I thank you for eliminating the Cyborg base. We saw it leave a decade ago but had not the means to track it down and deal with it appropriately. I am pleased you saw fit to declare war on the Cyborgs. They are duplicitous in their dealings and are not to be trusted.
You will have noticed I did not reply to your offer to exchange technology. The Parliament has tabled that issue while they deal with significant internal development strains, and also continuing Cyborg harassment of our people and bases.
Lastly, Pravin still refuses to answer my calls. Your attacks and those of the minions of Chairman Yang likely distract him. He also might also suspect what I have to say; he is the former Unity officer, and not unobservant.
Director Morgan
One sector northeast of Fort Apache, Macedonia , SPARTA-2219
Santiago watched the troops march by from just off the roadway. She had arrived only several months ago and quickly reorganized the army of Macedonia and then ordered it to war. The first task was to destroy a scout regiment sent by Pravin to spy on her preparations but the unit was quickly discovered and destroyed. The second mission was to destroy a mobile artillery unit just south of UN Headquarters and an infantry unit quickly dispatched them. The last task was to get the bulk of the army moving and try to bring all of the units together so they could delivery one massive blow. Fitz-Wallace had spread out the troops at both bases in order to provide security but Santiago quickly ordered that each base build a single light scout garrison unit so the more highly trained and well armed units could participate in the battle to come.
Now she turned and looked down the on the UN base. From the point where she stood the grand sloped down towards the coast and city. It was good ground to fight a war and the Spartans would have an elevation advantage in the combat to come. Down there in that city Pravin was hastily building more plasma armed troops something that could not be allowed to become reality. Damn that Morgan!! How it galled her each time she thought of his stupidity and greed that now forced her actions. She could not allow the Peacekeepers to build up a superior defense force and then the war would devolve into a war of attrition, something that she knew she could not let happen. So action had to be taken and quickly. So far Pravin had only one infantry unit with plasma armor. They had the city and the perimeter defenses to help their efforts so it was critical to strike now before they could add more.
Santiago turned and walked back to her command rover.
“Alright, lets get down there and show them how a Spartan soldier fights!”
Morgan Industries, MY 2219
“The Cyborgs left?” Morgan asked.
“Yes,” Elaine said as she showed Morgan a clip of the impact rover and infantry boarding a transport.
“Can we take out the transport before it gets to base?” he said.
“Unknown,” Elaine replied. “It might cause distress at Construction.
“Hang the social disruption!” Morgan almost yelled. “We could take out three military units in one blow! Check into it.”
Elaine nodded. “Also, the golden age is going as planned. Next year we should see the results in a significant growth of population, which will be followed by an increase in resource production.”
“Is there terrain to utilize?” Morgan asked. To date almost every spare bit of territory was used by supply crawlers, primarily for harvesting minerals to stoke the fires of industry.
“Generally, yes. Crawlers can be re-assigned,” she said.
“What of the Cyborgs. Is our probe foil in position?”
Elaine nodded with a smile.
“Let us hope they acquire something useful,” Morgan said.
Then he looked over the economic position, which was both good and bad. Industry was developing at a frantic pace, and its growth was outstripping their energy reserves’ growth. That was especially true now that 20 percent of the budget was allocated to social programs. But, that wouldn’t last forever, and the growth was much needed. He had noted that the Spartans had undergone their own significant population boom, and had surpassed them in total population.
The old calculus of population equal production no longer applied with the advent of crawlers, but it did have a significant effect. Larger bases were good, and the theories of Malthus were obsolete with the small human populations on Chiron. For a while at least.
Several kilometers south of UN Headquarters, SPARTA-2220
Santiago watched the Peacekeeper major from the looks of his uniform approach her command post. The army of Macedonia had arrived during the night and quickly dug in about two kilometers south of the UN Headquarters. The Peacekeeper farmers and civilians were very surprised to see in the morning all of these heavily armed soldiers where just yesterday crops were growing. Within an hour they had all fled.
