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PBEM just for fun...
I suppose you can also use the tool if you start a SP game with different faction order.
Since all of you have now registered at the new WePlayCiv site, I'd like to move the TTT to the AC MP forum there.
I've created a clone of this forum.
The TTT will have the same opening post.
The active players profile has the same format.
It has the same moderators, Solver and Illuminatus (known as Jack Hawksmoor on WePlayCiv).
I think WePlayCiv is down less often (while I had trouble accessing 'poly this Monday afternoon, I had no problems at WePlayCiv). If I'm wrong, you'll still have the existing TTT and 'poly for communication.
In addition to improved access, a second CMN, Darsnan, is there.
Is it OK if I move the TTT?
OK with this relocation, but i really don't think that moving all games there it's the best option. killing the SMAC section over here it's not in the interest of the community.
I'm interested in moving the 2 TTT's that I CMN. Wealth of Planet moved because the replacement player wasn't registered here. There is no reason to kill the SMAC section here. I'm not asking anyone to move, only to become dual citizens. Having two sites where everybody is registered helps when one of the sites is down.
And having two sites is safer.
You have to admit, you are promoting that site pretty heavily, mentioning it in just about every message. I, for one, wonder what the reason is for the duplication of effort, and can't help but wonder if there aren't some personal issues in the background. Apolyton has been central for a very long time, and I just can't see an effort like this unless something has happened.
You're CMNing, so of course, I'll honor your decision. I'm just wondering, that's all.To those who understand,
I extend my hand.
To the doubtful I demand,
Take me as I am.
Yeah, there are personal issues in the background, but they aren't mine. Darsnan left 'poly a month ago.
Somebody I trust contacted several of us to warn us about a brewing storm.
Without being partisan, there was a fight that involved admins/moderators taking sides against each other. And there were bad actions on both sides.
One group of those admins started a new site. One of the founders was a co-moderator of this forum. The other co-moderator is now a moderator there.
Several active members of the SMAC forum who have been here longer than I followed the moderators.
It is more fun for me to interact with these people.
The one thing lacking in the new site was a MP forum. Some pestering on my part and they created one. I've spent a lot of time making it look and feel like this one because I don't know how the bad blood will work out.
The provocative post in SMAC general may have been because SMAC forums are one of the few remaining game forums here and there are Off Topic posters looking for fresh audiences.
The reason I mention it in every message is because there has been very little activity in the general forum because every other regular poster had left.
I'm not asking anyone to take sides. Frankly, from what I've seen both sides are at fault. What I'm suggesting is dual citizenship.
Keep options open.
A little competition might result in the new Apolyton administration making this a better place.
I hope you can admit that even if I am promoting the site, there is no justification for that kind of language in a forum that women and boys might visit.
Hmmm, maybe the reason has something to do with this: