to have too much growth!

            The Board of Directors had recently resolved another troublesome issue. Core bases were either starting or would quickly finish children’s crèches. This would boost efficiency and growth, which was always a good thing. Now, with bases producing at least 12 industrial equivalents each, a crèche was not such a large undertaking anymore. Moreover, an infusion of energy could finish a project a bit early, if that made sense.

            The other pressing issue had been decided, too: Morganite society would switch to a democratic government in two years. By then almost all bases would have their industrial power augmented by crawlers and the industrial inefficiency would be negligible.

            Morgan signed the last energy transfer authorization and sent it on its way. Then he sat back and smiled.


            Office of Colonel Santiago, Sparta Command, SPARTA – 2196

            War journal entry of Colonel Santiago, year six of the war with the Peacekeepers, Sparta – 2196

            The war has taken a turn for the worse, once again. Captain Somersby has informed me that several Peacekeeper espionage teams are poised to make an assault on Fort Ticonderoga. If this occurs we will loose our last toehold on Macedonia, a terrible blow to the Spartan war effort and our people. I have learned a great deal of the treachery of Pravin Lal and I intend to repay in ten fold for the indignity he has visited upon us. I ordered a probe team to be completed at Fort Ticonderoga but it might be too late to help. I have several other probe teams under construction. I have decided that we need build up our resources and stage them for the big counter-attack we intend to launch. There is a sector of fungus that should provide cover for our armies and counter-espionage teams as they build up for the attack. I have yet to decide if we need to strip some garrison units for the attack as well. Suffice it to say it will be ten long turns before we can begin our next assault and from the report I am getting from Somersby the Peacekeeper giant might be awake at last. It will be a tough struggle one that I am committed to winning at all costs but we need to win it or face the destruction of the Spartan nation.

            I was worried that last turn we lost contact with the Peacekeeper transport, the captain of the WARSPITE guessed incorrectly that the transport went north when now it looks clear it went south. I have ordered the WARSPITE to change course and intercept the transport.
            If there is any “silver” lining to these war years it can be found in Thrace. Our Thracian colonies are expanding and will be able to provide a secure source of energy and eventually soldiers to the conflict ahead.

            I close this years journal summary knowing that I failed to anticipate and properly prepare for this war. I should have consulted more with my senior staff to the pros and cons of this war. If we had waited just another four or five turns the outcome at this point would be vastly different.


            Morgan Industries, MY 2197

            Rothchild entered the conference room with a large contingent of scientists, headed by Dr. Lynn Brant, who had taken over as head researcher after the sudden resignation of his predecessor due to the “Progenitor Psych” fiasco. Morgan and the rest of the Board were in attendance, as they always were when the latest fruits of Morganite research were announced.

            The scientists wasted no time since they knew the Board’s time was valuable. They set up their few hard visual displays and then activated a few data crystals they had brought with them. Rothchild took his chair near the side of the room and pulled out his datapad and immediately started making notes. Dr. Brant looked up at the CEO to indicate he was ready.

            “I’m delighted you and your team can meet with us,” Morgan said. “As always, I look forwards to your results and the fruits they will bring our society.”

            Dr. Brant inclined his head to acknowledge the CEO. He did not miss the direct reference to ‘fruits they will bring to our society’. He knew the CEO was results oriented.

            “Thank you sir, and thanks to the Board for continuing to generously funding our research,” he started. “I’m sure you’ve all read the abstracts we sent in advance of our meeting. To sum up, we have developed a highly advanced economic model that emphasizes ecologic conservation and that has the benefit of extreme efficiency. We call it the Green model. The main penalty is that growth is impaired somewhat.”

            He looked up at the Board and noticed the hard expressions on their faces. None of them was at all interested in ‘conservation’, nor were they particularly interested in efficiency. They especially weren’t interested in less growth.

            “This is clearly laid out in the abstract, and you can use this to effect any simulations you might care to complete. This, however, is not the primary benefit of this technology, which we’ve dubbed ‘Centauri Empathy’, for reasons that will be clear in a moment.

            “This breakthrough is more than just an ecologically oriented economic model, however. We have been able to prove, for the first time, that this planet is, in a sense, alive. Moreover, it appears that aspects of it may be sentient. Before you judge this prematurely please access the information in Appendix 2. This should show you that this is a serious finding, not some metaphysical fantasy, as we first thought.

            “This opens some disturbing and fascinating possibilities. First, it implies that the attacks we have suffered may be cooridinated in some way by the ecology of Chiron. Mindworm attacks have afflicted us from our first days here. Second, this technology allows us the ability to overcome them, by forming an empathic understanding of their nature.”

            A few Board members were getting restive, openly disbelieving what they were hearing.

            “This is key,” Brant continued. “We are now able to use this empathic understanding against the worms. In short, we can use this to attack and defeat them. Our analysis projects we will have a fully 33 percent greater chance on land, and 50 percent greater success at sea by using what has been called the Empath Song. Again, before you dismiss this finding please look over the data I’ve provided. And then test it yourself.

            “Lastly, this empathic link has a side effect I’m sure you will be interested in. Not only can this empathic ability of Chiron be used against native life forms, but it can also seek out human life forms wherever they exist on Chiron. Now, this is somewhat theoretical and it will take significant resources to prove, but I think this can be the ultimate data gathering ability known to man. Think of it: being able to locate any other Unity survivors and then, after contact, see the surface thoughts of their peoples. From this diffuse knowledge we can, with sufficient effort, literally know what they are doing and where they are doing it. There will be no need for probe teams, as was needed against the Cyborgs. For instance, if this Empath Guild Project is funded, we will be able to see the inner working of the University, or even the Spartans. I’m sure you will agree that would be eminently useful.”

            Morgan held up his hand. His face was hard, and he had heard enough. Dr. Brant stood perfectly still.

            “Your data are…interesting, and they will have to be confirmed,” Morgan stated. “If true this is an amazing breakthrough. However, I want to be clear that I will be sorely disappointed is there is some flaw in your data or conclusions. This Board has items of some importance to consider, and it would be unfortunate if our time were misallocated. Do you have anything else?”

            Dr. Brant swallowed hard. “No, sir.”

            “Very well,” Morgan said. “Thank you for the presentation. We will be in direct contact with you, and I have given the Board members a 1-megacredit budget to fund their own verification studies, if they deem it appropriate. Your finding will have to be verified. Good day, doctor.”

            Rothchild got up and opened the door. The quiet scientists filed out of the room, and Rothchild closed the door after them.

            As soon as they were gone the Board erupted in heated argument.

            Office of Colonel Santiago, Sparta Command, SPARTA – 2197

            War journal entry, the seventh year of the war with the Peacekeepers, Spartan year 2197.

            We have lost Fort Ticonderoga. It fell to the combined assaults of espionage units and infantry units. This is now the lowest point in our war with the Peacekeepers and I now feel doubt creeping into some of my decisions. The usual tough and confident demeanor of the command staff of late was non-existent. I blame myself once again to listening to poor advice at the time and not being more patient.

            We did complete the merchant exchange project and it has helped greatly to repairing our failing energy production. The loss of even two bases has been a blow indeed to our overall energy reserves. Our budget has now been depleted and we are running on low reserves. Energy credits have been spent to complete needed improvements such as energy banks or children crèches so that production facilities can be freed up to support more military production. My chief concern now is the transport of all of our military hardware. I have asked the command staff to prepare a report detailing the transport requirements to ship the needed military hardware to Macedonia to begin our counter offensive. It was bleak to say the least. We will need at least one, possibly two more transports. Currently our Spartan production facilities do not have the resources or capacity to build another transport. So we will most likely have our Thracian colonies help support the war effort.

            In all, I am still positive of the inevitable outcome of the war but I fear we have given the enemy a terrible resolve to fight to the bitter end. I have amended the battle orders to reclaim our old cities first, fortify them against counter assaults and then on to UN Headquarters. It seems so easy but it will be hard.

            We will begin to stage military units in a secret location next turn next to Fort Ticonderoga. Our hope, our plan is that the enemy will not see the forces until it is too late for them to react.

            In closing this year’s summary of events I feel that in some way I have damaged the Spartan destiny beyond repair. I am sure other leaders have taken this time to build while we fight. What seemed so clear early has become foggy. I still believe, as do the other command staff members, that the Peacekeepers MUST fall; they have too. If not, we will fall in their place. Perhaps by striking now rather than later we will have minimized our lack of planning. We will try to hit the Peacekeepers again and again until they are under our control

            In accordance with my new plans we will launch the first of our probe attacks against the Peacekeeper bases next turn. It is our hope that they will yield some benefit such as technology or energy credits. We will see what happens. If the base has counter espionage protection we will wait till we get further reinforcements.

            This completes my review of the seventh year of the war.


            • #36
              Morgan Solarflex, MY 2197

              “Sir,” technician Marl Slivney said, “former team 11 is reporting something strange to the far west.”

              Manager Sarah Wendel looked up. Her base was too small to warrant a full staff, so she filled in as needed. Today she was at what passed for a command center, which was really a converted conference room in the old base headquarters. Most of the space was now used for storage.

              “Really?” she said. “What kind of ‘strange’.”

              “There are these strange artifacts. They look like human artifacts. Kind of like posts. Here – look at the vids they sent.”

              She looked them over. They were simple enough, and they were much like they were described. Each looked like shaped stone or perhaps concrete posts about a meter out of the ground. Each had a roman numeral on it. That was evidence enough that they were human.

              “Any scout teams out that far?” she asked.

              “No, sir,” Slivney said. “There are no scout teams in the area. The nearest is here at Solarflex.”

              “I think this is positive evidence there is another faction that has taken up residence to our west. And it looks like we share the same landmass, and that we have conviently built roads from this boarder to our lands. I’ll have to appraise Industries immediately. Our encounters with the Cyborgs have been less than pleasant, and they’re building transports and foils again, as I understand. I’d hate to see more irrational people on our boarders.”

              “They could be friendly. Like the University,” the technician observed.

              “Yes, they have been very friendly,” she said with a dry humor. “It’s just a good thing they don’t call us very often.”

              “They can’t with sunspots still active,” the tech said, not getting her attempt at humor, or being too literal to see more than the obvious.

              “True,” Sarah said. “Get me Industries on the line. I need to contact nearby bases, transport and Interstellar, to see if they have some defenses I could borrow, like probe teams. Transport is building an impact rover I hear. That could be useful.”

              Marl squirmed a little. He didn’t like that sort of talk. “Yes, sir,” he said as he got the base managers and the grand CEO himself on the line. Actually, all he got was someone named Rothchild. But, that didn’t last long. Within 30 seconds he was talking to none other than CEO Morgan. After stammering a few times he shunted over to Manager Wendel.

              He watched as they talked, and was amazed that Wendel answered all the CEO’s questions without a flinch, asked questions, and received advice.

              I guess, he thought, that’s why she’s a manager.


              War room, central command complex, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2198

              “As you can see Colonel production is well on schedule. We will have three medium attack rover regiments completed in five turns. We will have one heavy assault rover regiment done in the same time giving us four very good rover regiments. We will also have heavy infantry company completed in the same time, as well as, two espionage teams. The should give us a sizable enough army group to storm any one of Pravin Lal’s bases.” Mannsfield had punched up the production schedules on the main screen for all of them to see. Over the past four turns the “war council” had expanded to include Lt. Col. Mannsfield, Commander Stepovich and Majors’ Hudson and Gregorivich. Santiago had told each of them of her clandestine operations years ago that had triggered the war with the Peacekeepers in the first place. They had all been sworn to secrecy and the operational information was sealed and locked away for safekeeping. Mannsfield had been upset at first, as were the others but none so more than Major Gregorivich, operational director of intelligence. He was livid that Santiago had gone behind him and used Captain Somersby and his team to procure data and coordinate a field operation without his approval or knowledge. However, they were all good soldiers and realized, in time, the dye was cast and that they had to accept the situation, Santiago had created. If anything good come from the fact that the Spartans had lost two very valuable bases it was the fact that Corazon Santiago now worked with her command staff rather than against them.

              “Colonel, the main problem I still see is transport. When all of these units are built how do we get them across? Currently, we have only viable two options open to us. One, build at least two more transports so that when the troops land on the beaches they land in force. Two, we land the troops in piecemeal in a clandestine location, like a fungus patch, then build our forces up from there and when we have sufficient force then launch the attack.” Commander Stepovich hand punched up a map file of the western section of Macedonia. “I see three likely landing spots that we can use.” He used a laser pointer to mark each one. “Each of them have pros and cons against using them. Some have the advantage of being close to our old bases or near the Peacekeeper capital. It all depends on the eventual target. The bottom line is this; the further away from Bunker 118 that we land troops the greater the need for more transports. It’s that simple. Colonel, I have studied this plan and that plan for nearly two turns and I will tell you this. The more troops we can land on the first landing the better. I would recommend four transports at a minimum. One transport would have a counter espionage team, two others would have medium assault rover regiments and the final transport would carry our best infantry regiment with gatling pulse lasers and pulse-plasma armor. The rovers would move ahead quickly and destroy the base defenders and the infantry and espionage teams move in and secure the base. Anything else would, in my opinion, risk certain defeat.”

              Santiago stood there quietly for some time thinking it over weighing the pros and the cons the other members stood silently as well.

              “Colonel I really think Commander Stepovich has a very valid point. Another major factor to consider is reinforcements. With having four transports we can quickly send over reinforcements to help support the troops in the field. If we find a secluded spot and stage our troops and then they make an attack any reinforcements would arrive in piecemeal and most likely not keep up with battlefield attrition rates.” Mannsfield added as he turned off the display.

              “I agree but we should be flexible. If an opportunity presents itself we should act. However, I tend to agree with the commander. We should wait and build three more transports before making the attack. I know this delays our final assault but it has to be it seems otherwise we risk certain defeat again.” Santiago looked around at the others. “Unless one of you disagree we proceed with the plan.”

              No one moved or indicated their disagreement with the plan.

              Santiago turned and walked out of the room slowly followed by her aide and bodyguards. The command staff assumed the position of attention as she turned and left and then relaxed as she left the room. All of them knew that her confidence would only be restored when she sat in Pravin Lal’s office.


              Morgan Industries, MY 2198

              “The first reports of the recently completed Empath Guild are in, and it seems we were wrong to doubt the good Dr. Brant. I have already nominated him for an Outstanding Service bonus, and a General Commendation for him and his team. I am sure he will be most pleased with the remuneration,” Morgan said.

              “As you can see in your Top Secret data packets, there are several more factions here on Chiron that we previously had no knowledge of. It seems Lt. Commander Skye survived and has created an apparently ecologically inclined faction. I suspect that is who we have found on our far western border. The Unity Chief of Security Yang also survived and, if the reports are to believed, has created a neo-police state on the Reformed Chinese model. Our analysts are still poring over that one since it is unlikely that a less efficient state model could be imagined. Lastly, we had suspected that there was a significant faction that was in contact with the Spartans and University, although neither would divulge who this might be. Now we know, and this faction is lead by the most senior Unity command officer, Pravin Lal. His society is modeled after the defunct United Nations.

              “As of yet we are not able to communicate with any of these new factions. But, several things are clear. First, we have the largest population and bases of any faction on Chiron. Frankly, this surprises me. The race is close, however, since we, the Spartans and Peacekeepers, occupy the first tier. The second tier with populations in the mid 20s is the University, Gaians, and Hive. At the bottom are the poor Cyborgs. Apparently their machine nature has inhibited their productive potential.”

              Morgan got a few productive chuckles from that comment.

              “Anther item of personal interest is the economic vitality of each faction. Here we lead easily, with a surplus of almost 60 megacredits per year. Everyone else is 10 megacredits or less. It seems our emphasis on a sound industrial base is paying off.

              “There are some significant disparities in technology, but not in ways that we previously imagined. As expected the Spartans are clearly ahead with 22 technological breakthroughs. The University, Cyborgs and us are behind them by two or three technologies. It seems the Peacekeepers have but 16, and the Hive and Gaians a mere eight or nine each. I suspect you all expected that. What is amazing is that our research output far exceeds all of them by a factor of three. We had always thought our scientists to be inferior to those of the Cyborgs and University, and our diplomatic skill much less that the wily Santiago who managed to parlay her resources to great advantage. I admire that skill and wish we had been even partially as successful. In the end it must be our economic output that provides our researchers with more researchers, and I see no reason to change this trend.

              “Lastly, I do have stunning news in a day of stunning news. Please link to Appendix C. Now, look at the demographics of the Peacekeeper bases. See anything odd? Well, I did immediately. Two of the bases administered by Pravin Lal were formerly Spartan! I have no idea how this could have occurred, especially since the Spartans struck me as no nonsense militarists. What is even more amazing is that Pravin has very little military, although he is producing impact weaponry as we speak. This is a grave development since it can only mean that the Spartans and Peacekeepers are at war. Ladies and gentleman, war is bad for business, as we have found out to our dismay with the Cyborgs. It also means that one of these two factions, or perhaps both, have gone mad. Perhaps when the sunspots end we can intervene to stop this situation. Although, if these combatants are as rational as the ‘logical’ Cyborgs we will have our work cut out for us.”

