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PBEM just for fun...

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Solver
    Friedly Fire -> St Jon
    That's actually a user merge, St Jon has been around in 2000 and used to post way back, came back recently as Friendly Fire. Accounts merged.
    nice to meet you St.Jon * Alpha Centauri players group * IRC channel #smac


    • #32
      Here is a draft with bdanv's and Friendly Fire's (now St. Jon) comments incorporated. I'd like everyone other than bdanv and St. Jon to either agree or state what they want changed. Note that the order of players is the turn order. Please check your email. I got them from other games (in Ironwood's case from his player profile).

      Just for fun - PBEM game

      Game setup thread is here
      Pirates		bdanv		-borcea_danTAyahooTODcom
      Cult		Bodissey	-mr_fab75TAyahooTODfr	
      Angels		St. Jon	-jonathan.furdererTAliveTODcoTODuk
      Cyborg		zsozso		-zsoltTAsimbiosysTODca		
      Drones		Ironwood	-tarvokTAgmailTODcom
      Caretakers	AI
      Usurpers	AI
      CMN		vyeh		-Apolyton PM
      Preference	|	
      Map size	|	Standard
      Ocean		|	50-70%
      Erosion		|	Average	
      Life		|	Average
      Clouds		|	Average
      Difficulty	|	Transcend
      Transcend	|	Yes
      Conquest	|	Yes
      Diplomatic	|	Yes
      Economic	|	Yes
      Cooperative	|	Yes
      Do or Die	|	Yes	
      Flexible start	|	Yes
      Tech stag	|	No	
      Spoils of war	|	No
      Blind research	|	No
      Intense riv	|	No
      No survey	|	Yes
      No scatter	|	Yes
      No rnd events	|	Yes
      Time Warp	|	No
      Iron man	|	No
      Rand person	|	No
      Rand social	|	No
      1. A player may not restart a turn without good reason. The player should specify the reason in the game thread if he was not able to avoid reloading the turn. (Obviously, if a player has suffered some sort of crash during a turn, such a reload is unavoidable)
      2. A player is not permitted to establish contact with another faction prior to having met them in-game.
      It is not allowed to mind control with standard probe teams units or bases of any faction that runs a +3 or higher SE Probe rating.
      3. If a player performs a probe team action other than to infiltrate against another player with whom (s)he is in a truce, treaty or pact, they must inform the probed player what it was they did and what they stole/sabotaged. They must also choose the 'declare vendetta/cancel pact' option when they perform the action.
      4. A player is not permitted to make more than one social engineering change per line, per turn. For instance, one is not permitted to start the turn in wealth, switch to power mid-turn for the extra disbanded minerals, and then switch back to wealth that same turn, getting the refund.
      5. A player is not permitted to use the 'demand withdrawal' feature against another player, leaving the AI the decision of whether to withdraw or not.
      6. A player may not accept a bribe from another player's AI during council sessions.
      7. A player may not use the F4 screen when infiltrated to change an opponent's workers to specialists.
      8. Council notification - immediate broadcast to all players(Post in the thread and e-mail to all immediately by player who has called elections, citing candidates and votes. After each player's turn, post in the thread the running totals).
      9. If a player declares vendetta upon another player, either directly or indirectly, they must not accept a pending diplomatic agreement between the two factions in the same turn.
      10. A player may not make air drops using the right click "air drop to" function, when it is not possible to do so with the "i" button, ie. after already having moved or made a drop.
      11. A player may not use build queue manipulation or other loopholes to hurry production at a cost that would be lower than directly hurrying the item that one intends to build.
      12. A player may not use build queue manipulation or other loopholes to build something you could not directly add to the build queue.
      13. A player may not upgrade a particular type of unit using the design workshop, and then attack with that unit in the same turn.
      14. Secret projects may be hurried with crawlers.
      15. Planetbusters may not be used when the charter is in effect.
      16. Players and AIs start with 2 CP's, 2 scouts and 1 formers, with probe team for Angels.
      1. bdanv will have to convert the save provided by the CMN.
      2. Unity former droids, designed by Mart, are new basic units that cannot be reversed engineered. You will need to research Centauri Ecology to build more formers.
      3. Format and rules are all copied from Mart.
      4. Mart will receive a copy of your passwords (for safety).
      Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


      • #33
        Originally posted by St Jon View Post
        Don't be too confused by the name change but poly have reactivated by old a/c. Apparently I will still get PM's sent to FF handle.

