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Anyone up for another PBEM?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Sebed
    I must warn you about choosing binTravkin as a CMN.
    Recently a played 2 games CMN-ed by him and both of them were buggy

    When I first started CMN'ing why I made quite a few mistakes, and its been pointed out that some of my most recent efforts had significant, game altering mistakes made by me. CMN'ing is by no means an exact science, but the alternative of having a game randomly set up by the computer, or with AI's that pose no real challenges, are significant enough that I would alwways want a game set up by a CMN, even if there is a risk of mistakes being made.
    I would also make the observation that binTravkin is volunteering a considerable amount of his time to CMN games. He doesn't get paid for his efforts, and he will always get blamed when things go wrong. Yet he persists, and I feel he will learn from his mistakes (I did, and I'm sure Googlie has as well). He is also giving back to our community in a way that very few people choose to do, or are capable of doing. I would therefore say that keep these thoughts in mind, and understand that learning the CMN trade is not as simple as it might appear on the surface.



    • #17
      I can already see several of those in CGN23's thread, where you've just joined the game Sebed. Frankly, given the evidence thusfar, I'd prefer to believe bin. So kindly stop spamming up my thread.
      Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


      • #18
        well, i just wanted to warn you about it and suggested to find someone who will just take a look before you start...
        i'm very sorry for this misunderstandind...


        • #19
          A PM rather than a public denouncement would have been sufficient if that was all you really intended, IMO...
          Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


          • #20
            it's just because binTravkin put my words in different light...
            my intend was only to help - mistakes are happen - even the best admit to make them...
            believe - there is nothing worse to find a buggy game in the middle...
            and i admit that bisides those bugs i like and ENJOY the map created by binTravkin...
            try to find a single good word about me in binTravkin's post - don't go blamed by insults directed to my address...


            • #21
              Is the discussion over then?

              Thanks, Darsnan, for a helping hand!
              And thanks, Sebed, it's a wonder to find even a single good word about me in your post.

              Im ready to start working on game, but thusfar have no input, so there's a little list what needs to be named:

              1.Map size
              2.Map prefs - erosion, NL, rain, ocean
              3.AI factions (please leave them to me, I won't betray your expectations! )
              4.victories, co-op (I see one vote against co-op already)
              5.other settings, blind-res, do-or-die, survey, etc.

              And I would warmly advise not to have any SP disabled.
              There are 2 tradeoffs of such situation:
              1.Takes out some fun and flexibility of game.
              2.Takes out the possibility to grab some good SP apart from that of Uni (IMO - the moreSPs, the bigger possibility to grab one!).

              Awaiting input.
              -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
              -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


              • #22
                ok, it looks like i'm attached to this thread
                i'm ready to join this game and hope it won't be 3rd buggy game, binTravkin and we will find someone to make it sure.
                my prefs:
                -idea to disable choppers attacks sound interesting
                -against blind research
                -support coop to be disabled
                -support bT advise not to disable any SP

                I can play any faction, but i never played PK in multi yet so this is my choice...
                I also promise not to be an easy opponent


                • #23
                  Anyone able to comment on just how good Sebed is? I've honestly never heard of him before this thread, so he's not exactly the kind of celebrity highly experienced player I was really looking for, but if he can play as good as them...*shrugs*
                  Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                  • #24
                    He does not play bad, although if you knew someone I knew I'd say how much times he is.

                    Like: Sebed is 0.4 Busters or so - means, Buster can beat the heck out of 2 such Sebeds without big problem.
                    And if someone questions this - I've had infiltration on Buster in one game and I know what Im talking about.

                    A vet he is definitely not.
                    -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                    -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                    • #25
                      what can i say?
                      i won cgn22 game in cooperative-mode, i'm doing quite well in cgn26, either...
                      i'm also playing here:
                      - Cult of Worls and Fungus game
                      - Alpha Omega game
                      i suggest you to see the threads or ask other player how am i doing
                      I never played with Buster - had no idea and completely unable to any comparison


                      • #26
                        Well, just when I was wondering if this thread was petering out and thinking about whether I would need to try to actively recurit more volunteers .

                        Just to recapitulate, AFAIK the following have volunteered already:
                        • Archaic - University
                        • Hobbes - no expressed preferences
                        • Me (johndmuller) - Hive (but see caveat below)
                        • Net Warrior - DataAngels
                        • Sebed - PK

                        My suggestion of using the "Choppers can't attack bases" rule seems to be catching on.

                        My suggestion of using Blind Research seems to be unpopular (too bad, I don't think it is as cut and dried as you said. Archaic; even if the MM's spreadsheet can be used (do you rank the sums for each of the techs the spreadsheet permits in the categories you've got selected to see what will be picked?), I would think that trading techs and expecially collaborating with someone else to plan a joint research program would be a real PIA to figure out and/or coherently communicate to someone else.

                        Re disabling certain SP's: I suggested disabling the CBA and the elevator because the CBA seems to be way overpowered (the Aerocomplexes have at least 4 separate benefits, the morale boost for planes, the air defense boost, the higher yield from orbital facilities, and the drop-unit barrier, and you are getting all that for free in each base! -- the Elevator just creates all sorts of chaos, and also amplifies the CBA's #4 benefit). I didn't see a positive response to those either, but I think it makes for a better game. As to the Empath Guild, I don't feel so strongly about that and if the PK are in the game, I think it should definitely be in there too as a balance to their vote getting attributes.