              Morgan looked around, and the Board members were having sidebar conversations and poring over the amazing data, which was rich beyond description.

              He let them think and ponder. In particular the prospect of ideologically driven neighbors was vexing. Previously Morgan knew he felt safe on ‘his’ continent.

              No more. The world just got much more complicated.


              Office of Colonel Santiago, Sparta Command, SPARTA – 2199

              War journal entry, the ninth year of the war with the Peacekeepers – 2199

              Our plans are firmly in place to begin the end of Pravin Lal. Director Booth and Major Stewart have completed this years production reports and the bulk of our attack force will be done in three more turns. Then another four turns to build the additional transports needed and then two turns to move them into position and land the assault troops. After that they will make their attack on Pravin's capital the following turn. The transports will return quickly to pick up more counter espionage teams and reinforcements. It is our aim to take the Peacekeeper capital first and then re-claim our lost cities.

              I feel more confident as the years progress as we gain more military power. Our fear that Pravin would use this time to build up as well seems to be unfounded. He has diverted much of his industrial power back into building improvements on his cities or more colony pods, all the better for us.

              I close this years war journal with the firm belief that ten turns I will be walking through the gates of UN Headquarters.


              Morgan Industries, MY 2199

              “What do you mean we need more terraformers,” Morgan said. There was a certain bite to his voice.

              “Just what I said,” Rothchild said. “It seems that between the growth of our cities and the crawlers all over the place that there are no more improved land to supply resources. Of course, the fungus is worse than useless. Our existing formers are building mines, or are busy at our western and southern borders preparing future base sites.”

              “What do you propose,” Nwabudike said. He didn’t bother trying to cloak the request in the guise of the Board. Most of their ideas came through Rothchild and it was difficult to tell his recommendations from theirs, if there really was any difference in the first place.

              “We need to construct at least three more formers. They are relatively cheap now with our boosted industrial base. These need to work on removing fungus, preferably in gangs of two or three, and then turning the land into something useful. This will also reduce worm spawning grounds. Thankfully we haven’t been afflicted by worms in a while.”

              “Very well,” Morgan said. “Assign the task to one of the Board members. They’ll get it done. Now, what did I hear about another Cyborg impact foil?”

              Rothchild smiled. There is one right off the coast of Construction. It didn’t do anything, but I suspect that is because it just arrived. Next year it will likely attack.”

              “Is our foil in place?” Morgan asked.

              “Of course,” Rothchild replied. “I also took the liberty of suggesting that the base commander construct an un-armored impact artillery unit. She readily agreed after I explained that ground artillery is deadly to sea-based attacks. It turns out she like the idea of defense from Cyborg attack. Imagine that.”

              Morgan smiled. “Good work. You didn’t happen to snoop in the Cyborg bases again, did you?”

              “Who me?” Rothchild said with the best fake-innocent look he could muster. Morgan chuckled.

              “Will they be ready for the attack?”

              Rothchild shook his head. “The unit is inexpensive, but not that inexpensive. They will be ready in case they take out the foil. Consider it backup. They’ll take out what is left of the Cyborg foil even if it lives. If it doesn’t then it will be a long term insurance policy.”

              Morgan nodded. “Well, it’s time for the celebration and my major domo will be here soon for the dressing. Is your tux ready?”

              “Yes,” Rothchild said as he packed up his materials. “I’ll meet you there.”

              War room center command, Sparta Command, SPARTA – 2200

              “Why in the world did they do it?” Santiago asked as she watched the Peacekeeper troop deployments unfold in front of her on the holo-map. Within the past two turns Pravin had redeployed almost his entire military to UN Headquarters. Many of his bases were unprotected with the exception of a lone counter-espionage team.

              “Its hard to say Colonel, our intelligence people along with Captain Somersby’s group have picked up a lot of conflicting “cross talk” between their garrison commanders and Pravin Lal. From what I can piece together when Pravin Lal woke up one morning and saw the SFS WARSPITE anchored just outside his harbor entrance he panicked, for want of a better word. “ Major Gregorivich pushed several more buttons at the station in front of him and on the side screens around the room video feed from the local news channel showed the lethal looking plasma foil anchored just outside of the harbor and in the foreground hundreds of curious Peacekeeper citizens were watching. “As you can see from this the panic did not end at Pravin Lal.”

              “So, do you really think he makes military decision in this manner or could there be something else? I find it odd that just last turn we agreed to hit his capital first and then suddenly he begins a massive redeployment to his capital.” Mannsfield asked as he glanced around the room at the other command staff members. The ultimate location of the attack had been kept secret, supposedly, and the only people who knew about the decision were in this room.

              “Colonel, are you implying something?” Major Gregorivich hotly responded. As chief of intelligence it would be his job to stop such a leak, if there was a leak.

              “All right, enough. Lt. Colonel Mannsfield has posed a very proper question and it is not meant as an insult to anyone.” She looked quickly at Gregoivich. “If it is a leak then we make it work to our favor. We will switch attack. Both Fort Ticonderoga and Apache have been stripped of their defenders. We can move in and attack and then assume a defensive posture and beat back his attacks and then follow-up with a counter-offensive.”

              “Colonel, there is one other matter before we finish. Director Boothe is still pleading with me to expand our colonies on Thrace. We could build set-up for production at least two more colonies to be completed within the next decade. The data seems to be very conclusive on this regard and I would recommend it.” Mannsfield passed to her the data sheets on expansion. She took them and quickly scanned them. It all seemed to make good sense but once again that meant the Thracian colonies would be concentrating on expansion rather than supporting the war effort.

              “Mannsfield can we really continue to support our war effort exclusively from our Spartan cities? If we could spread out the production costs it might ease the pressure on Sparta.” Santiago handed back the data to Mannsfield.

              “Colonel, I understand your point but the bottom line is that this war is a Spartan war, not Thrace. As it stands now they contribute next to nothing to our treasury due to the distance. It makes better sense to have them care for their own security and build up their resources and infra-structure than try to support us now.” Mannsfield watched the frustration flow over Santiago’s face as she came to grips with understanding their plight. Perhaps when a switch to a more efficient economic model would enable them to eliminate the inefficient programs and waste but now, they had to deal with the war.


              • #37

                Morgan Industries, MY 2200

                “We initiated our long-planned democratic system a few years ago,” the reporter asked. “Do you have any comment?”

                Rothchild was a little uncomfortable. He was used to being behind the scenes, not front and center. And who knew he’d be elected to the Parliament, and then asked to head the Progressive party? Rothchild scowled. Morgan was behind this, and he was probably laughing his ass off right now.

                Rothchild graced the reporter with his best smile, and hoped it didn’t send him screaming from the room. “It has been a grand success! The elections themselves were a model of efficiency, and the few irregularities that were identified will have already been addressed. As you know, there are four major parties, with the Progressive Party currently heading the majority. We have some important issues before us on the economy and resolving remaining legislative issues of separation of powers. I’m also happy to report that we are near a consensus on the 2201 budget.”

                As he spoke Rothchild noted that the reporters were subvocalizing over his mini-speech as the broadcast it to their respective networks. No doubt they were offering expert commentary on everything from his suit to the inflections of his voice.

                Anther reporter signaled and was acknowledged. “Prime Minister, any new news on the faction to our west?”

                Rothchild nodded. “We’ve found more of the markers, but no other evidence of who placed them. A probe team is currently exploring the area. I would also like to point out that the Parliament recommended that our new impact rover and other probe teams be allocated to that area just in case, and we made sure that the defenders at Solarflex were upgraded to have the latest defenses. Our job is to protect and nurture our people, and I will see it done.”

                That was a shameless plug, Rothchild thought, but they’re all writing it down. Good.

                “And the Cyborg foil outside of Construction?”

                “Yes,” Rothchild said to buy a second as he called up the details. There it was – still outside, and just bobbing in the water. “No actions, just like the last year. They seem to be trying to blockade us, or goading us into attacking them while they are in the sea fungus. We’re not biting, though. They are the war mongers, not us.”

                Rothchild noticed this last comment got all of the reporters ‘off line’ for a moment as they gave more commentary. Did he hit a nerve? Maybe.

                Before they could finish he said, “I’m sorry, but I have to get back to the House. I’ll shunt when I have a free moment.”


                War room command center, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2201

                Santiago looked around the table at the other senior command members trying to discern the mood they were in. Mannsfield was a blank slate, he was a good soldier and knew how to hide his feelings. Hudson, Stepovich and Gregivich were tense but nothing else. They were waiting for a transmission from Defiance Freehold concerning the 1st L.E.R.P. regiment. They had gotten an earlier message reporting that long range sensors had detected a carry-all transport to the north. They had also gotten a message from one of the newest bases on Thrace, Iron Tower. They had just completed connecting Blast Rifle Crag to Iron Tower via a buried communications cable so they had contact with that base at last. However, they still had no communication with the base that had been established in the alien temple area.

                “Colonel, the transmission is coming in now.” Mannsfield reported as he activated the message and directed it to the main view screen.

                >> Defiance Freehold <<
                >Subject: Recovery of energy nodules from mind worm<
                >Captain Madars encountered a mind worm and destroyed it. His unit
                has suffered only minor damage, 20% decrease in effective fighting
                capacity. Recovered over 30 mega credits in energy nodules. Issued
                ordered to return them on the next carry-all transport bound for nearest
                base. Will make repairs and push on.
                Capatain Madars

                “This is excellent new!” Mannsfield almost shouted he looked almost gleeful. “30 mega credits in energy is almost five turns of current production. With this extra funding we can complete production on several units sooner than expected.”

                “If we wait till some of the units get nearer to completion we can use the extra credits to complete even more of them.” Hudson chimed in.

                “For now, lets “bank” it. We might need the credits later. We are now only two turns from completing the first wave of troops. They will then move to their staging areas near Bunker 118 as they await transport. No matter what the cost now we need to stick with the plan.” Santiago looked at each of the command staff making sure they understood. “Now, lets go to the next point on the agenda,...”

                SFS WARSPITE, just north of UN Headquarters, SPARTA 2201

                “Captain, why don’t we just take a few pot shots at that transport anchored there.” The gunnery officer smiled as he turned toward his captain.
                “Guns, I am surprised at you!” The mock surprise in his voice was overwhelming. “I feel your pain, I really do Guns but we have to get back and patrol just north of Bunker 118. Command is staging the invasion force there and we need to provide cover for them. So lets just keeping going and if they do “pop out” then you are free to open fire.”

                The gunnery officer smiled back and then looked again through his mag-glasses at the fat transport just waiting to be blown up.


                Morgan Industries, MY 2101

                There was an insistent chiming and Morgan woke up immediately.

                “Status,” he croaked.

                “Level 1 alert. Report to the Command Center,” the voice said.

                “Update,” he said.

                “Cyborg navy engaged and attacked Morgan Construction. Hostile forces landed near Morgan Construction,” the voice continued.

                Morgan was now fully awake. “Let General Wang know I’ll be there in five minutes,” he said as he pulled on the nearest trousers and shirt. They were less than clean and did match, but that was no matter at a time like this.


                The general looked up as Morgan entered the new Command Center. “Look at this. The Cyborg foil that was station keeping outside of Construction finally attacked. Here is the compressed version.”

                Morgan watched as volley after volley was launched into the Morganite foil at harbor. It was hard to see exactly what was happening since half of the image was extrapolated. The sensor weren’t quite that good. But it was clear that the return volleys were hitting home. Rounds landed near, and then on top of the Cyborg cruiser. Its plasma armor couldn’t stand the punishment and the attack stopped. As the CEO watched the port side dipped into the fungus and then the ship gracefully slid beneath the waves.

                “That was our first naval victory,” Morgan commented.

                “Yes,” Wang said. “But, we have other troubles. A transport at the nearest Cyborg base left and deposited troops here,” he said, pointing to a location two sectors south of Construction. “Our best reports say that it is comprised of a synthmetal garrison and an impact infantry.”

                “Can we deal with it,” Morgan asked.

                “Probably yes, but it depends on where they go. If they go toward Construction we’re find. If they head toward Monopoly we could have trouble.”

                “Can our probe team at Construction move in time?” Morgan asked.

                “That will only work if they split up. Then we can bribe the impact infantry, just like before. If not, then we’ll have to take the direct approach.”

                There was a pause.

                “And when can we do that?” Morgan asked.

                Another pause.

                “Three years,” General Wang said.

                Morgan was not happy with that answer.


                Bunker 118, military production complex. SPARTA 2202

                Commandant Fitz-Wallace watched as the last medium assault rover rolled off the production line. The crew for this rover walked over and as customary the production team handed the driver a set of keys. This was the last medium assault rover to be built at Bunker 118 since they now had orders to build a transport. Fitz-Wallace knew that at three more Spartan cities next turn more attack rovers would roll off of the production line bringing the attack force to four full regiments. Infantry units were being equipped and trained as well, some were even done and they were just waiting for a transport. Four more turns before the required transports would be ready to sail but then they would have started to build the second wave of assault troops and espionage teams. Fitz-Wallace couldn’t wait to see the faces of those Peacekeeper idiots as his troops marched through the gates of their cities. That was a wonderful thought, his troops! Colonel Santiago had given him the honor to be the field commander in charge of the amphibious landings since his base would be the main staging area. Once they took the first city he would have to return to Bunker 119 but before that he would at last get his dream assignment, a command of a field unit!

                “Commandant, command wants an update on our production.” Fitz-Wallace turned to his aide.

                “Inform command that Bunker 118 has completed the 1st medium assault rover regiment, the big red one regiment. They will now conduct training maneuvers until a transport is ready to ship them over.” His aide quickly jotted down the information and walked off. Fitz-Wallace walked down the ramp to the production floor to meet the crew, his men, before they drove off the rover to regimental headquarters.

                SFS WARSPITE, north of UN Headquarters, SPARTA 2202

                The WARSPITE listed slightly to port due to some damage just below the waterline. The sea worm had popped up right in front of them as they were clearing the harbor area just north of UN Headquarters. The sea worm put up a fight but it was no match for he WARSPITE. The sea worm died quickly but it had done some damage and had killed five crewmembers. After the defeat he had ordered a launch lowered to collect the energy nodules before they sank, it had been a good harvest.

                “Inform the launch to make a course for Bunker 118 at top speed and then return to WARSPITE once they deposit the nodules.”

                “Aye sir.” The deck mate flashed a light signal to the launch to five them the orders.

                The captain glanced to his left watching the Peacekeeper coastline and the numerous military and civilian personnel that dotted the beach. Obviously they had watched the whole attack and had reported back to their general staff the WARSPITES weapon power and damage. Let them report, the captain thought, if that light attack foil was still out there they were still no match for WARSPITE.


                Energy Monopoly, MY 2202

                “…..under fire…can’t hold!….”


                “For god’s sake, send help!”


                Morgan Industries, MY 2202

                General Wang looked up, “That is the last we heard from the supply crawler,” he said.

                “Why weren’t they warned? They are non-combatants, and unarmored!” Morgan asked. There was a distinct edge to his voice.

                “I will take the blame, sir. I was more concerned about marshaling resources to repel the invasion so we don’t lose a city. If there is any good news, most of the crew escaped. The crawler squad, however, was a loss.”

                “Yes,” Morgan said. He wasn’t going to let him off the hook so easily. “That crawler represented three to four years of production, now lost. And that doesn’t even begin to compensate the lost talent of the crew. See that it doesn’t happen again.”

                General Wang nodded, and noted that Morgan didn’t say a word about the loss of human life. Interesting. “It turns out that the Cyborgs invaded with two synthmetal garrisons. The fungus obscured our initial scans, it seems. The second advanced on Energy Monopoly, and the garrison has been warned. I recommend that they be upgraded to the latest armor immediately.”

                “Done,” Morgan said. It was worth the cost. Even garrisons could take out an unarmored garrison.

                “Now that we know the extent we can deal with the invasion. Our intelligence shows that another transport is in the works. It will be a while before it is complete. One side note: it is evident that the Cyborgs are now a police state, likely with a planned economy. Their research and productivity have plummeted, even if their military capacity has increased.”

                “Good,” Morgan said. “Let them waste their time and resources on building pointless military units, and their fruitless adventures. We will invest in our productivity. How much of our productive ability is being deverted to war material?”

                “Just over 20 percent,” the general stated. “That will decrease when the impact rovers are complete.”

                “See to it,” Morgan said. “Now, if you will excuse me. I have a Board meeting to attend. It seems the Parliament has made a few proclamations that require my attention.”


                • #38
                  Training grounds north of Sparta Command, SPARTA – 2203

                  Santiago watched the 1st medium attack rovers advancing quickly on the 2nd and 3rd medium attack rovers across the open plain. The 2nd and 3rd medium rover regiments were tasked with holding the area around them against all attacks. The 1st was making good speed but the combined firepower from the 2nd and 3rd was starting to take a toll. Three rovers had stopped and two more were about to be deactivated by the referee due to excessive damage. Then from the tree line just north of the 2nd another line of rovers suddenly appeared. These rovers were from the 1st heavy assault regiment with plasma armor. The 2nd and 3rd began to shift fire to the north when from the south more blood red rovers broke from the tree line. The 2nd and 3rd began to take heavy losses especially when the 1st medium attack rovers closed to point blank range with the 2nd and 3rd and began to engage in hand to hand combat. Santiago continued to watch the combat for another five minutes but it was clear who was the victor.