“Colonel Santiago, High Commissioner Pravin Lal, the planetary leader of Chiron demands that…”
“PRAVIN LAL makes no demands on Sparta or myself! You can inform Lal that I have no intention of leaving anytime soon and in fact I order him to surrender his city to us. As far as his being the leader of Chiron he can make all the claims he wants but until I vote for him or he defeats me his claims are worthless.” Santiago snapped back while stepping forward to stand nearly toe-to-toe with the Peacekeeper.
“I see. Then there is little else to say then, is there Spartan. I will inform the High Commissioner of your response.” The major began to turn but Santiago grabbed him by the arm.
“You are not going anywhere Peacekeeper until I get a salute!”
The major looked around nervously and then back at his escorts. He then looked Santiago in the eyes.
“We no longer salute in the Peacekeeper defense force.”
“I am a superior officer, salute!”
The young major raised his hand and performed a poor salute and then began to turn when Santiago grabbed him again.
“It will enjoy teaching you the proper method of saluting again Peacekeeper. Inform Pravin Lal I have no intention of leaving and if he wishes to push me out then he will have to come and get me. I will soon reposition my forces to cut off more supplies to his capital. Either he can meet me in open combat on the plain around us or hide behind his walls like an old women.” Santiago then turned and went back into the command center leaving a very worried Peacekeeper major wondering what on Chiron had caused this calamity to befall his people.
Pravin Lal watched the Spartan army spread out over the fields below his city and rubbed his hands again behind his back. The soldiers were already digging up the fields and looting the storage bins and behind them fires had broken out in several of the storage buildings.
“Father, shall we attack them?” John had walked in quietly into the room but he doubted that even if he come in with a marching band his father would not have heard him. John looked out from the massive observation onto the plain below and each second he saw the Spartans destroying the land around his city his anger grew even hotter.
“As commander of the defense forces of the United Nations are you advising me to attack or asking me to decide to attack?”
“I am not sure father. We might hold out longer if we wait for them to try and breach our walls. But then if we can bloody them now perhaps they will leave.”
“Let me think on this and I will let you know. Are your forces still keeping things under control here, have food riots broken out yet?”
“No father not yet. I am trying to make sure that does not happen.”
Pravin turned and walked back into his main office and John realized how quickly he had aged in just a matter of days.
Morgan Industries, MY 2220
The population boom was coming along very well, and it was impressive how the new population adjusted to their continuing state of golden age. The wealth of energy was flowing, and would keep flowing – it was worth every joule to keep the people hyper productive. And this was with only five hab complexes up! Soon the ability to grow would decline, and this would probably happen within a few years. It would take some time to get more hab complexes on line, and the requisite social facilities. Well, that wasn’t quite true. Most cities were well equipped, except those on the very fringe of Morganite territory.
There were some setbacks. The probe foil had failed and been captured, and likely executed for their actions. This was most unfortunate, and alternate plans would now have to be made. The foil at Construction hadn’t taken out the transport before it got back to port, and a Cyborg foil was now on the hunt. The return would be dicey, and it would be unfortunate if the foil succumbed to the enemy foil. At least the artillery could do some damage to the Cyborgs, but without the foil there would be no coup-de-gras.
Morgan knew he needed more growth! Relying on farms, nutrient specials, and kelp farms was not enough, not if they were to grow to truly large stature!
He pondered this, and hoped that the scientists came through this time.
Office of the Pro-Consul – Spartan Federation, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2221
The doors banged open and Lt. Colonel Hudson rushed through the doors and up to Mannsfield’s desk. Mannsfield quickly stood up, as did several other council members who were seated around the room. Mannsfield was in the process of holding a meeting with the leaders of the federation council and Director Boothe and Assistant Director Smith. Hudson strode up to Mannsfield's desk and slammed down a paper on his desk.
“SHE DID IT!” He barked at Mannsfield and then a big grin broke out on his face.