        FF now St Jon
        I changed the name. What do you mean "a/c?"
        Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


        • #34
          Hey, FF aka St Jon, why do you insist on giving me so much fun with the two aliens ?
          BTW, I am OK with having them in the game (as long as they are not right beside my starting location ) and also OK with the rules.


          • #35
            Regarding the preferences:

            I would prefer Cooperative victory disabled and a tech stagnation game (i really hate it when i land on someone's shore only to find out that my army is obsolete).

            Also, I think 'No Unity scattering' should be 'Off', otherwise we will get pods only at the landing site.

            Can i get some support here?
   * Alpha Centauri players group * IRC channel #smac


            • #36
              I'm with you on the scattering and the Coop victory, Dan, along with the tech stagnation.

              And a swarming native life would suit my cultist needs better.
              All your base are belong to us


              • #37
                Sorry it's a merge not a re-activation. R/L intervened and I didn't have time to play 'silly' games. Didn't think St Jon would still be a registered user, and how do you prove who you are after 7yrs anyway, so I re-registered. a/c = account.
                “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                - Anon


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Bodissey View Post
                  And a swarming native life would suit my cultist needs better.
                  We have to give something back cause you're stuck with the Fung Boy! I agree.
         * Alpha Centauri players group * IRC channel #smac


                  • #39
                    I suppose I can handle more mind worms, and we can see if it grants too much of an advantage to bdanv. I'm not sure about tech stagnation; having an obsolete army is just part of the balance, I think (and in my experience, that growth penalty already hits the Consciousness hard enough as it is). I need more convincing before I can agree there.

                    Convince me why leaving cooperative victory out is a good idea. Do you anticipate, with this particular group of players, a problem with a prearranged alliance? Or is it something else?

                    No unity scattering off is just fine with me; I like podhunting (so long as we don't end up with someone playing the reload game with them). I didn't object at first because I figured that was just a standard thing in PBEM games, but I could be wrong. Heck, I could even go for random events.
                    To those who understand,
                    I extend my hand.
                    To the doubtful I demand,
                    Take me as I am.


                    • #40
                      Since the game is "just for fun" and not a tournament to decide who is the better player, I agree that pod-hunting and even random events could be turned on. After all, we already decided to play with random map, so it would not be fully balanced anyway, so lets put the surprise elements to full throttle. But please, don't do tech stagnation, PBEM is slow anyway I would not like to see major recon-rover battles in this game by Xmass Not to mention that the aliens start with 3r defense so we need something stronger than hand weapons to kill them.


                      • #41
                        Here is a draft with comments incorporated. Looks like we have the following points to discuss:

                        (1) Cooperative victory
                        (2) Tech stag
                        (3) No scatter (need St. Jon's signoff)
                        (4) No rnd events