                  “Judge, order a halt to the war games. Inform all commanders and fire team leaders to report to my command center at 16:00hrs for debriefing.” Santiago turned away from the field and began to trudge back to her rover. Several of the judges began to signal with flags that the war games were done.

                  “Colonel, what did you think of how they did?” Major Hazra had been deeply involved in setting up the massive training exercises for the four rover regiments.

                  “Major, I suggest you have a word with the commanders of the 2nd and 3rd M.A.R.s (medium assault rovers) about tactics. They placement of their rovers were terrible and I suggest more gunner practice as well. The 1st M.A.R.s should have been crippled halfway across that field, if they had been able to accomplish that then the 1st H.A.R.s (heavy assault rovers) wouldn’t have had a chance.” Santiago continued to walk to her rover and as she reached it the armored door opened for her. “Major, I am leaving you in charge here the sunspot activity has lifted and I have some phone calls to make.”

                  Director Morgan,

                  Now that communications have been restored I have reviewed the data that has been flooding in to us as it has obviously been pouring into you. You will have by now been contacted by Aki-Zeta who will seek to make a truce with you at our demand. It seems clear that Aki-Zeta and her machines cannot be trusted but she does still respect strength and firepower and as such I have ordered her to make peace with you. I suggest you accept her offer. We did this for two reasons: One, the Cyborgs can be treacherous and as such a continued war with them could prove to be dangerous to you and our long term plans and second, compensation. Our efforts to bring peace to you will only increase your prosperity and as such we would expect some benefit as well. We will leave it to you to suggest an appropriate amount of compensation.

                  On other fronts you by now have heard that Pravin Lal attacked my bases on Macedonia and captured them. He made some wild accusations about acts of espionage carried out against him but no proof was forwarded to justify his actions. So we are at war. I suggest that you remain neutral in this affair at a minimum. A strong Pravin Lal will only use his power to try and dominate and re-impose the yoke of United Nations controls on us, and that is something we will not tolerate. Rest assured that my people are working around the clock to remedy this situation and by the end of this decade, 2210, not only will our cities be returned but Pravin Lal will not the taste of defeat.

                  I will entertain at this time the exchange of technology if it is appropriate and fair. We have made many innovations in weapon technologies and armor designs that could be of great use to you while, in turn, your industrial and technological breakthroughs would be of great benefit to us. We would even entertain the possibility of selling some of our technology to you as well since we are in need of energy credits to sustain our war effort but we would have to look at such exchanges, case by case.

                  It is my wish to see you and your people well and if you need further assistance in handling the Cyborg menace you need not but ask.

                  Colonel Corazon Santiago

                  Supreme Commander of the Spartan Federation, Sparta Command


                  Morgan Industries, MY 2203

                  Parliament was now in session, and Director Morgan walked forward toward the dais to present himself to the scrutiny of the legislators. In front of him was Prime Minister Rothchild, who was resplendent in his red and gold ceremonial robes. Director Morgan knew his own attire was much more subdued, as was appropriate for this venue: a blue suit with trimmed collar, starched pure white shirt with a hint of silver, and a croft tie, all very tasteful down to his polished patent leather shoes.

                  Prime Minister Rothchild stood up. “CEO, we are delighted you are able to give us some of your time. The parliament respectfully requests that you give this august body a summary of your recommendations, and interactions with other leaders.”

                  Morgan inclined his head toward the Prime Minister, as protocol required. “I am only too happy to report to this body, Prime Minister.”

                  That said Morgan turned his gaze to the chamber, which was filled to capacity. “I am sure you are all aware that the sunspots have now ended, and that communications with the other factions have been reestablished. I am happy to report that Coronal Santiago has offered to exchange data, and that the details can be worked out at a later date. Prokhor Zakharov has been contacted and he was less forthcoming. I did manage to trade him Industrial Economics for his world map, which you will see is most interesting. With it we can now see almost every faction’s home territory, which is more value than I had originally thought would come of this ‘deal’. He was unwilling to deal with further trades, and terminated our discussion.

                  “Santiago supposedly arranged for a truce between the Cyborgs and our peoples, for which we are grateful. But, as you all know, the Cyborgs have already broken the treaty, the ink of which was not yet dry. This is most unfortunate since we have never wished any hostilities, but it only takes one party to make war. Our forces to the west have been bombarded, causing great damage to a probe team. The garrison at Energy Monopoly also saw something extraordinary – the suicide death charge of a Cyborg synthmetal garrison. They were damaged, but survived, I am happy to report. Their plasma armor served them well. I will soon be asking this body to appropriate resources to secure our borders and, if necessary, push the hostilities to Cyborg territory. We have for too long been the victims and the day will come when this will come to an end.

                  “I also contacted Lady Deirdre Skye, as she styles herself. She was most unfriendly and immediately terminated our connection. Luckily we now know where her faction exists, and it is nowhere near us, I am thankful to add.

                  “Chairman Yang, the former security chief of Unity, was also less than friendly, but we did do business. We bought the southern world map from him for some technology, so now we have the full maps for the Hive, Peacekeeper, and Spartan territory. This is most useful, as you can imagine. The good Chairman offered to sell us technology, and he drove a hard bargain. When the transaction was complete we have Doctrine: Loyalty, which will allow us to construct better perimeter defenses. It cost us five years of our energy surplus, but I think you will agree that it was worth the cost.

                  “Lastly, I contacted Pravin Lal of the Peacekeepers. I had hoped for a warmer reception than I received. He immediately demanded we declare war on the Spartans. Of course I refused. As soon as I made this clear he terminated our communication. This was most unfortunate since I think we have much in common and we could have done business together. I will make further efforts in the future.

                  “In summary, our borders are secure and even with the Cyborgs at war with us the productive potential of our people grows with every passing year. I have every confidence that this growth will continue, and that we will be able to overcome the obstacles that may block our way.

                  “I am now open for questions.”


                  Coronal Santiago,

                  It seems your words on the treachery of the Cyborgs were prophetic. The ink was not even dry on our peace treaty when she again declared vendetta. So, while I appreciate your efforts, I must conclude that the Cyborgs acted in bad faith. Considering their past actions this does not surprise us.

                  We Morganites have no official position on your war with the Peacekeepers. Pravin Lal did indeed make accusations against you, offering proofs of your treachery in data theft. I noticed your missive did not deny this accusation. Regardless, we will try to maintain peaceful relationships with both parties since it is our belief that commercial ties can lead to a greater understanding, both societal and diplomatic. I do hope that your differences can be resolved short of all out war, since war is an expensive business. And, I can not help but notice, that the outcomes are none to certain.

                  I would welcome any technology trades you might suggest. It seems we have three technologies that may be of use to you: Industrial Automation, Centauri Empathy, and Doctrine: Loyalty. I would entertain any offer you may have on a technology trade with the stipulation that you decline to work on any Project associated with said technologies. I would also be willing to purchase technologies from you, if you would prefer. Terms for such a transaction are negotiable.

                  I trust this can lead to a deeper relationship, and look forward to your reply,

                  Director Morgan


                  • #39
                    Office of Colonel Santiago, SPARTA – 2204

                    Director Morgan,

                    Once again the actions of the Cyborgs speak for themselves, treachery! I had commanded Aki-Zeta to make peace and she vowed she would. Since she failed to honor her word I see no reason that should extend to us any compensation.

                    I was disturbed by your comments you made concerning our “role” in the current conflict with the Peacekeepers. I can assure you that the fault for this conflict rests solely with Pravin Lal. You can clearly see that he holds two of our bases! That is all the proof you need! When hostilities broke charges and counter-chargers were leveled. However, Pravin Lal can offer no evidence to support his claim of espionage while we can clearly point to our two lost bases! Suffice it to say they will not be lost for long and Pravin Lal will be made to suffer for the trouble he has caused us!

                    I have reviewed your list of technologies you wish to exchange and I have consulted with my technical advisors and they have recommended the following exchange. We would exchange information on optical computers and special armor designs that heighten the defenders protection against mind worm attacks. In return you would send us files on industrial automation and your advanced research concerning Chiron and the alien life forms here. I still find it remarkable to believe that the alien life forms here have a higher degree of intelligence than we earlier believed. I for one will never accept it. Suffice it say that the question is moot, we are the dominant life forms on Chiron and I have no intention of stepping down from that role.

                    If you accept this proposal send the attached files to us approved and we will agree to the exchange.

                    Colonel Corazon Santiago

                    Supreme commander of the Spartan Federation, Sparta Command

                    Fitz-Wallace watched from the grand stand as rover after rover went by in pass and review. This was the last “ceremony” that had been orchestrated by Colonel Santiago to help bolster the morale of the troops and people. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd M.A.R.s and the 1st H.A.R.s had arrived last turn and now more units were arriving the 12th heavy infantry regiment and more espionage teams. This was just the tip of the spear, more units were being built to “flesh” out the attack force but in truth they had what they needed to make the amphibious assault with the exception of the transports. However, they were coming, in just another three turns two more transports would be ready. The decision had been made to make the crossing in three transports rather than four since they did not intend to attack the Peacekeeper capital first but rather their old cities. Fitz-Wallace continued to watch the rovers drive by and he saluted each of them. The invasion plan was now his and his alone. Santiago had given him all the authority and if he failed all of the misery. He could not fault her for support. He had got the exact number and types of troops he wanted so he could not blame her or central command if his invasion failed. Just a few more turns and history would be made.


                    Morgan Industries, MY 2104


                    I cannot in good conscience take any side in your conflict with the Peacekeepers. Morganite forces were not present to witness events and, as a result, all I have is your word against that of Pravin. There is some circumstantial evidence, but that is currently under advisement and no conclusions have yet been reached. I must say that I find it surprising that two Spartan bases fell so quickly, and any explanation you might give may be illuminating.

                    You will find that I have attached Centauri Empathy and Industrial Automation and pre-approved the transfer. I will remind you that Industrial Automation does come with strings: a pledge by the Spartans not to complete the Planetary Transit System project. If you cannot make this pledge I will understand and we will have to renegotiate terms. I will look forward to future trades, since they are beneficial to both our peoples.

                    The initial theories provided by the Centauri Empathy are compelling, even if I do not particularly like what they suggest. I am willing to keep an open mind, however, since it is my belief that an open mind can use data and situations to the best advantage: I dislike overly ridged paradigms, and one must be adaptable to circumstances. In my experience that is the key to survival.

                    I have been authorized by the Morganite Board of Directors to again offer a treaty of friendship to the Spartan people. If you review this proposal I think you will find that you will benefit from trade, particularly since you have some large and well-developed bases. Since I understand there are significant bureaucratic costs I am ready to compensate your people, and our best estimates are that 50 megacredits should be sufficient to cover your startup costs.

                    Warmly yours,
                    Director Morgan


                    Council chambers – command center, Sparta Command, SPARTA 2205

                    Santiago walked into the room last flanked by her aide-de-camp, Captain Longstreet and her elite bodyguards. She walked directly up to the podium, waiting momentarily as her aide took a seat and her bodyguards assumed their customary positions along the room’s walls.

                    “I have asked you here today to open a discussion concerning a proposal forwarded to us by Director Morgan. He has asked to form an alliance with us, a treaty of friendship, with us. I have thought carefully about his offer and I am now seriously considering it.” Santiago looked around at the assembled command staff noting the reactions of several of the officers. In truth she cared nothing of what they thought but she always had reservations about several of them as to what they might do. “We are very close to starting our war with the Peacekeepers. I want to make sure we align as many factions with us rather than against us. Already the Peacekeepers have executive officer Yang as their ally, I would hate to see more added to the list. The only two factions we have not made contact with are the Gaians, led by Dr. Skye and the Hive led by Executive officer Yang. However, I don’t think we need to based on the information we have at hand, the Gaians are planet lovers, which we are not and the Hive are already aligned with the Peacekeepers which makes them our enemy. So I propose we move to align ourselves with Director Morgan and Professor Zakharov. This new alliance would align the greatest minds, industrialists and warriors on this planet behind one coalition. Unless any one here as any objection I will begin the negotiations with Director Morgan first.”

                    Santiago looked around the room waiting for someone to say something but no one did. She didn’t expect to. Her people were loyal but over the past few years she had learned from her error in judgment in confiding in only one person. Perhaps after the meeting one or two of them might come up and try to broach the issue then but she was now more confident than ever that this was the best decision.

                    “All right, that is all I have, dismissed!”

                    Director Morgan,

                    I have considered your offer of an alliance, treaty of friendship, at this time. Please send the appropriate documentation for us to review and we will approve it, if it is acceptable. We also considered your offer of 50 mega-credits as appropriate compensation and as such will accept them as well. Of course, you understand that this is not to be viewed as a payment, rather than a gift, such as the technology we gifted you some time ago.

                    I do have to make one point that if you should accept our alliance, our treaty of friendship, you make this agreement with the understanding that you can not make one with Pravin Lal, or at least until Sparta and the Peacekeepers resolve their dispute. Simply put you cannot be our partner and Pravin Lals at the same time. If you cannot accept this minor stipulation then for now we will consider this agreement tabled and pursue other partners who understand our situation. However, I think you will clearly see that is more “advantageous” to be our friend rather than Pravin’s.

                    Lastly, if you do wish to pursue a treaty of friendship then I will also ask at this time if we could pursue a loan of energy credits. We would be looking at a sum of 200 credits to borrow.

                    We await your response…

                    Colonel Corazon Santiago

                    Supreme Commander of the Spartan Federation, SPARTA COMMAND, SPARTA


                    Morgan Industries, MY 2205

                    “Rothchild,” Morgan said, and then he paused. “Or should I say, Prime Minister Rothchild?”

                    “Rothchild is fine,” he said.

                    “It has been a while. I trust you have been busy?”

                    “Quite,” Rothchild said. “The Parliament has asked me to get your report personally, in deference to your time.”

                    “How considerate of them,” Morgan said. “I’m always happy to serve our elected officials,” he continued with a dry voice. “Our operations against the Cyborg base went well. The base officials were willing to consider our persuasive arguments for only 140 megacredits. I considered it a bargain, and they did also – a win, win deal. The result is that we have our 14th base, which I ‘suggested’ be named Morgan Remuneration, out near the Pholus Ridge to our far west. The base came complete with a plasma pulse defender. How considerate of Aki to furnish our bases with the best armor energy can buy.”

                    “The Parliament will be most pleased. And the status of Aki’s peace request?”

                    “Rejected, of course,” Morgan said. “I was willing to consider peace, but her actions have proven that she is not to be trusted.”

                    “And what about Santiago?” Rothchild said.

                    “I recommend we accept her offer. Pravin has been most uncooperative, while Santiago has shown she is willing to negotiate. Pravin’s demand that we declare war on Santiago as his price for a friendship treaty was, of course, unacceptable. We should make back the 50 megacredits paid to the Spartans in trade within a few years. It is a worthwhile investment,” Morgan said.

                    “This will effectively align us with the Spartans,” Rothchild commented.

                    “In a way, yes,” Morgan said. “But that can change if circumstances warrant. We will treat Santiago fairly. There is still the matter of who started the war, and the reasons for Lal possessing two Spartan bases. I have to say I don’t believe that Pravin initiated the war, but that is a little matter.”

                    “You’re not going Machiavellian on me, are you?” Rothchild said.

                    “Of course I am,” Morgan said. “It is a simple matter. Santiago offers a useful deal, and accepts ours. That makes her a valuable trading partner. Pravin Lal sticks to his vaunted principles, and sidelines us in the process. We benefit more from dealing with Santiago. Elementary.”

                    Rothchild nodded. He had expected no other answer.

                    “And what about Santiago’s loan request?” he asked.

                    “I will deal with that,” Morgan said.


                    Coronal Santiago,

                    I am delighted we could come to terms on a treaty of friendship. I have attached the 50 megacredits startup fee to this transmission, as promised, and I have pre-approved the agreement to expedite the transfer. I trust it will be to your approval.

                    At this time I am embarrassed to say that I do not have 200 megacredits to loan your people. I have to admit that certain war expenses came up recently, and that these partially depleted our treasury. I could easily arrange for 100 megacredits, however, if you agree to pay 3 megacredits each year for 50 years. I think you will agree that this is a generous set of terms considering that you will be able to use this boon to fund valuable projects that will serve your people well. Kindly let me know your response so we can settle the electronic transfer.

                    Warmly yours,
                    Director Morgan


                    Office of Colonel Corazon Santiago, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2206

                    Director Morgan,

                    I think our new treaty of friendship is a positive development for not only us but for Chiron. We have also made a similar treaty with Professor Zakharov, which will only further our mutual goals of expansion. It is my hope that the Spartans will serve as a bridge between you and the University and in time the your two nations will become greater friends.