Mannsfield picked up the letter and quickly read it and a smile crept across his face as well. He then looked up and began to read it to the other people in the room.
“From Colonel Corazon Santiago, Army of Macedonia
At 01:00 hours the army of Macedonia began the assault on the UN Peacekeeper capital. At 08:00hrs Spartan forces broke through the outer defenses and eliminated all remaining organized resistance. Large numbers of civilians, administrators and deserting Peacekeeper soldiers began leaving the city. I have issued orders to have the Peacekeeper foil docked in the harbor destroyed and Spartan soldiers have begun that mission. Large numbers of soldiers have been captured and they will be sent back to Sparta as soon as possible for internment for the period of the war. We have captured the city and most of the systems are intact including a secret project. The secret project is an advanced computer system that infiltrates other faction’s computers and steals secrets by comparing data and then piecing together the stolen parts to create the original technology. Once the city is secure I will move in the remaining military units and begin repairs on equipment for the next assault. I order you to send replacement troops and any reinforcements that are able to depart. The 1st H.A.Rs was destroyed during the fighting as a result of them being the spearhead of the attack. Once new troops arrive and repairs made I will lead an assault on the nearest Peacekeeper base. The Peacekeepers war machine has been crippled it is essential that we complete the job and finish the job. When the last Peacekeeper base has fallen then I will return.
Colonel Corazon Santiago, Fort Victory”
Mannsfield stopped reading and looked up to hear a cheer erupt around the room. He slowly sat down and watched the various council members leave the room slapping each other on the back. Well, Mannsfield thought, perhaps this could be the end he had so wished for and then Sparta could return to building up their society.
Dockyards of Fort Victory (formerly UN HQ), Macedonia, SPARTA-2221
Santiago walked alongside the docks watching the Peacekeeper foil burning at the bow; the stern had already sunk below the water. Her troops had quickly brought up mortars and the heavy gatling cannons and demolished the ship as it was trying to leave. There had been a fierce fight to buy the ship time to leave but that had failed and many of the Peacekeepers had been either killed or captured. Santiago walked slowly up to group of Spartans who were watching some captured Peacekeepers. Her leg was still stiff from the wound but it would heal.
“Corporal what do we have here?” She asked as she walked up to them.
“Colonel these are the remaining Peacekeeper survivors from the battle off the docks. I think some of them are high ranking officers.” The corporal remained at attention.
“Excellent, I will take a look myself.” She walked down the line of grim and dirt caked soldiers, most of them had minor wounds however one of them caught her eye. She immediately caught the fact that his Peacekeeper rank was one that she had never seen. She used her command baton to reach down and move back a piece of cloth that had torn on his uniform and it revealed his name tag, Lal. Santiago knew immediately that this man had to be the son of Pravin Lal, the general in chief of the Peacekeeper forces.
“General Lal?” She asked.
The man looked up at her with hatred that could burn through steel.
“Well, well, I knew there had to be some reason as to why the fighting at the docks was the best I had seen. You are a good tactician but you had poor soldiers, if you had been a Spartan you would have made an excellent addition. However, now you will rot on your days in POW camp. I should remind you that as a prisoner of war you will no longer receive any gene therapy so if I were you I would pray that the war is short or you might return here one day to find that you are older than your father.” She laughed and then turned back to the corporal. “Make sure you inform you superior office of the rank of this man and that Major Gregovich has a turn at him in the interrogation room.
Yes, it was a good day to be a Spartan.
Pravin Lal stopped at the top of the hill looking down at his burning city with an anger that matched. His city was lost and his army shattered and his son was lost somewhere. The remnants of his city continued to pass him as he stood watching from the side of the road his burning city. He knew he would have to move quickly and get to another Peacekeeper base and organize a counter-attack, if it was even possible. He was about to turn away when he saw the blood red flag rise from the top of the command tower flagpole. It was easy to see since the red contrasted against the white buildings of the city. Damn Santiago, damn her to hell!