                        Just for fun - PBEM game

                        Game setup thread is here
                        Pirates		bdanv		-borcea_danTAyahooTODcom
                        Cult		Bodissey	-mr_fab75TAyahooTODfr	
                        Angels		St. Jon	-jonathan.furdererTAliveTODcoTODuk
                        Cyborg		zsozso		-zsoltTAsimbiosysTODca		
                        Drones		Ironwood	-tarvokTAgmailTODcom
                        Caretakers	AI
                        Usurpers	AI
                        CMN		vyeh		-Apolyton PM
                        Preference	|	
                        Map size	|	Standard
                        Ocean		|	50-70%
                        Erosion		|	Average	
                        Life		|	Abundant
                        Clouds		|	Average
                        Difficulty	|	Transcend
                        Transcend	|	Yes
                        Conquest	|	Yes
                        Diplomatic	|	Yes
                        Economic	|	Yes
                        Cooperative	|	No (bdanv, Bodissey), Yes, ? (Ironwood)
                        Do or Die	|	Yes	
                        Flexible start	|	Yes
                        Tech stag	|	No (zsozso), Yes (bdanv, Bodissey), ? (Ironwood)	
                        Spoils of war	|	No
                        Blind research	|	No
                        Intense riv	|	No
                        No survey	|	Yes
                        No scatter	|	No (bdanv, Bodissey, Ironwood, zsozso), Yes
                        No rnd events	|	Yes, ? (Ironwood), No (zsozso)
                        Time Warp	|	No
                        Iron man	|	No
                        Rand person	|	No
                        Rand social	|	No
                        1. A player may not restart a turn without good reason. The player should specify the reason in the game thread if he was not able to avoid reloading the turn. (Obviously, if a player has suffered some sort of crash during a turn, such a reload is unavoidable)
                        2. A player is not permitted to establish contact with another faction prior to having met them in-game.
                        It is not allowed to mind control with standard probe teams units or bases of any faction that runs a +3 or higher SE Probe rating.
                        3. If a player performs a probe team action other than to infiltrate against another player with whom (s)he is in a truce, treaty or pact, they must inform the probed player what it was they did and what they stole/sabotaged. They must also choose the 'declare vendetta/cancel pact' option when they perform the action.
                        4. A player is not permitted to make more than one social engineering change per line, per turn. For instance, one is not permitted to start the turn in wealth, switch to power mid-turn for the extra disbanded minerals, and then switch back to wealth that same turn, getting the refund.
                        5. A player is not permitted to use the 'demand withdrawal' feature against another player, leaving the AI the decision of whether to withdraw or not.
                        6. A player may not accept a bribe from another player's AI during council sessions.
                        7. A player may not use the F4 screen when infiltrated to change an opponent's workers to specialists.
                        8. Council notification - immediate broadcast to all players(Post in the thread and e-mail to all immediately by player who has called elections, citing candidates and votes. After each player's turn, post in the thread the running totals).
                        9. If a player declares vendetta upon another player, either directly or indirectly, they must not accept a pending diplomatic agreement between the two factions in the same turn.
                        10. A player may not make air drops using the right click "air drop to" function, when it is not possible to do so with the "i" button, ie. after already having moved or made a drop.
                        11. A player may not use build queue manipulation or other loopholes to hurry production at a cost that would be lower than directly hurrying the item that one intends to build.
                        12. A player may not use build queue manipulation or other loopholes to build something you could not directly add to the build queue.
                        13. A player may not upgrade a particular type of unit using the design workshop, and then attack with that unit in the same turn.
                        14. Secret projects may be hurried with crawlers.
                        15. Planetbusters may not be used when the charter is in effect.
                        16. Players and AIs start with 2 CP's, 2 scouts and 1 formers, with probe team for Angels.
                        1. bdanv will have to convert the save provided by the CMN.
                        2. Unity former droids, designed by Mart, are new basic units that cannot be reversed engineered. You will need to research Centauri Ecology to build more formers.
                        3. Format and rules are all copied from Mart.
                        4. Mart will receive a copy of your passwords (for safety).
                        Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                        • #42
                          I agree with zsozso. Lots of native life is a pain I can live with but I don't see why Co-op victory should go and Tech Stagnation makes the game last too long and you will get a serious licking if you begin near to an Alien faction. Blind research is as far as I reckon we can go down that road and I'm not really even keen on that. No scatter is fine but will only go for random events if everyone else wants them as they can be a real pain and wreck a good strategy if they hit at wrong time and place.
                          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                          - Anon


                          • #43
                            I assume St. Jon means that No Scatter is OFF is fine. Correct me if I'm wrong.

                            I've reread Ironwood's comments. I think I've got his position right.

                            Looks like:

                            (1) Cooperative victory (bdanv, Bodissey against; St. Jon, zsozso for; Ironwood skeptical)
                            (2) Tech stag (bdanv, Bodissey for; St. Jon, zsozso against; Ironwood skeptical)
                            (3) No rnd events (St. Jon for no rnd events; zsozso, Ironwood against no rnd events)

                            We need comments on no rnd events from bdanv and Bodissey.

                            Here is a draft with comments incorporated.