                    I agree to the loan of 100 mega-credits with a repayment schedule of 3 mega-credits per year with the following exception. The repayment process will not begin until 10 turns have been completed. After 10 turns the loan repayments will begin. We ask this due to the fact that our war efforts place a burden on our treasury as it is and to ask that we begin immediate repayment is too high a cost for us to bear. Within 10 turns we should developed new energy sources to help us aid our efforts to repay you. I think this stipulation is a minor one and in light of our new relationship, one that we can both live with.

                    Colonel Corazon Santiago,

                    Supreme Commander of the Spartan Federation, Sparta Command.


                    Morgan Industries, MY 2206

                    Morgan walked forward to greet his new aid. “I am pleased to meet you, Ms. Redfield. I have been in need of a good executive assistant for quite a while and I was delighted when I heard you had become available. The Prime Minister was loath to give you up.”

                    “No, sir, I imagine he wasn’t,” she said.

                    Morgan wasn’t sure, but he detected a note of sarcasm in her voice. If so, good. He didn’t like yes-men, or women.

                    “Then let’s get to work,” Morgan said. Ms. Redfield immediately gave him a datapad, just like Rothchild had done. Morgan smiled to himself. She was well trained, or perceptive, hopefully both.

                    “Sir,” she started. “The Cyborgs have landed a rover at Transport. A espionage team penetrated our security interlocks and acquired Industrial Automation. The transport is still nearby. I have taken the liberty of asking the impact foil, which will be ready within the year, to see to its destruction. The same is also true of the rover.”

                    “Why didn’t it attack?” Morgan asked.

                    “Unknown,” she said. “It may not be an attack rover, or it may have noticed that it has no chance against plasma armor with a sensor and an intrinsic base defense.”

                    “Can we eliminate this threat?” he asked.

                    “Yes. An empathy impact rover will be completed within the year. That should be more than sufficient.”

                    “Very good. It seems the Cyborgs have found a weak link in our armor. We shall rectify this. Order all bases to complete either an infantry or rover based espionage team, with the possible exception of bases far from the coasts. This will not be allowed to happen again.”

                    “Yes, sir. Any counter actions?”

                    “None at this time,” Morgan said. “Our sea probe team is making its way to the Cyborg coast, exploring as it goes. We have other concerns, such as the impact foils the Cyborgs are making, and rogue mindworm that is harassing our western lands. These take precedence. Perhaps I should thank the Cyborgs. This was an inexpensive lesson, one I intend to learn well.”

                    “And the Spartans?” she said.

                    “Yes, the Spartans. Their revised terms are not very advantageous. Still, I will approve them. I dislike having a loan with a term of 60 years, and interest free for 10 at that, but it is of little matter. What does matter is the good graces of the Spartans. We can both benefit from this relationship. I’ve already sent the missive to Santiago telling her of my acceptance.”

                    Elaine Redfield nodded. “Anything else?”

                    “No,” Morgan stated. “See to the espionage team improvements. And check if it is economical to put armor on the probe teams.”

                    “Yes, sir,” she said. Morgan had already turned to other work, so she left the room.


                    • #40
                      Invasion planning center, Bunker 118, SPARTA-2207

                      Santiago had spent most of the day talking with the commanders of the infantry and rover attack regiments that comprised the invasion force. She wanted to hear directly from the commanders what was the status of their regiments and if they needed any further supplies or training. Fitz-Wallace, the base commandant of Bunker 118 and the invasion task force commander had selected the 1st heavy attack speeder regiment, 3rd medium attack rover regiment and operational intelligence unit 221 ( counter-intelligence unit ) to be the spearhead of the invasion force. The 1st and 2nd medium attack rover regiments would follow in the second wave along with the operational intelligence unit 233. The third wave would consist of the 14th medium infantry company, operational intelligence unit 331 and the 1st mechanized assault infantry unit ( gatling-lasers equipped infantry with pulse-plasma armor ). The invasion plan was simple, something she had not expected from Fitz-Wallace who, in the past, always seemed to create elaborate plans only to see them fall apart. This plan was to land three consecutive waves of invaders next to the old Spartan city of Fort Ticonderoga. The first wave would secure the city and the beachhead while the remaining waves of invaders would land and move into Fort Ticonderoga and make final preparations for the attacks on the Fort Apache and then on the U.N. Headquarters itself. The invasion itself and the capture of Fort Ticonderoga was the easy part. The hard part would be to hold it against counter-attacks until more reinforcements could arrive from Sparta. Santiago had ordered more troops and rovers to be built but that was after many of the bases completed building the supply crawlers. In all Santiago had been please with the discussions she had with the commanders and the last one she had today was with Commandant Fitz-Wallace.

                      The door opened and her chief bodyguard entered. “ Colonel, Commandant Fitz-Wallace is here.” She merely nodded to the guard who then opened the door to allow Fitz-Wallace to enter.

                      “Good afternoon Colonel.” Fitz-Wallace walked up to the desk and saluted which she returned.

                      “Fitz your plan is sound. I have approved it.” She watched him smile slightly and he seemed to sit up even taller.

                      “Thank you Colonel.”

                      “Don’t thank me yet. You still have time to keep training your men and there are more troops on the way. It will be your task to keep the flow of troops flowing to Macedonia and it is Sparta’s job to keep the pipe full. However, for now the troops you have are the troops you have. Many of the Sparta cities are now building special supply crawlers and harvester units. Once completed the crawler teams will fan out over Sparta harvesting need nutrients, minerals and most importantly, energy. With those extra resource each city will be able to build more equipment and train troops faster then before. It is my goal to add another four heavy assault rovers to your invasion group by the end of the decade.”

                      “Colonel, the supply crawler program will be of great benefit I am sure but what my city needs is terra-formers! Director Boothe has been most stubborn about her allocation of terra-formers. For nearly twenty turns all of the terra-formers have been operating on the western side of Sparta. It has been some time since we have made any improvements to the surrounding land.” Fitz-Wallace had been arguing with Boothe for years about getting the terra-formers to make improvements. Both Sparta Command and Bunker 118 had transferred their terra-formers to Macedonia to help the fledgling cities only to have them either destroyed or captured by the Peacekeepers during the last conflict.

                      “Commandant! You need to concentrate on the task at hand! The invasion is your main focus for now.” Santiago slammed her fist hard on the table. “All of the work done over the past decade would be for nothing if the invasion failed. Lal has only a few military units of any value; many of others are still armed with assault rifles. I see this whole war turning on one thing and that is if Lal decides to attack or defend. If he attacks and wastes his meager forces on trying to weaken us all the better and in fact the command council believes that it is exactly what he will try. If not, if he waits for each blow to fall and relies on the defenses of his bases to help then it will be all the more critical that our espionage teams help. We have secured 100 mega-credits from Director Morgan that if need be can be used to subvert a base and the troops with them. That is why as soon as the crawlers are built along with the rovers we intend to build even more espionage units to protect our holdings. The last thing I want you to know is that depending on how things progress in Macedonia I might leave in you command after the invasion. It will be critical that we maintain a steady hand of leadership. If the situation demands it I will issue a field promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and you will be the commandant in charge of Macedonia and commander in chief of all armies there.” Fitz-Wallace could hardly contain the rush of emotions that hit him. Lieutenant Colonel! Military Commandant of all Macedonia! It was his dream come true. “ However if you should fail to regain our cities and fail to lead our troops to victory I will have you demoted to a private.”

                      The look of smugness was quickly wiped from his face. Santiago knew that Fitz-Wallace was a very able military leader and she needed a leader who would take bold chances and risks to maximize every opportunity on the battlefield. However, she also had to make sure Fitz-Wallace understood what failure meant.

                      Fitz-Wallace stood up quickly and saluted Santiago. “Colonel, there will be no failure!” Corazon promptly returned the salute and he turned on a dime and left he room. She sat there for some time starring at the door wondering if it was not too late for her to take direct control but she knew to intervene now would mean chaos and disorder. Now, she had to trust in the Spartan system and her people, Fitz-Wallace was the best field commander she had right now who knew how to run an operation this big. He was the one…..


                      Morgan Industries, MY 2207

                      “What are your conclusions?” Morgan asked.

                      Director Wang stood up. “If we allocate 20 percent of our budget we can indeed gain the immediate prosperity promised by a projected Golden Age. But, only one base will be able to take advantage of the growth benefits incumbent with this state. As such, it is the opinion of this Board that the Parliament not direct budgetary allocations to this end.

                      “Moreover, it has become clear that it is necessary to boost nutrient supplies at key bases. When this is effected then it is clear that we should reconsider these measures and that, in the short term, it will be to our benefit.”

                      Morgan nodded. “Thank you, Director. Any other Board recommendations?”

                      “Yes,” Director McKenny said as she stood up. “We just constructed our 14th base, and unrest is on the rise yet again. I recommend that we not concentrate resources in this way until we have additional drone suppression techniques available to us. To this end, we need to consider completion of the Planetary Transit System, which will provide growth for small bases, and a much needed boost to morale at these same bases, which typically have the fewest resources and are the most vulnerable to such unrest.”

                      “An excellent suggestion, Director,” Morgan said. “See that both are entered into the record. Any other recommendations to the Parliament?”

                      No one spoke up.

                      “Our treasury is at a low ebb,” Morgan said. “Although our surplus is still ample, we need to consider ways to enhance this output, or grow our way out of this decline. I put it to this Board to consider this issue.”


                      Two sectors east of Sparta Command on the main highway between Bunker 118 and Sparta Command, SPARTA-2208

                      Santiago had been dozing in the back seat of the rover for several hours now. The four rovers that made up her escort had been traveling around the clock since leaving Bunker 118 in order to get back to Sparta Command as quickly as possible. Santiago herself had taken the midnight to four driving shift and now she was getting some needed sleep.

                      “Colonel, I have an urgent flash report for your eyes only coming in now!” Santiago quickly woke up and nodded to her aide Longstreet who was sitting next to the driver.

                      ”Send it through.” She reached over and pulled the consol over to her and activated the screen and the message popped up.

                      TO: Colonel Santiago
                      FROM: Commandant Fitz-Wallace – Bunker 118
                      Subject: Peacekeeper redeployment

                      SFS WARSPITE discovered that Peacekeeper troops had moved into the fungus sector northwest of Fort Ticonderoga. SFS WARSPITE was able to bombard a Peacekeeper armored infantry regiment and an unarmored rover regiment. Significant damage was inflicted on both units. Estimate 30% damage to rover regiment and 10% on infantry. I have ordered the captain of the WARSPITE to continue bombardment when possible to weaken forces in vicinity of Fort Ticonderoga. At this time I see no reason to change invasion plans due to this development. In three turns our troops will land on the beaches and that should give WARSPITE even more time to weaken the Peacekeeper forces hiding in the fungus next to the invasion site. Unless I am informed otherwise I will hold to the invasion plan as discussed. Current redeployment of Peacekeeper forces do not effect our planning.

                      Commandant Reginald Fitz-Wallace

                      Santiago re-read the message again and then deleted it. Then she quickly sent a response back to Fitz-Wallace.

                      FROM: Colonel Corazon Santiago
                      TO: Commandant Fitz-Wallace

                      REF: Invasion plans

                      I commend your use of naval artillery to harass and weaken enemy. I agree that at this time I seen no reason to deviate from plan. Command had anticipated the possibility that Pravin Lal might order his troops into the open. You should take this opportunity to destroy his forces in the open. The siege of Fort Ticonderoga can wait if you feel it more prudent to eliminate Peacekeeper forces in the field. Second wave of invasion can deal with base. However, all attacks must be swift and coordinated so that our end goal is achieved, the capture of the Peacekeeper capital and the Peacekeeper advanced command and control center.

                      Colonel Corazon Santiago

                      Santiago hit the send button and then eased herself back into the chair while pushing the consol back into position. She was still confident of the eventual outcome of the conflict but everything was so dependent upon time. If the invasion force failed to secure the old Spartan cities quickly enough then Lal would have time to react and build a counter force to throw the Spartans back. Time! That was the key. Fitz-Wallace’s forces had to capture the cities with a minimum loss of manpower and equipment. The whole invasion would be for nothing if they failed to achieve the capture of Pravin’s capital. That was the key, the capture of Pravin’s capital. With the loss of that advanced command and control complex his forces would be incredibly weak. Santiago looked over at the mounting pile of reports and requests that she had promised to read and decide upon before her return however she just could not muster the mental energy to do it. Most of them were from Boothe and her department concerning production schedules, resource allocation requests and others. The one report she did read was the report by Gregovich and Boothe about Dircector Morgan’s empathetic spies and the likelihood that Morgan might be selling information to Lal. That would certainly explain a great deal as to how Lal seemed to be anticipating some of their moves. She still had not decided how to deal with that, yet. She closed her eyes and decided sleep was the best course of action now.


                      Morgan Industries, MY 2108

                      “Lady Skye, I am absolutely delighted that we have come to such a magnanimous understanding. I am sure the Pact between our two peoples will be fruitful, and that this harmony will grow into something greater, perhaps much greater.”

                      Deirdre Skye smiled at Directory Morgan. “Yes, our relationship has been most fruitful, especially with the ‘gifts’ you have granted us. That, more than anything else, helped convince those on my Council that you were not as venal as we might have thought.”

                      “Most assuredly not,” Morgan said, chuckling a little. “We never have hostile intent toward anyone, let me assure you, least of all a people as inclined to peace as yours are. I am sure we will come to know each other quite well in the near future.”

                      Deirdre paused with that last statement. “I am sure we will. And I hope we can Walk with Planet together.”

                      Walk with Planet? Morgan thought. [/I]What is the significance of this statement? I must know![/I]

                      “As do I,” Morgan said without missing a beat. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

                      “No,” Dee said. “We’ll be downloading our maps. I hope you’ll do the same as soon as possible.”

                      “Of course,” Morgan stated. “Consider it done. Good Day, Lady Skye.”

                      “Take care, Nwabudike,” Dee said as she signed off.

                      Morgan looked at the blank holo grid, faintly annoyed. No one called him ‘Nwabudike’ except his close associates. But then, the Morganites were not pacted with the Gaians, as strange as that sounded.

                      This was a coup, no doubt about it. The energy windfall from trade alone was one third of their current surplus, and that was not insubstantial. Let Santiago keep her loan for a while – the Morganite economy would generate more than those measly 100 megacredits in one year.

                      It could all go south, though. Morgan had few illusions that the Pact would last – Morganite and Gaian philosophies were disparate, to say the least. What could be said is that, for the moment, they were traveling down the same road.

                      What was not clear is when, and under what circumstances, those roads would diverge.


                      Harbor observation tower, Bunker 118, SPARTA-2209

                      The last transport for the invasion had rounded the north side of the harbor hills during the morning hours. While it closed the distance to Bunker 118 many of the soldiers of the invasion force had wandered towards the sentry/observation tower to get a glimpse. Just to the south anchored near the embarkation area were the other two transports of the invasion force. As soon as the last transport reached the anchorage area of the invasion fleet barges would begin loading the rovers and infantry regiments on the transports. Standing in observation tower stood Commandant Fitz-Wallace with his command staff and commanders of the various elements of the invasion force. Fitz-Wallace stood near the edge of the railing watching the transport come closer through mag-glasses.

                      “Order your men to begin loading this turn and by next turn they will be on Macedonia. As soon as I am done here I will transfer command to the WARSPITE to coordinate the invasion from there. What is the latest from her captain?” Fitz-Wallace asked as he continued to watch the transport.

                      “Commandant, the WARSPITE reports that they completed another bombardment of the coast and from the damage assessment reports the Peacekeeper rover regiment is down to half strength. However, another infantry regiment has been spotted to the north but it is only a scout regiment. No sign yet of any heavier units.” One of the aides reported promptly.

                      “Excellent. Send the following report to Colonel Santiago and the High Command at Sparta. Transport has arrived and will begin loading of troops as soon as possible. Expect to land invasion force the following turn.” Fitz-Wallace turned to face the assembled staff. “Okay gentlemen lets get down from her and get the men aboard!”

                      All of them began to thump each other on the back and smile as they walked to the elevator area to make the descent. This was what being a Spartan was all about the thrill of the battle to come and the comradeship of fellow soldiers on the night of a great struggle. The Spartan soldier was about to go to war…


                      Morgan Industries, MY 2209

                      “And with the cutting of this ribbon,” Morgan said as he positioned an oversized gold plated scissors across a wide, red ribbon, “I officially open the first Research Hospital on Chiron!”

                      Morgan drew back the handles with a flourish, and then brought the blades together. The ribbon parted, each side fluttering to the ground. The large audience started clapping, and Morgan turned around to wave. An aid took the scissors and spirited them off stage.

                      Morgan was perfectly happy to let the crowd continue to clap, absorbing the energy of all those enthusiastic workers and managers. Of course, all were dressed to a T, as was befitting this grand event.

                      “Who would have thought,” Morgan started, “that in a mere hundred years that we could progress from feeble beginnings, and barely scratching a living from the unforgiving soil, to tall and proud cities that fairly crackle with energy and vitality! This is a symbol of that dynamism, and I predict it will not be the last. No, we will build a society so grand, so vigorous, that the rest of those on Planet will come to understand that our way of life is to be valued, even treasured. We can lead this tattered remnant of humanity to all the glories we squandered back on Earth! We will do more than survive; we will prosper! Our works will speak for themselves, as they already do!