I thank you for eliminating the Cyborg base. We saw it leave a decade ago but had not the means to track it down and deal with it appropriately. I am pleased you saw fit to declare war on the Cyborgs. They are duplicitous in their dealings and are not to be trusted.
You will have noticed I did not reply to your offer to exchange technology. The Parliament has tabled that issue while they deal with significant internal development strains, and also continuing Cyborg harassment of our people and bases.
Lastly, Pravin still refuses to answer my calls. Your attacks and those of the minions of Chairman Yang likely distract him. He also might also suspect what I have to say; he is the former Unity officer, and not unobservant.
Director Morgan
One sector northeast of Fort Apache, Macedonia , SPARTA-2219
Santiago watched the troops march by from just off the roadway. She had arrived only several months ago and quickly reorganized the army of Macedonia and then ordered it to war. The first task was to destroy a scout regiment sent by Pravin to spy on her preparations but the unit was quickly discovered and destroyed. The second mission was to destroy a mobile artillery unit just south of UN Headquarters and an infantry unit quickly dispatched them. The last task was to get the bulk of the army moving and try to bring all of the units together so they could delivery one massive blow. Fitz-Wallace had spread out the troops at both bases in order to provide security but Santiago quickly ordered that each base build a single light scout garrison unit so the more highly trained and well armed units could participate in the battle to come.
Now she turned and looked down the on the UN base. From the point where she stood the grand sloped down towards the coast and city. It was good ground to fight a war and the Spartans would have an elevation advantage in the combat to come. Down there in that city Pravin was hastily building more plasma armed troops something that could not be allowed to become reality. Damn that Morgan!! How it galled her each time she thought of his stupidity and greed that now forced her actions. She could not allow the Peacekeepers to build up a superior defense force and then the war would devolve into a war of attrition, something that she knew she could not let happen. So action had to be taken and quickly. So far Pravin had only one infantry unit with plasma armor. They had the city and the perimeter defenses to help their efforts so it was critical to strike now before they could add more.
Santiago turned and walked back to her command rover.
“Alright, lets get down there and show them how a Spartan soldier fights!”
Morgan Industries, MY 2219
“The Cyborgs left?” Morgan asked.
“Yes,” Elaine said as she showed Morgan a clip of the impact rover and infantry boarding a transport.
“Can we take out the transport before it gets to base?” he said.
“Unknown,” Elaine replied. “It might cause distress at Construction.
“Hang the social disruption!” Morgan almost yelled. “We could take out three military units in one blow! Check into it.”
Elaine nodded. “Also, the golden age is going as planned. Next year we should see the results in a significant growth of population, which will be followed by an increase in resource production.”
“Is there terrain to utilize?” Morgan asked. To date almost every spare bit of territory was used by supply crawlers, primarily for harvesting minerals to stoke the fires of industry.
“Generally, yes. Crawlers can be re-assigned,” she said.
“What of the Cyborgs. Is our probe foil in position?”
Elaine nodded with a smile.
“Let us hope they acquire something useful,” Morgan said.
Then he looked over the economic position, which was both good and bad. Industry was developing at a frantic pace, and its growth was outstripping their energy reserves’ growth. That was especially true now that 20 percent of the budget was allocated to social programs. But, that wouldn’t last forever, and the growth was much needed. He had noted that the Spartans had undergone their own significant population boom, and had surpassed them in total population.
The old calculus of population equal production no longer applied with the advent of crawlers, but it did have a significant effect. Larger bases were good, and the theories of Malthus were obsolete with the small human populations on Chiron. For a while at least.
Several kilometers south of UN Headquarters, SPARTA-2220
Santiago watched the Peacekeeper major from the looks of his uniform approach her command post. The army of Macedonia had arrived during the night and quickly dug in about two kilometers south of the UN Headquarters. The Peacekeeper farmers and civilians were very surprised to see in the morning all of these heavily armed soldiers where just yesterday crops were growing. Within an hour they had all fled.
