Originally posted by Flubber
OUt of character-- this simply put is the best move for me to try to win the game.
OUt of character-- this simply put is the best move for me to try to win the game.
AS you all boom, I will not be able to out-research four (or even 3 factions). I have only had one PBEM that was completely peaceful and that was because the geography meant that no one was close to my core-- You sebp, with your continual worry about me placing bases within PB range of YOUR core highlighted my problem in that the PKs have almost their entire empire within PB range of MY core. I could not see a way to protect the risk given where ODPs sit in the tech tree versus PBs
That the PK were next was obvious though.
Them being dangerous to you via PBs is pretty much the rationale i tried to convince PK they are in immediate danger - I actually expected they'd be the first to be attacked, if you'd attack.
Sebp -- are you going to tell me that you guys would not have done a 3 way attack on me at some point if given the opportunity??
Yes wars are time-consuming and there will be a LOT of considering and diplomacy I guess. and I don't hazard a guess on how well this would go for me . . .