                      “But, I digress. That is the future, and this is today. I wish to honor the leaders and managers that enabled us to reach this pinnacle of achievement! Let me introduce Ms. Lu Lee, senior project manager at Morgan PolyEngineering!”

                      The crowd clapped, and Ms. Lee stood to take her bow.

                      “Next, the able administrator of Morgan Industries, Mr. Warren Sihg…”

                      Morgan continued, introducing each member with distinction. He knew this would be a day to remember and was determined to make the best of it, both for them and the Tri-Vee cameras that were recording the event.

                      As usual, Morgan had bigger plans than a ribbon cutting. This ‘event’ would be broadcast all over Chiron. All would see this grand structure, the first of its kind on Chiron.


                      • #41
                        One sector east of Bunker 188 on board the SFS WARSPITE, SPARTA-2210

                        Fitz-Wallace watched the squadron of three transports sailing just south of the WARSPITE on calm seas from the starboard side observation deck. It had taken some time to get the three rover regiments, the mechanized infantry regiment and the two espionage teams loaded with all of their equipment, food and support material. Now it was just a matter of a few more days before they sighted land and the beaches they would land at. WARSPITE would soon leave the convoy and make a sprint towards the coastline and lay down the first of several coastal bombardments to prepare the way for the invasion. The last intelligence report he had gotten from Santiago was that the rover regiment that had been guarding the beaches had been shifted inland and had taken up a defensive position around Fort Ticonderoga. The remaining infantry regiment was still hiding in the fungus sector but it too had suffered considerable damage and they had lost a full third of their men. What still amazed him was the depth and detail of intelligence that the High Command sent him. How they got it made little difference to him but he was sure that the men and women of the special operations group that were sailing on the AJAX had something to do with it.

                        “Commandant, the captains of the transports ACHILLIES, AGEMEMNON and AJAX all report they have sighted the coast and they have alerted each of the commanders of the regiments they are transporting that the landing will take place within 24 hours.” The signalman stood there waiting for a response.

                        “Send the following reply. All ships to land troops at 0:400hrs tomorrow night at designated area. One hour prior to the landing the WARSPITE will commence a naval bombardment to cover the approach. No change in the invasion plan as of now. After the receipt of this message all ships to maintain radio silence until after the landings have been completed. Cry HAVOC and let slip the dogs of war!” The signalman quickly jotted the information down all the time smiling with pride. He then saluted his commandant and turned and left.

                        The invasion was on. His fortune now was tied to the men and women who now sailed into harms way. He had trained them for years now and if they were not ready to handle this then no one could. Fitz-Wallace looked to the stern where Sparta was. Back there were more troops ready to go and as soon as the transports unloaded their precious cargo they would quickly sail back to get even more troops and equipment. However, he would not be going back, he would be going in with the men and women of the invasion force…

                        War Room, main command center of Sparta Command, SPARTA-2210

                        Santiago stood silently over the large holo-map table watching intently as the four tiny ships on the map edged closer and closer to coastline of Macedonia. She had been here for days neglecting her other duties to monitor the situation with the invasion force. She studied each new piece of information or intelligence or radio intercept that came into the command center. There was not a single aspect of the invasion she did not know intimately.

                        “Colonel, you really should give yourself a break.” Mannsfield had quietly stepped beside her while she was watching the map. “If anything you really need to sit down with Director Boothe and her staff and review next years production schedules and the treasury report must be approved.”

                        “Director Boothe can wait! I have no intention of leaving now just so I can sit through a week of meetings with her bean counters and paper pushers.” Santiago turned and walked over to the larger wall map of Sparta and surrounding area while Mannsfield followed discreetly behind her.

                        “Colonel, if I may.” Mannsfield put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a computer disc. “On this disc is a proposal I wish for you to review. On it you will find my recommendation that Sparta form a governing council of elected citizens who could manage the non-military affairs of Sparta.”

                        Santiago turned on Mannsfield while grabbing the disc from his grasp. “This could be your death warrant Mannsfield. Why would you even think to propose such a thing, turning Sparta into a democracy.”

                        “Colonel it is clear to anyone who can see that while our society still grows it is not a healthy growth. Our economic system is stagnating our creativity and productiveness to such an extent that we are trapped in an endless cycle of stagnation. What I am proposing is that our society is too large for any one person alone to guide it. Even Caesar had the Imperial Senate of Rome. In many ways the new government I propose shares many of the same aspects and qualities. Every city in the Spartan Federation will elect three delegates to the Supreme Federation Council that will be responsible for setting social and economic policy throughout Sparta. The Supreme Council will then forward for your approval a Pro-Consul candidate who will be responsible for running the Consul and managing domestic policy. You will hold supreme military authority and act as final arbiter of all disputes within the Consul and have veto power over any legislation sent to you for approval.” Mannsfield waited and watched as Santiago continued to struggle with the idea. For nearly a 100 turns she had ruled Sparta and guided her but now even she knew in her heart of hearts that she could not longer carry the burden herself. She had even earlier discussed the idea of implementing a secret police force to control the growing population of Sparta but that created even more problems and it did not solve the one issue she wanted resolution to, freeing her from the endless paperwork and useless discussions that plagued her days. She knew Sparta would never be the economic giant that the Morganites were or the scientific geniuses that the University was but she could turn Sparta into the greatest military power of them all, if she had the time.

                        “How could we do this?”

                        “Currently, we lack the financial resources to make the change without reducing our treasury. I had thought we could sell the technology on gatling lasers to Director Morgan who could use them very effectively against the Cyborgs, a win-win for us both. We could have him pay us 100 credits but only take 50 credits and use the other 50 to pay down our loan. With 50 mega-credits we can make the switch to a democracy. Then it would only take a turn to organize the elections amongst the citizens of Sparta and then form the council.”

                        “Only citizens, right? No civilians could vote or hold a seat.” Santiago asked.

                        “Yes. However, I fear that in time some civilians might demand the right to vote but that is an issue we can deal with latter.” Mannsfield quickly replied.

                        “WE can deal with?” Santiago replied.

                        “Yes Colonel, we. I do not wish to serve in active duty anymore. I am tired of the military and this old soldier has found that dealing with building a new society can be more challenging. I would seek the office of Pro-Consul.” Mannsfield replied in a quiet and subdued voice.

                        “I thought as much. For some time you have not been yourself, the man I remembered so long ago. As your last act before retirement and joining the ranks of a citizen I want you to contact Morgan and see if he will make the exchange.” Santiago turned back to the map a clear sign she wished no further discussion on the matter.

                        Mannsfield turned and went back to his office to make a call.

                        Director Morgan,

                        I have been authorized by Colonel Santiago to make the following offer. We would be willing to sell our technology on gatling lasers for the amount of 100 mega-credits. We would only wish 50 credits to be transferred to us while the remaining 50 credits would be applied to our loan. If this is acceptable to you please inform us as soon as possible.

                        Lieutenant Colonel Mannsfield

                        Executive Officer and Chief of Military Operations of the Spartan Federation.


                        Morgan Industries, MY 2210

                        Coronal Mannsfield,

                        I am pleased to accept your offer to sell us your technology on Superconductors for the sum of 100 megacredits. Your suggestion that 50 megacredits be paid in immediately and that the rest be applied to the balance of the Spartan 150 megacredit load is also acceptable. The sum of 50 megacredits is attached to this message, and the transfer will be accepted when the technology transfer has been approved. At that point the balance the Morganite loan to the Spartans will be 100 credits. Your technology will be of great assistance to us in our efforts to defend ourselves against the predations of the Cyborgs, and I can only assume that the princely sum of 50 megacredits will be put to good use.

                        Director Morgan


                        Morgan finished his message to the Spartans and sent it on its way. The Executive Council and Board had already been appraised of this latest Spartan offer, and they were in full agreement that this was a fair trade. The Hive had extorted 250 megacredits for their technology Doctrine: Loyalty. At that price it was hardly worth it, but with a protracted war on with the Cyborgs any technology would be helpful.

                        Another thing had been bothering him. Why had this Mannsfield contacted him? He was a senior member of Santiago’s staff, but in the past it had been clear that Santiago was in control, especially in diplomacy and an important trade such as this. Evidently this would take more serious thought.

                        Morgan then turned to the summaries that had been thoughtfully prepared by Elaine. It was abundantly clear that none of the other factions had the vaguest notion about how to structure an economy. They were all backward, even when running a Free Market economy. Now, it was true that the 16 Morganite bases were prestigiously productive economically, even if they did suffer from an initial industrial penalty. This last problem had been more than solved with the use of supply crawlers, which were put to prolific use. In fact, there were almost no developed terrain that was not harvested for its resources and the race was on to build more terraformers to improve more territory.

                        But, when would this change? The pressures of the Cyborgs made it abundantly clear that the other factions were not stupid, and that some were inclined to take what they couldn’t build. Morgan understood this; it was the weak verses the strong, as always. The problem is that these same headstrong bullies would soon turn their greedy eyes toward the lofty spires of Morgan Industries. That was unacceptable.

                        One sector west of Fort Ticonderoga, Macedonia, SPARTA 2211

                        Fitz-Wallace slowly walked over the battleground trying to avoid the bodies of the dead Peacekeepers. Since landing the Spartans had wiped out three full regiments of Peacekeeper soldiers with hardly sustaining any damage. However, the battles had delayed them and cost them precious time. The time table to capture the old Spartan city of Fort Ticonderoga had been thrown off by nearly a full turn.

                        “Commandant, Colonel Santiago wants a status report.” Major Hansen waited patiently with the communication set as Fitz-Wallace walked over.

                        “Colonel, this is Fitz-Wallace. Nearly all of the infantry and rover regiments protecting Fort Ticonderoga have been wiped out. There is one small infantry unit to the north but it should not be too much of a problem. We will move in shortly and occupy Fort Ticonderoga and await reinforcements before moving on to Fort Apache.”

                        “Commandant. I suggest you kick your men into high gear and get them rolling. More reinforcements are coming to you but you need to move quickly. Now that you are there Pravin has ordered his production facilities to build impact infantry units at nearly every city. In short order if he presses you will find yourself outnumbered. You need to move as quickly as possible to smash down his forces before he can regroup and strike back, is that clear!” Santiago’s tone did not indicate this was a debatable subject.

                        “Clear Colonel. We have suffered only minor damage and the 2nd M.A.R.s regiment did take 50% damage due to a minefield they had to clear while assaulting the base. However, I see no reason why next turn we can not move out and take Fort Apache in the same turn as we do Fort Ticonderoga.”

                        “Make sure you just move! I am working with Pro-Consul Mannsfield to coordinate more resources for your invasion. You will soon have more highly trained and equipped troops than Pravin. Remember to rely on your training first though. Santiago out.”

                        Fitz-Wallace shut the link down and turned to face the outskirts of the city. Dead bodies littered the approach to the city but that was all there was left to protect it, dead bodies. He slowly waved his hand and the 1st heavy assault rovers began to move forward towards victory.

                        Director Morgan,

                        As agreed to you will find attached our files on gatling weapons. They should prove very effective against the Cyborgs in defending your cities. Since I have been told that your business operatives have amongst them several unique individuals I am sure you are now aware that the Spartans now have a limited form of democracy. I have been elected as first Pro-Consul to the Spartan Supreme Federation Consul. My authority covers a wide variety of areas but let me assure you that Colonel Santiago as Supreme Commander of the Spartan Federation has the ultimate authority in our government. However, in matters of business or trade relations you may direct your inquires to me since Colonel Santiago is far to busy to handle such minor issues.

                        I hope in time we can forge a strong working relationship that will be both profitable and beneficial to both sides.

                        Mike Mannsfield

                        Pro-Consul to the Supreme Spartan Federation Consul


                        Morgan Industries, MY 2211

                        “I sympathize with your plight, Dr. Lal,” Morgan said. “I grieve for your people, and understand that they are under attack by the Spartans. But you have to understand my position. The Spartans have done we Morganites no harm, and they have been our friends. I cannot declare a vendetta against them. Moreover, even if we did they are a long way away from us. Remember, too, that they are a military power, and I am not.”

                        “Then you will do nothing as the Spartans attack and slaughter innocent civilians,” Pravin said. His voice rose a bit.

                        “There is nothing I can do, I’m afraid. It is unfortunate you did not choose to deal with us before, Pravin. Then we might have been able to talk to Santiago and persuade her to come to a just peace. In fact, I will ask her to halt her war against you at my next opportunity. But, there is the matter of the two Spartan bases you hold.”

                        “Our operatives liberated them after we were attacked by the Spartans!” Pravin said. “The people of those bases came over to our side of their own free will. They had tired of Santiago’s tyranny!”

                        “Yes,” Morgan said. “I’m sure they had.”

                        “At least aid us by gifting us armor technology,” Pravin said. He was more desperate now.

                        Morgan thought for a moment. His agreement with the Spartans said nothing about trading technology. This was definitely a gray area. Morgan decided to play his hand to see what he could get.

                        “That would be difficult,” Morgan said.

                        This cued in Pravin. “I can make it worth you while. I will transfer 50 megacredits to you in exchange for the armor technology.”

                        “That is a very low amount for such a valuable technology. It would aid you immeasurably,” Morgan said.

                        Pravin started to get agitated.

                        “But, in the interests of good will, I will agree,” Morgan said at last.

                        Dr. Lal looked relieved. Then he decided to roll the dice again. “Perhaps you would consider selling Polymorphic Software? Artillery would be of great use in our struggles against Santiago.”

                        Morgan drew the moment out. “Yes,” he said, “I think that can be arranged…”


                        Pro-Consul Mannsfield,

                        Dr. Pravin Lal of the Peacekeepers, with whom the Spartan Federation is in a state of hostilities, recently contacted me. He has asked that I act as a third party in the effort to bring your two peoples to a just peace. As I understand it, the Spartan Federation is pressing this vendetta, which the Peacekeepers wish to end amiably. Dr. Lal seemed most insistent on this point.

                        It would be most beneficial for me to understand the Spartan position on this state of hostilities between the Spartan Federation and the Peacekeepers. Specifically, I am interested in what conditions would be required for the Spartans to agree to a peace treaty, and a time frame that might be desired. Dr. Lal has already outlined his position.

                        Coronal Santiago’s efforts to broker a peace between the Morganites and the Cyborgs were appreciated, even if the Cyborgs didn’t hold their end of the short-lived end to hostilities. I am now returning the favor with the hope that the outcome will be more lasting and advantageous to both sides.

                        Director Morgan


                        • #42
                          Office of Colonel Corazon Santiago, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2212

                          Director Morgan,

                          Perhaps Pro-Consul Mannsfield was not clear enough in his last transmission to you in that his authority is limited to the management of the economic and social systems of Sparta. In affairs of state I still hold ultimate power as well as supreme command of the combined armies of the Spartan Federation.

                          Your proposal to explore terms by which peace can be negotiated between the Peacekeepers and us is rejected. I intend to negotiate my own peace terms to Pravin Lal the next time I see him. I see no reason at this point to even consider a negotiated truce until I have recaptured all of the former Spartan cities in Macedonia. Even then I doubt any truce could be worked out since I find Pravin Lal to be a dishonorable man who is a coward and thief.

                          Now that we have dispensed with that we can address another subject, the sale of certain technologies to the Peacekeepers. I find it a serious breach in our relationship that at the time we are engaged in liberating former Spartan cities from Pravin’s tyrannical rule you take the opportunity to sell him highly sensitive military technology. We sold or traded or even gifted you technology to aid you in your struggle against the Cyborgs and to help you defend your people against the mind worms and this is how you repay us! While the other factions on this planet scorned you we accepted you and worked to build a friendship and now you do something like this for nothing more than money! We Spartans have refused the many advances and propositions by the Cyborg leader for technology that decades ago could have been used against you at a time when your forces and people could have been easy prey. A less than honorable person would have done that but not us. So should we now sell technology and make a treaty with the Cyborg leader, the answer is no. While your actions smack of treason we Spartans still know honor! We will not aid your enemy to spite you or to gain a few extra mega-credits.

                          It is clear that you profited greatly from the selling of certain technologies to the Peacekeepers. Pro-Consul Mannsfield suggests the sum of 100 mega-credits found there way into your pockets. Since we seek an honorable means to right this injustice you visited upon us so I declare that the amount we owe you from the loan you extended to us is now forfeit. This is the price you pay for profiting from a war that you should not be involved in.

                          I take this action with no pleasure but it is the only way I know of to seek an honorable end to the situation you created. Perhaps we both can learn from this costly lesson and in the future seek more honorable means to achieve peace or prosperity on Chiron.

                          For now I see no reason to end our treaty of friendship over one issue however you I wish to remind you again of the terms of our treaty:

                          Council chambers – command center, Sparta Command, SPARTA 2205

                          Director Morgan,

                          I have considered your offer of an alliance, treaty of friendship, at this time. Please send the appropriate documentation for us to review and we will approve it, if it is acceptable. We also considered your offer of 50 mega-credits as appropriate compensation and as such will accept them as well. Of course, you understand that this is not to be viewed as a payment, rather than a gift, such as the technology we gifted you some time ago.