“Colonel Santiago, High Commissioner Pravin Lal, the planetary leader of Chiron demands that…”
“PRAVIN LAL makes no demands on Sparta or myself! You can inform Lal that I have no intention of leaving anytime soon and in fact I order him to surrender his city to us. As far as his being the leader of Chiron he can make all the claims he wants but until I vote for him or he defeats me his claims are worthless.” Santiago snapped back while stepping forward to stand nearly toe-to-toe with the Peacekeeper.
“I see. Then there is little else to say then, is there Spartan. I will inform the High Commissioner of your response.” The major began to turn but Santiago grabbed him by the arm.
“You are not going anywhere Peacekeeper until I get a salute!”
The major looked around nervously and then back at his escorts. He then looked Santiago in the eyes.
“We no longer salute in the Peacekeeper defense force.”
“I am a superior officer, salute!”
The young major raised his hand and performed a poor salute and then began to turn when Santiago grabbed him again.
“It will enjoy teaching you the proper method of saluting again Peacekeeper. Inform Pravin Lal I have no intention of leaving and if he wishes to push me out then he will have to come and get me. I will soon reposition my forces to cut off more supplies to his capital. Either he can meet me in open combat on the plain around us or hide behind his walls like an old women.” Santiago then turned and went back into the command center leaving a very worried Peacekeeper major wondering what on Chiron had caused this calamity to befall his people.
Pravin Lal watched the Spartan army spread out over the fields below his city and rubbed his hands again behind his back. The soldiers were already digging up the fields and looting the storage bins and behind them fires had broken out in several of the storage buildings.
“Father, shall we attack them?” John had walked in quietly into the room but he doubted that even if he come in with a marching band his father would not have heard him. John looked out from the massive observation onto the plain below and each second he saw the Spartans destroying the land around his city his anger grew even hotter.
“As commander of the defense forces of the United Nations are you advising me to attack or asking me to decide to attack?”
“I am not sure father. We might hold out longer if we wait for them to try and breach our walls. But then if we can bloody them now perhaps they will leave.”
“Let me think on this and I will let you know. Are your forces still keeping things under control here, have food riots broken out yet?”
“No father not yet. I am trying to make sure that does not happen.”
Pravin turned and walked back into his main office and John realized how quickly he had aged in just a matter of days.
Morgan Industries, MY 2220
The population boom was coming along very well, and it was impressive how the new population adjusted to their continuing state of golden age. The wealth of energy was flowing, and would keep flowing – it was worth every joule to keep the people hyper productive. And this was with only five hab complexes up! Soon the ability to grow would decline, and this would probably happen within a few years. It would take some time to get more hab complexes on line, and the requisite social facilities. Well, that wasn’t quite true. Most cities were well equipped, except those on the very fringe of Morganite territory.
There were some setbacks. The probe foil had failed and been captured, and likely executed for their actions. This was most unfortunate, and alternate plans would now have to be made. The foil at Construction hadn’t taken out the transport before it got back to port, and a Cyborg foil was now on the hunt. The return would be dicey, and it would be unfortunate if the foil succumbed to the enemy foil. At least the artillery could do some damage to the Cyborgs, but without the foil there would be no coup-de-gras.
Morgan knew he needed more growth! Relying on farms, nutrient specials, and kelp farms was not enough, not if they were to grow to truly large stature!
He pondered this, and hoped that the scientists came through this time.
Office of the Pro-Consul – Spartan Federation, Sparta Command, SPARTA-2221
The doors banged open and Lt. Colonel Hudson rushed through the doors and up to Mannsfield’s desk. Mannsfield quickly stood up, as did several other council members who were seated around the room. Mannsfield was in the process of holding a meeting with the leaders of the federation council and Director Boothe and Assistant Director Smith. Hudson strode up to Mannsfield's desk and slammed down a paper on his desk.
“SHE DID IT!” He barked at Mannsfield and then a big grin broke out on his face.