                            Just for fun - PBEM game

                            Game setup thread is here
                            Pirates		bdanv		-borcea_danTAyahooTODcom
                            Cult		Bodissey	-mr_fab75TAyahooTODfr	
                            Angels		St. Jon	-jonathan.furdererTAliveTODcoTODuk
                            Cyborg		zsozso		-zsoltTAsimbiosysTODca		
                            Drones		Ironwood	-tarvokTAgmailTODcom
                            Caretakers	AI
                            Usurpers	AI
                            CMN		vyeh		-Apolyton PM
                            Preference	|	
                            Map size	|	Standard
                            Ocean		|	50-70%
                            Erosion		|	Average	
                            Life		|	Abundant
                            Clouds		|	Average
                            Difficulty	|	Transcend
                            Transcend	|	Yes
                            Conquest	|	Yes
                            Diplomatic	|	Yes
                            Economic	|	Yes
                            Cooperative	|	No (bdanv, Bodissey), Yes (St. Jon, zsozso), ? (Ironwood)
                            Do or Die	|	Yes	
                            Flexible start	|	Yes
                            Tech stag	|	No (zsozso, St. Jon), Yes (bdanv, Bodissey), ? (Ironwood)	
                            Spoils of war	|	No
                            Blind research	|	No
                            Intense riv	|	No
                            No survey	|	Yes
                            No scatter	|	No
                            No rnd events	|	Yes (St. Jon), No (Ironwood, zsozso)
                            Time Warp	|	No
                            Iron man	|	No
                            Rand person	|	No
                            Rand social	|	No
                            1. A player may not restart a turn without good reason. The player should specify the reason in the game thread if he was not able to avoid reloading the turn. (Obviously, if a player has suffered some sort of crash during a turn, such a reload is unavoidable)
                            2. A player is not permitted to establish contact with another faction prior to having met them in-game.
                            It is not allowed to mind control with standard probe teams units or bases of any faction that runs a +3 or higher SE Probe rating.
                            3. If a player performs a probe team action other than to infiltrate against another player with whom (s)he is in a truce, treaty or pact, they must inform the probed player what it was they did and what they stole/sabotaged. They must also choose the 'declare vendetta/cancel pact' option when they perform the action.
                            4. A player is not permitted to make more than one social engineering change per line, per turn. For instance, one is not permitted to start the turn in wealth, switch to power mid-turn for the extra disbanded minerals, and then switch back to wealth that same turn, getting the refund.
                            5. A player is not permitted to use the 'demand withdrawal' feature against another player, leaving the AI the decision of whether to withdraw or not.
                            6. A player may not accept a bribe from another player's AI during council sessions.
                            7. A player may not use the F4 screen when infiltrated to change an opponent's workers to specialists.
                            8. Council notification - immediate broadcast to all players(Post in the thread and e-mail to all immediately by player who has called elections, citing candidates and votes. After each player's turn, post in the thread the running totals).
                            9. If a player declares vendetta upon another player, either directly or indirectly, they must not accept a pending diplomatic agreement between the two factions in the same turn.
                            10. A player may not make air drops using the right click "air drop to" function, when it is not possible to do so with the "i" button, ie. after already having moved or made a drop.
                            11. A player may not use build queue manipulation or other loopholes to hurry production at a cost that would be lower than directly hurrying the item that one intends to build.
                            12. A player may not use build queue manipulation or other loopholes to build something you could not directly add to the build queue.
                            13. A player may not upgrade a particular type of unit using the design workshop, and then attack with that unit in the same turn.
                            14. Secret projects may be hurried with crawlers.
                            15. Planetbusters may not be used when the charter is in effect.
                            16. Players and AIs start with 2 CP's, 2 scouts and 1 formers, with probe team for Angels.
                            1. bdanv will have to convert the save provided by the CMN.
                            2. Unity former droids, designed by Mart, are new basic units that cannot be reversed engineered. You will need to research Centauri Ecology to build more formers.
                            3. Format and rules are all copied from Mart.
                            4. Mart will receive a copy of your passwords (for safety).
                            Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                            • #44
                              no random events for me.

                              Originally posted by vyeh View Post
                              16. Players and AIs start with 2 CP's, 2 scouts and 1 formers, with probe team for Angels.
                              i guess for my faction this one means: 2 sea colony pods, 2 foils and 1 sea former.
                     * Alpha Centauri players group * IRC channel #smac


                              • #45
                                Random events do add some fun to the game. I am not against them.
                                All your base are belong to us