                          I do have to make one point that if you should accept our alliance, our treaty of friendship, you make this agreement with the understanding that you can not make one with Pravin Lal, or at least until Sparta and the Peacekeepers resolve their dispute. Simply put you can not be our partner and Pravin Lals at the same time. If you can not accept this minor stipulation then for now we will consider this agreement tabled and pursue other partners who understand our situation. However, I think you will clearly see that is more “advantageous” to be our friend rather than Pravins.

                          Your response to my proposal indicates that you accepted my proposal in full and in fact I agreed to further stipulations you placed on the agreement as well as you can see below:

                          Morgan Industries, MY 2104


                          I cannot in good conscience take any side in your conflict with the Peacekeepers. Morganite forces were not present to witness events and, as a result, all I have is your word against that of Pravin. There is some circumstantial evidence, but that is currently under advisement and no conclusions have yet been reached. I must say that I find it surprising that two Spartan bases fell so quickly, and any explanation you might give may be illuminating.

                          You will find that I have attached Centauri Empathy and Industrial Automation and pre-approved the transfer. I will remind you that Industrial Automation does come with strings: a pledge by the Spartans not to complete the Planetary Transit System project. If you cannot make this pledge I will understand and we will have to renegotiate terms. I will look forward to future trades, since they are beneficial to both our peoples.

                          The initial theories provided by the Centauri Empathy are compelling, even if I do not particularly like what they suggest. I am willing to keep an open mind, however, since it is my belief that an open mind can use data and situations to the best advantage: I dislike overly ridged paradigms, and one must be adaptable to circumstances. In my experience that is the key to survival.

                          I have been authorized by the Morganite Board of Directors to again offer a treaty of friendship to the Spartan people. If you review this proposal I think you will find that you will benefit from trade, particularly since you have some large and well-developed bases. Since I understand there are significant bureaucratic costs I am ready to compensate you people, and our best estimates are that 50 mega credits should be sufficient to cover your startup costs.

                          And let me remind you of your final agreement:

                          Coronal Santiago,

                          I am delighted we could come to terms on a treaty of friendship. I have attached the 50 mega credits startup fee to this transmission, as promised, and I have pre-approved the agreement to expedite the transfer. I trust it will be to your approval.

                          As you can clearly see that your treaty with the Peacekeepers and the profits you reap from that treaty is in direct violation of our treaty. So I await your response as to how you plan on dealing with this situation. I for one wish that you had never created it but greed can always be a compelling force. The forfeiting of the loan only compensates us for the immediate damage you did to us but does nothing to rectify the violation of our treaty. I await your response to this issue with great interest.

                          Colonel Corazon Santiago

                          Supreme Commander of the Spartan Federation, Sparta Command

                          Santiago hit the send button and looked up at Mannsfield.

                          “So what do you think Pro-Consul?”

                          “Colonel, we certainly have a very strong case, there can be no doubt to that. I do worry about the arbitrary manner in which you voided the loan agreement. I can tell you that the Morganites hold great store in their business agreements. The fact you just canceled one will send a strong message to be sure.” Mannsfield adjusted his light gray suit as he shifted in his chair. The “uniform” of the new citizen council was a simple thing a very light gray suit with black pants with a red and gold cross-sash that was worn diagonally over the shoulder.

                          “I agree Mannsfield but we lost a major edge in our war with the Peacekeepers. Already Lal is building pulse-plasma armor for his equipment and troops. If he completes a major upgrade our war will go badly and it will be protracted. Something I am sure the treasury will not like, I am correct, yes?”

                          “Too true Colonel. However, perhaps a negotiated peace might be useful then?”

                          “NO! Never! I will not make peace with Lal until the advantage is ours and ours alone. When his forces are weakened when we take several of his cities then he will know the taste of defeat and then we can discuss peace.”

                          Mannsfield simply sat there for a few minutes and then stood up. “Thank you Colonel. I think we are done here. The war will continue for now and we will support it the best way we can.” He turned and walked from the room while Santiago watched him trying to analyze his last statement.


                          Morgan Industries, MY 2212

                          Coronal Santiago,

                          It is unfortunate you chose to default on the loan we generously granted your people. It is the opinion of the Board of Directors and the Parliament that this action was rash and unjustified. Moreover, it has degraded the Spartan credit rating to a degree that further loans will be impossible until this issue is resolved satisfactorily.

                          Your claim that the sale of technology by the Morganites to the Peacekeepers is against the terms of our agreement is specious. There is no text in our agreement that precludes any direct business dealing between the Peacekeepers and Morganites. I suggest that in the future you be clearer when you draw up a contract.

                          I am entirely unclear on your basis for second accusation. You make generous use of quotations of previous documents, but your point has not been made. Please clarify.

                          Your wholesale rejection of peace talks with Pravin is also disturbing since it speaks to a warlike nature that exceeds the need to recoup losses. Recovering your lost bases is understandable, even if the pretext for those losses implies hostile acts on your part. I can also understand the need for a forward defense. However, your recent statements suggest a more belligerent attitude. ‘Honor’ can be used to justify many things, not all of which are wholesome or just. Be wary of where that line of thought might lead.

                          Director Morgan


                          Office of Colonel Corazon Santiago, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2213

                          Director Morgan,

                          Your are correct in your statement that the “letter” of the agreement does not spell out any specific terms in which you can or cannot sell technology. However, our treaty does state very clearly that by accepting a treaty of friendship with the Spartans YOU CAN NOT DO SO WITH THE PEACEKEEPERS! All one has to do is re-read the pertinent paragraphs that clearly state that if you accept a treaty of friendship with the Spartans you can not do so with the Peacekeepers as clearly shown below!

                          I do have to make one point that if you should accept our alliance, our treaty of friendship, you make this agreement with the understanding that you can not make one with Pravin Lal, or at least until Sparta and the Peacekeepers resolve their dispute. Simply put you can not be our partner and Pravin Lals at the same time. If you can not accept this minor stipulation then for now we will consider this agreement tabled and pursue other partners who understand our situation. However, I think you will clearly see that is more “advantageous” to be our friend rather than Pravins.

                          Our intelligence clearly shows that you have made such a treaty, do not deny it!!

                          Your treaty helped secure lucrative business dealings with the Peacekeepers that added wealth to your coffers and sensitive military technology to the Peacekeeper war machine. If you can somehow “clarify” how a treaty of friendship with the Peacekeepers is in keeping with the agreed upon terms of our treaty then please inform me! The only other solution we can agree to is the dissolution of our treaty which will free you once again to seek business dealings with anyone you freely choose to do so. In signing this treaty you offered 50 mega-credits as compensation for administrative costs. The ending of said treaty would cost you another 50 mega-credits that you could deduct from our loan and then we would begin paying you immediately the sum of three mega-credits per turn until we have paid you a sum of 50 mega-credits, the outstanding balance on our loan. We honor our agreements but we will not be taken advantage of by you or anyone else.

                          As to the issue of Pravin Lal and the Peacekeepers, one, it does not concern you. You do not have a stake in our disagreement and as such we do not see that it concerns you. Two, we have merely “reclaimed” our original colonies on Macedonia that were captured by Pravin and his thieves. These colonies have now been restored. As of now we seek no further retribution but should Pravin try to retake these cities he will pay the consequences by losing one of his, each and every time he tries we will then move to take one of his. Each time a Peacekeeper soldier attacks our stalwart defenders he will pay a price and that price will be a city of his.

                          You should remember that we Spartans have stood next to you when the Cyborgs attacked you nearly 50 turns ago. We have sold or gifted you vital military technology that has kept you on par or given you a superior position with the Cyborgs. We have been vital trading allies as well and we both prosper from these dealings so if you wish to jeopardize them it is your actions that do so not ours.

                          Lastly, as I stated earlier peace talks are now up to Pravin Lal. We have recaptured our lost cities, our primary goal in this expedition. If he continues to attack then we will make him pay. If you now wish to explore peace talks and be the broker of those talks then by all means do so but be warned it will be at your expense, not ours. So you see we are not against peace but against a peace that is unfair or unequal to us.

                          Colonel Corazon Santiago

                          Supreme Commander of the Spartan Federation, Sparta Command

                          Fort Apache, Macedonia, SPARTA – 2213

                          Fitz-Wallace watched as the intelligence teams herded the Peacekeeper leaders who were formally in charge of Fort Apache along the wall next to the command center. Fitz-Wallace walked up to the leader of the base.

                          “You were in charge correct?”

                          The Peacekeeper made a slight sneer and said, “Yes.”

                          “Shoot him.” Fitz-Wallace robotically said and three intelligence soldiers pulled out laser pistols and shot him dead.

                          “The rest of you are free to return to Peacekeeper territory and make sure you inform Pravin Lal that SPARTA now is in charge here not him! Let this be a warning that in the future we will not tolerate any further attacks by his regime.” The intelligence team began herding them out again leaving Fitz-Wallace alone with the dead Peacekeeper civilian leader. He watched the man for several minutes and then reached down and yanked off the United Nations medallion he wore on his neck and looked at it. These Peacekeepers had lost thousands of soldiers now and untold amounts of equipment and the Spartans had only lost one rover regiment in the conflict and yet the Peacekeepers still kept fighting. The next step in the invasion plan was to let Pravin make the next move and use it as an excuse to move on his capital. It also gave the Spartans time to repair the damages and losses they had taken and rebuild their strategic and tactical position. They needed more troops to just secure the two bases let alone another three to four rovers along with a like amount of infantry units to support them. He knew Santiago would not like the request he was about to make but he had now choice. The Peacekeepers were tough when cornered and especially when they had good defenses to stiffen their resolve. Fitz-Wallace pocketed the medallion and walked back to the command center.


                          Morgan Industries, MY 2213

                          “Director Morgan,” Prime Minister Rothchild said. “Can you clarify the accusation made by the Spartans. Is it true that we entered into a trade agreement with the Peacekeepers?”

                          “Apparently so, Prime minister,” Morgan said. “It seems that there was an error during our sale of technologies, and that this was construed as a ‘treaty’ by certain parties in our government and in the Peacekeeper government.”

                          The Prime Minister frowned. “And how will this issue be rectified? It seems that this significantly complicates our political situation with both the Peacekeepers and the Spartans. Putting us in the middle, as it were.”

                          “Yes, that is true,” Morgan said. “I propose that we acknowledge our error…”

                          “Your error,” the Prime Minister said. “Regardless of who made this slip, you are the person responsible according to Article 21, Subsection 2b of our Charter of Incorporation.”

                          “Very well. My error. I will offer Santiago the following advantageous deal. If she will agree to resume payments on our loan we will terminate our treat with the Peacekeepers. The amount of trade we gained in the interim will be ducted from what the Spartans owe on the balance of the loan.”

                          “We are liable to take a hit on our reputation by terminating our treaty with the Peacekeepers,” Minister Lawrence said. “That can hardly be a good for our long term interests.”

                          “I will be sure to mention that,” Morgan said.

                          “And what if Santiago refuses?” Minister Waylen asked.

                          “She has been more than difficult, and is free with her ‘deductions’ and ‘compensations’ in the past,” Morgan said. “I will have to make it clear that abrogation of our loan will permanently harm our relationship, as will random one-sided ‘deductions’, as she is inclined to do. Put in that light she might be inclined to view our agreement as fair, especially since material help from us to the Peacekeepers and the Hive would harm her cause and not be in her long term interests.”

                          “That is rather harsh,” Minister Lawrence said.

                          “I would not be so harsh in matters of diplomacy; it will be left unsaid but implied.”

                          “It seems we have come out the loser on most of our ‘deals’ with the Spartans in the past,” Minister Sihg said. “Would we be better off writing off the loan and the Spartans? I would hate to throw good energy after bad. They seem to be rather belligerent, regardless of our past dealings. In particular, Santiago seems to be more than volatile – hardly character traits in a leader to be trusted.”

                          “I think it is too early to write off the Spartans as business partners,” Morgan said. “There is still a chance we may find a reasonable middle ground.”

                          “And if Pravin Lal refuses to allow the treaty to be rescinded? Or refuses to talk to us?” the Prime Minister said.

                          “That is a potential problem,” Morgan said.

                          “Yes,” Rothchild said. “There are lots of problems, and few solutions. I hope your recommendation succeeds.”

                          Morgan just nodded.


                          • #43
                            Coronal Santiago,

                            Upon review of our records it seems there was an error: a trade agreement was made between the Peacekeepers and the Morganites. Although the circumstances are still unclear it seems that parties in our governments construed the technology sale to the Peacekeepers as a trade agreement. We regret this error and will work to rectify the problem. This situation is a difficult one, and we offer the following solution. First, that we will terminate our treaty with the Peacekeepers. This will likely result in a loss in reputation; we are willing to accept this penalty. Second, we will deduct the trade profits for the duration of this treaty from the Spartan loan balance of 100 megacredits. This value has not been calculated to this point, but it can be if your government agrees.

                            Errors aside I want to be clear that the Morganite government view the unilateral abrogation of loans to be a serious matter. At this point your credit rating is in the ‘junk’ status, and will remain so until cause is given to revise it. If a mutual agreement is reached then this rating will be increased to at least ‘B’ status, and with that will come the potential for future dealings with your people.

                            The Morganites would be distressed if this error on our part will permanently damage our relationship. However, let me be clear that we have trade relations with other governments, most of which are favorably inclined toward us. It would be unfortunate if present circumstances gave cause for us re-evaluate our geo-political stances toward the other factions.

                            Director Morgan


                            Office of Colonel Corazon Santiago, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2214

                            Director Morgan,

                            I was most pleased by the response you gave in your last communication. As I expected once you realized the error that had been made I am sure you will move quickly to rectify the situation.

                            As I stated in previous communications we Spartans consider honor, loyalty and integrity as our most prized possessions so it was with great difficulty that we even issued the statement about the forfeiture of the loan. However, we clearly believe that someone on your staff entered into an illegal agreement with the Peacekeepers that increased your wealth and gave considerable aid and comfort to the Peacekeepers. So now that you have, in theory, acknowledged that a wrong has been committed upon us the matter of compensation is in order. First, as soon as an appropriate amount of compensation has been transferred to us then we will begin the resumption of payments on our loan. So the question before us is what form of compensation will it be? But before we discuss what that will be let us examine the damage that was done in order to craft the appropriate amount of compensation. I could go into great details about the aspects of the injustice that was done to us but that would serve little purpose. But we can simplify the issue very quickly. One, Pravin Lal gained two very valuable technologies, military technologies, he is now using against us. Two, you profited from the sale of those technologies and in the process you also entered into a treaty that allowed you to craft the sale along with increasing your trade surplus. I think that sums up the issue.
                            So here is our proposal. You transfer to Sparta two technologies. We will resume payment on our loan and you will also end your treaty of friendship with the Peacekeepers. We consider this a very equitable offer that compensates us for the long-term damage that your ill-devised treaty has caused us. Of course, we will listen to your counter offer but let me make one point clear, any offer must include your cancellation of the treaty with the Peacekeepers. We feel this is the most simple and straightforward way to handle this horrible issue that has come to stain our relationship. If for some reason you have a problem in transferring two technologies to us you might well remember that we Spartans “gifted” you several technologies shortly after we made contact with you as a sign of our future friendship. Consider this your payment to rebuild a weakened friendship rather than compensation for the grievous violation of the treaty. Once again I think you need only look at the geo-political reality on Chiron to see that Sparta would make a better friend than a foe. Let us hope as long time allies as well as trading partners that you will see that our offer is both fair and just.

                            I await your response.

                            Colonel Corazon Santiago

                            Supreme Commander of the Spartan Federation, Sparta Command


                            Morgan Industries, MY 2214


                            We need to be clear that there are two distinct issues before us. One is the terms of the Morganite-Spartan friendship treaty, and the other the transfer of technologies between the Morganites and Peacekeepers. To mingle these issues significantly impairs any equitable resolution.

                            The transfer of technologies was outside any treaty between our peoples. As such, it is not subject to the topic of ‘compensation’. The fact that we profited from this sale is academic since this transfer was not within the bounds of any agreement between us, nor was such an agreement ‘implied’, as you seem to suggest. No mention of this side agreement was made to us, and since we cannot directly read minds, this is a moot point.

                            We have offered terms as compensation for our error in effecting a friendship treaty to the Peacekeepers. It is equitable in that it compensates your people for any profit enjoyed by us during the term of this treaty. Moreover, we did say we would cancel our friendship treaty with the Peacekeepers. If I understand you correctly, you are demanding two technologies as compensation. This is excessive since we have not profited to a degree that would warrant such a transfer, nor, as mentioned above, was such a transfer illegal. We have already shown our good faith in acknowledging our error, and agreed to accept a diplomatic penalty that may incur when we terminate our treaty with the Peacekeepers. Since you have not given your opinion on our offer I cannot seriously consider your demand.

                            Director Morgan


                            Morgan shunted his message to Coronal Santiago. That woman was really too much, and her demands were outrageous. Nwabudike had to restrain his missive from being much more pointed and he could tell his blood pressure rose just considering her demands. What was even more irritating is that Morganite trade with the Spartans war a relatively small thing and would not really be missed. It would be unfortunate if that income was lost, but Santiago was riding a fine line. In a grudging way he admired her; she was pushing for all she could. But, Morgan would only be pushed so far.