Mannsfield picked up the letter and quickly read it and a smile crept across his face as well. He then looked up and began to read it to the other people in the room.
“From Colonel Corazon Santiago, Army of Macedonia
At 01:00 hours the army of Macedonia began the assault on the UN Peacekeeper capital. At 08:00hrs Spartan forces broke through the outer defenses and eliminated all remaining organized resistance. Large numbers of civilians, administrators and deserting Peacekeeper soldiers began leaving the city. I have issued orders to have the Peacekeeper foil docked in the harbor destroyed and Spartan soldiers have begun that mission. Large numbers of soldiers have been captured and they will be sent back to Sparta as soon as possible for internment for the period of the war. We have captured the city and most of the systems are intact including a secret project. The secret project is an advanced computer system that infiltrates other faction’s computers and steals secrets by comparing data and then piecing together the stolen parts to create the original technology. Once the city is secure I will move in the remaining military units and begin repairs on equipment for the next assault. I order you to send replacement troops and any reinforcements that are able to depart. The 1st H.A.Rs was destroyed during the fighting as a result of them being the spearhead of the attack. Once new troops arrive and repairs made I will lead an assault on the nearest Peacekeeper base. The Peacekeepers war machine has been crippled it is essential that we complete the job and finish the job. When the last Peacekeeper base has fallen then I will return.
Colonel Corazon Santiago, Fort Victory”
Mannsfield stopped reading and looked up to hear a cheer erupt around the room. He slowly sat down and watched the various council members leave the room slapping each other on the back. Well, Mannsfield thought, perhaps this could be the end he had so wished for and then Sparta could return to building up their society.
Dockyards of Fort Victory (formerly UN HQ), Macedonia, SPARTA-2221
Santiago walked alongside the docks watching the Peacekeeper foil burning at the bow; the stern had already sunk below the water. Her troops had quickly brought up mortars and the heavy gatling cannons and demolished the ship as it was trying to leave. There had been a fierce fight to buy the ship time to leave but that had failed and many of the Peacekeepers had been either killed or captured. Santiago walked slowly up to group of Spartans who were watching some captured Peacekeepers. Her leg was still stiff from the wound but it would heal.
“Corporal what do we have here?” She asked as she walked up to them.
“Colonel these are the remaining Peacekeeper survivors from the battle off the docks. I think some of them are high ranking officers.” The corporal remained at attention.
“Excellent, I will take a look myself.” She walked down the line of grim and dirt caked soldiers, most of them had minor wounds however one of them caught her eye. She immediately caught the fact that his Peacekeeper rank was one that she had never seen. She used her command baton to reach down and move back a piece of cloth that had torn on his uniform and it revealed his name tag, Lal. Santiago knew immediately that this man had to be the son of Pravin Lal, the general in chief of the Peacekeeper forces.
“General Lal?” She asked.
The man looked up at her with hatred that could burn through steel.
“Well, well, I knew there had to be some reason as to why the fighting at the docks was the best I had seen. You are a good tactician but you had poor soldiers, if you had been a Spartan you would have made an excellent addition. However, now you will rot on your days in POW camp. I should remind you that as a prisoner of war you will no longer receive any gene therapy so if I were you I would pray that the war is short or you might return here one day to find that you are older than your father.” She laughed and then turned back to the corporal. “Make sure you inform you superior office of the rank of this man and that Major Gregovich has a turn at him in the interrogation room.
Yes, it was a good day to be a Spartan.
Pravin Lal stopped at the top of the hill looking down at his burning city with an anger that matched. His city was lost and his army shattered and his son was lost somewhere. The remnants of his city continued to pass him as he stood watching from the side of the road his burning city. He knew he would have to move quickly and get to another Peacekeeper base and organize a counter-attack, if it was even possible. He was about to turn away when he saw the blood red flag rise from the top of the command tower flagpole. It was easy to see since the red contrasted against the white buildings of the city. Damn Santiago, damn her to hell!