                        The use of a Huge map was proposed by NetWarrior; I would prefer the large. A huge map is OK, but if we go that way, I might like to be a different faction unless I were assured we would all get Googlie-style starting positions (i.e. 2 or more ColonyPods at the beginning, a close-by monolith or two, 'decent' terrain with at least some rivers and rainy tiles and without unreasonable amounts of flungus, and a generous number of resource bonuses - that's not really asking for a whole lot more than a random map might give you, it is just insurance against a dreadful start on a map where contact opportunities for trade, tech-stealing or conquest are impeded by the distances) and that I was guaranteed to be offered CentauriEcology on the first tech choice (that can easily be verified/arranged by tweaking the turn order using the spreadsheet and/or a quick pretest).

                        I would also be against limiting the availablity or yield of Unity Pods.

                        I would be OK with coop victories (no more than 2 players) as long as we have 5 or 6 people.

                        As to binTravkin being the CMN and the flame war going on here, I think it would be more interesting if both binTravkin and Sebel were in the game (I imagine we could get Googlie or Darsnan to CMN in that case).


                        If binTravkin is the CMN instead of a player, I would hope that he would play-test the scenario reasonably extensively before releasing it or perhaps recruit Googs or Lord D to do so. I always playtest games I CMN several times for a considerable amount of game-years to make sure (a) that there are no obvious oversights, like some factions being able to see others' area of the board or some of the stuff mentioned above, and (b) that the AI is not disproportinately hard on any particular players or particularly easy for any player(s) to eliminate. I would think that a serious playtest should expose any game-breaking problems.
                        Last edited by johndmuller; April 25, 2005, 18:05.


                        • #27
                          I'd like Gaians.

                          I'm OK with blind though its frustrating as all hell.

                          I'd like the CBA & Elevator disabled also.

                          Choppers can't attack bases is fine for me.

                          I'd prefer a map that is NOT huge.

                          Regarding CMN'ing: All CMN's have made mistakes & will continue to do so. I certainly have. We endeavor to minimize them & produce good maps with balanced strting positions but no-one is perfect. Play-testing is very important.


                          If you want to kiss the sky/Better learn how to kneel/On your knees boy - U2, Mysterious Ways



                          • #28
                            I'm for disabling the CBA and Elevotor too, but not the EG or any others. Wth 5 human players I'd still prefer a huge map, but I'll go along with the majority on that one. I'm still opposed to co-op victory. My feeling is that if 2 or 3 factions team up for a while, they still have to watch their own backs and not go too far with it, which keeps things interesting. BTW, I'm playing the Angels for the 1st time in a PBEM this game, and part of the reason is because I want to try an offbeat beeline, so I need directed research for that.

                            As for a name, how about "Who's Who"?
                            Last edited by Net Warrior; April 25, 2005, 21:21.


                            • #29
                              i won cgn22 game in cooperative-mode, i'm doing quite well in cgn26, either...
                              i'm also playing here:
                              - Cult of Worls and Fungus game
                              - Alpha Omega game
                              Note that it was practically the other player who did all the job, not mentioning that it was 2vs1 victory.
                              Go compare it for example with JohnDMuller's expierence.

                              As to binTravkin being the CMN and the flame war going on here, I think it would be more interesting if both binTravkin and Sebel were in the game (I imagine we could get Googlie or Darsnan to CMN in that case).
                              My answer is no.
                              1.I've asked for a game against Sebed 2 times. Both times he ran. Even unsigned from one as soon as saw I've signed in. For me he has proven his cowardice.

                              2.I already have 1 game with him, where he in his usual manner signed up after hearing that the player who needed to be replaced (KK) had built most powerfull faction. A person which runs from games and then signs up after hearing that there's some handicap for him is not worthy to even listen to IMO.

                              If binTravkin is the CMN instead of a player, I would hope that he would play-test the scenario reasonably extensively before releasing it or perhaps recruit Googs or Lord D to do so. I always playtest games I CMN several times for a considerable amount of game-years to make sure (a) that there are no obvious oversights, like some factions being able to see others' area of the board or some of the stuff mentioned above, and (b) that the AI is not disproportinately hard on any particular players or particularly easy for any player(s) to eliminate. I would think that a serious playtest should expose any game-breaking problems.
                              Don't worry.
                              Im very familiar with playtesting.
                              And Im going to devote a good bunch of time to this game to ensure it's interesting for players.
                              I've already mastered a way how to make AIs competitive in the late game and will probably play the game over the weekend, because Im pretty amazed myself, how will it turn out.

                              "Who's Who" sound nice, doesn't it?

                              I've never been good in thinking up names..
                              -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                              -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                              • #30
                                And one more suggestion from me:

                                Are you disabling chop&drop because AI is so irresistant to it?

                                If so, you shouldn't. I know a good way how to make AI very resistant to chop&drop..

                                Also - I haven't recieved a single map preference to start working on the map!

                                It would be very good if I get them till eve (Im GMT +2).
                                -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                                -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