                            Now he had other matters that demanded his attention. There had been a major ecological disruption near Morgan Mines. It turns out there had been significant ecological pollution due to enormous mineral extraction, and that the strange native fungus had grown, destroying a forest. This was irritating since the energy lost lowered the scientific output at Morgan Collections, increasing research time by a year. This damage would have to be repaired, and a nearby former would be called in to remove the offending fungus.

                            Anther problem is that there were so many supply crawlers across Morganite territory that formers were not able to keep up with demand for improved territory. As a result, supply crawler production had slowed and finally halted. Infrastructure and some military units were now being constructed. Morgan was proud that his faction had over three times the infrastructure as any other faction. Soon the first batch of habitation complexes would be complete and his cities could grow beyond size four – a notable achievement. The only downside is that maintenance costs rose, but that was more than acceptable considering the benefits.


                            Office of Colonel Corazon Santiago, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2215

                            Director Morgan,

                            Your last communication has made it clear to me that you characterize our partnership as nothing more than a business one. I find that regrettable. I will make the following point clear and easy to understand and that is you aided our enemy. The selling of military technology to Pravin Lal will most likely cost many Spartan soldiers their lives. We promised to withhold such technology from the Cyborgs due to the fact that they were at war with you as a matter of respect to you and your people. I am also sure that by denying advanced weapon and armor designs the Cyborgs were not as aggressive as they could have been and in turn this saved lives. You could have sold them industrial or agricultural technology but you choose to sell them military technology. This was a reprehensible act!

                            As of now I have not seen any formal proposal by either you or your prime minister that addresses the fundamental issue of compensation. We offer a plan and you scoff at it but make no counter proposal. Also, you have yet to end your treaty with Pravin Lal that is in direct violation of our treaty! Each and every turn you profit from this as does Pravin Lal and his Peacekeepers. I would fully expect any compensation package to include not only the amount of energy you profited but the amount of mega-credits that Pravin Lal has reaped as well! My plan was a simple way by which we could quickly and cleanly end the issue of the treaty violation. So once again I will state the position of the Spartans clearly for you to understand. One, end your treaty with the Peacekeepers. Two, either transfer two technologies or the sum of the energy credits that has been generated by both you and the Peacekeepers from the start of your agreement or forward your own compensation plan for our review. Lastly, one you have completed steps one and two we will resume payments on our loan. I see no further need to discuss this issue with you unless you forward an official compensation plan. It is the Spartans that are the injured parties here, not Morgan Conglomerate! We give you two turns to complete a proposal and end your treaty with the Peacekeepers. If you do not do so then we declare vendetta on you since that is the only means by the terms of the treaty we can end our treaty and then we will offer the following turn a “blood truce” and both sides may be free to pursue other interests. I would regret having to take that action but it would be an action of last resorts. I am positive though a man of your business acumen can, I am sure, “get things done” before the due date nears and resolve this issue to both of our satisfactions.

                            Colonel Corazon Santiago

                            Supreme Commander of the Spartan Federation, Sparta Command.

                            Mannsfield watched as Santiago sent the message and waited for her to speak first.

                            “Well Mannsfield, what do you think he will do now?”

                            “Colonel, I am not sure. His reluctance to take “action” up to this point seems to indicate an unwillingness to resolve the situation. From my sources it seems Morgan acted without consultations with his prime minister and government. The resulting problems have become somewhat of a black eye for all concerned it seems. We have had several riots by civilians and citizens about this issue. Many Spartans feel that we were betrayed by Morgan at a time when we were involved in a conflict he had no right to interfere in let alone profit from and even worse aid a faction that was at war with your ally, or treaty brother. The council has not been very happy at all about this and many are demanding that we seek to ally ourselves with the Cyborgs and use that relationship to put pressure on Morgan and gain another trading partner.” Mannsfield replied quietly.

                            “No, no treaty with the Cyborgs. They can not be trusted.”

                            “Only just a few turns ago I would say you were correct Colonel that Morgan and Zakahorv would stand with us but now events seem to show they lack moral integrity as well.”

                            “That is not relevant. Our actions are and I will not play such a game of diplomacy that stinks of treachery. However, if we do not show some positive results soon the citizens will demand we do something. We are duty bound to due so to preserve our honor in this case if that is all we can salvage from this.” Santiago pushed some papers from her desk towards Mannsfield.

                            “Here is the report for you to take to the council. You can give them a report on the progress of the war.” Mannsfield picked them up and quickly looked through them.

                            “The loss of the SFS WARSPITE will not go over well in the council either. However, I think I can balance the loss with the stunning ground victories. It seems Fitz-Wallace is doing an excellent job in command over there.” Mannsfield replied.

                            “Yes, but the real challenge is about to come. As soon as we can get a few more troops into position I am ordering Fitz-Wallace to send in his espionage teams to breach the Peacekeepers walls so that our troops can make an assault on the Peacekeeper capital. Pravin’s new general seems to have learned from the errors of his predecessors and he is now building equipment and training troops that are nearly equal to ours. We need to take a chance on a bold move to shift the momentum of the war completely into our corner.”

                            “Colonel, what you are planning is very risky indeed and if it were to fail it could mean the loss of our restored colonies.”

                            “Failure is not an option now Mannsfield.”


                            Morgan Industries, MY 2215

                            The Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the Parliament read Santiago’s diplomatic message. There were no happy, some unhappy, and some angry faces among the diverse assemblage of Morganite dignitaries.

                            “As you can see, Santiago’s reply is rather problematic,” Morgan said when he noticed most of the delegates to this special session had finished reading.

                            “Yes,” Rothchild said. “She wants us to give her 100 megacredits so she can pay us back 100 megacredits over 50 years, and then hold that loan over us like she has already done.”

                            “And she keeps bringing up the issue of technology sales, as if that were pertinent to this discussion,” Delegate Sihn said. “She isn’t slow, is she?”

                            “No,” Morgan said. “It is apparent she thinks differently than we do, however. She takes my department’s error personally, and demands a large payment to salve her pride.”

                            “Can we afford it?” Minister Lawrence asked.

                            “Easily,” Morgan said.

                            “Do you recommend we accept this deal?” Minister Lawrence continued.

                            Morgan was silent for a moment. “This error was mine, and I want to ensure we do not travel down a road we will later regret. Santiago has made it clear that we are to pay her 100 megacredits, sever our treaty with the Peacekeeper, compensate her for any gains we made with our treaty with the Peacekeepers, and then she will resume payment on the outstanding balance of the loan, the term of which is 50 years. She asks for a compensation package, but she has already made her terms and seems unwilling to compromise.”

                            Morgan paused again. “The real question is, do we value our relationship with the Spartans that we are willing to pay 100 megacredits extortion? In doing so we retain her trade, but lose that of the Peacekeepers. If we agree we pay a sum that it would take 12 years to make up in trade, but will eventually gain back our loan over 50 years. Either way we lose.”

                            “This is an unpleasant situation, Director,” Rothchild said. His voice was formal. He was speaking on the record. “We have benefited from your ability to craft working relationships with other factions, most notably the Gaians. It seems you have erred in this instance. But, we all have to take risks, and one of those risks is the potential for failure. It is equally clear that your judgment is sound far more often than it is not.

                            “I move that we not accept Santiago’s terms as they currently stand, and that you act to enhance other relationships where you find them to replace lost trade opportunities. Do any delegates wish to amend or second this resolution?” Rothchild asked.

                            A quick hale of seconds came, and no offers to amend.

                            Rothchild turned back to Morgan. “It is the decision of this Special Delegation that Director Morgan will continue to deal with other factions as he sees fit, with consultation with this body. Moreover, we recommend that the offer by Santiago not be approved, and that further conversations be initiated by Director Morgan as he sees fit.”

                            Morgan nodded. He wasn’t happy, but neither was he surprised.

                            “Now,” Rothchild said. “Director Morgan, the Parliament has approved allocating 10 percent of our budget to social enhancement. This will place a number of our cities in a state of Golden Age, facilitating enhance growth and economic production. With the completion of the habitation module it is anticipated that we will be experiencing a population boom. Certain cities will be given grants to complete their habitation complexes, and these cities will grow substantially soon. Additional grants will be made to control social unrest, and the facilities that allow this. Do you have any comment?”

                            “Other than to say I am delighted, no I do not,” Morgan said. He finally smiled since he had something to be happy about.



                            Your terms are clear, but unacceptable. Your continuance to mix treaty terms, non-treaty occurrences, and excessive compensation packages means that, although we would like to make things right, we cannot do so. In particular, your demand for 100 megacredits for violation of terms not subject to the treaty flies in the face of logic. From our point of view you are demanding that we pay 100 megacredits to you so you can pay us back 100 megacredits over a 50-year span, and then continue to hold this loan under threat of default.

                            If you reconsider the Board and I will happily entertain any new proposal. Our previous offer stands, and it is not immutable, as yours seems to be.

                            I want to personally apologize for this episode, and I regret that you have taken it personally. It is my hope we can work together and, in time, put this disagreement behind us.

                            Director Morgan


                            • #44
                              Office of Colonel Corazon Santiago, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2216

                              Director Morgan,

                              Your last communication clearly exposed your position on this issue and for that I am thankful. It seems that the only form of redress I have for your failure to follow the terms of the treaty is to accept your terms. Now I have reviewed all of the past communications concerning the treaty violation and as I understand it your proposal is this. One, you end your treaty with the Peacekeepers effective immediately. Two, you will “calculate” the amount of revenue you have profited by from this treaty and deduct it from our outstanding loan. I think that is correct? Now, if you review my last communication I essentially offered the exact same agreement with the following addition that you also include in you calculations the amount of revenue the Peacekeepers received as well during the duration of the treaty. So if each tern your faction earned, for example, 12 mega-credits and the Peacekeepers earned 8 then the total amount would be 20 mega-credits per turn since the beginning of the treaty that would be deducted from our loan. We consider this last stipulation as both fair and just and within the bounds of our agreement since neither of you should have profited from this agreement. The inclusion of the Peacekeeper revenue as part of the compensation package is viewed more as punitive damages not compensatory and within the scope of the treaty violation since it pertains exactly to the benefit received from the treaty and nothing more. Since there is no higher legal authority I can bring this case to for arbitration I can only hope that you see the justice in our argument.

                              That is our current proposal to you and it will be our last. If you do not accept this in your following response then we will end our treaty with you on the following turn and accordingly default on our loan payment as the only form of compensation we can salvage. I have no wish to continue with this negotiation since it is clear that you do not see your actions in the same light as we do. It has become crystal clear to me that you cannot seem to grasp the indignation your selling of technology and the creation of the treaty with the Peacekeepers has created. The fact that we have a treaty of “friendship” would indicate a certain level of mutual respect and honor. Any action taken by either of us should at the minimum do no harm to the other partner. As I wrote earlier the sale of non-military technology would have been acceptable to us since it would in effect, do no direct harm to us. However, while we were engaged in the process of liberating our Spartan cities from Pravin’s grasp you choose to sell them highly advanced weapon technology that he has subsequently used to kill Spartan soldiers. Your actions in no way indicate your willingness to be our friend but rather our enemy. I understand that is a harsh statement but when I attend the funerals of fallen soldiers who bravely gave their lives in defense of our nation it is the only perception we have that seems to fit. It is especially hard for us to deal with when those soldiers died due to artillery fire or from the fact that their weapons were not effective as a direct result of your sale of pulse-plasma armor! If the Peacekeepers had acquired that technology from Chairman Yang or Aki-Zeta then it would make sense to us but when it was gained from our treaty friend, well, that creates an entirely different picture. I understand that technically and legally we are dealing with two separate issues here but the basis for our mutual friendship has been one of trust and respect. Your actions violated the spirit of the agreement and that is why I am so incensed about this whole situation because even a businessman has to understand that every contract has an implied meaning that can be as important as the actual wording itself.

                              In summation, we have made our last and final offer, a minor variation to your own proposal. If you do not accept the terms then we will end our treaty the following turn. We will then offer you a “blood truce” that you may or may not accept which will restore our relations to the same level as before.

                              Lastly, I wish to pass on to you a bit of news. I was able to make contact with Dr. Skye and her faction this last turn and it seems she was most grateful to learn that other people survived the crash. For some reason the other two factions she had contact with, you and the University, lead her to believe that the other factions on Chiron were “insignificant” and nor worth contacting. I am sure that this was the result of another miss-communication or oversight by someone on your staff. Regardless our talks were very productive and we signed a treaty of friendship. I then took it upon myself to bring her up to speed on the events on Chiron and she seemed very interested in your dispute with the Cyborgs. As part of my efforts to expand our friendship we were able to work out an arrangement and I sent her the communication frequency for the Cyborgs for a minor sum of mega-credits.

                              I for one still have a hard time excepting that life on Chiron has some sort of higher intelligence than we previously believed but Dr. Skye can be most convincing. What I did find illuminating was her evidence that seemed to indicate that the more ecological stress we place on Chiron the more the native life forms will react violently. For example she mentioned a recent event that occurred to one of your cities as a result of pollution that caused her great discomfort and emotional distress it seems. Perhaps Dr. Skye could offer you some assistance on this matter.

                              I leave you with this last thought. When you are considering our proposal you should remember that during those early days it was Sparta that offered its hand of friendship. While the University and Cyborgs treated you coldly and even declared war on you it was Sparta that was your first friend.

                              Colonel Corazon Santiago

                              Supreme Commander of the Spartan Federation, Sparta Command

                              Office of the Pro-Consul, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2216

                              Mannsfield watched as Director Boothe and assistant Director Smith walked into his office. Each day he had a meeting scheduled with both of them so that when the council meet later in the afternoon he would be prepared. The walked over to the large conference table in his office and sat down in their customary spots as he walked over and took his.

                              “Good morning to you both.”

                              “Good morning Pro-Consul.” Boothe and Smith replied.

                              “Well, what do we have today?”

                              Boothe pulled out a large binder and pushed it over to him while she pulled out an electronic PA.D. Mannsfield had never “taken” to the use of P.A.Ds and preferred the use of paper. “As you can see Pro-Consul the riots are still occurring with some alarming regularity. We are working hard to coordinate our specialists to help reduce tensions and the production schedules have been modified to build additional recreational outlets and holo-theaters/network nodes. However, the military continues to bump our production schedules so that more equipment can be built for the war. I suppose the good news is that even with the disruption in production we believe that the riots will soon end. Our specialists are doing a great job in helping our people to live healthy and happier lives. What I could suggest is that we allocate 10% of our treasury to increase services and support for these people. It would give us even greater stability.”

                              “I have mentioned that before but Colonel Santiago needs every mega-credit for the war effort right now. Should we find peace through one means or another with the Peacekeepers then we could like at your proposal again.” Mannsfield flipped the tab to the next section a clear sign to them now that the issue was closed.

                              “Okay, what’s next?”

                              “Pro-Consul the urgent need for more terra-formers. Your plan to send the Sparta terraformers to Macedonia is proceeding but what about Sparta? I know the need is urgent there but there is still much to be done here.” Boothe urgently replied. Since loosing the last three terraformers to the Peacekeepers had been a hard blow. They still never heard from the Peacekeepers as to what happened to the crews so they had to assume the worse.

                              “I will try and see if I can get two built out of Sparta Command and Bunker 118. However, until the war pressure eases up luxuries like terraformers will be hard to get approved. I have been told that Fitz-Wallace will send an escort to make sure the terraformers see no harm. Now, I suppose we should get down to the nuts and bolts lets see the treasury projections for next turn.” Mannsfield flipped to the next tab the sign that the discussion was closed, again.

                              Boothe glanced over at Smith and they locked eyes on each other and both of them knew that it would be just another wasted day of effort. The war was beginning to drag down all aspects of the Spartan economy and until the war reached a conclusion, either way, the Spartan people and economy would pay the price.


                              Morgan Industries, MY 2216

                              “Director?” Elaine said as she peered into Morgan’s new office. “Remember the news you were waiting for?”

                              Morgan disengaged from his data emersion holo and looked at his assistant. “I am sorry Elaine. I was distracted. What did you say?”

                              “The news you were waiting for has come to pass,” she said with a slight smile on her face.

                              A smile appeared on Morgan’s face. “Truly outstanding! And has the effect been what was predicted?”

                              “Oh, yes,” Elaine said as she stared up her datapad, which projected a schematic of industrial production all across Morganite territory. There were a few notable spikes, and Morgan knew exactly what that meant.

                              “Ecological Engineering was all that it was said to be,” he said. “Look at that! Morgan Mines is producing 20 industrial units! And the many of the other bases harvesting from our mines are doing likewise, although not nearly as prolifically. There still is this worrisome pollution, however,” he said, pointing at tell-tales that were known precursors to fungal outbreaks.

                              “But,” he said, “that is a small thought. Here, I have something to show you. The Coronal came through with a counter offer, and I was examining it as you entered. What to you think?” he said as he handed her the simulation.

                              She put it on, took a brief moment to orient herself, and then dug in. “It looks like she recinded her demand for 100 megacredits and asked…” Elaine paused. “She asked nothing in return?”

