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PBEM just for fun...

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  • PBEM just for fun...

    It looks like there's already a good number of serious, well managed PBEM games going on, and I'm not in any of them. So I was thinking, is anyone else here waiting for an opportunity to play? I don't know the rules, I don't know the procedures, but I do know how to start up a basic game and send email.

    So, anyone up for a game? If someone here is looking to start a serious game, I'd love to do that, but if not, I'd like to get a game started anyway. My preference would be SMAX, standard SMAX factions, Transcend level, standard map size, map build set to middle of the road on everything.
    To those who understand,
    I extend my hand.
    To the doubtful I demand,
    Take me as I am.

  • #2
    I'm only in 1 game now so would like to take part in another another. It does need to be done properly with a CMN though or you can get problems, especially if people drop out.

    Good to see how many are interested and get something going. I've only ever played SMAX PBEM once so much more familiar with the old Factions. No problems, though nobody should get the Aliens as they are far too powerful.
    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
    - Anon


    • #3
      Darsnan is no longer available here. I haven't seen Mart on Apolyton recently.

      I can set up another game for Friendly Fire if the first game was satisfactory.

      I should note that there is a group in civfanatics trying to start a game and Darsnan is CMNing that game, but they already have 4 people, I think.
      Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


      • #4
        Your first was brilliant vyeh and I thank you for it! If Ironwood is into a serious, properly setup in other words, game it would be great if you would CMN it. I certainly would be into that.

        How do do feel about it Ironwood? vyeh setup a great game for me before and is a really good CMN. If you're into into it there should be no problems getting another couple of people wanting to join a new game.
        “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
        - Anon


        • #5
          Hi! I am also only in 1 other game and would be interested to join another. Although, that one other is the same where Friendly Fire is playing, but I do not mind being in 2 games with him. If he does not mind it either, then I'd be glad to join. Vyeh setup our other game perfectly, so I would be pleased to have him as a CMN again. From SMAX factions, I do not like Pirates and the aliens should be left for the AI in PBEM to avoid unbalanced games, so that leaves 4 choices for me and I am fine with any of those with a slight preference for cyborgs.
          Last edited by zsozso; April 20, 2009, 21:37.


          • #6
            may i join this game?
   * Alpha Centauri players group * IRC channel #smac


            • #7
              If you need another player, I would be happy to join too.
              All your base are belong to us


              • #8
                Ironwood, it looks like you have enough players.

                This is what I have gleaned from the thread:

                standard SMAX factions
                standard map size
                middle of the road

                By standard SMAX factions, are you also including the original 7 SMAC factions?

                zsozso doesn't seem to think so in his post. We should clear that up before we ask for faction preferences.

                Do you want a randomly generated map? I believe the map of the planet is standard size.

                I'm not aware of any tournament maps that have 5 symmetric sites, but Russia4Life expressed an interest in creating a map.
                Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                • #9
                  I certainly don't mind being in 2 games with you zsozso. From SP experience Angels look the best of the SMAX factions so by preference I'd go for them or Cyborgs. Cult are not my idea of fun so rather not them but will take any of the other four.
                  “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                  - Anon


                  • #10
                    Sorry Ironwood, I get the feeling I might be hijacking your Thread. But, you can see how many people are keen to join a new game and that is a good thing.

                    5 Human, for tha Factions, and 2 AI, for the Aliens, would be a perfect number. The Aliens are fun to have around, as long as you don't start next to them, but just too powerful for Human control.

                    With a great CMN willing to set it up as well we should have the makings of a really good game!
                    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                    - Anon


                    • #11
                      Hey, no prob, Friendly Fire. Like I said, I just want to play. And your suggestion, five human and two AI, is right along the lines of what I have in mind. (Alternatively, if there was low interest and it came down to a two-player game, playing alien vs. alien could be cool, as well, with the computer controlling the human factions.) And yes, I am most interested in a game which has us playing SMAX factions: The Consciousness, The Drones, The Cult, the Angels, and the Pirates.

                      It looks like I might have found an existing game to sub into, but starting another game fresh sounds cool, as well. It'll also keep me coming around the forums, so if this game takes a while to start, I won't forget about it (like last time, a long time ago). :P

                      So yeah, let's start a game.

                      Oh, and yes, vyeh, I'd like an unknown map. Exploration of a new world is part of the fun, in my opinion, at least.
                      Last edited by Ironwood; April 20, 2009, 16:17. Reason: Add one last bit
                      To those who understand,
                      I extend my hand.
                      To the doubtful I demand,
                      Take me as I am.


                      • #12
                        Great then Ironwood.

                        Looks like we have the 5 v 2 ideal for SMAX. Do you just want it kept to SMAX factions? I'm easy and will take what I'm given, with stated preferences above, as long as everyone else is.
                        “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                        - Anon


                        • #13
                          Unless it breaks our player list, SMAX only is my preference.
                          To those who understand,
                          I extend my hand.
                          To the doubtful I demand,
                          Take me as I am.


                          • #14
                            Friendly Fire,

                            Could you help me out (as you know I'm fixing up another game)?

                            Take a look at the first post of the Wealth of Planet TTT. This is the kind of info I need settled to start a game.

                            It probably is best to see if we can fit the five players among the five SMAX human players. Also turn order. Best if it follows geography.

                            Second, we need to fill out the chart (e.g. is do or die on or off).

                            Then the rules. Are those OK with the addition of no contact before in game contact?

                            Thanks. Don't worry about making a pretty chart. I'll do that. Just make sure we have an agreement among all five players. bdanv and Bodissey are veterans so they may definitely have preferences.
                            Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                            • #15
                              Based on local time display it seems to me the ideal order would be:

                              1. bdanv - preference: pirates
                              2. Bodissey - preference: drones
                              3. Friendly Fire - preference: angels, cyborgs, NO cult
                              4. zsozso - preference: cyborg, NO pirates
                              5. Ironwood - preference: drones, pirates, cult

                              Players who have not yet stated preference, please do so!

                              I have copied the options and rules from that other thread here for reference. Ironwood, please, take a look at these and indicate if you want to change any of these -- since you initiated this game, it is your decision:

                              CMN vyeh -Apolyton PM
                              Map size | Standard
                              Ocean | 50-70%
                              Erosion | Average
                              Life | Average
                              Clouds | Average
                              Difficulty | Transcend

                              Transcend | Yes
                              Conquest | Yes
                              Diplomatic | Yes
                              Economic | Yes
                              Cooperative | Yes
                              Do or Die | Yes
                              Flexible start | Yes
                              Tech stag | No
                              Spoils of war | No
                              Blind research | No
                              Intense riv | No
                              No survey | Yes
                              No scatter | Yes
                              No rnd events | Yes
                              Time Warp | No
                              Iron man | No
                              Rand person | No
                              Rand social | No


                              * A player may not restart a turn without good reason. The player should specify the reason in the game thread if he was not able to avoid reloading the turn. (Obviously, if a player has suffered some sort of crash during a turn, such a reload is unavoidable)
                              * If a player performs a probe team action other than to infiltrate against another player with whom (s)he is in a truce, treaty or pact, they must inform the probed player what it was they did and what they stole/sabotaged. They must also choose the 'declare vendetta/cancel pact' option when they perform the action.
                              * A player is not permitted to make more than one social engineering change per line, per turn. For instance, one is not permitted to start the turn in wealth, switch to power mid-turn for the extra disbanded minerals, and then switch back to wealth that same turn, getting the refund.
                              * A player is not permitted to use the 'demand withdrawal' feature against another player, leaving the AI the decision of whether to withdraw or not.
                              * A player may not accept a bribe from another player's AI during council sessions.
                              * A player may not perform multiple airdrops in a single turn with the same unit using the right-click menu.
                              * A player may not use the F4 screen when infiltrated to change an opponent's workers to specialists.
                              * Council notification - immediate broadcast to all players(Post in the thread and e-mail to all immediately by player who has called elections, citing candidates and votes. After each player's turn, post in the thread the running totals).
                              * If a player declares vendetta upon another player, either directly or indirectly, they must not accept a pending diplomatic agreement between the two factions in the same turn.
                              * A player may not make air drops using the right click "air drop to" function, when it is not possible to do so with the "i" button, ie. after already having moved or made a drop.
                              * A player may not use build queue manipulation or other loopholes to hurry production at a cost that would be lower than directly hurrying the item that one intends to build.
                              * A player may not use build queue manipulation or other loopholes to build something you could not directly add to the build queue.
                              * A player may not upgrade a particular type of unit using the design workshop, and then attack with that unit in the same turn.
                              * Copters are banned from the game.
                              * Secret projects may be hurried with crawlers.
                              * Copters and planetbusters are banned.
                              * No diplomacy allowed until players met in game
                              Last edited by zsozso; April 22, 2009, 12:09. Reason: added faction preferences