                              “Not quite nothing,” Morgan said. “She demanded that we compensate her for trade the Peacekeepers made during our friendship treaty. But, since they made no profit the Spartans will get compensated for nothing.”

                              Elaine nodded absently as she continued to pore over the data. “And our payment will be?”

                              “The treaty was effective in MY 2212. It will terminate on MY 2217. That equals five years of trade, which we profited to the amount of 9 megacredits per year. That yields 45 megacredits, which will be deducted from our loan to the Spartans, if we agree.”

                              Elaine took off the headset. “What are you going to do?”

                              “I am still pondering that very question. If we terminate our relationship, and great diplomatic cost, with the Peacekeepers we will lose 9 megacredits a year. If we do not then the Spartans were terminate our trade treaty, which will result in a similar loss. The only benefit is we would get our remaining loan with a balance of 55 megacredits back at 3 megacredits per year.”

                              “You will be cutting the Peacekeepers loose, and abandoning them to the tender mercies of the Spartans. She’ll eventually cut them to ribbons, you know,” Elaine said.

                              “Yes,” Morgan said. “And they will likely do that regardless of who is their business partner. I am inclined to accept Santiago’s offer, to take effect in the next year.”

                              Elaine put the headgear down on the desk. “Good luck, sir. Just don’t let her change the terms again.”


                              Dear Coronal Santiago,

                              I have reviewed your latest offer and, assuming I understand it, I accept. In the coming year we will terminate our friendship treaty with the Peacekeepers, ending our trade agreement with them. As compensation to you we have calculated the amount of trade gained by the Peacekeepers and us. We profited at a rate of 9 megacredits per year over 5 years, from MY 2212 to MY 2217. This yields a total of 45 megacredits. The Peacekeepers profited not at all due to their primitive economic system. This deviance will be applied to your loan, resulting in a balance of 55 megacredits to be paid in 3 credit increments per year until the loan comes to term.

                              I invite you to confirm this understanding so that its elements can take effect. I am glad we have come to terms, and look forward to an amiable relationship in the future.

                              Director Morgan


                              Office of Colonel Corazon Santiago, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2218

                              Director Morgan,

                              Sparta agrees to the terms and conditions as detailed in your last transmission to end the current diplomatic dispute between our two nations. Once we confirm that you no longer have a treaty with the Peacekeepers we will resume payment on the balance of our loan. Please forward a new balance sheet to Sparta concerning our loan status and the amount we are to pay after you end your treaty with the Peacekeepers. It is our understanding this agreement will go into effect the minute you end your treaty of friendship with the Peacekeepers and all calculations concerning the loan payments will be made from that date.

                              It is well that we have been able to resolve this issue to out mutual satisfaction. Sometimes it is said that for any negotiation to be successful each party must compromise on something or give up something. I think your 6th sense for business has aided you once again in choosing the best long-term partner. You may not know this but Chairman Yang has now declared vendetta on Pravin Lal and is in the process of attacking several of his cities. I have yet to determine the reasons for the war but I am sure Pravin Lal must be at the heart of the matter. Whatever the reason it clearly shows his lack of military knowledge or diplomacy to become entangled in two wars on two separate fronts. His meager resources will be spread even thinner. I do wish to inform you that Pravin Lal has continued to harass and inflict damage on our city, Fort Apache. If this continues we will have no choice but to continue our war against him in order to force him to the peace table.

                              Lastly, now that we have resolved our dispute I wish to explore the possibility of a technology exchange. We have in our possession files on cyber-ethics that we are willing to trade to you. I would feel that this would be an important step to rebuilding our friendship and trust. Also, I feel that it would be appropriate at this time modify our current trading agreement concerning the exchange of technology. I do not wish to change any of the terms of the current agreement but rather add a new one. In light of recent events we will no longer exchange military technology with you. I am sure you can see our side of the issue on this matter and the wisdom of it. We are more than willing to exchange non-military technology, such as the current offer, with you but since we can not control or hope to impose on you restrictions as to who you would trade military technology with we feel it would be better not to include military technology as part of any future trade. I hope you can see the wisdom in our approach and we should be able to avoid any future instances where a conflict of interests are involved.

                              Colonel Corazon Santiago

                              Supreme Commander of the Spartan Federation, Sparta Command


                              • #45
                                Partially completed advanced command center, Sparta Command, Sparta

                                Santiago looked around the giant complex buried deep within the bowels of Sparta Command and felt the same surge of pride and power she had the very first time she saw it. Here was the command and control facility she had always dreamed about. The facility was massive, comprising five subterranean levels deep below Sparta Command sandwiched between layers of granite bedrock that made it all the more invulnerable. Technicians and workers were still working around the clock to build all the systems and adjoining training and control areas but she had ordered them to complete the most vital control systems first. Nestled in the very center of the giant room was a massive holo-graphic map table that served as the nexus for the command facility. Hanging above the table and around its perimeter were giant flat screen displays that continually flashed data on various military units, intelligence information and tactical and strategic maps of various areas. At the head of the table was a large chair that was for the supreme military commander of the Spartan Federation. Seated around the table was where the newly created supreme military command and advisory council sat that consisted of the following members: newly promoted Lt. Colonel Robert Hudson, Chief of Operations and executive officer; Commander Miklos Stepovich, Chief of Naval Operations; Major Pete Gregovich, Chief of Military Intelligence; Major Janice Hunt, Chief of communications and Major Blake Stewart, Chief of Military production and procurement.

                                “I want to welcome you all to our new command center. Officially this facility is still under construction but the core elements are in place so we can begin our work. From now on Lt. Colonel Hudson will continue to supervise the daily briefings for the remaining junior officers of the High Command but from now on I will not be attending since the rest of us will hold a senior command briefing here. We will meet once a day and if need by twice depending upon the situation. As of now Lt. Colonel Hudson will be in operational control of this facility to include staffing and support. However, each of you will be asked to stand duty from time to time as “watch officers” in case of an emergency situation. Now, Lt. Colonel Hudson will start the briefing.” Santiago nodded to Hudson.

                                “Good morning. Major Gregovich can fill in the details but it seems that the Peacekeeper allies have either deserted them or turned on them. Colonel Santiago has been able to negotiate a settlement to the dispute with the Morganites and as a result they will end their treaty. Also, Chairman Yang has declared war on the Peacekeepers as well. This now creates a new strategic and tactical picture in Macedonia.”

                                “Lt. Colonel Hudson how exactly does these changes alter our plans?” Stepovich asked.

                                “Commander, what we want to see is how much pressure Chairman Yang will bring to bear on Lal. His total military strength is nearly equal to ours so if he even brings a fraction of his power to bear Lal will be forced to divert forces to meet this threat. When or if he does we will move to take advantage of it. This will also give us time to bring up the second wave of troops. As you can see from the reports on Peacekeeper strength once we crack the outer shell the inner bases will be easy to take.”

                                “Excuse me for interrupting but before we go any further I want to inform you of decision I have made. Commandant Fitz-Wallace has done a great job in Macedonia but I now believe that he is not the right person to lead the assault on the UN Headquarters. I myself plan on taking command.” Santiago watched the faces around the table as each of them registered both mild surprise to shock. “I will leave in five turns and when I reach Fort Apache I will then begin the assault on Lal’s headquarters. I think by then we will find out how much of a war Chairman Yang plans on making. The main reason I am assuming command is simply this, a good general sometimes has to risk the destruction of his army to win the day. I am not going to ask Fitz-Wallace to that risk if I myself would not. With this command center up and operational as long as I am in contact with Sparta Command I am essentially in contact with all of Sparta. Please continue lt. Colonel.”

                                The rest of the meeting covered the latest intelligence, production schedules and troop strengths but the bomb had already been dropped.


                                Morgan Industries, MY 2217

                                There was a small beep and Morgan looked up at his diplomatic display. It was Santiago. Morgan was annoyed – he had bigger things to worry about, like more fungal blooms at Morgan Mines and valuable terrain destroyed, or the new Cyborg invasion near Morgan Construction. What was irritating is that the invasion had occurred just as the formers were finishing constructing a sensor to avoid that very problem. Vexing!

                                The population boom had occurred, and now it was over. The bases that could grow had grown, and now they had slipped out of the lucrative Golden Age. Since they would cease growing that energy was re-allocated to scientific advancement, always a worthy cause.

                                He finished up he was doing, and shunted off the final polish and mundane letters to the invaluable Elaine. She had become a parallel mind, and was almost able to finish his sentences. And, she seemed to enjoy her work. All the better!

                                Now, to Santiago.


                                Coronal Santiago,

                                I have had some difficulty contacting Pravin of late. He has politely but firmly refused to take my calls. The result is that I have not been able to terminate our treaty of friendship. I trust this doesn’t distress you too much. As per our agreement, the trade we receive will reduce your loan by a like amount. If Pravin continues to avoid my calls your loan will be reduced at no cost to you at triple the normal rate, which should be some consolation.

                                On the topic of technology trade, I am afraid that we are also in a similar situation. Your rebuke of our technology deals has made the Morganite parliament wary, and there will be a hiatus while they work on a new policy of technology trading with your people. I hope this will not take too long since I am sure that technology trades are beneficial for all involved.

                                I was aware that the Hive had declared war against the Peacekeepers some time ago. It seemed none of my business so I kept out of it. Chairman Yang has generally refused to deal with me on principle, so if he wishes his isolation I will be only too happy to grant it. Although his society’s infrastructure is very advanced and militarily inclined he has the most primitive economic system and regressive political apparatus one can imagine. Still, he is a potential business partner, so it is useful to keep the lines of communication open.

                                Director Morgan

                                On board the transport ship SFS AJAX in route to Fort Apache, SPARTA-2218

                                Director Morgan,

                                I was not shocked by the contents of your last communication. I fully anticipated that Pravin Lal would “stonewall” your efforts to end the treaty. It might take you some time to end the treaty with the Peacekeepers but that should not stop us from moving forward again as treaty partners. As a gesture of “good will” we will not require that you make any extra effort of any type of compensation to us. As I understand our current arrangement every turn, up until, you are able to end the treaty with Pravin Lal you will apply the proceeds of that trade agreement against our loan amount. That is all that is required by us. We will still require that you eventually end your treaty with Pravin Lal but should it take longer due to Pravin’s stubbornness we fully understand and will work with you. If this process to end the treaty with them takes a long time, then so be it. Once our loan is paid in full by either us or from the proceeds of the trade agreement you have with Pravin then any funds you earn from that treaty are yours alone. I hope this calms any fears you or your board of directors had concerning Sparta’s response to your failure to end the treaty with the Peacekeepers.

                                I understand your reluctance to exchange technology but as I stated clearly in my last communication I see no reason why we could not “limit” ourselves to non-military technology exchanges. Since I doubt you would ever accept any limitations as to which faction you could trade technology with it is better to limit it to technology that would not directly cause harm or injury to our people. With that being said I have attached an encrypted file that contains technology on cyber-ethics. If you could offer a technology of similar quality then perhaps we could work out an exchange. Once again I think this would go far to rebuilding our relationship.

                                I am not sure if you are aware of this but the Spartan Federation is now in a state of war with the Cyborgs. Our attack foil SFS WARSPITE was trying to negotiate passage through a narrow channel only to find that the Cyborgs had placed a base in the center of the passage blocking our progress. The captain of the ship tried to negotiate an agreement for passage around but the Cyborgs would not agree unless we joined forces with them. I then ordered the captain of the WARSPITE to destroy the sea colony and he did so. The Cyborg menace is not to be underestimated to be sure and I will not allow the Cyborgs to control the sea-lanes.

                                Lastly, I wanted to inform you that perhaps one of the reasons why Pravin is not responding to your calls is the fact that Hive soldiers are now moving against his bases. I have intelligence that clearly shows Hive soldiers advancing on Pravin’s outlining cities. And yet, Pravin continues to bombard our cities with long-range artillery fire, a technology he gained from you, and he is inflicting damage on our troops and civilians as a result, this can not be allowed to stand. I can no longer stand for this and as a result I am traveling to our city of Fort Apache to take command of the troops there and bring about a “quick” solution to this problem.

                                If there are further issues you need to address you can still contact me through normal channels since Sparta Command has advanced communication equipment and I am constantly in contact with them.

                                Colonel Corazon Santiago

                                Supreme Commander of the Spartan Federation, Sparta Command

                                Corazon hit the send button and then stood up and walked to the door and opened it. The hallway was bathed in red light due to it being nighttime and the need to preserve night vision. Her bodyguards snapped to attention as she closed the door behind her and allowed her eyes to adjust. After a few minutes she walked down the corridor to the hatchway and opened it and stepped out onto the main deck. It was dark, or as dark as night could be in a solar system with three suns. She looked about and saw a lone figure standing by the rail and she quickly knew who it was, Longstreet, her aide-de-camp. She walked over and as she approached he snapped to attention.

                                “Good evening Colonel.”

                                “Good evening Longstreet. I thought you would be asleep now.”

                                “No Colonel. I went back to the radio shack after I brought you the report about the Hive forces approaching the Peacekeeper base to see if there was any more information and sure enough there was. However, it really didn’t “add” any more to the basic information we already got.” Longstreet replied.

                                “Excellent. I see no reason to change the plan that I talked with you about. Sparta will be sending more troops soon to reinforce the army in Macedonia. Once those troops arrive I intend to attack and capture UN Headquarters. It will be bloody but if all he has to block our attacks are a handful of troops armed with assault rifles he will loose.” Santiago looked over the rail as she spoke and watched the luminance water slip by.

                                “Colonel why have we not attacked before now?”

                                “Simple, I wanted to complete the business with Director Morgan first. I, unlike Pravin Lal, have no intention of alienating my friends.”

                                “What of the Cyborgs?”

                                “Not an issue. They are so far away and seem very content on beating away at Morgan. I have no reason to believe that even with the destruction of that minor outpost they would change strategy and launch a major attack against us. That sea base had to go. It blocked the only way through that area and regardless of our current military situation I was not going to allow the Cyborgs that level of control over a vital sea lane. Sometimes you have to strike to avoid a battle latter.” Santiago stood back up and looked over at Longstreet. “Do you have the information with you on the Hive forces?”

                                “Yes Colonel.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the bundle of paper and handed it to her. She opened it up and briefly scanned it then handed it back.

                                “He is attacking with troops equipped with assault rifles. Is every faction on Chiron mad! Surely you would think he would send some more heavily armed units unless this is just a scouting force. We will see what happens when we get to Fort Apache and have a look then, perhaps by then the Hive will have sent more troops.” She turned back from the railing and looked up into the sky.

                                “Colonel do you think we will win?”

                                “I have not doubt of the ultimate victory we shall taste. It will be a tough battle since the espionage teams are unable to find a means to shutdown the bases’ perimeter defenses. But our troops will be better armed and have better armor than the Peacekeepers.. The key is to not wait anymore than we have to because the more time we give him the more time he can upgrade. In a sense it’s a race now. Who can get the most amount of force to bear at the right spot before the other person can counter. That is the key. After I take a look myself if need by I will take the troops in now before he can get more prepared. He does not have that many bases that actually contribute to his war effort. Even by taking one or two bases we would deny him a vast portion of his production capacity. Now, the time calls for action!”

                                Santiago looked out into the night and then made a straight line towards the command center. Longstreet sighed to himself and then quickly jogged to catch up with Santiago knowing that tonight he would get no sleep.


                                Morgan Industries, MY 2218

                                “Elaine, send a commendation to the Base Manager at Construction. Here idea to ‘counterattack’ with a plasma defender was brilliant. I love the idea of daring the impact rover to attack while defended by the blasted fungus and a sensor. They will stand almost no chance.”

                                “They won’t be removed, though,” Elaine said.

                                “It is to our benefit that they stay exactly where they are. The Cyborgs are using a free market economy and those two units are causing two of their cities to riot - all the better for us. Also make a notating on the use of the land artillery and our foil against the Cyborgs. Making them as uncomfortable as possible is a good thing.”

                                “Now,” he continued. “What of the Board’s proposal to the Parliament?”

                                “The Board of Directors proposed spending 20 percent of our treasury to increase social programs. This will produce a golden age in at least 11 of our 16 cities and end unrest problems in the rest. Four of those cities, those with habitation complexes, will experience a population boom. The Parliament has decided that this is a worthy investment, but asks for your formal approval before they implement any fiscal change of this magnitude.”

                                “Give me your datapad,” he said. She gave to him and Morgan formally notarized the document Elaine had thoughtfully prepared for him. “Done. Also, I recommend that any crèches that are near completion be finished. This might spur a population boom in those cities, too. Any other items of interest?”

                                “Yes,” Elaine said. “Construction asks permission to devote their recently completed crawler to a prototype gattling rover. They do have a command center, and are interested in putting it to good use.”

                                “They are one of the only bases without crawler enhanced production,” Morgan said to himself. Then he looked at Elaine. “Tell them I leave it to their discretion and will support their decision. They have done well so far, and I have no reason to second guess their judgment now.”

                                Elaine nodded. “The last item is a replay to Santiago.”

                                “That is already prepared,” Morgan said.

